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PitchouneN64ngc 06-19-2008 09:01 PM

I didn't check with 2.2.9-post1 installation (i'm busy by translating it in French and a lot of others things) and I have seen a little translation error.

Phrase 'll_perms_report_email', there is some unnecessary <em></em>.


Action taken on <em>Report Entry</em>. 0: Email <em></em> users, 1: As 0 plus category/forum  moderators, 2: As 1 plus all VB moderators, 3: As 2 plus all VB supermoderators and administrators.
This line is the only one which isn't translated.

Edit: an other bug:

When you have some saved searches in the search menu, the DOI lines (to be searched) has a wrong colspan.

PS: i'm finishing to translate it with the first release of LDM 2.2.9 and I will check for news in 2.2.9-post1 just after ;)

Edit 2: translation finished - look your PMs ;)

chronoshift 06-21-2008 12:06 AM

I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function check_LDM_envt() in /var/www/mysite.com/forum/admincp/plugin.php(1985) : eval()'d code on line 22

when trying to install the product

AndrewD 06-21-2008 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by chronoshift (Post 1555024)
I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function check_LDM_envt() in /var/www/mysite.com/forum/admincp/plugin.php(1985) : eval()'d code on line 22

when trying to install the product

Check that you have uploaded all the php files into the right places. They should follow the directory structure in release/forums. The installer is trying to find a function that is in includes/local_links_admininclude.php

chronoshift 06-21-2008 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1555172)
Check that you have uploaded all the php files into the right places. They should follow the directory structure in release/forums. The installer is trying to find a function that is in includes/local_links_admininclude.php

I'm pretty sure I uploaded it all in the correct directory structure

I just checked and local_links_admininclude.php is in /mysite.com/forum/includes/

josiespencer 06-21-2008 03:16 PM

AndrewD, just thought I would give you some more information. It looks like the reason a user can get into the hidden category files is because of my cookies being on the same server. When I tried the test with george on a newly imaged server, the problem did not occur. So it looks like your download agreement logic is causing the probem.

I try to download a file for the first time as BeauBeau:

But your download Continue screen shifts me back to SSULibrarian - I don't know if this is because of cookies or the Remember Me option being "on":


Hope this helps.

AndrewD 06-21-2008 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by josiespencer (Post 1555467)
AndrewD, just thought I would give you some more information. It looks like the reason a user can get into the hidden category files is because of my cookies being on the same server. When I tried the test with george on a newly imaged server, the problem did not occur. So it looks like your download agreement logic is causing the probem.

I try to download a file for the first time as BeauBeau:

But your download Continue screen shifts me back to SSULibrarian - I don't know if this is because of cookies or the Remember Me option being "on":


Hope this helps.

I don't think it's my download agreement logic that's causing the problem. If you take a look at those two screens, you'll see that one of them is for uber-goober.com and the other is for www.uber-goober.com. These have different cookies, so you are shown different users. This happens when the vbulletin admin/options/sitename settings identify the site differently from your site entry urls.

As I said in a PM a couple of weeks ago, you've got at least some, if not all, of an old release of LDM installed - I can see that from the LDM admin settings screen, which has the layout from onne of the alpha or beta 2.2.9 releases.

AndrewD 06-21-2008 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by chronoshift (Post 1555451)
I'm pretty sure I uploaded it all in the correct directory structure

I just checked and local_links_admininclude.php is in /mysite.com/forum/includes/

Make sure it's not the version left from an old installation. The function was renamed going from version 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 (part of the process of avoiding problems between LDM and other hacks)

AndrewD 06-21-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1553639)
Yeah, using the LDM import/export features :D

I think this requires a rewrite of the ldm import code to deal correctly with extended characters. I'll put it on the list of things to do, but I don't think I can make this change quickly.

Cyborg86 06-21-2008 10:41 PM


I have a problem. Whenever I enter a link (remote or local) for a file, the link duplicates as you you can see in the attached file. So, when I have 6 entries for example and I choose a value of 6 for (links_per_page) from Entry Display Settings, I only see the first 3 entries on the page, and there is no button or something that takes me to the other 3 entries. But, when I enter a value of 12, I see all the 6 entries. Hope there is a solution for that, and thanks for this great mod and your effort.

AndrewD 06-22-2008 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Cyborg86 (Post 1555710)

I have a problem. Whenever I enter a link (remote or local) for a file, the link duplicates as you you can see in the attached file. So, when I have 6 entries for example and I choose a value of 6 for (links_per_page) from Entry Display Settings, I only see the first 3 entries on the page, and there is no button or something that takes me to the other 3 entries. But, when I enter a value of 12, I see all the 6 entries. Hope there is a solution for that, and thanks for this great mod and your effort.

