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-   -   NNTP Gateway for Usenet ( Newsgroups ), Mailing Lists (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=92588)

Hemanth 12-16-2008 07:37 AM

Willing to pay good money for this mod to be updated and optimized for vB 3.7.x & future versions.

If anybody interested please contact me.

Rik Brown 12-16-2008 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Hemanth (Post 1686451)
Willing to pay good money for this mod to be updated and optimized for vB 3.7.x & future versions.

If anybody interested please contact me.


This looks like the best possibility at the moment: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184344 by Kerry-Anne. I hope that she is working on updating this mod. She always does a first-class job on her mods.

-- Rik

Rik Brown 12-17-2008 04:39 PM

Just thought I'd share this useful mysql query by Wayne Luke that I found on vbulletin.com that finds duplicate posts within each thread. You can then easily delete those dupes.


If you've ever had 2 instances of the NNTP importer running on the same newsgroups by mistake, you'll really benefit from this. But it works just as well finding dupe posts inadvertently posted by your own vb users or from Usenet users.

The first time I ran it yesterday, I found thousands of dupe messages that have built up over the years connecting to Usenet. Now that they are all cleaned out, I'm going to run it on an regular basis before each build of our sitemaps.

I hope that you find it useful in conjunction with this mod. -- Rik

cedivad 12-25-2008 02:57 PM

Thank you for the link, really usefull!

LPH2004 03-25-2009 09:40 PM

I've had this script working for a long time, changed the php version in December and it stopped. I finally figured out the time out was not set correctly in my.cnf and was able to get things rocking again.

Until today.

Today, the hosting company had to move my site to another box. The linux box the site was on was hacked. No problem. Except there has been nothing but problems with this new box.

I cannot get the script to run in the browser. I can, however, get the script to run at the CL when I ssh to the box. I can run #php /path/to/gateway.php and all is fine.

However, the scheduled task craps out as well as gateway.php?debug=1 in the browser.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to look?

Simon Lloyd 03-26-2009 09:29 AM

Maybe you have to run the setlastmessage.php again?

LPH2004 03-27-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1777342)
Maybe you have to run the setlastmessage.php again?

Thank you for the suggestion but the gateway script runs at the CL as root but not in the browser. After changing some of the messages in nntp.php file, I see fsockopen fails in the browser but works at the CL. However, I am unsure how to fix the permissions to get this to work.

Update: The above statement is probably not accurate. The fsockopen fails for the nntp.php script but works for a little test script I wrote:


Update: After 5 days of the hosting company insisting something was wrong the script - they found the problem. SELinux was blocking the port. The script now operates as it did for years ;)

Simon Lloyd 03-28-2009 06:41 PM

Glad you got your's going!, i still get db errors since the php upgrade and can't seem to get anyone to sort it! :(

Rik Brown 04-03-2009 04:11 PM

Has anyone made modifications to the Gateway so that embedded YouTube videos (specifically the AME Media Embedding mod code) can be converted to normal URLs to export on Usenet?

I assume it just requires simple additions to the array in the includes/functions_nntp.php file. But I'm not so sure how to accomplish it?

If anyone has done so, could you please share the code?

Thanks. -- Rik

dicot 06-06-2009 12:42 PM

Exactly what does the ISP need to do to get rid of the UTF-8 garbage in the user name? Edit the php.ini, install something? They say i need to edit my php file... when others asked y'all sat they need to do something.

t3nt3tion 06-06-2009 01:34 PM

Anyone have a list of killfile strings to stop spam and adult posts getting in ?

dicot 06-07-2009 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by dicot (Post 1824442)
Exactly what does the ISP need to do to get rid of the UTF-8 garbage in the user name? Edit the php.ini, install something? They say i need to edit my php file... when others asked y'all sat they need to do something.

Finally figured it out - IMAP extension needed to be installed in PHP. In my testing, i reran setup to install that extension.

toibs 06-13-2009 09:34 PM

Aww rats!!

Have been running this on an older server of mine for the last year or so, with no problems at all. Only using the listing tho, not posting to the groups in question.

