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-   -   Major Additions - Yet Another Awards System 2.1.4 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=142487)

Xanlamin 08-24-2008 04:47 PM

The author is no longer supporting this mod.

If you are running 3.7.x or higher of vBulletin and you would like support please upgrade to this mod:


ndut 08-27-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Xanlamin (Post 1605516)
Postbit: Display
Do you want to show awards in user's postbit (display in all posts that user send)

:) already choose yes, to show in postbit.. :)
but still not showed in postbit.. :)

Xanlamin 08-27-2008 05:07 PM

Then you did not do the template edit for the postbit, if you run postbit_legecy you must do it to that also.

KarenneLyn 09-06-2008 02:08 AM

Does anyone know if there is a way to give multiple people the same award at the same time? i.e. I have 199 people to give an award to and I would like to give it one time instead of 199 times to them. Same message, same award.

Anyone have any idea how to do this? Or if it is possible and I just can't figure it out?

Xanlamin 09-08-2008 05:39 PM

Not currently possible by default

gamerfu 09-11-2008 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by KarenneLyn (Post 1615573)
Does anyone know if there is a way to give multiple people the same award at the same time? i.e. I have 199 people to give an award to and I would like to give it one time instead of 199 times to them. Same message, same award.

Anyone have any idea how to do this? Or if it is possible and I just can't figure it out?

Make this suggestion for the YAAS 4.0. Very nice suggestion. I have this delima too. :o

zhabbo 09-12-2008 08:44 PM

Do i have to edit the templates in this version?


Xanlamin 09-13-2008 01:05 AM

In 2.1.4 yes, in 4.0 no

SVTCobraLTD 09-15-2008 07:12 PM

I originally had this mod installed. Then I upgrade to the newest version but since the awards were not showing up in my profiles, I switched back to this version. Now when I try and add an award, it does not add them to the awards manager section. Any ideas why it would not be adding the awards?

letsjoy 10-02-2008 04:32 PM

Please launch for 3.7+...we will be thank ful :)

SVTCobraLTD 10-02-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by letsjoy (Post 1635762)
Please launch for 3.7+...we will be thank ful :)

One page back had this... https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1594424

saviola8x 10-10-2008 10:34 AM

Mark as Installed.

Jelmertjee 10-31-2008 04:06 PM

I wasn't really satisfied with the postbit awards position so decided to add one manually myself, it looks like this:


How can you do it?

1. open the postbit template and add a new hook where you want the awards, in my case it was the <td> between the left and right of the userinfo, for me it looked like this:


<td width="100%">$template_hook[postbit_userinfo_center]</td>
Such a hook is just an identifier for all sorts of plugins so they can add stuff to templates automatically, now we need to tell our plugin to use this new hook.

2. in your admincp go into plugins, under awards open YAAS in Posbit

Now replace:

                                eval('$template_hook[\'postbit_userinfo_right\'] .= "' . fetch_template('awards_postbit_display') . '";');


                                eval('$template_hook[\'postbit_userinfo_center\'] .= "' . fetch_template('awards_postbit_display') . '";');

I'm assuming you're using the default position in your award settings (admincp), we're basically changing it to the hook we've just made in the template, that's all.

I also added some custom css to better style this, first open the template awards_postbit_display, I've changed it like this, adding a div with a class around it to get some css control:

HTML Code:

<!-- show awards -->
<if condition="$post[showuserawards]">
<div class="postbit_awards">
<fieldset><legend><a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]&tab=myawards" title="$vbphrase[more_awards]">$vbphrase[award_showcase]</a></legend>
<a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]&tab=myawards" title="$vbphrase[more_awards]">$vbphrase[total_awards]</a>: $post[num_awards]
<!-- /show awards -->

Then add this bit of css to your custom css definitions:
HTML Code:

.postbit_awards{float: left}
of course you can adjust this further to your liking, this makes it float to the left instead of the full width, you could also use float:right instead.

This looks a lot better and saves space, hope you like it.

TheLastSuperman 10-31-2008 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jelmertjee (Post 1656706)
I wasn't really satisfied with the postbit awards position so decided to add one manually myself, it looks like this:


How can you do it?

1. open the postbit template and add a new hook where you want the awards, in my case it was the <td> between the left and right of the userinfo, for me it looked like this:


<td width="100%">$template_hook[postbit_userinfo_center]</td>
Such a hook is just an identifier for all sorts of plugins so they can add stuff to templates automatically, now we need to tell our plugin to use this new hook.

2. in your admincp go into plugins, under awards open YAAS in Posbit

Now replace:

                                eval('$template_hook[\'postbit_userinfo_right\'] .= "' . fetch_template('awards_postbit_display') . '";');


                                eval('$template_hook[\'postbit_userinfo_center\'] .= "' . fetch_template('awards_postbit_display') . '";');

I'm assuming you're using the default position in your award settings (admincp), we're basically changing it to the hook we've just made in the template, that's all.

