Zoints |
11-10-2006 06:02 AM |
Originally Posted by pokerie
Couls you also explain a bit about how traffic is sent to our forums through the zoints community please? I was under the impression that the local version just kept everything on our site? Of course getting new traffic is a great thing, just wondering what the extent of it is:)
1. You will be listed in the Zoints directory at http://zoints.com/communities - we advertise that and will be ramping up the advertising of it in the future.
2. You enter "tags" when you create a directory listing. Let's say your community is about music. You would enter "music" as one of your tags and then your community would be listed at http://zoints.com/tag/music - interest driven traffic is the best there is.
3. The search is global across all communities. Search for someone from California between the age of 23 and 35 and if someone on your community chose to share that information (they don't have to) then they come up as the result and the link, when clicked, takes the searcher to your forum.
That, and more. We want to drive as much traffic to communities that use Zoints as possible. Its a synergistic relationship. If you guys do well, we do well and vice versa.