I thinhk you're pointing to two different things.

The missing entries are caused by a bug in 2.2.9 which occurs when entries have different display orders (which I can see you are using). The fix is provided in the local_links_include.php file in the header post. Just upload that file into your forum/includes directory and the problem should be fixed. Please let me know.

I will merge this into the main zip file very shortly as part of the 2.2.9-post1 release, but I am waiting on resolving someone else's problem before doing so.

On the second point, the duplication of file names on your admin/mass edit page, this is quite different. The first (top line) url in each box is the one you provided for the entry url box on the 'add entry' form and the second is the one you entered into the thumbnail image box. I'm not sure why you are specifying an rar file for the thumbnail image?

Cyborg86 06-22-2008 10:31 AM


I uploaded the updated local_links_include.php, and the missing entries issue was solved. Regarding the second problem, actually the 2nd link looks like the top one but it is pointing to the thumbnail image. So, when I click on the 2nd link (even if it is same as the top one) it doesn't direct me to the file, it directs me to the image. So, It just has a similar name to the file link.

AndrewD 06-22-2008 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1551231)
OK... now my add to the wishlist XD

One of my forums have asian characters or kanji in the files description, when i export and reimported the LDM class, every kanji was a "?"

Is there a way to allow strange characters be exported and reimported, of course, just in case :p

This caused me to lose a bit more hair (not much left).

The attached file modifies the import process to process kanji, etc, provided these are being handled in the form of extended html entities. (This is the default behaviour, as far as I can tell, but I'm not an expert on utf8 and the like.)

If you want to give it a try, be my guest. I'd appreciate a report. Just replace this file in your forum/includes directory. It doesn't change the export file; just processes the import file with a little more intelligence.

NB: This will only work if your php installation supports the *mbstring* extension (you can check by going to vb/admin/maintenance/phpinfo and scrolling down to look for that section).

AndrewD 06-22-2008 06:20 PM


22.06.08 version 2.2.9 post1 [Works with vb 3.6 and 3.7]

'Accept Site Terms'
Modified logic to make it work in a more rational manner when handling direct links to entries

Added 'hide-magnifier' extra to remove magnifier icon when image is smaller than icon size
Added 'tab-ldm-search' code for Ajax tabs

vba modules
Added 'show random entries' module
Discontinued versionist variation
Extended 'list categories' module with configuration params

Bug fixes
Fixed bug in forum autoannounce code (errors not displayed if site had turned off redirect panes)
Fixed bug in entrybits code miscounting entries with different display_orders
Fixed bug in local_stream.php + WMP which logged out users who had not checked 'remember me' box
Fixed bug blocking downloads when force_redirect=1/local_file_root=0
Cached templates properly when moderating
Corrected minor template errors
Form buttons consistently use 'button' class

TrIn@dOr 06-23-2008 02:05 AM


After upgraded, and uploaded the spanish phrases all the forum turned on a reverse look!!



Fixed!!, something is wrong in the _es post1 file!, i needed to reupload my language file!!

AndrewD 06-23-2008 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by TrIn@dOr (Post 1556467)

After upgraded, and uploaded the spanish phrases all the forum turned on a reverse look!!



Fixed!!, something is wrong in the _es post1 file!, i needed to reupload my language file!!

Apologies. The third line of the spanish phrases should read

<language name="Espa?ol" vbversion="3.7.1" product="eirma_ldm" type="phrases">
and not


<language name="Espa?ol" vbversion="3.7.1" product="eirma_ldm" type="custom">

abdelghani68 06-23-2008 04:06 PM

I have installed the flash-sites but when I add a video from dailymotion, it is written that the link is not valid when i clic. youtube works fine...

Can you help me please, thanks.

Gholsie 06-23-2008 06:03 PM

Had an error while trying to upload a file.

*** Unable to parse for XML file Array - error at line 1

AndrewD 06-23-2008 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gholsie (Post 1557041)
Had an error while trying to upload a file.

*** Unable to parse for XML file Array - error at line 1

I've never seen an error like this. Can you give more information?

AndrewD 06-23-2008 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1556937)
I have installed the flash-sites but when I add a video from dailymotion, it is written that the link is not valid when i clic. youtube works fine...

Can you help me please, thanks.

Thanks. Probably dailymotion has changed its flash coding since the extra was last checked. Will try to investigate.

sparklywater 06-23-2008 09:19 PM

Is it possible to run multiple 'LDM databases/directories' at the same time using a single installation of LDM, ie. one for 'links', one for 'downloads', one for 'picture-gallery', etc? I don't see the option to do this, can someone please direct me to the relevant info?

obmob 06-23-2008 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1556058)
This caused me to lose a bit more hair (not much left).

