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rjordan 09-10-2007 07:33 PM

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, I have to ask this. To have multiple forms, you have to change the XML, rename it, and upload it? Is that correct? It is somewhat confusing the way it is described and I could not find a solid answer through the thread.

xandizitxu 09-11-2007 02:38 AM

Got it working! Sorry for the trouble thanks!

Deepdog009 09-11-2007 05:19 PM

PHP Code:


//ENABLE FORM TO BE POSTED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formforum "1";

//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
if ($dropdownanswer2 == "Title here")
$formforumid "11";
if (
$dropdownanswer2 == "Title here 1")
$formforumid "5";
if (
$dropdownanswer2 == "Title here 2")
$formforumid "17";
if (
$dropdownanswer2 == "Title here 3")
$formforumid "9";
if (
$dropdownanswer2 == "Title here 4")
$formforumid "32";

//ENABLE POLL TO BE CREATED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpoll "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";

//Make poll public - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$pollpublic "0";


POSTING 2 FORUMS ??????????????????????????????????

Many ways, but this may help U

xanthide 09-15-2007 12:25 PM

i have changed my newthread to

but now i have a small prob..
what should i change this line to then?
$formforumid = "2";

Deepdog009 09-17-2007 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by xanthide (Post 1339454)
i have changed my newthread to

but now i have a small prob..
what should i change this line to then?
$formforumid = "2";

Not sure Xanthide,,, Im still learning on the PHP side of things with vBulletin...
Im more of a graphics guy,,, but I've been getting better with java and php,,, thank god...

What are ya trying 2 do???

Ask ABE1

OneEyeSleepy 09-20-2007 06:33 PM

Sorry, I am a new user and already installed this Mod. I read your brief documentation but how do you use it? I can edit the form and save it into a text file, where do I put it into?

vien 09-21-2007 12:06 PM

You guys should be careful with this bug.

This happens with topics which are created by this hack.

When an user chooses option "Instant email notification" in "Default Thread Subscription Mode", then the moderators move those topics (that user subscribed) to moderator areas or somewhere that user can't access, but emails were still sent out to nofify that user about all the replied messages.

Sometimes the administrators and moderators discuss about that user in those topic are created by this hack, he/she also knows everything even he/she can't access to the area where the topics has been moved in.

Please advise.


MoJo Smirnoff 09-23-2007 11:06 PM

can someone please help me...i got the form all done...but i have no submit button. i guess i might have deleted the code on accident.. :o

can some please share the code for the submit button..and tell me exactly where i deleted it from lol


alan92rttt 09-24-2007 01:46 PM

I have this hack working with only one issue.

I can't figure out how to make it only allow posts from selected user groups.

I tried modifying
PHP Code:

 if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(22))) print_no_permission(); 

I also tried adding
PHP Code:

$forumperms fetch_permissions($foruminfo['10']);
if (!(
$forumperms $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpost']))

The 1st had no effect the second locked everyone out.

Stijndg 09-24-2007 03:07 PM

Good add-on i like it a lot :up:

RMS-Chef 09-25-2007 05:27 AM

Been using this since the first stages of it's creation. Great mod Abe.
My question concerns conditionals. I have not had any luck using them in the answer template.

What I would like to do is to use the:

<if condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, X)">
Please PM thread creator for details.

To wrap around one of the forms answers so that only members of said usergroup and view the wrapped content and others will see the notice. When I implement this, is just does not display the content at all. I know this is due to the fact the HTML is not allowed in post content but is there any workaround that anyone can think of for this? I have tried enabling HTML in a specific forum as well as for my admin group yet it still will not display anything.

74corvette 10-03-2007 05:05 PM

Maybe some of you experienced coders can help me. I'm using this mod on my forum and have changed the thread title to include one of the variables, $normalanswer1 so that the title reflects the answer. My question how can I add another variable ($radioanswer1) to that ? Heres the code:

$newpost['title'] =& $normalanswer1;

I have tried $normalanswer1.$radioanswer1, but that did do it. Quotes dont work either.


