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pityocamptes 03-04-2015 02:07 AM

Damn, it got all screwed up on the nav bars. Ads are running into it, and the tabs are cutting into the bottom menu options under the nav bar, any idea? Thanks

TheLastSuperman 03-04-2015 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2539467)
Damn, it got all screwed up on the nav bars. Ads are running into it, and the tabs are cutting into the bottom menu options under the nav bar, any idea? Thanks

Look in additional.css for body_wrapper

Adjust the padding/margin-top css and add more room, style is not up in front of me and still sipping coffee so if that's not it let me know and I'll check my copy of the style.

pityocamptes 03-04-2015 11:37 PM

Seems to be messing up the template if I decrease, or increase the number on the far right (104). Anyway to drop the advertising box?:


.body_wrapper {
        margin-top:{vb:math {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height} + {vb:stylevar navbar_tab_size.height} - 104}px;
        padding: {vb:stylevar body_padding};
        background: {vb:stylevar body_background};
        border: 1px solid #707070;
        -moz-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
        -webkit-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
        border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
        -moz-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
        -webkit-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
        box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;

pityocamptes 03-05-2015 12:18 AM

Ok, changed it to 50px and it did separate the ad from the tabs but I noticed that the white line gap between the body and the white line on the bottom of the tabs is not like it was with the original version. Also, how do I get the white lines back on the sides of the tabs like originally? Thanks.

TheLastSuperman 03-07-2015 02:18 AM

Ahh ^ yes you must be using the newer version, there was an issue with how the header displayed the background in prior versions so now it uses the background image to do the line (so view the background by itself, now you see the line. I made the header/logo area a set size) so when you add in a logo that is larger than the included one you must adjust all this including the background image where as previously it moved itself but then the display issue was present and demanded a fix respectfully.

The tabs are part of the navbar template and the white is actually #707070 like you see in the code above so when you edit additional.css you can see where the new lines of css are for the navbar and then copy that to the dbtech tab css if present to also duplicate the lines on the side.

pityocamptes 03-12-2015 12:47 AM

Ok. Sorry for being an idiot but you lost me. So are you saying no chance to fix that?

TheLastSuperman 03-13-2015 05:48 AM

If you're referring to how the silver line goes horizontal across the screen then no, reason being its a stationary background image, someone makes a logo 500px high instead then it makes the navbar go down more and the line is out of sync. Unless I offer to edit the background for everyone who ever needs it then it cannot be done and I'm not offering that - you could ask a friend or graphic designer to redo the background OR make a new one (and in turn simply wrap the entire navbar with the silver line OR remove it entirely as you see here - www.boatchicago.com which btw is what inspired me to create Avenger from the Boat Chicago style, similar ;).

pityocamptes 03-15-2015 05:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Do you think it could be a margin or padding error? See how the whit line goes across the top of the navbar which is not how it is in the vanilla copy. Thanks.

TheLastSuperman 03-15-2015 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2540473)
Do you think it could be a margin or padding error? See how the whit line goes across the top of the navbar which is not how it is in the vanilla copy. Thanks.

It's margin issue, the white line is actually drawn into the entire background... right-click on the background and tell your browser to view the image, see? ;).

So adjust the #navbar / .navbar margin in additional.css so it's less, then it will move up and the very top blue of the navbar where the tabs are, will overlap the white line in the background making it seemingly disappear :cool:.

AnonymousHC 04-28-2015 11:40 AM

Nice Design, will download this later.

pityocamptes 05-09-2015 05:26 PM

OK, fixed the horizontal line below image. The other question I had is I lost the white line that runs vertical along the navtabs, not sure why. I did purchase the dbtech mod for navtabs. Do you know what might be going on? Thanks again!

pityocamptes 05-20-2015 01:52 AM


MarkFL 05-20-2015 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2545181)
OK, fixed the horizontal line below image. The other question I had is I lost the white line that runs vertical along the navtabs, not sure why. I did purchase the dbtech mod for navtabs. Do you know what might be going on? Thanks again!

If you are experiencing an issue resulting from installing an add-on, the best thing to do is post in the thread pertaining to that mod instead of here.

A style designer should not be expected to iron out issues caused by an add-on he/she did not code. :D

pityocamptes 05-20-2015 02:04 AM

Well just wondering if it is a simple fix, padding issue, etc... thanks.

TheLastSuperman 05-20-2015 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2545181)
OK, fixed the horizontal line below image. The other question I had is I lost the white line that runs vertical along the navtabs, not sure why. I did purchase the dbtech mod for navtabs. Do you know what might be going on? Thanks again!

See below.


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2545922)

See below.


