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Scott77 08-25-2008 05:12 PM

Thanks for this, great cheers :)

ETDC 08-25-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by fullfactor (Post 1606291)
Excellent. THANK YOU for making this change.

For those complaning about this feature: If your server is properly set up (reverse DNS, proper SPF record), you'll find that using the webmaster email address is MUCH less likely to get the invitations flagged as spam, compared to using your users' email addresses.

Sorry, but I think that's rubbish - the user will be inviting a friend by entering an email address that they've probably already written to. How could their own email be marked as spam over one from an unknown, new source?...

letsjoy 08-26-2008 01:50 AM

It,ll be awesome if there's contact importing from yahoo msn gmail etc...

I can provide you importer if you can add ?

smirkley 08-26-2008 03:06 AM

Special request please ??

Is it possible to ask the install to also offer the option in Automatic Link Creation in admincp, to include the option of the usercp link to be in the left usercp sidebar located under the Miscellaneous link group ?

Thank you, and appreciate the mod!

ETDC 08-26-2008 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by letsjoy (Post 1607009)
It,ll be awesome if there's contact importing from yahoo msn gmail etc...

As long as it can be disabled. Can't have people spamming.

Kaelon 08-27-2008 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by ETDC (Post 1606790)
Sorry, but I think that's rubbish - the user will be inviting a friend by entering an email address that they've probably already written to. How could their own email be marked as spam over one from an unknown, new source?...

Because most spam detectors these days look at e-mail message sources, which show originating IPs and machinenames; e-mail sent from the vBulletin system, whether from a user who knows another user's e-mail address, or from the system itself, will all contain the same originating trace markers.

If you know how to properly configure your server as fullfactor suggested (reverse DNS, SPF record modifications), you can avoid this problem.

ETDC 08-27-2008 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelon (Post 1608197)
If you know how to properly configure your server as fullfactor suggested (reverse DNS, SPF record modifications), you can avoid this problem.

Ok, fair one - can you clue us in on how to?

Kaelon 08-27-2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by ETDC (Post 1608240)
Ok, fair one - can you clue us in on how to?

Generally, there are two things you will want to do (broadly):

1. Use your own Domain Name Server and Configure It.

If you have a dedicated Domain Name Server (i.e., you're not using your host's DNS), you should be able to change Domain Name records for your domain (i.e., domain.com). Each DNS control suite is really different -- WHM, for example, has a dedicated automated system for parsing each entry that impacts the various exchanges of your domain. Learning the domain name system configuration syntax of your Domain Name Server is essential if you want to alter aliases or exchanges so that they maximize SEO and minimize Blacklisting. Check with your Registrar and your individual dedicated hosting company if you're not familiar with this process.

2. Configure your Sender Policy Framework.

Once you are able to alter records for your Domain Name Server, adopt one of the standards of compliance (such as OpenSPF or ReverseDNS) to properly identify your server's machine and prevent it from being blacklisted by major spam tools. You can Google these for some introductory documentation on setting up policies that direct robots and ensures it is properly being identified.

Kaelon 08-27-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Itworx4me (Post 1605170)

Hasann -- Any update on this issue from Itworx4me?

bashy 08-27-2008 04:35 PM

Does anyone know how to change from 100 invites to say 10 please for all members?

Also how do they earn more invites please?

Hornstar 08-28-2008 08:28 AM

This is turning out to be quite good.

A few suggestions:
1. a page which overviews who has sent invitations.
2. on the page which now overviews the invitations, you can see how many they have left to send and other things, and you can edit easily how many left they can send.
3. a setting to set how many invitations people can send per usergroup.
4. an option to reset how many invitations people can send.
5. an import buddy list from hotmail, gmail, etc. to send out emails to everyone on there buddy list.

Apart from that, it is coming along really nice.


ETDC 08-28-2008 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelon (Post 1608290)
Generally, there are two things you will want to do (broadly):

1. Use your own Domain Name Server and Configure It.

If you have a dedicated Domain Name Server (i.e., you're not using your host's DNS), you should be able to change Domain Name records for your domain (i.e., domain.com). Each DNS control suite is really different -- WHM, for example, has a dedicated automated system for parsing each entry that impacts the various exchanges of your domain. Learning the domain name system configuration syntax of your Domain Name Server is essential if you want to alter aliases or exchanges so that they maximize SEO and minimize Blacklisting. Check with your Registrar and your individual dedicated hosting company if you're not familiar with this process.