PHP newbie

cellarius 10-05-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by dutchbb (Post 1198086)
Of course I've edited the plugin and there is a valid ID. It always worked, I have used it for months without problems now suddenly it stopped working. I submit the review and it just isn't posted. This is the URL when the form is submitted: /showthread.php?t=

I know, it's been quite some time since this issue was raised, but I encounter exactly the same problem. My form was up and running for months, and with the installation of vbseo this error occurred. I'd be happy if anyone had suggestions...

Edit: The example-form supplied with the hack does not work, either. It seems to be a problem with $newpost[threadid] - the variable seems to be empty.

wolfe 10-05-2007 10:48 PM

m8 is there any way of you making this mod so when a form is posted its posted in its own fields in the database like the title and message is instead of adding to the message box. and when the post is edited it loads the same form as it was originaly posted by. also remove the message box for set forums so its just the extra form fields only and not the original message box. would really appreciate this. thx :P

cellarius 10-06-2007 12:56 PM

OK, it does'nt seem to be an vbseo-issue; problem stays if vbseo is deactivated. I deinstalled and reinstalled the mod and set up the standard form as follows:
PHP Code:

//ENABLE FORM TO BE POSTED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formforum "1";

//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
$formforumid "17";


$redirectoption "2"

No other changes whatsoever. When I try to submit a form, it spawns a "no thread specified"-error, and indeed, no forum id is specified at all ("showthread.php?t="). I would be very happy if somebody could give me a hint on what's going wrong here...

URL to he form is http://www.roma-antiqua.de/forum/newthread.php?do=form
The form is trying to post to a testing ground forum to which I gave guest posting permission for the moment.

I'd happily provide any other information needed.

cellarius 10-07-2007 08:29 AM

Problem solved: Adv. Editing Options for Mods and Admins is not compatible with Abe's hack. After deactivation everything seems to be running smoothly again.

wolfe 10-07-2007 11:34 AM

m8 is there any way of you making this mod so when a form is posted its posted in its own fields in the database like the title and message is instead of adding to the message box. and when the post is edited it loads the same form as it was originaly posted by. also remove the message box for set forums so its just the extra form fields only and not the original message box. would really appreciate this. thx :P

Deepdog009 10-07-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by OneEyeSleepy (Post 1343318)
Sorry, I am a new user and already installed this Mod. I read your brief documentation but how do you use it? I can edit the form and save it into a text file, where do I put it into?

OneEyeSleepy I like your name because I never sleep with both eyes closed :)

Dont ask why...

Link below and proceeding posts may help U...


************************************************** **

Vien I dont think that BUG is a major issue cause ABE1 ain't posted about it...

I haven't had time 2 look into it,,, but all seems well with all my clients using forms on boards...

************************************************** **


Originally Posted by MoJo Smirnoff (Post 1345507)
can someone please help me...i got the form all done...but i have no submit button. i guess i might have deleted the code on accident.. :o

can some please share the code for the submit button..and tell me exactly where i deleted it from lol


Upload your form plugin and templates in .txt format and I will fix 4 ya...

************************************************** **

Alan92rttt I believe there was another poster asking the same question and we found there is a vbulletin issue causing that with this hack...

I forget which poster,,, but its back a few pages...

************************************************** **

RMS-Chef that is a cool add-to,,, I will look into it if time permits...

Im more of a graphics and java guy,,, php coding gives me a headache and takes time -$ :D

I will post l8ter about it if time permits...

************************************************** **

74corvette its possible,,, but U will need to make changes 2 plugin code... ASK ABE1

************************************************** **


Originally Posted by wolfe (Post 1354727)
m8 is there any way of you making this mod so when a form is posted its posted in its own fields in the database like the title and message is instead of adding to the message box. and when the post is edited it loads the same form as it was originaly posted by. also remove the message box for set forums so its just the extra form fields only and not the original message box. would really appreciate this. thx :P

Another poster asked the same question in earlier posts...
What U ask will need some major updates by ABE1 or Add-on mod???

************************************************** **


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 1354650)
Problem solved: Adv. Editing Options for Mods and Admins is not compatible with Abe's hack. After deactivation everything seems to be running smoothly again.