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2545924)
If you are experiencing an issue resulting from installing an add-on, the best thing to do is post in the thread pertaining to that mod instead of here.

A style designer should not be expected to iron out issues caused by an add-on he/she did not code. :D

Yes and no, sometimes not even a mod author knows wtheck a designer did in some areas, in situations like that you do something like this or more advanced however 99% of the time, you're comment would be correct but in some situations its best to ask the designer of the style to actually look into the issue you're having.


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2545925)
Well just wondering if it is a simple fix, padding issue, etc... thanks.

pity wtheck are you doing? I can tell you this much and don't take it the wrong way but you're not reading what I took time to type out long ago - that hurts my feelings cha'know! *Laugh with me on that one I'm jesting with you at best lol :p
- See here for info about the dbtech mod that adds a secondary navbar, the fix is listed in post #2 of this thread and if by some off chance it does not fix it for you and I've seemingly stuck my foot in my mouth then let me know otherwise should be sorted :D.

pityocamptes 05-20-2015 10:43 PM

Thanks! I tried that, did not seem to work... oh well...

fionix 05-21-2015 05:36 AM

Is this skin available for VB5.1.7 maybe? or can it be done? please post here or PM.

TheLastSuperman 05-30-2015 03:45 PM

This can be made for 5.1.7, I give permission for YOU or someone you hire to remake this on your site only in 5.1.7 or similar vB5 format, I need nothing no compensation and no need to include link to me or anything at bottom of the style :cool:. I do not give permission for this to be modified then shared etc.

Will I be making this for 5.x series? Not planned at the moment.

e24h 06-06-2015 12:12 AM

No problem. I had to have the main as a category, create a new forum or category and then all my forums beneath this became child to the new forum/category.

On a side note, how do I incorporate Ozzys html markup for the top line where it says welcome and XXXXXXXXX user name? The html markup works everywhere but here... thanks.

TheLastSuperman 06-23-2015 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by e24h (Post 2547213)
No problem. I had to have the main as a category, create a new forum or category and then all my forums beneath this became child to the new forum/category.

On a side note, how do I incorporate Ozzys html markup for the top line where it says welcome and XXXXXXXXX user name? The html markup works everywhere but here... thanks.

I would need to see the mod, I can't simply "quickly" download and review then supply an answer as those mods no longer exist on this site.

dachkraxler 07-18-2015 04:10 AM

How can I change this color in the red frame?


TheLastSuperman 08-13-2015 01:50 AM

Find/Adjust/Add this to additional.css:


#sidebar_container .blocksubhead {
    color: #ffffff;

Adjust the #ffffff to your color! As Shown:

#sidebar_container .blocksubhead {
    color: #FF4400 !important;

What version are you using? vBulletin I mean, haven't seen it do the dark link color unless on a version the style was not made for.

dachkraxler 08-22-2015 11:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2552723)

What version are you using? vBulletin I mean, haven't seen it do the dark link color unless on a version the style was not made for.

Hello, I use version 4.2.2.
Thanks for helping amending
but I still have time, the dark color in the red box.
Can I change it?

mystiksven 09-03-2015 07:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
First wanna say Thanks You for this great style :D

I would like to use it as our default style but i have there a problem with ibProArcade2.7.0+ on your style - you can see it on the screen shot. Can you give me a hint how i can fix this maybe.

Many thanks,


TheLastSuperman 09-05-2015 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by mystiksven (Post 2554211)
First wanna say Thanks You for this great style :D

I would like to use it as our default style but i have there a problem with ibProArcade2.7.0+ on your style - you can see it on the screen shot. Can you give me a hint how i can fix this maybe.

Many thanks,


Follow the information outlined here. That should sort the css issue, it will also perma-fix the arcade to correctly call additional.css (perma-fix until you update it and/or the template is overwritten).

mystiksven 09-05-2015 08:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Many Thanks for your fast reply :D

I got most fixed. There is still onpe part left thant i dun get changed. I didn?t find the templates vB4_ARCADE and additional.css . Also the header logo/nanner isn?t shown.

Have a great weekend :p


TheLastSuperman 09-06-2015 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by mystiksven (Post 2554313)
Many Thanks for your fast reply :D

I got most fixed. There is still onpe part left thant i dun get changed. I didn?t find the templates vB4_ARCADE and additional.css . Also the header logo/nanner isn?t shown.