However preparing a new server, and setting this up again. Have installed the files etc etc no problems. However when i run http://www.xxx.com/gateway.php?debug=1 on the new system, i get a complete blank page. If i run setmessage.php on the new server, this connects and runs no problems.

It seems to be configured exactly the same as the old server. The only differences i can guess are that this runs on a newer version of centos/php, however i cant see that actually stopping this running.

anyone any advice on things to try??


toibs 06-15-2009 04:11 PM

Update - All seems to be working now. However i seem to be getting double posts - not on the headers, however on the content!! Any advice on how i can either remove them or preferably not get them to start with??


Rik Brown 06-30-2009 08:19 AM


Update - All seems to be working now. However i seem to be getting double posts - not on the headers, however on the content!! Any advice on how i can either remove them or preferably not get them to start with??
See post #643 of this same thread for a mysql query by Wayne Luke:


I hope that helps. I use it often.

Regards. -- Rik

TMM-TT 06-30-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by toibs (Post 1830166)
Update - All seems to be working now. However i seem to be getting double posts - not on the headers, however on the content!! Any advice on how i can either remove them or preferably not get them to start with??


Do you mean ALL POSTS or only the posts that are being sent to usenet?

The most common reason of dupes (those of being sent TO usenet) is the fact that something is misconfigured. Like the posting organization for example, in the sent message.

Ricsca 07-06-2009 09:17 PM

For vbulletin 3.8.x ????


Simon Lloyd 07-08-2009 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ricsca (Post 1844108)
For vbulletin 3.8.x ????


It works fine "out of the box" for 3.8.x however there is some deprecated code in the scripts.

toibs 07-21-2009 08:30 PM

ahh - maybe a problem.

Just changed news hosts, and it seems like this doesnt want to retrieve posts any more.

This is what i get...


Gateway version 2.3.2  1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 201 unlimited.newshosting.com (fe04.ams) NNRP Service Ready - support@newshosting.com (no posting)

Server responded after user name: 381 PASS required

Server responded after password: 281 Ok

Info for rec.games at news.ams.newshosting.com: 211 279425 1239508 1518932 rec.games

I dont spose something silly like the "last message" number will be different on different hosts would it?? Anything anyone could suggest?

Have verified this on two different boxes & installations...


TMM-TT 07-31-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by toibs (Post 1853153)
ahh - maybe a problem.

Just changed news hosts, and it seems like this doesnt want to retrieve posts any more.

This is what i get...


Gateway version 2.3.2  1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 201 unlimited.newshosting.com (fe04.ams) NNRP Service Ready - support@newshosting.com (no posting)

Server responded after user name: 381 PASS required

Server responded after password: 281 Ok

Info for rec.games at news.ams.newshosting.com: 211 279425 1239508 1518932 rec.games

I dont spose something silly like the "last message" number will be different on different hosts would it?? Anything anyone could suggest?

Have verified this on two different boxes & installations...


Did you change to a totally new server, you have to check the last-message (or reset it). If you want to do it the hard way, look at the forum what post that was the last. Then open a regular newsreader for the new server, find that post and get Xref from the header. That's the id of the last message. If it's a crosspost, you should use the id for the group that you are importing. Then put that id into the settings for the group you want to continue fetch posts from.

silverslik1 08-03-2009 05:28 PM

Has anyone gotten this pluggin to work where it actually allows users to send replies back to the newsgroup?

I cant seem to get that to work? Should I try a reinstall. Much appreciated if someone can help me get this to work

Simon Lloyd 08-03-2009 05:38 PM

It works out of the box for me on 3.8.3 (although i paid someone to change some deprocated code).....search these forums for another version of this that has in brackets (mailing lists) i think!, don't forget that port 119 needs to be open on your server!

toibs 09-14-2009 10:21 PM


Any highlighted in "blue" text is a quote from one of the previous messages in the thread. Has anyone any idea how to automatically remove this?


