vb.org Archive

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-   -   vbArchive - Search Engine Indexer for vBulletin (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=47667)

Till 08-04-2003 08:50 AM


Today at 10:20 AM jdmuniverse said this in Post #680
I've installed this and it works great! Thanks!

However, when I go to click on #3 addon, it comes up with this error :

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 15 seconds exceeded in /www/vbulletin.org/htdocs/forum/admin/functions.php on line 1244

Obviously not the authors fault. ;)

TLucent 08-05-2003 12:00 AM


01-19-03 at 02:04 PM TECK said this in Post #93
George, you have 2 choices. Either add your forum info onto the robots.txt file (easiest way):
[high]Disallow: /forum/forumdisplay/f-32.html[/high]
Or change this onto your forumdisplay.txt (or archive.txt) file:

      if ( $forumperms['canview'] )


      if ( $forumperms['canview'] and !in_array( $forum['forumid'] , array( 15 , 23 , 48 ) ) )

EDIT: what's the archive URL? so I add it in the first post...

This will not work for me.. (forumdisplay) method.. and I cannot find robots.txt

RS25com 08-05-2003 05:30 PM

Now here's a weird FYI for you all.

I using VB 2.9 and have NOT installed this hack yet, but was planning to. I am running on a Windows 2000 Server with IIS. And today I was searching for something else on Google and a match was returned from my site...

and Google sent me to the dynamic URL!!!

So, I dunno if this is because of the MS Server or something that Google has changed, but basically I no longer need to do this because my whole site has already been indexed by Google.

Cool! :D

cscgal 08-05-2003 07:00 PM

is there a version of this hack that supports vbulletin 3 beta??

jdmuniverse 08-05-2003 08:02 PM


Yesterday at 09:20 AM jdmuniverse said this in Post #680
I've installed this and it works great! Thanks!

However, when I go to click on #3 addon, it comes up with this error :

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 15 seconds exceeded in /www/vbulletin.org/htdocs/forum/admin/functions.php on line 1244

Any other links to this? It says 1-3 are vital. This one is the only one I don't have installed.


sabret00the 08-07-2003 06:18 PM


01-15-03 at 06:20 AM TECK said this in Post #61
The fix for [HIGH]online.php[/HIGH] file, to display nice links, is below.
There are 2 methods, the easy or the hard way. :)

METHOD 1 (easy)


  $loc = preg_replace( '~archive/~' , 'forumdisplay.php?forumid=' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~forumdisplay/f-~' , 'forumdisplay.php?forumid=' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~showthread/t-~' , 'showthread.php?threadid=' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~-p-[0-9]~' , '' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~.html~' , '' , $loc );

METHOD 2 (cool way)

    case 'spider':
      $userinfo[where] = "Search Engine Spider";


    case 'spider':
      $userinfo[where] = "Search Engine Spider";
    case 'archive':
      $userinfo[where] = "$bbtitle <b>Archive</b> <a href='archive/'>Main Index</a>";
    case 'archiveforumdisplay':
      if (!$forum[forumid][$userinfo[forumid]] or (!$forum[canview][$userinfo[forumid]] and $hideprivateforums)) {
        $userinfo[where] = "Viewing <b>Archive</b> Forum";
      } else {
        $userinfo[where] = "Viewing <b>Archive</b> Forum <a href='forumdisplay/f-$userinfo[forumid].html'>".$forum[forumid][$userinfo[forumid]]."</a>";
    case 'archiveshowthread':
      if (!$thread[title][$userinfo[threadid]] or !$forum[canview][$thread[forumid][$userinfo[threadid]]] or (!$forum[canviewothers][$thread[forumid][$userinfo[threadid]]] and $thread[postuserid][$userinfo[threadid]] != $bbuserinfo[userid])) {
        $userinfo[where] = "Viewing <b>Archive</b> Thread";
      } else {
        $userinfo[where] = "Viewing <b>Archive</b> Thread <a href='showthread/t-$userinfo[threadid].html'>".$thread[title][$userinfo[threadid]]."</a>";