The attached file modifies the import process to process kanji, etc, provided these are being handled in the form of extended html entities. (This is the default behaviour, as far as I can tell, but I'm not an expert on utf8 and the like.)

If you want to give it a try, be my guest. I'd appreciate a report. Just replace this file in your forum/includes directory. It doesn't change the export file; just processes the import file with a little more intelligence.

NB: This will only work if your php installation supports the *mbstring* extension (you can check by going to vb/admin/maintenance/phpinfo and scrolling down to look for that section).

Andrew is baldy now? >.<

I'm glad to tell you it worked perfectly! ^^


AndrewD 06-24-2008 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by sparklywater (Post 1557213)
Is it possible to run multiple 'LDM databases/directories' at the same time using a single installation of LDM, ie. one for 'links', one for 'downloads', one for 'picture-gallery', etc? I don't see the option to do this, can someone please direct me to the relevant info?

LDM is not set up to run completely separate directories at the same time from the same code files, although I think it could be hacked to do so without much difficulty.

Why not simply set up separate base categories for links, downloads, photos, etc, and then provide direct url links into these categories? You can easily set up different access permissions, settings, etc for teh different categories.

AndrewD 06-24-2008 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1557271)
Andrew is baldy now? >.<

Increasingly so


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1557271)
I'm glad to tell you it worked perfectly! ^^


I'll find a way to incorporate this into the next release as a standard feature.

dkny 06-24-2008 03:59 PM

first off I love your product, it's great and have been using it for a year on 3.6.

I upgraded my forum over the weekend and uploaded your product to the latest version. I cant get it to work though, in settings it under where my files are stored (which I didn't change), it gives me the following error:

upload_dir : /forum/uploads/99/
Cannot access or create directory /forum/uploads/99/ [/forum/uploads/99/ not within permitted open_basedir /home/ncc: /usr/lib/php: /usr/local/lib/php: /tmp]

AndrewD 06-24-2008 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by dkny (Post 1557857)
first off I love your product, it's great and have been using it for a year on 3.6.

I upgraded my forum over the weekend and uploaded your product to the latest version. I cant get it to work though, in settings it under where my files are stored (which I didn't change), it gives me the following error:

upload_dir : /forum/uploads/99/
Cannot access or create directory /forum/uploads/99/ [/forum/uploads/99/ not within permitted open_basedir /home/ncc: /usr/lib/php: /usr/local/lib/php: /tmp]

From the look of your error message, you've got the LDM admin setting *local_file_root* turned off (i.e. store files outside the web directory), and your web server has open_basedir set, so that PHP is only allowed to access files in the named directories. The message says that your upload directory is not within the space allowed by open_basedir.

If everything was working before and none of these settings have changed, I find that strange.

I imagine that you mean to have *local_file_root* turned on (presumably you want to store your uploads in a subdirectory of your forums directory). Easiest approach is
* clear the upload directory and save the settings
* set local_file_root on and save the settings
* reset the upload directory

roymogg 06-24-2008 07:21 PM

Hi Andrew

This mod went in a treat - still playing with the layouts before I go live.

I have had a problem with using the mod to include asx media files get a white screen when I select a media file - have uploaded the product as normal from the extras director and all seems OK (also added the asx to attachments).

However I cannot access the 'import radio-stations admin tab as I (as administrator) am advised I do not have permissions. I cannot see where this is set in the settings permissions area.

Can you help point me in the right direction.



Bexter 06-24-2008 08:55 PM

Ok, so i've got this installed on my site, it's great.
However, im also an admin on another site which has this installed. The main admin installed it there. Now when adding files to them both I've noticed that on his site, I'm able to upload an image as well for the file, but I cant get that on my site. Ive looked through all the settings on both sites and changed pretty much all the settings, except the ones which I want customised for my site and I know have nothing to do with it. They dont have any extra plugins installed, I downloaded the latest version thinking that could be why, but nope, still dont get the upload an image option. Is there something I might be missing :S.

dkny 06-24-2008 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1557869)
From the look of your error message, you've got the LDM admin setting *local_file_root* turned off (i.e. store files outside the web directory), and your web server has open_basedir set, so that PHP is only allowed to access files in the named directories. The message says that your upload directory is not within the space allowed by open_basedir.

If everything was working before and none of these settings have changed, I find that strange.

I imagine that you mean to have *local_file_root* turned on (presumably you want to store your uploads in a subdirectory of your forums directory). Easiest approach is
* clear the upload directory and save the settings
* set local_file_root on and save the settings
* reset the upload directory

thank you that helped, works fine now.