Simon Lloyd 09-15-2009 12:30 AM

i think its in the mime or pop files!

hmspain 10-07-2009 02:39 PM

I have everything working except for attachments coming from NNTP to the vBulletin system. Somehow, my installation is missing the /includes/functions_image.php file :-?.

Could someone share the file with me or point me in the right direction? I thought that it might have be renamed to class_image.php but I don't think so :-).

Please help!

Harrison Spain

Rik Brown 10-29-2009 11:14 PM

Once anyone using this mod gets hold of the vBulletin 4.0 beta, it would be great to hear whether or not it works with the mod or if any revisions will be required.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that since the mod works at the backend level, it should work with 4.0 with little or no changes.

Cheers! -- Rik

Nacman 10-31-2009 07:40 AM

How many of us running this MOD still have the problem of only the first attachment from a LOCAL post going to usenet showing up on usenet as a link.

My example - I use this MOD to post to a TEXT only usenet group, so any attachments my forum users attach in the forums get sent up as links to the usenet posting. If it is only one attachment all is well, but if it is 2 or more only 1 gets made into a link.


Rik Brown 12-09-2009 10:24 PM

I've started trying to move this mod to a brand new vb 4.0 beta installation.

First thing I've found is that I had to create the left-side menu options in the admincp by creating a file named cpnav_nntp_gateway.xml in the root/includes/xml directory with the following code:

PHP Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<navgroups product="vbulletin">

    <navgroup text="NNTP Gateway Options" hr="true">
            <text>NNTP Gateway Settings</text>
            <text>NNTP Gateway Newsgroups</text>

The permissions on the xml file should be 755. When you reload the root/admincp/index.php file, the menu options created above should appear.

Now, I haven't gone any further than this so far so I'm afraid I can't be of further assistance until I've taken a few more steps.

-- Rik

EDIT: Well, I see the ZIP file includes a similar XML file as I made above so you probably should use that.

Nacman 12-11-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Rik Brown (Post 1928052)
I've started trying to move this mod to a brand new vb 4.0 beta installation.

First thing I've found is that I had to create the left-side menu options in the admincp by creating a file named cpnav_nntp_gateway.xml in the root/includes/xml directory with the following code:

Now, I haven't gone any further than this so far so I'm afraid I can't be of further assistance until I've taken a few more steps.

-- Rik

Thanks for picking up the ball. I have incorporated many of the mods to this, and even done a few of my own. I am a just above a noob with php, but learning more and more each day. If I can help I will.

alis 12-11-2009 02:13 PM

The script run in vb 4.0 beta 4, but with the Automatic Similar Thread Search activated i get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_similar_threads() in gateway.php on line 547

Here below the line 547 or gateway.php

require_once(MY_DIR . '/includes/functions_search.php');
$similarthreads = fetch_similar_threads($subject);

Function fetch_similar_threads isn't included or has changed in the 4.0 vb version of /includes/functions_search.php

Please can someone tell how to correct this error?

Rik Brown 12-17-2009 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nacman (Post 1928665)
Thanks for picking up the ball. I have incorporated many of the mods to this, and even done a few of my own. I am a just above a noob with php, but learning more and more each day. If I can help I will.

So far, I've gotten the script (without changes) to connect to the gateway server and try to import messages. If the messages are killfiled, it bypasses them as expected (as seen in debug mode). But once it comes to the first message it should truly import, it stops. I haven't figured out why.

I hope someone with more php experience than me has some ideas. -- Rik

TMM-TT 12-21-2009 07:09 AM

I forgot something in this post.

I'll be back with that...

TMM-TT 12-21-2009 03:14 PM

This is the story:

My newsservers motherboard died in november, so I had to order a new one. This server has now been reinstalled from scratch so the Xref, which gateway.php uses is reset. Lastmsg in the nntp_groups-table therefore got useless, especially when the server resynched older posts again.

Fetching all posts again after resetting the lastmsg will result in duplicate messages. This has been fixed with a small patch.