Yeap PERMISSION mods seem 2 be giving other mods some minor issues...

wolfe 10-07-2007 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Deepdog009 (Post 1354841)

Another poster asked the same question in earlier posts...
What U ask will need some major updates by ABE1 or Add-on mod???

m8 i started on it on my own but just cant seem to get it right. i have added radio buttons to this form so people can pick what forum ti post it in with the value being the forum id. example

O Announcements O General Chat

they can choose which one to post it into :P i just need to make the form have its own database field for every question that i add. so it can be re edited in the same form it was posted in :P

laura66a 10-14-2007 03:20 PM

Hi. This works great and I have been able to create my own form.

One question I have is: When someone is in the form, the Whois Online display says "Creating Thread". Is there way to change this so that the form name is displayed?


wolfe 10-16-2007 12:37 PM

the attahment option is not showing up m8 ?

all code there and its set to allow them ?

firstrebel 10-17-2007 05:50 AM

Great mod, but had to play around a while til I got the hang of setting it up.

Looked in my forum database this morning at some templates and noticed there is a version 3.5 and version 4 of the form template there. I have never installed another version of this at all before version 4 yesterday. Anyone got the same?


ComputerVitals 10-19-2007 06:31 PM

Is there a way we can have the form so the person fills out the thread title?

attroll 10-20-2007 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by ComputerVitals (Post 1363861)
Is there a way we can have the form so the person fills out the thread title?

I was just about to post the same question.

It would be nice if we could either have the user fill out the thread title or have one of the variables in one of the answer blocks be used as the thread title.

firstrebel 10-20-2007 07:00 PM

I have a form in our car sales section, see the attachment form.jpg for the bottom of the form. The second attachment form_output.jpg shows a big gap. I cannot find what is causing this, any ideas from anyone.


EDIT: Figured it out

<if condition="$attachmentoption">
should be

<if condition="$attachmentoption">

criscokid 10-21-2007 04:58 PM

Hi Abe1,

Are you going to be developing this fanatastic mod further? If you are here's some ideas I'd love to see implimented in a future version:

1: A number of characters already used in a specific input box.
2: A form that creates an entry in the calendar.

NeilK 10-22-2007 02:03 AM

Two things:

The text I have in $formpurpose scrolls off the side of the page, past the normal edge of the forum. Is there a setting to correct this?

Also, I'm looking to make the post that is generated by the hack point to the USERID of the person that submitted the form. Specifically, I want to create a URL in the generated post that points to the Mod/Admin CP for the posting user, so we may edit a setting. I tried 100 different things to get a working userid variable in the post, but I am too green at this I suppose.

Any ideas?



criscokid 10-22-2007 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by NeilK (Post 1365581)
The text I have in $formpurpose scrolls off the side of the page, past the normal edge of the forum. Is there a setting to correct this?

$formpurpose should just wrape on to the next line. It sounds to me that you probably haven't got the table quite right - closed off a <td> with a </td> in the correct place or the space $formpurpose is in is spanning more columns than it's supposed to.

attroll 10-24-2007 03:53 AM

There must be a way to replace the following statement and include an input for thread title in it in its place.

$formtitle = "Lodging Form Submission";

Any ideas?

xplicit.syrian 10-24-2007 09:03 PM

Hi there,

I am sorry i didn't completely read the whole 45 pages here but i need some help.

I installed the form hack but i don't know how to configure it/ change/ create new forms. In the instructions it says customize it VIA the hook but what hook? Where do i have to go to customize it?

Thank you

ComputerVitals 10-25-2007 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by attroll (Post 1367209)
There must be a way to replace the following statement and include an input for thread title in it in its place.

$formtitle = "Lodging Form Submission";

Any ideas?

Looking for an anwser as well.....

But I'm thinking it may lay with this bit of code.

//TITLE OF THREAD/POST/PM/EMAIL (do not use quotation marks in the title or you will get a parse error)
//You may use variables from the form for this.

$posttitle = "$formtitle";

xplicit.syrian 10-26-2007 04:04 AM

I need some help please, could someone tell me how to edit this plugin? It says instructions are inside the hook, what hook?

attroll 10-26-2007 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by xplicit.syrian (Post 1368870)
I need some help please, could someone tell me how to edit this plugin? It says instructions are inside the hook, what hook?