AndrewD 06-25-2008 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Bexter (Post 1558078)
Ok, so i've got this installed on my site, it's great.
However, im also an admin on another site which has this installed. The main admin installed it there. Now when adding files to them both I've noticed that on his site, I'm able to upload an image as well for the file, but I cant get that on my site. Ive looked through all the settings on both sites and changed pretty much all the settings, except the ones which I want customised for my site and I know have nothing to do with it. They dont have any extra plugins installed, I downloaded the latest version thinking that could be why, but nope, still dont get the upload an image option. Is there something I might be missing :S.

The 'Add Entry' form has up to four fields for url/url upload/image/image upload, see attached picture. Check which of these are visible for you.

The two Image fields only appear when the setting *link_imagesize* is >0.

The two Upload fields only appear when uploading is both enabled and allowed for the current user. It's enabled if the *upload_enabled* setting is on; it's allowed if the LDM permission *can_upload_files* is on for the curent user group.

Get back to me if this doesn't help.

AndrewD 06-25-2008 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by roymogg (Post 1558014)
Hi Andrew

This mod went in a treat - still playing with the layouts before I go live.

I have had a problem with using the mod to include asx media files get a white screen when I select a media file - have uploaded the product as normal from the extras director and all seems OK (also added the asx to attachments).

White screens usually mean a php error which gets caught up with vbulletin's screen handling. To find out if this is the case, go to vbulletin/admin/options/cookies and html headers and unset the 'gzip html output' option. Then try again and see if you get something other than the white screen. I'll also investigate.


Originally Posted by roymogg (Post 1558014)
I cannot access the 'import radio-stations admin tab as I (as administrator) am advised I do not have permissions. I cannot see where this is set in the settings permissions area.

My mistake - I've been too rigorous with the error checking. Will post a fix as soon as possible. Sorry.

Bexter 06-25-2008 07:52 AM

Ah thank you, i didn't realise that one needed to be filled in, id left it blank so it would use the value of Thumbnail Size from the VB admincp. Putting 0 in didn't work either, but i changed it to 120 and it now works thanks :D

juzernie 06-25-2008 01:45 PM

great product! but when i tried to navigate through the subfolders from the main site at http://forum.xxx.com/ while being logged in, i get logged out and i realise this is due to a change in the URL from http://forum.xxx.com/ to http://www.xxx.com/forum/.

Is there anyway to work around it? thanks in advance!

AndrewD 06-25-2008 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by juzernie (Post 1558605)
great product! but when i tried to navigate through the subfolders from the main site at http://forum.xxx.com/ while being logged in, i get logged out and i realise this is due to a change in the URL from http://forum.xxx.com/ to http://www.xxx.com/forum/.

Is there anyway to work around it? thanks in advance!

Take a look at the forum url you have set up on your vb admincp/options/site name url. LDM picks this up and uses it in the urls

roymogg 06-25-2008 04:19 PM


I have carefully gone through the permissions in general and have ensured unregistered can download attachments (obviously including asx now) but not see the thread this is because I only want registered users to actually be able to get downloads as an encouragement to join in general - the test radio stream now loads up with the Jukebox. So it looks as if permissions was the problem.

Still cannot access upload radio stations however - although this is not critical



juzernie 06-25-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1558729)
Take a look at the forum url you have set up on your vb admincp/options/site name url. LDM picks this up and uses it in the urls

hi andrew, thanks! it worked! :D

juzernie 06-25-2008 05:17 PM

another quick question. i got this message which says,

"Possible inconsistencies between LDM and its environment
- upload_max_filesize 64M > post_max_size 10M in php.ini file - Large uploads may fail without warning"

all i know is the upload max file size is bigger than the post max size. what is the difference between these 2 and is there any setting which i can amend to get rid of the message?

AndrewD 06-25-2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by juzernie (Post 1558775)
another quick question. i got this message which says,

"Possible inconsistencies between LDM and its environment
- upload_max_filesize 64M > post_max_size 10M in php.ini file - Large uploads may fail without warning"

all i know is the upload max file size is bigger than the post max size. what is the difference between these 2 and is there any setting which i can amend to get rid of the message?

These are parameters in the php.ini file which controls your web server. They both place limits on the maximum size of uploads. There is a potential problem when post_max_size is smaller than upload_max_filesize. If a user tries to upload a file that is bigger than post_max_size but smaller than upload_max_filesize, some versions of php are unable to give proper error messages. The solution is that post_max_size should be set to a value that is bigger than upload_max_filesize

AndrewD 06-25-2008 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by roymogg (Post 1558731)
Still cannot access upload radio stations however - although this is not critical

Yes, I know what the problem is. I will upload the fix when I have the chance.

obmob 06-27-2008 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1557402)
I'll find a way to incorporate this into the next release as a standard feature.

Thanks! :3

stwilson 06-27-2008 05:01 AM

Is there any way you can allow for multiple attachments and multiple images per entry? That would be killer.

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