2. Configure your Sender Policy Framework.

Once you are able to alter records for your Domain Name Server, adopt one of the standards of compliance (such as OpenSPF or ReverseDNS) to properly identify your server's machine and prevent it from being blacklisted by major spam tools. You can Google these for some introductory documentation on setting up policies that direct robots and ensures it is properly being identified.

[[Head explodes.]] Thanks anyway


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1608857)
1. a page which overviews who has sent invitations.

Excellent idea - then we can reward our members.

thompson 08-29-2008 12:25 PM

is there a german language file out in the universe ?

FiMeTi 09-02-2008 05:33 PM

u?r the man!!!
This is perfect and works just like that... :D

thanks very much, appreciated.

fullfactor 09-03-2008 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by ETDC (Post 1606790)
Sorry, but I think that's rubbish - the user will be inviting a friend by entering an email address that they've probably already written to. How could their own email be marked as spam over one from an unknown, new source?...

To expand on Kaelon's reply: Email is easy to forge. DNS is not. Anyone can send an email with your address in the From header, so many modern spam detection systems place a greater importance on authenticating the originating server. In simple terms, mechanisms like SPF and Reverse DNS, when used with an appropriate From address, are used to tell spam detection systems that the server from which the message is being sent is genuine, and that the address in the From header really is the address of the sender.

More information about SPF:

More information about Reverse DNS:

You do not need to operate your own DNS server to implement SPF and Reverse DNS. However, you do need to be able to make changes to your domain's DNS record, and your ISP or hosting provider needs to allow and support this.


kurtbarker 09-07-2008 08:01 AM

Is there an option to change how many invites a user has?

hobsdv 09-07-2008 08:39 AM

excellent mod thanks works a treat

navjotjsingh 09-10-2008 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Itworx4me (Post 1601987)
Plugin: Invitation Userdata 2
PHP Code:

$this->dbobject->query_write("DELETE FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "invitation 
                          WHERE user = " 
$this->existing['userid'] . " "); 


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/******/public_html/includes/class_dm_user.php(2243) : eval()'d code on line 1


Tested with plugin turned off and the delete user functions correctly.

Is there a fix?



Originally Posted by Kaelon (Post 1608291)
Hasann -- Any update on this issue from Itworx4me?

Please download the plugin again and reinstall. It is version 2.0.3 and this issue was fixed on 1 August 2008. I have tested it. Plugin works properly now.

Read post here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=622
Also read
something here if you want to undo one change done in latest version:

Scout24 09-11-2008 08:15 AM

I have a question about this modification.

When I delete one or more inactieve users than this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /usr/loacl/psa/home/vhosts/......./httpdocs/Forum/includes/class_dm_user.php(2263):eval()'d on line 1
The people that I delete the are not deleted in the invitelist.
When I click on this name or names: Invalid User specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.

How can I fix this?

I have version 2.03 installed.

hn74 09-12-2008 05:20 AM


thanx maan

Artak 09-14-2008 08:01 AM

Very useful mod

One note. If i send invitation and user accepted it and registered, and after that I've deleted the user, I can't delete his invitation. I think i will can because user is gone.

Sorry for English, i hope you understand

giorgioarmani 09-14-2008 09:00 AM

What has been updated?

Sworm 09-14-2008 08:15 PM

Hi all,
is possible to change the email sender address of the invites?

badheeu 09-16-2008 12:18 PM

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'VIP',
`description` = 'KMA forum VIP members...',
`usertitle` = '',
`opentag` = '<b><text style=\"color:Orange;\">',
`closetag` = '</text></b>',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`ispublicgroup` = '1',
`canoverride` = '1',
`invitationpermissions` = '0',
`vbimghost` = '3',
`vbimghost_upslots` = '5',
`vbimghost_files` = '5000',
`forumpermissions` = '3930623',
`genericpermissions` = '1550587903',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '50',
`pmpermissions` = '1',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`calendarpermissions` = '23',
`wolpermissions` = '1',
`adminpermissions` = '0',
`genericpermissions2` = '1',
`genericoptions` = '46',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
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`avatarmaxheight` = '100',
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`sigpicmaxsize` = '0',
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`sigmaxchars` = '500',
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`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '7',
`sigmaximages` = '4',
`albumpermissions` = '255',
`albumpicmaxwidth` = '600',
`albumpicmaxheight` = '600',
`albumpicmaxsize` = '100000',
`albummaxpics` = '100',
`albummaxsize` = '0',
`usercsspermissions` = '31',
`visitormessagepermissions` = '63',
`socialgrouppermissions` = '375',
`photoplogpermissions` = '0',
`photoplogmaxfilesize` = '512000',
`photoplogmaxfilelimit` = '100',
`gb_permissions` = '15',
`fcpermissions` = '1',
`trgpermissions` = '0',
`awardpermissions` = '1'
WHERE usergroupid=13;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'invitationpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, September 16th 2008 @ 06:54:32 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, September 16th 2008 @ 06:54:32 AM
Script : http://www.kma.mv/forum/admincp/usergroup.php?do=update
Referrer : http://www.kma.mv/forum/admincp/user...usergroupid=13
IP Address :
Username : TrOjAn
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-community-log

