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TheChief 06-05-2012 08:35 AM

I too may wait for the mod to be fixed rather than play with things that i really don't understand :)

thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated

Mark.B 06-05-2012 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by TheChief (Post 2336667)
I too may wait for the mod to be fixed rather than play with things that i really don't understand :)

thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated

I think you may be waiting a while.

All the fixes are listed in the fixes thread, they aren't difficult to do if you follow the instructions carefully.

If you do struggle, post for help and there are plenty who will assist.

Glockie 06-05-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 2336751)
I think you may be waiting a while.

All the fixes are listed in the fixes thread, they aren't difficult to do if you follow the instructions carefully.

If you do struggle, post for help and there are plenty who will assist.

Sounds easy and simple...

All the fixes are not listed as so far - they're fruitless.
Shame the 'fixes' do not work.
They are indeed very easy to implement, but they simply do not work at the moment with VB v.4.2

As for help, those who are helping *hippy* are struggling also, so asking for help may get you a bit further along the line, but alas - the help won't work as the Arcade system is NOT working with VB v.4.2

ibProArcade works with OLDER versions of Vbulletin.
ibProArcade does NOT work with the current version of Vbulletin - for me and chief at least and who knows who else...

Hippy 06-05-2012 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Glockie (Post 2336876)
Sounds easy and simple...

All the fixes are not listed as so far - they're fruitless.
Shame the 'fixes' do not work.
They are indeed very easy to implement, but they simply do not work at the moment with VB v.4.2

As for help, those who are helping *hippy* are struggling also, so asking for help may get you a bit further along the line, but alas - the help won't work as the Arcade system is NOT working with VB v.4.2

ibProArcade works with OLDER versions of Vbulletin.
ibProArcade does NOT work with the current version of Vbulletin - for me and chief at least and who knows who else...

The server configuration is out of my control..o updated 3 Vb suites yesterday with what I have posted ..

Mark.B 06-05-2012 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Glockie (Post 2336876)
Sounds easy and simple...

All the fixes are not listed as so far - they're fruitless.
Shame the 'fixes' do not work.
They are indeed very easy to implement, but they simply do not work at the moment with VB v.4.2

As for help, those who are helping *hippy* are struggling also, so asking for help may get you a bit further along the line, but alas - the help won't work as the Arcade system is NOT working with VB v.4.2

ibProArcade works with OLDER versions of Vbulletin.
ibProArcade does NOT work with the current version of Vbulletin - for me and chief at least and who knows who else...

Well I can say that it is working for me on 4.2 and mine isn't the only site I know.

It probably won't work out of the box but the tweaks are available to make it.

Hippy 06-05-2012 09:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
this is the issue
this server uses some kind of redirect for broken links

so even with the rewrite it's being redirected to this page

what would have to be turned off in the cpanel
I never used it
but I know it's something and if it's turned off it will work..

I can pm the url
I don't want to post it

so you can see it in action

max1982 06-09-2012 09:07 AM

For me pages all working accept the when you finish the game and it comes to submit your score the page freezes and nothing happen with all the games i got i tried all the fixes and non seem to work for me.

any one knows what it can be?

Hippy 06-09-2012 09:35 AM

in my sig youll see a link to ibproarcade fixes
this is what the arcade needs up to date .
for the saving score issue
read that part
(htaccess) rewrite

Glockie 06-09-2012 10:27 AM

Oh yeah, I know it's nothing to do with you guys, please don't think I am thinking this - it's the update and a config situation..

Is there anything else you can think of Hippy that I can try?

It's the last page when submitting the score that's the problem. It's directing to a 404 / not found page and THAT page should be index.php but if you type your domain www.example**.com/index.php the page no longer exists...

Any further suggestions for this Hippy?

*** EDIT ***


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2336913)
this is the issue
this server uses some kind of redirect for broken links

so even with the rewrite it's being redirected to this page

what would have to be turned off in the cpanel
I never used it
but I know it's something and if it's turned off it will work..

