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kylek 05-17-2005 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by kylek
That is what they told me when I asked, oh well,
I know how to fill out the task except for the bottom box called file name. All my other various tasks have ./includes/cron/ and then whatever file you are pointing to, so would I need to have ./includes/cron/articlebot.php?

And what do I need to put in articlebot.php for the forum server path?

I appreciate the help as a newbie still but trying to learn.

Still cant get this to work using scheduled tasks. When I use ./articlebot/articlebot.php for the filename and manually run the scheduled task everything seems to work, page pops up with one word on it "articlebot" and nothing else, any ideas?

NewOrder 05-17-2005 06:26 PM

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /articlebot/articlebot.php on line 42

^^ this is what im still getting

for the place to point articlebot.php im using :

topten 05-19-2005 03:27 AM

no matter what rss feed I try to add to my bot I get

Error: There is no file located at ....

anyone got any suggestions for me please?

topten 05-19-2005 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by topten
no matter what rss feed I try to add to my bot I get

Error: There is no file located at ....

anyone got any suggestions for me please?

I have tried about 20 different feeds includign yahoo news feeds which i validated with a feed validator to make sure

I really am at a loss here :(

poolking 05-19-2005 04:43 AM

Could you give people a chance to answer you before bumping your post.

Have you tried this page?


topten 05-19-2005 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by poolking
Could you give people a chance to answer you before bumping your post.

Have you tried this page?


Error: There is no file located at http://news.yahoo.com/rss

poolking 05-19-2005 05:46 AM

are you actually typing in the link to the XML files?

I was just telling you where the feeds are located.

topten 05-19-2005 05:49 AM

well gee man instead of trying to come down on me for simply adding a bit of extra info to the post you could have read what I added and we could avoided all this.


Originally Posted by topten
I have tried about 20 different feeds includign yahoo news feeds which i validated with a feed validator to make sure(

wmturkey 05-19-2005 06:12 AM

This is a GREAT hack and is working well for me -- many thanks to the author and those here supporting it.

topten 05-19-2005 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by wmturkey
This is a GREAT hack and is working well for me -- many thanks to the author and those here supporting it.

no doubt man , so what news rss feed are u using if i may ask?

topten 05-19-2005 08:24 AM

ok i seem to have narrowed it down. if i use a absolute path on my server then it will accept the feed. If i use any URL it wont accept it.

I wondered does this mean theres a problem with my paths in articlebot.php but ive tried switching them around but nada?

Qwest 05-19-2005 05:14 PM

Will someone PLEASE add some code to truncate the DISPLAY URL?

my site www.ipodarena.com is running vbadvanced but the news column is narrow. I have to manually edit URLs so they dont stretch the box and make my right side box too narrow.

topten 05-19-2005 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Qwest
Will someone PLEASE add some code to truncate the DISPLAY URL?

my site www.ipodarena.com is running vbadvanced but the news column is narrow. I have to manually edit URLs so they dont stretch the box and make my right side box too narrow.

you coulld set the column to be fixed width or I guess you dont want the wrap either

topten 05-20-2005 01:46 AM

damn im stumped - spent half a day just trying to get this werkin hehe

anyone with any experience with this able to offer me some assistance?

wmturkey 05-20-2005 10:21 AM

Can anyone help me with the cache errors below?


Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/3f337277b2b2cfd6fcc0a0b953d1b88b
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/e905c9ebbb58c522239df9bfa6cea4cc
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/faa381df8ef97ebee0b979afaf6a08a7
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/7c5945d293bb83bcffa25ccb26f741c5
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/6965bb7e2cd199c6cebfcca7b0c15c30
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/e872bc0799d39b02da412a1fe5bed1ec
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/07199ba6b997fbb1322d6ef8f559a51b
Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/a3fcd87a0c09a0edcc94c99bcd7279eb
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.4
Set-Cookie: bbsessionhash=be8fe0a5677cbc5b73899fd4408e4222; path=/
Set-Cookie: bblastvisit=1116586861; expires=Sat, 20-May-2006 11:01:01 GMT; path=/
Set-Cookie: bblastactivity=1116586861; expires=Sat, 20-May-2006 11:01:01 GMT; path=/
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

wmturkey 05-20-2005 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by topten
no doubt man , so what news rss feed are u using if i may ask?