Come2Daddy 09-19-2008 12:10 AM

Actually I liked the idea of this hack, but every time I install it, my email system goes down (i.e., when I try to send email message for the whole of my users it sends only for the first 50 ones only.)

and 50 is estimation, because sometimes it sends for the first 100 but it never exeeds more than 100.

if you have a solution give me before I have to uninstall it.

giorgioarmani 09-19-2008 09:14 AM

My new users don't have access?

I have included all usergroups in the hack?

giorgioarmani 09-21-2008 11:45 AM

Come one somebody must know?

lazserus 09-26-2008 09:59 PM

This mod is a great idea, but I'm still trying to figure out why there are still limited invites. Unless your forum is a secret, no one in their right mind running public forums would ever want to limit members' ability to invite more people. There should, at the very least, be an option to set the number of invites to infinite. I personally would hate for my members to run out of invitations and unable to utilize this feature because of its restrictions. Until this problem is addressed, I think good old manual invitations is the way to go.

ETDC 09-26-2008 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by lazserus (Post 1631254)
...no one in their right mind running public forums would ever want to limit members' ability to invite more people...

Hobby sites, perhaps but business/commercial sites might want to. Imagine if an unscrupulous member off-loaded their spam database (non 'opted-in') of 150,000 emails into the system? Your server wouldn't thank you and neither would the people who got the spam from your forum.

I like the safeguard, please keep it.

I do however agree that for certain trusted members, an infinite option would be great.


yotsume 09-29-2008 10:04 PM

Installed. I will see how this goes.

yotsume 09-30-2008 06:28 AM

There are some spelling mistakes and incorrect English grammar in the product's phrases. I have fixed them and if you want I can upload it here. I did some of my own phrase customizations for my own site which I would have to remove to post here a corrected product.

Great Mod!

Ossedis 10-01-2008 05:33 PM

I would like my forum to be invite only like templatep2p.com.

Is this the mod which enables you to do this or does it only implement a invitiation system so you can register AND invite people?


guitarheroforum 10-01-2008 07:36 PM

can this track the number of successful invites per member?

Seiyaboy 10-03-2008 04:03 AM

Does anyone also have vmail installed? Any idea if this would conflict? Any answer would be greatly appreciated.

lazserus 10-03-2008 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by ETDC (Post 1631283)
Hobby sites, perhaps but business/commercial sites might want to. Imagine if an unscrupulous member off-loaded their spam database (non 'opted-in') of 150,000 emails into the system? Your server wouldn't thank you and neither would the people who got the spam from your forum.

I like the safeguard, please keep it.

I do however agree that for certain trusted members, an infinite option would be great.


Good point. But for those of us who run hobby sites, I think the option should be available. In the mean time, is there a way to reset the count?

ArnyVee 10-03-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1633718)
There are some spelling mistakes and incorrect English grammar in the product's phrases. I have fixed them and if you want I can upload it here. I did some of my own phrase customizations for my own site which I would have to remove to post here a corrected product.

Great Mod!

Yotsume, that would help! :D

Thanks for offering. If you don't upload it here, could you at least e-mail me the file?

ArnyVee 10-05-2008 02:48 AM

Excellent, I installed and things are working nicely! Thanks for this! :D

edermix 10-05-2008 06:10 AM

I give a user and / or group the number of calls .. This is not the 3.6 had

hrk 10-06-2008 12:45 AM

unable to send multiple emails?

nice hack btw

Erosantica 10-06-2008 03:22 AM

Hi Guys,

I got some design issue on the Navigation bar on forum after installing the invitation.

How can I edit the design of the invitation on the navigation bar to be consistent with my current layout?
Which part/section of the template should i look into?

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