I can pm the url
I don't want to post it

so you can see it in action

I wonder if it's the streaming feature that's been introduced, that is causing the problem.. I wouldn't want to switch that off as it's a very nice feature, however I believe it's down to this....

Hippy 06-09-2012 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Glockie (Post 2338048)
Oh yeah, I know it's nothing to do with you guys, please don't think I am thinking this - it's the update and a config situation..

Is there anything else you can think of Hippy that I can try?

It's the last page when submitting the score that's the problem. It's directing to a 404 / not found page and THAT page should be index.php but if you type your domain www.example**.com/index.php the page no longer exists...

Any further suggestions for this Hippy?

*** EDIT ***

I wonder if it's the streaming feature that's been introduced, that is causing the problem.. I wouldn't want to switch that off as it's a very nice feature, however I believe it's down to this....

I have not forgotten about you pal..
I will get you going ..

look in the cpanel for what is handling your error page ( 404 etc)
and turn it off
if you want me to look. pm me details

Glockie 06-09-2012 11:30 AM

Bless ya, thanks Hippy mate

Your account is still active and running on my forums, the details are the same as they were when I originally sent you the pm's.

If you've deleted them let me know and I'll send them again.

And thank you AGAIN! for your help, it's your spare time, I know it and I appreciate this. Thank you my friend. ;)

If you are a part of this mod creation ( I'm guessing you are ) I will donate some funds over for you to buy a beer or three on me or use it for development w/e...

Hippy 06-12-2012 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Glockie (Post 2338065)
Bless ya, thanks Hippy mate

Your account is still active and running on my forums, the details are the same as they were when I originally sent you the pm's.

If you've deleted them let me know and I'll send them again.

And thank you AGAIN! for your help, it's your spare time, I know it and I appreciate this. Thank you my friend. ;)

If you are a part of this mod creation ( I'm guessing you are ) I will donate some funds over for you to buy a beer or three on me or use it for development w/e...

told ya I wouldn't forget about ya;)
all fixed

Enjoy :up:

Glockie 06-12-2012 09:16 AM

Thanks Hippy mate, you're a diamond!
Seriously, I appreciate this very very much. A beer or two will be en-route..
Are you the writer or part of the dev team? Spill the beans old boy..

Thanks very much.

I'd love to know what you had to do though, perhaps you would be so kind to pm me for future reference?

I know I need new games there too.. I have pretty low games there atm and need to update it ASAP. :eek:

Thanks Hippy! you da man, man. :D

Excellent home page btw, that made me laugh big time..

tommydamic68 06-17-2012 09:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am getting an error when trying to upload a tar file. The funny thing is, one gem worked. I deleted it, tried adding same game and received this error. Happens with a lll tar file uploaded games. Any thoughts? Using 3.8.7.

Thanks in advance.

Hippy 06-17-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by tommydamic68 (Post 2340328)
I am getting an error when trying to upload a tar file. The funny thing is, one gem worked. I deleted it, tried adding same game and received this error. Happens with a lll tar file uploaded games. Any thoughts? Using 3.8.7.

Thanks in advance.

are you uploading in ASCII or Binary
ASCII should be for .php .cgi .txt etc
and Binary show be for all other .rar .tar.zip .jpg.mpg etc

make sure your uploading those .tar file in Binary format..
in your ftp client under file types youll beable to see and change.

1F42 06-21-2012 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage (Post 932799)
1) Tournaments are possible with 2, 4 or 8 Players, maybe more will be possible later
2) This will come soon I think...
3) Just wait for the upcoming ibProArcade v2.5.5+

Erm did this get forgot about on 2.7.2+ now and I still have 8 players max. Would love to have more for competitions etc.

Buller 06-21-2012 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Glockie (Post 2335611)
Hmm now I DO have another problem..

I've just tested the arcade and once you go to submit a high score, instead of proceeding to the high score page where you can enter your comments etc, it actually redirects to this new damn VB feature ( which has caused me some big probs ) the stream activity.php page..

So in short = play a game, goto submit your score, you get taken to activity.php page NOT the default high score page and the scores are NOT being recorded when I checked the high scores page itself..

