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Delphiprogrammi 01-28-2006 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko
Ok, Im having trouble locating wording within the emails that are sent to members when they get banned. Nothing seems to be in phrases. Ive searched the files, the plugins and no luck.

Where do you find this?
"This is a permanent ban and will last for ever"

Also any other wording in the emails would be helpful also.

template warn_banemail

HTML Code:

Dear $name,

We are sorry to inform you, that you have received enough warning points, to be banned from $vboptions[bbtitle].

This is a $ban_kind ban and will last for $peruserbanlimit $peruserbanlimit2

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


$vboptions[bbtitle] Team

WNxWakko 01-28-2006 06:20 PM

I have an issue with the emails it sends out. It seems when post related it will email the user for Temp and Perm but you have two different Subject line titles for each so the title of the email will reflect from which one.

However, on nonpost related there seems to only be one subject line that is for both. Why would there be a difference? Why is there not seperate subject lines for each type in nonpost related warnings?

Juvefan 01-28-2006 11:02 PM

Why when I try to warn a user i recive this error?
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

Delphiprogrammi 01-29-2006 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Juvefan
Why when I try to warn a user i recive this error?
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input


Luggruff 01-29-2006 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
No, there is nothing that shows that a post has been alerted, but there is a huge red sign which shows that a post has been warned. Maybe I can add another sign there, for alerts. Let me check that.

Inactive warnings cannot be deleted? Do you mean the "Prune Warnings" selection does not work?

Update on the Alert Sign. I can't do it without a test site folks, this requires several changes in the hack, and I did it on the 3.4.xx version, but I can't work on fictional code.

Let me know if the Prune Warnings is what is not working.

Thanks, didn't know about the prune warnings xD.
but still, would be great if you could fix a type of image or something for alerted warnings too.. and if you found somewhere to test it.

And another question, if I choose 1 day on a warning, for it to mature. That doesn't mean that a user won't be banned if he gets 3 warnings (my limit) within a month right?
Does it mean they go inactive or something after 1 day?

sv1cec 01-30-2006 09:57 AM

Read the AdminCP section of the AWS. In the Manage Options, everything is explained. If the maturity period of each warning is 1 day, the points for that warning will be removed from the warned user's account after 1 day passes. If your limit is 3 points, he will not be banned unless he has been warned 3 times for 1 point, in the same day.

sv1cec 01-30-2006 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko
I have an issue with the emails it sends out. It seems when post related it will email the user for Temp and Perm but you have two different Subject line titles for each so the title of the email will reflect from which one.

However, on nonpost related there seems to only be one subject line that is for both. Why would there be a difference? Why is there not seperate subject lines for each type in nonpost related warnings?

I didn't check this extensively, but it looks as if there is always one title for emails. Maybe there are two titles for PMs???

Julie 01-30-2006 09:40 PM

When you give a user a non-post related alert, they get this:


Signature violation
(Warning Type = Signature Violation)

For this violation, you would normally have been given : 1 point(s).
The point(s) would remain in your account for 99999 days.
After that, they would be removed automatically.

If you ever reach the maximum of 10 points, you will be banned from the Forums, for 14 days.

However, the moderator decided not to warn you at this time, and only issue an alert, instead of a warning. So no points have been added in your account, this time. Next time however, you will be warned.

But, when giving a post-related alert;


Posting two different posts at the same time
(Warning Type = Double Posting)

For this violation, you have been given : 1 point(s).
The point(s) will remain in your account for 99999 days.
After that, they will be removed automatically.

The post for which you are warned can be seen here:
Where can I alter so that the post-related alerts also have the first quote text?

sv1cec 01-31-2006 08:50 AM

These are two different things, one (the first) is the PM send for an alert, the second is the PM send for a warning. Not the same.

Julie 01-31-2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
These are two different things, one (the first) is the PM send for an alert, the second is the PM send for a warning. Not the same.

Yes, but I have not warned any of my users, simply given them an alert! And at the bottom of the last PM:


Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 0 point(s).

sv1cec 01-31-2006 04:18 PM


I can't help you more on that, as I said before, without access to a test site, I can't provide support for this hack. Check again that you are issuing alerts and not warnings, that's all I can say at this moment.


Julie 01-31-2006 04:38 PM

It's only in the warn logs it says so, but in the PM (at least, haven't checked e-mails) sent to the user it says the first quote. Then, no biggie :) I thought the warn logs looked exactly the same as the PM the user recieved, therefore I was a bit "huh"-ed... :)

sv1cec 01-31-2006 04:56 PM


when you say "logs", what exactly do you mean?

Julie 01-31-2006 09:51 PM

You know you can log the alerts/warned things, right? Options --> Save copy of Alert Message in a predefined forum? I have that to yes, and have a special forum just for the logs...

