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dsboyce8624 06-10-2005 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
Would one of you please point me to where on your systems these posts are going so I can have a look?


thuffner 06-10-2005 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624


There ya go. ;)

dsboyce8624 06-10-2005 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by thuffner

Thanks man.

H@K@N 06-13-2005 08:10 PM

Hi @ll,

after i upgraded to php 5.0.4 my RSS Feed looks strange.

As example:


Internet Explorer bazı javascript kodlarını düzgün i?�leyemiyor. Bunun sonucunda uzaktaki bir kullanıcı özel bir HTML sayfası hazırlayarak çalı?�an script kodunu (View Source fonksiyonunda) gizleyebiliyor. Orjinal script kodu görüntülenece?�ine IE script'in çıktısını görüntülüyor.
I am using turkish character set and its working on my Forums, but on my Feeds i am gettin wrong characters.

The XML of that RSS is saying:


[MS] Microsoft Internet Explorer script kodu gizleme a?ığı
Internet Explorer bazı javascript kodlarını d?zg?n işleyemiyor. Bunun sonucunda uzaktaki bir kullanıcı ?zel bir HTML sayfası hazırlayarak ?alışan script kodunu (View Source fonksiyonunda) gizleyebiliyor. Orjinal script kodu g?r?nt?leneceğine IE script'in ?ıktısını g?r?nt?l?yor.

Does somebody know, how i can solve this ? On php.ini i have default_charset = ISO-8859-9.


altsounds 06-14-2005 03:33 PM

OK, I don't know if anyone has heard of tapestry but it is a way to get Daily Comics in your forums. If you look at the xml of the rss feeds (version2.0) you will see that the description is actually an <img> tag pulling in an image from outside.

However, article bot does not work with these. It skips the description all together i.e. the comic and just shows the link.

If someone could figure out how to get this to work it would be awesome@!!!!

L3e 06-18-2005 04:01 AM

This mod is awesome!

But I have a quick question, (sorry if it has already been answered) is it possible to have a different template for different RSS feeds?

mr.nerve 06-20-2005 11:07 AM


I'm very new to this, but I have managed to get the bots to work, but they seem to be giving me errors as listed below.


Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file. (junk after document element at line 195, column 16) in /articlebot/rss_fetch.inc on line 230

Warning: array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 137

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 141

Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file. (junk after document element at line 206, column 16) in /articlebot/rss_fetch.inc on line 230

Warning: array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 137

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 141

Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file. (junk after document element at line 202, column 16) in /articlebot/rss_fetch.inc on line 230

Warning: array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 137

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 141

Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file. (junk after document element at line 212, column 16) in /articlebot/rss_fetch.inc on line 230

Warning: array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 137

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 141
This appears at the top of the main forum page after the rssbots update

Other than that message at the top of the forums, they seem to work, but do not post a link in thier thread, or even a description. I will have to do more looking into that, but I am using ESPN and FOX sports for the feeds, and not sure how much info they provide.

But, any assistance you could offer on the above errors would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

NxTek 06-20-2005 04:24 PM

I've setup everything correctly as far as I know. I'm trying to grab the feed from http://www.lasvegasvegas.com/pokerblog/index.rdf but after running articlebot.php from the command-line and through a web browser both have no output.

How can I start troubleshooting what the problem is?

NxTek 06-22-2005 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by wmturkey
Can anyone help me with the cache errors below?


Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/3f337277b2b2cfd6fcc0a0b953d1b88b
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/e905c9ebbb58c522239df9bfa6cea4cc
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/faa381df8ef97ebee0b979afaf6a08a7
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/7c5945d293bb83bcffa25ccb26f741c5
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/6965bb7e2cd199c6cebfcca7b0c15c30
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/e872bc0799d39b02da412a1fe5bed1ec
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/07199ba6b997fbb1322d6ef8f559a51b
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/a3fcd87a0c09a0edcc94c99bcd7279eb
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.4
Set-Cookie: bbsessionhash=be8fe0a5677cbc5b73899fd4408e4222; path=/
Set-Cookie: bblastvisit=1116586861; expires=Sat, 20-May-2006 11:01:01 GMT; path=/
Set-Cookie: bblastactivity=1116586861; expires=Sat, 20-May-2006 11:01:01 GMT; path=/
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

I'm getting the same thing. Anyone?

Marco van Herwaarden 06-23-2005 03:52 AM

Check if you have a 'cache' directory and that it is chmodded to 777.

yellowchaser 06-24-2005 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by mr.nerve

I'm very new to this, but I have managed to get the bots to work, but they seem to be giving me errors as listed below.

This appears at the top of the main forum page after the rssbots update

Other than that message at the top of the forums, they seem to work, but do not post a link in thier thread, or even a description. I will have to do more looking into that, but I am using ESPN and FOX sports for the feeds, and not sure how much info they provide.

But, any assistance you could offer on the above errors would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

I have the same problem here too.

yellowchaser 06-24-2005 11:05 PM

Fixed the problem, updated to the latest Magpie files at http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/ and it works with no errors now

subnet_rx 07-01-2005 05:37 AM

How do you troubleshoot if your getting no errors (that I've found) but no posts?

Madmax4321 07-01-2005 07:10 AM


How do you troubleshoot if your getting no errors (that I've found) but no posts?

yeah i had same problem too.

Marco van Herwaarden 07-01-2005 07:40 AM


You are currently showing up as unlicensed. To be able to download hacks and/or receive support here at vBulletin.org, we ask you to please click here (vB-germany users click here) and enter your email address, to show us that you are licensed.

You will need to use your customer number and password (which will be in the email you got when you paid for your license) to access that page. Please note that your email is case sensitive. The update of your account may take up to one hour.