Again, I appreciate any help in advance, this one I know I won't be able to sort myself :o

You need to go into the Navigation Manager and set the forum.php to the default, the activity.php is set as the default after you upgraded to 4.2, why who knows.

Hippy 06-21-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Buller (Post 2341861)
You need to go into the Navigation Manager and set the forum.php to the default, the activity.php is set as the default after you upgraded to 4.2, why who knows.

this was fixed with the .htaccess rewrite
found from the link in my sig
and was also talked about here
file attached as well

egyptsons 06-22-2012 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by TheChief (Post 2336239)
has anyone had any issues with the scores being recorded when they upgraded to 4.2?

The games all work fine but the highscores don't register and it sits on the same page doing nothing until you refresh or head back to the forum

You can find the solution here :


Gerry5039 06-24-2012 09:31 PM

Please can anyone help, I cannot find this in 4.2.0 And therefore no tab in menu

click SAVE and edit the Template navbar (below "Navigation/Breadcrumb Templates")

In this navbar-Template search for:

vBulletin 4.x
<li><a href="calendar.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase calendar}</a></li>

Below add:

<li><a href="arcade.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">Arcade</a></li>

Copy of my Navbar Template


<div id="navbar" class="navbar">
        <ul id="navtabs" class="navtabs floatcontainer<vb:if condition="$show['member'] AND $notifications_total"> notify</vb:if>">
                {vb:raw template_hook.navtab_start}
                {vb:raw navigation}
                {vb:raw template_hook.navtab_end}
        <vb:if condition="$vboptions['enablesearches']">
                <div id="globalsearch" class="globalsearch">
                        <form action="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=process" method="post" id="navbar_search" class="navbar_search">
                                <vb:comment><input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionurl}" /></vb:comment>
                                <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="do" value="process" />
                                <span class="textboxcontainer"><span><input type="text" value="" name="query" class="textbox" tabindex="99"/></span></span>
                                <span class="buttoncontainer"><span><input type="image" class="searchbutton" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/search<vb:if condition="$stylevar['textdirection'] == 'rtl'">_rtl</vb:if>.<vb:if condition="is_browser('ie') AND !is_browser('ie', 7)">gif<vb:else />png</vb:if>" name="submit" onclick="document.getElementById('navbar_search').submit;" tabindex="100"/></span></span>
                        <ul class="navbar_advanced_search">
                                <li><a href="search.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}" accesskey="4">{vb:rawphrase advanced_search}</a></li>
                                {vb:raw template_hook.navbar_advanced_search}
</div><!-- closing div for above_body -->

<div class="body_wrapper">
<div id="breadcrumb" class="breadcrumb">
        <ul class="floatcontainer">
                <li class="navbithome"><a href="index.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}" accesskey="1"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/navbit-home.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase home}" /></a></li>
                {vb:raw navbits.breadcrumb}
                {vb:raw navbits.lastelement}
        <hr />

{vb:raw ad_location.ad_navbar_below}
{vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar}

<vb:if condition="$show['notices'] AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'register'">
        <form action="profile.php?do=dismissnotice" method="post" id="notices" class="notices">
                <input type="hidden" name="do" value="dismissnotice" />
                <input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionurl}" />
                <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
                <input type="hidden" id="dismiss_notice_hidden" name="dismiss_noticeid" value="" />
                <input type="hidden" name="url" value="{vb:raw return_link}" />
                        {vb:raw notices}

Gemma 06-24-2012 09:42 PM

The navigation system has changed in 4.2. Use the Navigation Manger instead

AdminCP > Settings > Navigation Manager > Add Tab and for active url put arcade.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q} and fill in the other options, that will get the Arcade tab for you. I'm sure there are probably posts/threads on this somewhere by Hippy but this will get you started.

Gerry5039 06-25-2012 12:04 AM

Thank you Gemma that worked great.

GamerPerfection 06-26-2012 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by egyptsons (Post 2342089)

When I play a game and submit the score the page loads my forum homepage and the scores are not saved.