Go to your admincp and scroll down to Plugins & Products, then Plugin Manager. Scroll down until you find the form product. When you find it click Edit and in that block you should see the PHP code. That is where you do your editing to make the form the way you want it.

To actually make the posting and email forum display the way you want you will have to edit the templates "form" and "formanswers".

attroll 10-26-2007 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by ComputerVitals (Post 1368005)
Looking for an anwser as well.....

But I'm thinking it may lay with this bit of code.

//TITLE OF THREAD/POST/PM/EMAIL (do not use quotation marks in the title or you will get a parse error)
//You may use variables from the form for this.
$posttitle = "$formtitle";

Alright. I got it.

First you have to create a NORMAL INPUT BOX.
I will use $normalquestion1 as the example

once that is all set up then you can replace
$posttitle = "$formtitle";

to the following
$posttitle = "$normalanswer1";

Once this is done then what ever the user answers for $normalquestion1 will be the title of the thread.

The downfalls to this are if the users does not type an answer to $normalquestion1 then they click SUBMIT, the form will not get transmitted and all will be lost. So here is what I recommend to avoid this. If you still include $formtitle in the same place but add $normalquestion1 with it then it will still include the form title if the users forgets to answer $normalquestion1. This way the form will not get lost if they transmit it without answering $normalquestion1.

Here is how I do it.

$posttitle = "$formtitle";

replace with:
$posttitle = "$normalanswer1 = $formtitle ";

Gosh, I hope all this made sense.

xplicit.syrian 10-26-2007 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by attroll (Post 1368871)
Go to your admincp and scroll down to Plugins & Products, then Plugin Manager. Scroll down until you find the form product. When you find it click Edit and in that block you should see the PHP code. That is where you do your editing to make the form the way you want it.

To actually make the posting and email forum display the way you want you will have to edit the templates "form" and "formanswers".

Your great! thank you for the help. Instead of going to that page i went to product manager and i kept on getting nothing.

Thanks! and great plugin!

nirvana43 10-26-2007 10:22 AM

hi there... 1st of all.. thanks a bunch for this hack...
i'm new to vbulletin.. please can u give lil bit more detailed instructions to install this hack???
i've imported xml but couldn't find where to set the form... how to change the fields in forms... & when user clicks on newtopic, he should directly see the form & after submitting that form, data will get posted in thread automatically!

i tried this : /newthread.php?do=form
i got 1 form.. did all the things in it.. but when i clicks submit, it didnt posted any thread..
kindly help..
& extreamly sorry for my bad english

periphrastic 10-26-2007 06:13 PM

thanks for the hack. i really like - everything is cool

my only problems is that after i hit submit, i get a white page. i've disabled all plugins, and only allowed this one (to make sure there wasn't some kind of interference), and the white pages still occur. the form posts just fine, but i have to go "back" and then manually go to the forum in which it's posted, to actually locate the thread - but the immediate response i get after "submit" is a white page. in consideration of this, would you have any quick recommendations? thanks for your time.

mauro1947 10-26-2007 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Abe1 (Post 1075414)
There are 2 template edits to make the attachements work. Make sure you did both. You can also test it by clicking 'preview'.

Inside zip file there is no instruction about this...:(

ComputerVitals 10-28-2007 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by attroll (Post 1368881)
Alright. I got it.
Gosh, I hope all this made sense.

Works great!!
Thanks a bunch

Lord Kuam 10-30-2007 12:11 AM

I'm having an issue getting a working link for my product. When I changed the formname, I could no longer pull it up (for example, I changed the formname to simply "support" instead of "form" and when I would type my link it, it would be a blank white page).

So I deleted and uninstalled the entire plugin and decided to start from scratch. Now, when I type in the link /newthread.php?do=form into my browser, it tells me THAT is an invalid URL. The plugin is active and now I'm at a point where I really have no clue.

It's probably best if someone gave me the heads up on what exactly I need to change when I want to change the titles of my forms so I can get correct links.


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