Thank you.

Byron 07-02-2005 03:16 PM

How do we uninstall this hack in future?

wtrk 07-04-2005 04:29 PM

the default template displays only the posting date and a link to the article. i want to include the actual article text as well in the bots post. how do i do this?

weallgoboing 07-12-2005 12:05 PM

When I try to add an artivlebot I get


Error: There is no user with ID of 0.


NxTek 07-12-2005 04:04 PM

I'm grabbing a feed from http://www.pokerdiagram.com/rss.xml which is a Podcast. The Podcast (mp3) is linked through an <enclosure> tag, which Article Bot seems to ignore when posting to the forum. Is this a bug?

The Avatar 07-13-2005 12:53 PM

Okay, maybe this has been answered already in this huge thread, I went through 20 pages and didn't see anything about it, so sorry if it has already been answered.


How come the scheduled task of the article bot never executes? I can get it to run, by running the bot manually, however I have it scheduled to update every hour and it doesn't. Any idea why?

NxTek 07-14-2005 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by vfxtalk
Is there any possibility to have the ability to include images if they are available ?


weallgoboing 07-18-2005 08:04 PM


Status: 404
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.11

No input file specified.
My cronjob email is this. Any ideas?

weallgoboing 07-19-2005 09:10 AM

Solved it!

If you know this apologies, if you don't hope it helps!

/path/to/forums/articlebot is where I installed AB


I created the cache directory and chmod 777 and voila it works.

Blindingly obvious, but took me a while to work out!

jluerken 07-22-2005 08:08 AM

Will there be a version for vB 3.5?

BioVader 07-24-2005 05:01 PM

Is there a way to edit the way the rss feed is displayed? Meaning is there a way to get rid of the full link to read the full article and change it to a [read more] type link.. Also is there a way to see more of the article or is it preset by the provider as to what is shown via the feed?

I'm new at with the whole rss thing.

Cyburbia 07-31-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by jluerken
Will there be a version for vB 3.5?

I was going to ask the same thing. A lot of work seems to be going into the 3.0.* version. That's great, but you know what when 3.5 is gold, many will make the switch within weeks.

This is a great hack, and even if it's not available for 3.5, I gotta' offer my respect.

popowich 08-02-2005 01:17 PM


My article bot constantly posts duplicate threads. I have no other problems except for the posts that are reposted even though they appeared hours, days, or weeks earlier. I already updated my MySQL with the change to make the cache title be text instead of varchar as noted earlier in this thread. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Mr.D 08-03-2005 12:13 PM

when will this be for 3.5

popowich 08-05-2005 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by popowich
My article bot constantly posts duplicate threads. I have no other problems except for the posts that are reposted even though they appeared hours, days, or weeks earlier. I already updated my MySQL with the change to make the cache title be text instead of varchar as noted earlier in this thread. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Does the article bot use the mysql history or the file cache or both?

I have increased the $MAX_AGE to 2 years.

If the file cache is my problem why keep a second history in mysql?


jcbatchelor 08-05-2005 05:46 PM

I am having a problem with articlebot only posting the thread title but nothing in the description (body of the thread). I have it set to skip the articles with no description. Any fixes?

jcbatchelor 08-05-2005 05:54 PM

Nevermind, duh, found it. I forgot to create the new articlebot_post template.

MaXxed 08-05-2005 07:32 PM

any help on how to uninstall this cleanly? the php mod and template are easy, but what about that SQL script in step5 of the install?

Dorign 08-05-2005 11:27 PM

Alright, I'm a newb, but .. I may have done it right? I may not have.. :P

First of all, I gave my "bot" permission to post in the restricted forum "Community Center," where Yahoo! news feeds will go. Second, I added three RSS feeds (Yahoo! Top Stories, Yahoo! US, and Yahoo! World). I ran "articlebot.php" but it didn't post anything. Is that normal?

As for the Cron Job thing, isn't that what vb3's scheduled task management system is? I set it to run articlebot.php every day at 9:15 am. Is that like cronning?

Ehm.. help? :P

Dorign 08-06-2005 02:04 AM

EDIT: Okay, so I still need to know if vB 3.0.8's scheduled tasker will work, but I've got the bot showing activity now.

My only question now is, it pulled advertisements from the selected XML's. Is that normal? I don't want to display ad's, I want to display important news.

Mr.D 08-06-2005 08:02 AM

Can someone answer is there gona be 3.5 version the coder hasent been here since Last Online:Mar 2005

Dorign 08-06-2005 04:34 PM

Hrmm, well it seems the scheduled tasker does indeed work as planned. Does anyone have any XML's for direct news they'd suggest? All I'm getting are advertisings.

Gutspiller 08-10-2005 05:49 PM

What is a good amount of time to set our cronjob to? In the instructions I saw 6-7 hours but was a little confused if that's the setting everybody should use or only super popular forums.

sensimilla 08-11-2005 07:18 AM

this is a beauty :) thanks *click install

BeePee 08-14-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by popowich

My article bot constantly posts duplicate threads. I have no other problems except for the posts that are reposted even though they appeared hours, days, or weeks earlier. I already updated my MySQL with the change to make the cache title be text instead of varchar as noted earlier in this thread. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Had the same problem until I found out that I had forgotten to chmod 777 the cache folder...

BeePee 08-14-2005 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by MadMan
Can someone answer is there gona be 3.5 version the coder hasent been here since Last Online:Mar 2005

Hmm, I guess the answer is in your question m8. You'll have to find someone who does it for you or even better: do it yourself ;) that way you'd learn a lot about vBull and php.

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