I did everything in that link you provided. Any ideas why it's still not saving?

I'm using 4.2.0 PL2.

Hippy 06-26-2012 09:30 AM

The htaccess should work. It needs to go into your forms root dir

GamerPerfection 06-26-2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2342985)
The htaccess should work. It needs to go into your forms root dir

I already had a htaccess so I added the code.

I don't get any error messages or anything, it just loads the homepage after I submit score.

Hippy 06-26-2012 10:34 AM

.htaccess? In the forms root ? Did you take out the original index edit?
I have not had a single site I work on that this did not work
is your like send me details and I'll look at it and fix it for you

GamerPerfection 06-26-2012 10:40 AM

Well what took place before was that I had uninstalled the modification several months ago, but did not remove any of the files from my server. Today I downloaded the Mod again and uploaded all the files overwriting the previous ones. The index.php doesn't have that code as i have upgraded many times since having this mod.

GamerPerfection 06-26-2012 10:48 AM

Ok I found what is causing it. It is the index.php. I found this code in the index.php:

/* Tell forum.php to redirect
to the default url as defined
in the navigation manager */
define('VB_REDIRECT', true);

If I change the "true" to "false" then the score will be saved as it should.

I'm not sure where this code came from but I have a feeling it is to do with vBSEO or it's to do with the Navigation Manager itself?

Hippy 06-26-2012 10:58 AM

Most likely the vbseo

GamerPerfection 06-26-2012 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2343008)
Most likely the vbseo

I'll enquire over in their forums, but i'd be surprised if out of 8,000+ installs no-one else has had issues with vBSEO.

Hippy 06-26-2012 11:16 AM

You'll be surprised there are issues with vbseo. But for fix my not of been the best. But it works the whole idea with the.htaccess is no more index edits. Send my the contents of your htaccess file I would like to see why it did not work off the bat.

GamerPerfection 06-26-2012 11:19 AM

Ok i will send you the content of htaccess.

But just to point out I have just downloaded a fresh copy of vB 4.2.0 PL2 and the index.php has that code which means it's not vBSEO.

So every 4.2.0 should have that code. So it is something else causing the issue, but when I change that "true" to "false" the arcade definitely works.

But i'll send you the htaccess now.

Hippy 06-26-2012 11:46 AM

Sent a message back ..

Gn_Snake 06-26-2012 06:44 PM

i have apply this fix:
layout fix & store css as files fix
But the page appears to me so:

Gerry5039 06-27-2012 10:41 PM

Hi Hippy

I have been getting battered all day with 500 Server errors, and white screens, I had to change the index.php and remove the htaccess file, everything now works but I cannot save any scores now mate.

Can you help please


Hippy 06-27-2012 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake (Post 2343121)
i have apply this fix:
layout fix & store css as files fix
But the page appears to me so:

Add the arcade template I posted ibproarcade updated fixes. The link is in my Sig https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=2328579

Originally Posted by Gerry5039 (Post 2343426)
Hi Hippy

I have been getting battered all day with 500 Server errors, and white screens, I had to change the index.php and remove the htaccess file, everything now works but I cannot save any scores now mate.

Can you help please


I'm confused can you tell me what happened. It was working? ATM the htaccess is all that is working. Do I have details to your place? My rig is down ATM so all I have is my cell.

Gerry5039 06-27-2012 11:21 PM

Its working again, I went into index.php changed to false like Gamer said and I deleted the .htaccess now its perfect and saves my scores with no more errors. Hope this helps. Now all is good mate.

sodasusu 06-28-2012 05:35 AM

after play the game .. load the homepage and score not save

i use vbseo and vbulletin 4.20

i use instruction like this


but not work

anybody have same problem like me?


Hippy 06-28-2012 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by sodasusu (Post 2343495)
after play the game .. load the homepage and score not save

i use vbseo and vbulletin 4.20

i use instruction like this


but not work

anybody have same problem like me?


should work ..
did you see this
this may work for you as well.

sodasusu 06-29-2012 12:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2343615)
should work ..
did you see this
this may work for you as well.

done.. its work ..

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