Hornstar 01-31-2006 11:19 PM

I just warned a user, he now has 37 warning points, and he got banned.

however, the way i have it set up is for them to get banned every 10 warning points, this user has been banned about 3 times now, but it says he has only been banned 1 time.

he should not be banned until getting over 40 warning points and that would be a permanent ban as i have it set up like that also.

As he just got banned I wanted to view if it was the aws that banned him and not a mod.

here is what it says

Ban Period - 4 Days
Ban Time Remaining - 3 Days, 0 hours
Ban Reason - User exceeded the Warning Limit and was banned.

So he was banned by the AWS however it says ban period 4 days, well that should be saying 3 days.

any ideas on how to fix these bugs up?

I know this is no longer supported, but any idea if it ever will be again?

IrPr 02-02-2006 11:39 PM

1st Special Thanks to SV1CEC and Andreas !
2nd: when i tried

Originally Posted by Andreas
For the "Invalid User Input"-error:

admin_warn.php, replace all instances of

PHP Code:



PHP Code:


This is an utterely ugly Hack, but should work until the backend is fully revised.
(Currently working on the frontend, which is 85% phrased by now)

I am sorry that I can't fully work on this, but time is a major problem.

admin_warn.php got blanked !
im running vB 3.5.3

TJFweb 02-08-2006 11:51 PM

Does anyone know how to display a user's warnings in their postbit?

I need some way of alerting users to their warnings as I have Private Messages disabled on my board.

sv1cec 02-09-2006 03:35 AM

The number of alerts, number of warnings, warning points and number of bans should appear in the user postbit, as the hack is. Depending on the AWS Options you have set, these are viewable either to the management team and the warned user only, or to everybody.

Kayden 02-09-2006 09:02 PM


Warning: Unknown(/home/darkess/public_html/saviores/includes/functions_warning.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(349) : eval()'d code on line 2

Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required '/home/darkess/public_html/saviores/includes/functions_warning.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/darkess/public_html/saviores/global.php(349) : eval()'d code on line 2

I get that warning. I've followed the instructions and uploaded the separate php file to the right place. What's going on?

Delphiprogrammi 02-09-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kayden
I get that warning. I've followed the instructions and uploaded the separate php file to the right place. What's going on?

this hack does not modify global.php ....

is the file funtions_warning.php in yourforumroot/includes ? i think this is caused by some other plugin you have installed

magbag 02-10-2006 04:15 PM

Hello - thanks for AWS.
I want to translate AWS for Polish language. How I'm able to do it? In which files I will find phrases for translating? Because in Phrase Manager I didn't find any phrases from AWS. So I guess that I have to translate directly in files. But I wouldn't like to break something down - and therefore I'm asking.

Sorry for my terrible English - I understand everything, but with writing poorly.

sv1cec 02-10-2006 04:28 PM

Well, I guess the answer is "everywhere". You see when I started making this thing, I was not very well aware of the finer details of vBulletin. Also, the hack on which this one was based, didn't use phrases either, so I was not aware that it should be made that way. So, you have to check everything, php files, templates everything.

PGP 02-13-2006 05:52 AM

sv1cec, i have a problem with the Complete Removal of Warning. Try to remove from AdminCP. It writes that selected warning was completely removed, but then writes then Invalid User ID. And warning was not removed at all =(...
And at the same time - when i check boxes Comp Rem and then click button Complete Removal, Warning removed successfully... =(

randominity 02-14-2006 03:37 AM

ok I have Historical Option on. I have it set so that warnings expire after 60 days, and banned at 5 points. One of my users has 5 points, but from more than 60 days ago, so in theory he should not have any points. He recently got warned again and was banned (should have 1 point).

sv1cec 02-14-2006 09:53 AM

Well, in theory he should not have any points, but does he have any? In other words, are his previous points removed from his account?

Also, the banning can occur irrespective of the points, for example if the member accumulates enough warnings. For example, if you have your Warnings Number limit is equal to 2 and your user received two warnings, he is banned.

sv1cec 02-14-2006 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by PGP
sv1cec, i have a problem with the Complete Removal of Warning. Try to remove from AdminCP. It writes that selected warning was completely removed, but then writes then Invalid User ID. And warning was not removed at all =(...
And at the same time - when i check boxes Comp Rem and then click button Complete Removal, Warning removed successfully... =(

I think this has been dealt with in the past. Do a search in this thread, for "complete removal".

romow 02-14-2006 10:08 PM

nice! installed.

andrefedalto 02-15-2006 01:01 AM

that is awesome :) it worked like a charm for me.