I also added some custom css to better style this, first open the template awards_postbit_display, I've changed it like this, adding a div with a class around it to get some css control:

HTML Code:

<!-- show awards -->
<if condition="$post[showuserawards]">
<div class="postbit_awards">
<fieldset><legend><a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]&tab=myawards" title="$vbphrase[more_awards]">$vbphrase[award_showcase]</a></legend>
<a href="member.php?u=$post[userid]&tab=myawards" title="$vbphrase[more_awards]">$vbphrase[total_awards]</a>: $post[num_awards]
<!-- /show awards -->

Then add this bit of css to your custom css definitions:
HTML Code:

.postbit_awards{float: left}
of course you can adjust this further to your liking, this makes it float to the left instead of the full width, you could also use float:right instead.

This looks a lot better and saves space, hope you like it.

AND... you know you can remove the border and text and display just the image right :D

See here for a similar code reference --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....57&postcount=3

So basically the Rank or in this mods case.. Awards would be displayed just as the images themselves and between your guns image and your name!

TheLastSuperman 10-31-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by gamerfu (Post 1619590)
Make this suggestion for the YAAS 4.0. Very nice suggestion. I have this delima too. :o

Hmmmmm, nice suggestion.... I'll look into this for the Rank mod I support and get back to ya as I will add it into my Award Mod when I do!

bluesoul 11-09-2008 03:26 PM

Sorry for not perusing the entire thread but is there a simple way to remove either the icon or image column from being displayed? I don't really need both for what we're using it for.

EDIT: Got it, reading through the settings is pro.

SVTCobraLTD 11-16-2008 01:45 AM

On 3.6.11 I try and give an award but the keeps saying

Content Encoding Error       

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.       

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    * Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

when trying to access "http://sitename.com/forums/admincp/award.php?do=dogiveaward".

Any ideas? I have given away more than 20 awards without any problems. It happens both in firefox and IE.

home9000 01-02-2009 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Simetrical (Post 1292972)
This is a nice mod. Unfortunately, it crashed my site when this query was run repeatedly during a period of high load (23 times over, running between 78 and 208 seconds, as of just before I started killing them):

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid
    ->                        FROM post AS post
    ->                        INNER JOIN award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
    ->                        INNER JOIN award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
    ->                        WHERE 1=1
    ->                        GROUP BY au.issue_id
    ->                        ORDER BY au.issue_time DESC;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref                    | rows  | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | au    | ALL    | NULL          | NULL    | NULL    | NULL                    |  117 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a    | eq_ref | PRIMARY      | PRIMARY | 2      | totalwar_vb.au.award_id |    1 | Using where                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | post  | ref    | userid        | userid  | 4      | totalwar_vb.au.userid  | 25005 | Using where                    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

While I'm no MySQL expert, it seems that this attempts to copy the entirety of the post table to a temporary table, in my case about 1.5 million rows. I've tracked the query down to the showthread_query hook:
PHP Code:

        // Obtain list of awards for current user
$alluserawards =  $db->query_read("
            SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid 
            FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "post AS post
            INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
            INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
            WHERE 1=1 
iif((!empty($ids)), "AND post.postid IN (0" $ids ")") ."
iif((!empty($cache_postids)), "AND post.postid IN (" $cache_postids ")") ."
            GROUP BY au.issue_id

$ua $db->fetch_array($alluserawards))
$userawardscache[$ua['userid']][$ua['issue_id']] = $ua;

Apparently this fails to account for the possibility that $ids and $cache_postids are both empty. I have no idea why it would or would not be reasonable to account for that, because I don't know what either of those variables is, but at any rate, if they both are empty things are not very good. I've wrapped the whole thing in a conditional checking whether both are empty, just not setting anything if they both are. I'd appreciate any response.

I have the same problem any solution or workaround ?

home9000 01-03-2009 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Simetrical (Post 1292972)
This is a nice mod. Unfortunately, it crashed my site when this query was run repeatedly during a period of high load (23 times over, running between 78 and 208 seconds, as of just before I started killing them):

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid
    ->                        FROM post AS post
    ->                        INNER JOIN award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
    ->                        INNER JOIN award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
    ->                        WHERE 1=1
    ->                        GROUP BY au.issue_id
    ->                        ORDER BY au.issue_time DESC;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref                    | rows  | Extra                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | au    | ALL    | NULL          | NULL    | NULL    | NULL                    |  117 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a    | eq_ref | PRIMARY      | PRIMARY | 2      | totalwar_vb.au.award_id |    1 | Using where                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | post  | ref    | userid        | userid  | 4      | totalwar_vb.au.userid  | 25005 | Using where                    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

While I'm no MySQL expert, it seems that this attempts to copy the entirety of the post table to a temporary table, in my case about 1.5 million rows. I've tracked the query down to the showthread_query hook:
PHP Code:

        // Obtain list of awards for current user
$alluserawards =  $db->query_read("
            SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid 
            FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "post AS post
            INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
            INNER JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
            WHERE 1=1 
iif((!empty($ids)), "AND post.postid IN (0" $ids ")") ."
iif((!empty($cache_postids)), "AND post.postid IN (" $cache_postids ")") ."
            GROUP BY au.issue_id

$ua $db->fetch_array($alluserawards))
$userawardscache[$ua['userid']][$ua['issue_id']] = $ua;

Apparently this fails to account for the possibility that $ids and $cache_postids are both empty. I have no idea why it would or would not be reasonable to account for that, because I don't know what either of those variables is, but at any rate, if they both are empty things are not very good. I've wrapped the whole thing in a conditional checking whether both are empty, just not setting anything if they both are. I'd appreciate any response.