Have a great weekend :p


When you view the templates, some are a "Family" the ones with the >> arrows, once you double-click the name it expands and list all templates within the templates family so you need to click on >> CSS Templates and expand, additional.css is there at the very top. If its not then you sir are running a severely outdated version because the lack of additional.css was only present in the very early lifespan of vB4.x series and they included it after much demand. Lynne also before it was done created a mod to add additional.css and link to it, just old tidbits of info I spill out from time-to-time :D.

mystiksven 09-07-2015 02:18 PM

Many Thanks TheLastSuperman :D

I installed ibProArcade2.7.2+ on our 4.2.3 vb site. Seems there is no additional.css script on this - i could not find it. :confused:

TheLastSuperman 09-08-2015 09:33 PM

^ Remember, additonal.css is not added by IbProArcade - additional.css is actually a vBulletin template within the CSS template family. Alternatively do you see the vBulletin-chrome.css or other templates there? You *should* be fine posting it at the bottom of one of those css templates I'm not sure why additional.css is not showing, it should and I find that odd just so you know its not the norm.

mystiksven 09-09-2015 05:56 AM

I found the additonal.css now. No idea why i didn?t find it earlier :confused:

Do i need to change something there ?

Many Thanks :D

TheLastSuperman 09-09-2015 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by mystiksven (Post 2554633)
I found the additonal.css now. No idea why i didn?t find it earlier :confused:

Do i need to change something there ?

Many Thanks :D


When someone says anytime in the future to paste code that looks similar to this:


.exampleclass {
color: #000000;
#exampleid {
color: #000000;

You would paste that into additional.css. I wanted to clarify that since you said previously that you could not find the template but now you can.

^ On that same subject though, I need you to understand that you could not find the template additional.css but now you know where it is! So you must do the same thing for the arcade template, you must find it then add the code shown in blue from this post to the arcade template <-- Click that link, follow the instructions in that post to fix your arcade style.

mystiksven 09-10-2015 06:44 AM

Many Thanks :D

netzoner 09-20-2015 01:02 AM

nice thanks alot

TheLastSuperman 09-22-2015 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by dachkraxler (Post 2553440)
Hello, I use version 4.2.2.
Thanks for helping amending
but I still have time, the dark color in the red box.
Can I change it?

ACK! I overlooked this apparently, sorry about that!

Lets see... on my version its not showing recent visitors in the dark color... so not sure what is causing that for you honestly but you can try this fix:

Add this to additional.css:

#sidebar_container .userprof_content a, #sidebar_container .userprof_content a:hover {
    color: #d3ab04 !important;

Again, not sure why its doing that but let me know if that sorts it, should ;).

mangmel 01-07-2016 12:08 PM

tell me where to change header logo ?

found on stylevar / titleimage

Paulski01 01-07-2016 07:02 PM

Any chance this will work with 4.2.3 in the future?

TheLastSuperman 01-08-2016 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by mangmel (Post 2562182)
tell me where to change header logo ?

found on stylevar / titleimage

Great! For others in the future, this is outlined in the mods second post along with other useful information.



Originally Posted by Paulski01 (Post 2562233)
Any chance this will work with 4.2.3 in the future?

Yes'sir :cool:. Soon as I'm not inundated with work I'll update this to work with 4.2.3, I always do updates to free styles in my spare time and as of late with recent Holidays and New Years there has only been time off for family not much free time for el numero uno here honestly (save me ack!!!!!) so soon as I have a few free mins and I'm not already burnt out for the day I'll gladly sit down and update it ;).

Paulski01 01-08-2016 05:39 AM

Many thanks for the info, much appreciated!

Manoel J?nior 02-06-2016 02:35 PM

Hello Last SuperMan help me with a question, please, as you did for notifications, logins and all are at the bottom and not on top?


I liked the way you did, it preserved the banner. I'm currently using template Ultimate Green SEO Themes.

Could you help me how to do?

TheLastSuperman 02-08-2016 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 2564341)
Hello Last SuperMan help me with a question, please, as you did for notifications, logins and all are at the bottom and not on top?


I liked the way you did, it preserved the banner. I'm currently using template Ultimate Green SEO Themes.

Could you help me how to do?

Do a "search in templates" for .toplinks

It should be in the vbulletin-chrome.css template but in your custom or purchased style might be in additional.css if they've made any changes to that css class.


.toplinks {
        {vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*2};
        color:{vb:stylevar toplinks_link_color};
        font: {vb:stylevar header_font};
        text-align:{vb:stylevar right};
        background:{vb:stylevar toplinks_background};

Change the "top:0;" to a new number then save and also refresh the forum page to see how it looks. If 10 does not work then change it to 10px (this is just to test) and see if it moves, once you see it move you can then keep entering in a new amount until it's positioned correctly.

Alternatively you can add this to additional.css template:


.toplinks {
        margin-top:100px !important;

^ Same as with the other example i.e. change the 100px to a new value until it's positioned correctly.

Let me know ;).

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