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rob_daemon 03-09-2005 04:44 AM

Are you viewing multiple threads or forums at the same time as selecting items for moderation?

YLP1 03-09-2005 01:55 PM

I only have one window open meaning I am only viewing a single topic and am trying to split some of the posts out of the topic (using the check marks). I noticed that the "go" button doesn't show the number of boxes checked like it did before.

kcadd 03-09-2005 04:55 PM

[high]* kcadd clicks install :D[/high]

rob_daemon 03-09-2005 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by YLP1
I only have one window open meaning I am only viewing a single topic and am trying to split some of the posts out of the topic (using the check marks). I noticed that the "go" button doesn't show the number of boxes checked like it did before.

This means the system isn't being initialized. If it doesn't read "Go (0)" when the page is fully loaded, then there's something wrong with the templates or you don't have the JavaScript file uploaded. Check to make sure that the HTML of threads and forums link to the inline_moderation.js file and that the file actually exists.

YLP1 03-09-2005 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by rob_daemon
This means the system isn't being initialized. If it doesn't read "Go (0)" when the page is fully loaded, then there's something wrong with the templates or you don't have the JavaScript file uploaded. Check to make sure that the HTML of threads and forums link to the inline_moderation.js file and that the file actually exists.

Ok I double checked that and all appears the way it should. Here is more info....

This problem is occuring ONLY when try to moderate individual posts:

In the first graphic example, I have checked 4 posts that I want to split from this topic and see the inline mod tools GO button has no (#) on it.

But the Inline Mod is working for the actual topics:

In the 2nd graphic example, the GO button has the correct amount of topics that I checked and allows me to pick a choice from the dropdown.

I don't know what I've done wrong but this Mod has been a really good time saver and I am lost without it any help is greatly appreciated.


rob_daemon 03-09-2005 11:57 PM

Can you post in HTML tags the HTML source of a thread page. I'm at a loss as to why this doesn't work.

YLP1 03-10-2005 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by rob_daemon
Can you post in HTML tags the HTML source of a thread page. I'm at a loss as to why this doesn't work.

Here is the html from this page: http://www.yourlincolnpark.com/LPSFo...ead.php?t=4415



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<!-- message --><div>There has been a lot of discussion recently about raising the minimum wage (which I am entirely against)<br />
<br />But a few years ago, many business owners, (fast food and such) were asking for a minimum wage for teenagers. They pointed out the work ethic just wasn't there yet and these kids didn't quite deserve minimum wage. They were asking for a special minimum wage for teens.<br />
<br />
I think this is a Cracker Jack idea. I know the teen members of this forum will be jumping on me, but that is fine. I think with my head, not my emotions.<br /><br />
Take for example the cashiers at the fast food places. How many times have they charged me for a regular coffee rather than a senior coffee. They then have to figure out in their head how much to reimburse me. You would think they were trying to figure out how to send a man to the moon.<br />
<br />By being able to pay less to their teenage employees, the employers would be able to hire more teens. Rather than one person trying to do so much, they could have a bigger crew. By having a job, we have less kids on the street letting air out of tires and knocking my mailbox off its stand.<br />
I thank you.</div>
<!-- / message -->
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<div>__________________<br /><b><font size="3">Councilman Mario DiSanto in 05, Unbought and Unbossed. VOTE!!</font></b></div><!-- / sig -->
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<!-- message, attachments, sig -->

I'm not sure if the above is what you wanted....I cut out all but a few of the actual posts on the page.

Thanks again for your help.

rob_daemon 03-10-2005 01:51 AM

I need the code from the whole page, from <html> to </html> to troubleshoot the problem completely. Also if you can use the [html][/html] BBCode tags, that'd be helpful, too :).

YLP1 03-10-2005 03:00 AM

Here is the whole code and thank you for all your help on this.

The file size is to big to post html to /html ......I'm not sure how to get this source code to you except that one can view the source of the actual page from the link http://www.yourlincolnpark.com/LPSF...read.php?t=4415.

Let me know how I can send you the source code.

Thanks again for all your help.

rob_daemon 03-10-2005 03:07 AM

I need to be able to see what a moderator sees to analyze the page. Can you copy the source code and just stick it in a .TXT and attach it?

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