Check my implementation using 'Aibo' - the Sony robot dog:


I check feeds carefully first, and keep the posting rate quite low.


romeshomey 05-20-2005 01:56 PM

OK, new question.

I eliminated the bots posts from showing up on the search page, but now need to eliminate their posts from being counted on the forum home page.

For example, their posts arent showing up on the search page, but their posts are still counted here.

Your Info:
User: romeshomey
New Posts: 29
New Threads: 27
Private Messages: 0 Unread, Total 20.

How can I eliminate this?

Troy McClure 05-20-2005 02:04 PM


topten 05-20-2005 06:08 PM

my ++++ing host has disabled the PHP option allow_url_fopen


is there going to be anyway I can include an rss feed on my forum without this function?

topten 05-20-2005 06:33 PM

where do I ask general questions on this forum?

mrpotatohead 05-24-2005 04:07 PM


I'm having a problem that has only occured recently.


The bot is starting to post up news stories from the RSS feed that are days or sometimes weeks old as new... why is this? It is not coming up in the actual RSS feed as recent news stories, only in the forum...

Can anyone help?

- Joe

Torqued 05-24-2005 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by mrpotatohead

I'm having a problem that has only occured recently.


The bot is starting to post up news stories from the RSS feed that are days or sometimes weeks old as new... why is this? It is not coming up in the actual RSS feed as recent news stories, only in the forum...

Can anyone help?

- Joe

Check the RSS feed/origin site - I have found that some feeds/sites will recycle older stories if there has not been much traffic.

mrpotatohead 05-24-2005 05:35 PM

Nope it's not that, because it's my own website that I am including the feed from in to the forum... it's very strange!?

- Joe

kyouens 05-24-2005 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by mrpotatohead

I'm having a problem that has only occured recently.


The bot is starting to post up news stories from the RSS feed that are days or sometimes weeks old as new... why is this? It is not coming up in the actual RSS feed as recent news stories, only in the forum...

Can anyone help?

- Joe

Have you noted that the old posts are duplicates, e.g. that they are identical in every way to prior posts? Same post title, content, etc?

Have you noted that the old articles have exceptionally long titles?

Mine was doing that and I edited the code to fix it. If you're having the same problem let me know and I'll post (re-post? can't remember . ..) the fix.


mrpotatohead 05-24-2005 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by kyouens
Have you noted that the old posts are duplicates, e.g. that they are identical in every way to prior posts? Same post title, content, etc?

Have you noted that the old articles have exceptionally long titles?

Mine was doing that and I edited the code to fix it. If you're having the same problem let me know and I'll post (re-post? can't remember . ..) the fix.


Yup, yes to both those Kenny... they do have long titles and yes the duplicates are exactly the same... if you could would you be able to post the fix, I'd be extremely grateful!! :)

- Joe

kyouens 05-25-2005 01:01 AM


Yup, yes to both those Kenny... they do have long titles and yes the duplicates are exactly the same... if you could would you be able to post the fix, I'd be extremely grateful!!
Hey Joe, below I've attatched my description of and workaround for this problem. The shorthand answer, which does involve mucking with the database (so make a backup):

Go into PHPmyadmin (or whatever mySQL client you've got and change the column type of the "title" row of the articlebot_rss_cache table from Varchar(255) to "text". That eliminates a 255 character limit for titles in the feed cache and stops the doubleposting. Note that the thread title ON THE POST will still be limited to 254 characters, but this shouldn't be a problem at all for most people.

I did this about a month ago and I've had no problems at all since that time with doubleposting.