  $loc = preg_replace( '~archive/~' , 'archive.php' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~forumdisplay/f-~' , 'archiveforumdisplay.php?forumid=' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~showthread/t-~' , 'archiveshowthread.php?threadid=' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~-p-[0-9]~' , '' , $loc );
  $loc = preg_replace( '~.html~' , '' , $loc );


  case '/robots.txt':
    $userinfo[activity] = 'spider';


  case '/robots.txt':
    $userinfo[activity] = 'spider';
  case 'archive.php':
    $userinfo[activity] = 'archive';
  case 'archiveforumdisplay.php':
    $blowup = explode('=', $token1);
    $forumid = intval($blowup[1]);
    $forumids .= ",$forumid";
    $userinfo[activity] = 'archiveforumdisplay';
    $userinfo[forumid] = $forumid;
  case 'archiveshowthread.php':
    if (strstr($token1,'threadid')) {
      $blowup = explode('=', $token1);
      $threadid = intval($blowup[1]);
      $threadids .= ",$threadid";
      $userinfo[activity] = 'archiveshowthread';
      $userinfo[threadid] = $threadid;
    } else if (strstr($token2,'threadid')) {
      $blowup = explode('=', $token2);
      $threadid = intval($blowup[1]);
      $threadids .= ",$threadid";
      $userinfo[activity] = 'archiveshowthread';
      $userinfo[threadid] = $threadid;

most useful post in this whole thing and it's not linked in the first post

jdmuniverse 08-07-2003 10:00 PM

Many thanks to you! :D

Mr. Brian 08-08-2003 06:54 PM

Damn.. that's excellent! No doubt, I'm gonna install it for sure.

What a admirable hack it was. :alien:

Mr. Brian 08-08-2003 07:12 PM


Works great! Thumbs up bro.

limey 08-09-2003 04:19 AM

Links dont show up on output for some reason....any ideas?

pgowder 08-11-2003 12:29 PM

Great hack!! Easy to install.

I was running the other archive hack, but lost ground on Google. I installed this on Thursday of last week. I went from 1,880 pages indexed on Thursday to 4,430 pages indexed today!


Megadeuce 08-12-2003 01:10 AM

I'm on my 5th time trying to install this hack!

I've read the instructions about the {imagesfolder} replacement variable and I can't find it in the replacements.php file.

What am I doing wrong?

Do I have a 50% chance of using $bburl/{imagesfolder} or {imagesfolder}

Also, if the install doesn't work, do I have to erase everything and start over?

Floris 08-12-2003 01:32 AM

This is simpler then you think :)

He did not mean to modify a file.
He meant:

Goto the admin control panel,
browse from the left menu down to the 'replacement' section
and click on 'modify' to find the {imagesfolder} replacement

Then, if you see it there and it says forum/images (or dir/imagesdir) then you dont have to modify the file
but if it says http://www.yourforumsite.com/forum/images/) (a full URL) then you have to modify the file.

in 99% you dont have to modify anything

Megadeuce 08-12-2003 01:42 AM

When I expand the list under default, it just says

{imagesfolder} [change original]

I don't have to modify the file right?

Also if this doesn't work, what is my next step. Ive installed a few times and my urls still look the same.

If I mess up on one step, does it mess up the forum permanently or can I just pick up from step 2, 3 or 4?

Megadeuce 08-12-2003 01:46 AM

I installed this in my root directory. I don't have an archive folder. Do I need to make one?

Megadeuce 08-12-2003 02:06 AM

Thanks Xiphoid!

:) :banana: :classic:

glenvw 08-12-2003 09:52 AM

I have been using this hack for about 5-6 months. All I can say is this baby is awesome. Kudos to Teck!

Now, a question / request.

How hard would it be to set the hack up so that no matter what link / thread / thread title someone clicks on within the search hack, they are taken to a pre-designated page?

I want to tweak this hack's potential for driving traffic to my home page only.

I look forward to your reply.



Megadeuce 08-14-2003 12:47 PM

My site propagated less than a week ago and my site has already been spidered with this hack!

Refer to previous post! Thanks Tech!

keress 08-14-2003 05:27 PM

Okay, I want to try this, but I can't find a link to download it. Am I just having a stupid day or what?

wooolF[RM] 08-14-2003 06:02 PM

I think so...

jdmuniverse 08-14-2003 09:21 PM


Today at 02:27 PM keress said this in Post #699
Okay, I want to try this, but I can't find a link to download it. Am I just having a stupid day or what?
It's in the first post at the bottom where it says attachment :)

jdmuniverse 08-14-2003 09:21 PM

BTW; Google hasn't danced in quite a while eh? :(

Megadeuce 08-19-2003 07:30 PM

But, is there a way to redirect the user to the page where he/she can post. This hack is the best thing going for me right now but since my site just went up last week, there is hardly any content.

I was wondering if there was a way to redirect the user to the php pages from the html page? I think I am losing members because if there are no posts in the forum, then there is no way for them to click the link to see the original post. Currently, I'm going into each forum and putting a thread in with the link to the php page.

my forums are:
USA Sports Forums
Game Nebula Forums

Thanks for any help you can give

NexDog 08-20-2003 03:19 AM

Having an issue with some spiders. I keep seeing this in Who's online:

Guest Unknown Location: /showthread/nexica_01/main/v01_r4_c21_f2.gif? 1




And it always a link to very first thread of our forum. I can't uderstand why this url keeps on appearing. If you go in to the archive, the first thread is available in the correct format - I checked. It is really messing up Who's Online....anyone know a fix?

