adwade |
09-29-2010 09:12 PM |
Just wanted to say this MOD is working fine, on v3.8.6PL1 :D The IMPORT PRODUCT (w/ALLOW OVERWRITE selected) found my old, existing installation of MySmilies VB ( Mod Version: 1.00, by Kentaurus) and automatically adjusted things for it.
However at first, I could not see ANY My Smilies Menu on the UserCP page?! :confused:
The problem was, 'I' didn't READ far enough down into the Installation Instructions.txt file... :o
Step 4. Permissions setup
1. Open http://YOUR_FORUMS_URL/admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields
2. In your admin control panel go to Usergroups => Usergroup Manager
3. Edit the Usergroups that you want to use smilies, by changing the "Can use custom smilies? (MySmilies VB)" to "Yes".
NOTE: From MySmiles VB v3.7.005 and above, Usergroups do NOT have permissions as default, and they will need to be set again.
Notice it says " Usergroups do NOT have permissions as default"...something I completely overlooked. :o So just guess what (doesn't) happen, when you don't go and set up the Usergroups Pemissions for this MOD like you're supposed to? ;)
Answer: "Nothing!" ha, ha
Thanxx SecondV, SWEET MOD!