Got some issues with skin, because i use a very complicated one, but i worked out to solve the problems.
I also got another problem that the "WARNED POST" image had NO links when showing on postbit, i solved doing this:

edited this plugin: AWS: Show Warning Options/Points in Postbit/Threads<
replaced this:

// Shall we show the warn sign?
                if ($viewoption=='Mgm' AND ($useradmin==1 OR $usersmod==1 OR $usermod==1) AND $post[warn_flag]>0)
                if ($viewoption=='All' AND $post[warn_flag]>0)

with this:

// Shall we show the warn sign?
                if (($useradmin==1 OR $usersmod==1 OR $usermod==1) AND $post[warn_flag]>0)
                if ($viewoption=='All' AND $post[warn_flag]>0)

now everything is working just fine...

i also did a little modification, instead of showing Warning Points as numbers in postbit, i changed to a little bar, that fill up when user gets more points :)

thanks again

sassy1 02-15-2006 01:52 AM

andrefedalto maybe you can
tell us what modification you did
to get your little bar.
For the points sound good.


Xplorer4x4 02-15-2006 09:08 AM

I have found that I can not remove warning via the admin cp, but it works just fine in the mod cp. It seems to me a comparision of the php coding of removing a warning via admin cp should be compared to the php code of remove a warning via mod cp.

andrefedalto 02-15-2006 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Xplorer4x4
I have found that I can not remove warning via the admin cp, but it works just fine in the mod cp. It seems to me a comparision of the php coding of removing a warning via admin cp should be compared to the php code of remove a warning via mod cp.

weird, because with me it works just fine removing a warn via AdminCP... and i fixed no bugs in admincp

sassy1: i'll work out to release this little modification ;)

andrefedalto 02-15-2006 12:52 PM

ok, lets go:
Open AdminCP, go to Plugin management and edit this plugin: "AWS: Show Warning Options/Points in Postbit/Threads"

replace this:

global $hierarchical, $viewoption, $showpoints;
with this:

global $hierarchical, $viewoption, $showpoints, $vbulletin, $stylevar;
scroll down to the end of the plugin and BEFORE this:

DEVDEBUG("useradmin = $useradmin, postadmin = $postadmin, usermod = $usermod, postmod = $postmod, usersmod = $usersmod");
DEVDEBUG("showpoints = $showpoints, showwarnsignmgm = $showwarnsignmgm, showwarnsign = $showwarnsign");
DEVDEBUG("showwarnlink = $showwarnlink, showviewwarnlink = $showviewwarnlink, showviewyourslink = $showviewyourslink");

add this:

if ($post[warning_level]>0) {
        $width_max = 70;
        $percent = $post[warning_level]/$vbulletin->options['warn_points_before_banned'];
        $width_max = $width_max - 4;
        $width1 = round($percent*$width_max);
        $width2 = $width_max-$width1;
        $graphic_warn_level = "<img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_left.png\" width=\"2\" height=\"10\"><img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_dark.png\" width=\"".$width1."\" height=\"10\"><img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_light.png\" width=\"".$width2."\" height=\"10\"><img src=\"".$stylevar[imgdir_misc]."/warn_right.png\" width=\"2\" height=\"10\">";

ATTENTION: in this variable $width_max change "70" for the MAXIMUM width of the bar you can use in postbit. I have 70 pixels to use, so i set it to 70. When doing the edit, set it to some value (IN PIXELS) that fits to your template.

Now you must go to template edition and edityour postbit/postbit_legacy template.
Find this:

Warnings Level: $post[warning_level]
and replace with

Warnings Level: $graphic_warn_level
Upload the attached images to your MISC image directory.
And now just enjoy your cool userbar instead of just numbers :)

See attached image to see how is the final result (my text is in portuguese, but after you follow this small tutorial you will get the text in ENGLISH).

Hope you enjoy this little mod. Thanks you all!

GoTTi 02-18-2006 05:11 PM

when is this coming out of beta? why is it still in beta also?

sv1cec 02-18-2006 07:54 PM

Most probably never. I have no test system to work on, and Andreas, who was supposed to provide support for this hack, is obviously too busy to do so. Sorry!

GoTTi 02-18-2006 11:30 PM

what kind of test system do u need?

sv1cec 02-19-2006 04:36 AM

A vB 3.5 system in which I can play. Preferably not a working, active board, as I may need to stop it etc.

Hornstar 02-19-2006 06:31 AM

I have sent you a pm John, I have set up everything for you, just waiting to find out if you still need it.


sv1cec 02-19-2006 06:43 AM

I responded to your PM. I will not be able to work on this, until tomorrow morning.

Rgds and tnx

GoTTi 02-19-2006 07:01 AM

yo i sent u a PM also....

Hornstar 02-19-2006 07:14 AM

Okay looks like there may once again be some progress on this to finally take it out of beta lol. Take your time on doing it John, there is no rush, I fully understand that you have your own commitments to attend to first before this.

Edit: I think someone needs to go through every post and find every bug that this has, to make it easier for john. I'd do it but i gotta go out now.

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