Here's the original stuff below:

Originally Posted by kyouens
Check this out: In my forum, the longest threads have names like this:

Immunohistochemical Stains for p63 and alpha-Methylacyl-CoA Racemase, Versus a Cocktail Comprising Both, in the Diagnosis of Prostatic Carcinoma: A Comparison of the Immunohistochemical Staining of 430 Foci in Radical Prostatectomy and Needle Biopsy

However, the feed itself gives the title as this (ignore the html characters):

Cocktail%20Comprising%20Both%2C%20in%20the%20Diagn osis%20
of%20Prostatic%20Carcinoma%3A%20A%20Comparison%20o f%20
the%20Immunohistochemical%20Staining%20of%20430%20 Foci

These are not identical. If you look, the last part of the feed's title has a few extra words. For some reason, the title is getting truncated as it is being written into the forum, which is why the script, which I believe uses the title and postdate to determine identical-ness, fails to see these as identical.

Now to find the responsible code and drop a major load of hurt on this stupid bug.

Update: The problem is that the title row in the post table (of vbulletin) is of type varchar(250), and some of the full titles are >250 characters. To include the full titles, I may need to change the column type to TEXT. I wonder if this will wreck my vbulletin due to unforeseen badness...I will ask around before I try it and will update the thread.

Update: Fixed the doubleposting of articles with long titles issue. Go into PHPmyadmin and change the column type of the "title" row of the articlebot_rss_cache table from Varchar(255) to "text". That eliminates the 255 character limit for titles in the feed cache and stops the doubleposting. Note that the thread title ON THE POST will still be limited to 254 characters, but this shouldn't be a problem at all for most people.

mrpotatohead 05-25-2005 03:19 PM

Thanks kyouens!! Fingers crossed it works... thanks for your help, much appreciated!

- Joe

Benj 05-25-2005 04:25 PM

my cron gets these errors any ideas tried changing the files permissions

/home/benj/www/articlebot/articlebot.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or
/home/benj/www/articlebot/articlebot.php: line 5: /aquota.user: Permission
/home/benj/www/articlebot/articlebot.php: line 6: syntax error near unexpected
token `|'
/home/benj/www/articlebot/articlebot.php: line 6: ` | articlebot.php, v1.1,

Benj 05-31-2005 08:03 AM


zachlee 06-01-2005 01:38 AM

I am getting the cron error, even though I have set the script to report to /dev/null


/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/football-forums/forums/articlebot/articlebot.php >> /dev/null
my error email I get is:


junk after document element at line 161, column 16
I followed earlier instruction, to change the table type of 'title' in 'articlebot_rss_cache' from 'varchar' to 'text' which eleminated 1 line of the error. What am I missing to fix this?


Marco van Herwaarden 06-01-2005 07:15 AM

And what you have on line 161 (post a few lines before and after)?

zachlee 06-01-2005 11:29 AM

As I check my morning email, I am getting the error on line 145 as well.

attached screenshot of articlebot.php that was uploaded.

bfd21 06-04-2005 09:56 PM

I am trying to install a user as a bot I get the following error

Error: There is no user with ID of 0.

What is this?

I search but found no answer.


venomx 06-04-2005 10:01 PM

You need to creat a user then enter its ID# when making it a bot...

bfd21 06-04-2005 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by venomx
You need to creat a user then enter its ID# when making it a bot...

thanks for the info.

If i can trouble you with one more question?

it seems that I screwed up creating the articlebot template.

can someone explain how to do this?

the threads are showing up, but not content.


popowich 06-05-2005 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by bfd21
it seems that I screwed up creating the articlebot template.
can someone explain how to do this?

AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager

Select "Add new Template" from the dropdown menu in the right frame and follow the template directions from the articlebot readme. The dropdown is the one with "All Style Options" as the first choice.


dsboyce8624 06-05-2005 07:21 PM

Would one of you please point me to where on your systems these posts are going so I can have a look?



simple_john 06-09-2005 10:31 AM

Is there a way that i can flag or change the RSS articles to NOT show up on 'new posts' or active topics??

TTG 06-09-2005 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by popowich
AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager

Select "Add new Template" from the dropdown menu in the right frame and follow the template directions from the articlebot readme. The dropdown is the one with "All Style Options" as the first choice.


your looking in the right place .. :)

Add the new template and all should now work.

thuffner 06-09-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by simple_john
Is there a way that i can flag or change the RSS articles to NOT show up on 'new posts' or active topics??

I'd like to know this as well...

EDIT: Also, to make sure the bot's threads and posts dont count towards the forum and the member list.

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