NexDog 08-20-2003 09:04 AM

I tried to add in online.php

case 'showthread':
      $userinfo[where] = "Viewing <b>Archive</b> <a href='showthread/t-1.html?s=$session[sessionhash]'>helloooo....... is there a prize ?</a>";


case 'showthread/nexica_01/main/v01_r4_c18_f2.gif':
    $userinfo[activity] = 'showthread';

But still get the dreaded Unkonwn Location...

TECK 08-20-2003 12:24 PM


Yesterday at 09:30 PM Megadeuce said this in Post #703
But, is there a way to redirect the user to the page where he/she can post. This hack is the best thing going for me right now but since my site just went up last week, there is hardly any content.

I was wondering if there was a way to redirect the user to the php pages from the html page? I think I am losing members because if there are no posts in the forum, then there is no way for them to click the link to see the original post. Currently, I'm going into each forum and putting a thread in with the link to the php page.

my forums are:
USA Sports Forums
Game Nebula Forums
Thanks for any help you can give

That's cloacking... you will get banned from search engines.... don't do it.

NexDog 08-20-2003 09:47 PM

Teck, can you comment on my little issue? Any insight you could give me would be most helpful.

TECK 08-21-2003 12:22 PM


Yesterday at 05:19 AM NexDog said this in Post #704
Having an issue with some spiders. I keep seeing this in Who's online:

And it always a link to very first thread of our forum. I can't uderstand why this url keeps on appearing. If you go in to the archive, the first thread is available in the correct format - I checked. It is really messing up Who's Online....anyone know a fix?

Someone is trying to copy your graph files? It shows every time someone it's viewing them... just ignore them, they will stop doing it after a while.

NexDog 08-24-2003 03:37 AM

Cool, do you think I should .htaccess the IPs? I guess it isn't real forum traffic..?

NexDog 08-24-2003 06:51 AM

Teck, so many hits to it though. It really makes who's online a mess. Why is this happening?

NexDog 08-25-2003 08:04 AM

Well, I'm denyingh them through .htaccess:

order allow,deny
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
allow from all

I would still like to know what they are doing and how they are finding that url though.....

NexDog 08-25-2003 09:51 AM

The images that are being picked up through online.php are the mail forum buttons like:


But how does that end up being:


Through the "showthread" file with a session ID..?? I've given up on the .htaccess. New IPs are coming in all the time. It is really ++++ing me off.

NexDog 08-27-2003 03:15 AM

Still happening. :(

Tigerdude 08-27-2003 03:33 AM

Has anyone used the Search engine indexer with VB 3.0? Are there plans to make it work with VB3 or does VB3 have this sort of feature already built in? I hope not. The less people using it the better ;)

DJ5A 08-27-2003 01:00 PM

Hello Everybody:

Can I use this part of Teck's Hack only on vB Ver 2.3.0:

and it will work ok?

Also how do I go about testing it user the User Agents name?

danrak 08-28-2003 02:05 PM

Anyone having any problems with this hack and 2.3.2 where when you post a link in a forum it adds the url of your board before it? For example, if you post a link to www.xyz.com it will end up being www.yourboard.com//"www.xyz.com

TECK 08-29-2003 04:23 AM

Important Update
[high]Please update your footer link to the new web site:[/high]
The old link (teckwizards.com) has expired.
Thank you.

limey 08-29-2003 04:23 AM

thats a bug that has been discussed on vb.com

My bbcode just wont show up in the damn archive I have reinstalled the hack many many times...what am I missing?

teck..ur online....if u have any insight on my problem it would be a great help. This is making me nuts outta frustration.

Roody 08-29-2003 10:29 AM


Today at 01:23 AM TECK said this in Post #717
Important Update
[high]Please update your footer link to the new web site:[/high]
The old link (teckwizards.com) has expired.
Thank you.

Quick reminder on how I need to do this? Also, what exactly do I need to do when I upgrade vBulletin, but have problems getting articles to stay on there after this upgrade? I dont want to run vbhlinstall.php each time. Can you remind me on this when you respond.


danrak 08-29-2003 12:13 PM


Today at 01:23 AM limey said this in Post #718
thats a bug that has been discussed on vb.com

I had posted over there about this, they just said to re-install everything, and couldn't help me with the hack. I will try to search again though.

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