I have to remove this hack because this issue
It's make my site down 10 time per day

I am looking to another hack

Thank for you all

Tarfandestan 01-03-2009 10:24 PM

Im using this hack for my forum.
but when I give an award to one of users, it doesn't show in his/her posts.
and when I give an award to one of moderators, its correctly add to his/her posts.
what's wrong?

8dayssooner 01-06-2009 08:53 PM

Did you make the template edits that are stated in the DOCS folder, in 'awards_install_template.html'?

I had this problem, until i saw the template edits, now all is fine.

EagleNick 02-07-2009 01:20 AM

This seems to work on 3.8.... has anybody experienced any issues?

XFSImperial 02-15-2009 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by EagleNick (Post 1736669)
This seems to work on 3.8.... has anybody experienced any issues?

Nope, works great with 3.8

gushil 03-04-2009 07:22 AM

it is me or MEMBERINFO template is different in 3.8?
can't find appropriate code segment from MEMBERINFO

Kadence 03-25-2009 04:54 AM

In the /uploads/admincp folder, there's an avatar.php file. In my /admincp this file already exists, and the install.txt file doesn't list avatar.php as a file needed for the installation.

Should I overwrite my avatar.php file with the one in uploads?

walshymyster 04-08-2009 03:16 PM

anyone created a tool for mass awarding the medals?

ive seen it done on another site but wanted the code.

Hamma 04-09-2009 11:30 AM

Anyone have a site where I could see a demo of this?

Xanlamin 04-09-2009 12:05 PM

memberinfo changed when in 3.7 along with the addition of tabs in 3.7, this mod does not work in 3.7/3.8 without modification.

Here is a link to one that is compaitable: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ghlight=awards

GeekStep 04-12-2009 07:28 PM

Where is the download link?
I did enter vbulletin.org in my vbulletin.com members panel but still cant see the download link!

insidedesign 01-09-2010 10:51 PM

Going out on a limb here, but will this mod be available for vb 4.0 at any time? We would really like to use it!

Xanlamin 01-10-2010 04:06 AM

keep updated at the 3.8 version, there is talk about 4.0 as well. We do not support versions for 3.6 nor 3.7, only 3.8 and 4.0

Flugel 01-24-2010 11:35 PM

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to set up automated awards with this hack?

Controversial - user with most replies to a thread
Chatterbox - user with most posts during the week

or are awards only manually given?

KarenneLyn 01-25-2010 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Flugel (Post 1965690)
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to set up automated awards with this hack?

Controversial - user with most replies to a thread
Chatterbox - user with most posts during the week

or are awards only manually given?

I wanted this to because I was spending SO MUCH time handing the awards out. I was lucky enough to hire a genius who set it all up for me, DigitalCrowd, Inc. - scottw@digitalcrowd.com

He set it all up and I have not had any problems since.

I hope that helps!

Xanlamin 01-25-2010 02:14 PM

What version of vBulletin you guys running?

GoBoiano 06-15-2010 12:29 AM


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.5:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT userid, username
                        FROM vb_user
                        WHERE username = 'Poppin' dragon';

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'dragon'' at line 3
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Monday, June 14th 2010 @ 06:27:38 PM
Error Date    : Monday, June 14th 2010 @ 06:27:38 PM
Script        : http://www.goboiano.com/admincp/award.php?do=dogiveaward
Referrer      : http://www.goboiano.com/admincp/award.php?do=awardusers&award_id=2
IP Address    :
Username      : Naji
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-log

Can someone tell me what the issue is with this? I tried to give members a award or have them request them, but this code comes up every single time you request or issue an award.

Xanlamin 06-15-2010 07:01 AM

LOL...thats an easy one.....Do not run the 3.6 version of the awards system on a 3.8 vbulletin forum system.

Only Awards System we support is the one for 3.8 and 4.0, 3.6 and 3.7 are no longer supported.

Please read what version of vBulletin a mod is for before you download it and install it.

GoBoiano 06-15-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Xanlamin (Post 2053900)
LOL...thats an easy one.....Do not run the 3.6 version of the awards system on a 3.8 vbulletin forum system.

Only Awards System we support is the one for 3.8 and 4.0, 3.6 and 3.7 are no longer supported.

Please read what version of vBulletin a mod is for before you download it and install it.

Yeah. I just noticed that earlier today. v.v Thanks for the help though.

Zighinno 01-27-2011 09:19 AM

Hi, i have one problem with show awards in postbit.

Firefox is ok, but chrome and opera no

See the image for example

Any idea for resolve this?


1) Firefox 2) Chrome 3) Opera

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