Find the row:
$message =& $nntp['message'];

Add this code after that row:

PHP Code:

                           * Find duplicates by message-id against the forumid!
                           * Matching against forumid, so crosspostings to other groups
                           * can proceed to posting.
$isduplicate false;
$msgid $message['message-id'];
$msgdupe $db->query_first("
                                  SELECT p.postid,p.threadid,p.msgid,t.forumid FROM post AS p
                                          INNER JOIN thread AS t
                                                  ON p.threadid = t.threadid
                                          WHERE msgid = '"
                          if (
$group['forum'] == $msgdupe['forumid'])
$isduplicate true;
logging("Skip, Message-ID already found.");
// No continue should be used here, since the lastmsg-counter must work

Then go find the row for the post-insert (it?s actually the thread-insert), it should look like this:

$postid = insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $from_email, $date, $parentid);

Before that line, add?

PHP Code:

                                          // If this isn't a duplicate
if (!$isduplicate)

Then, after the line ?
exec_send_notification($threadid, "0", $postid);

Add this:

PHP Code:

                                           // Isduplicate Finish 

Right after this, you have to add similar code to the insertcode for posts, so directly after

} else {

?add this again:

PHP Code:

                                          // If this isn't a duplicate
if (!$isduplicate)

?and finish this with an ending ?}? after the line

logging("'$subject' from ". $from_name . ". New thread.");

Now, the gateway should?nt post a message with the same Message-ID twice?

Rik Brown 12-22-2009 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by alis (Post 1928854)
The script run in vb 4.0 beta 4, but with the Automatic Similar Thread Search activated i get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_similar_threads() in gateway.php on line 547

Sorry that I can't help with a Gateway code fix, but your message solved my importing problem mentioned above (message #671) by letting me know to turn off the similar thread search:
admincp -> Message Search Options

Now the Gateway is importing threads on a 4.0 installation. Thanks. -- Rik

EDIT: You can still display the similar threads:
admincp -> Thread Display Options (showthread) -> Show Similar Threads = Yes.

Since similar threads aren't being updated during the import, I expect (unless they are somehow updated as one of the scheduled tasks) one has to update them regularly with:
admincp -> Maintenance -> Updated Counters -> Rebuild Similar Threads

someguyonline 01-08-2010 04:13 AM

Anyone gotten this to work on 4.0 gold?

toibs 02-17-2010 09:35 PM


Would just like to thank you for spending time getting this mod to work on V4. I havent installed yet, however i'm just setting up a test forum based under 4.0.2.

Just wondering if one of you guys might be able to assist by passing on current working files, with any patches added to allow it to work (esp under v4).

I could trawl through the thread and apply patches, however there's so many "try this" - then - "This doesnt work, this does it better" that i think i may be here for days/weeks just taking the original files and altering code! It's like re-inventing the wheel!!

If anyone could assist, it would be much appreciated :)

On a side note, i would be happy to contribute alongside others, to a developer polishing this up or rebuilding it to work under 4.0.2 nicely, as it did back in the early days!!


scottct1 02-19-2010 01:04 PM

This mod is the only thing holding me back from going to 4.0.

I have a few services which email me information and this is the only hack I know which can check mailboxes and if new messages are found post them to the forum as new threads.

If anyone know a program which does the same thing let me know. I dont really use the usenet portion of the program.

Eric 02-19-2010 06:52 PM

I've been messing around with this, and If I can get it cleaned up and working Ok (and can somehow get ahold of the developer, to request permission to take over) I'll see about releasing a 3.8 (and 4.0) version. That's IF I can get it worked out, and permission from the developer.

toibs 02-20-2010 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by SecondV (Post 1986689)
I've been messing around with this, and If I can get it cleaned up and working Ok (and can somehow get ahold of the developer, to request permission to take over) I'll see about releasing a 3.8 (and 4.0) version. That's IF I can get it worked out, and permission from the developer.


I posted this yesterday in Paid Mods.


Not sure, however i suspect there's a fair few people on the list that would contribute maybe $20 each to get a decent supported working version. I know i would!!

It's the one thing that (like others) is stopping my forum migrating!!!


someguyonline 02-22-2010 02:30 AM

id drop at least 60 bucks to see this happen on 4.0

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