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netblues 04-06-2007 08:45 AM

Maybe it helps to know that most view threads works if you are an admin...
Still, a fix would be appreciated.
Also, time and date doesn't appear in non english language (and I'll be damned if I could find why...)
Instead I get the usual H:i php format codes..

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-09-2007 08:03 AM

is it possible to EXCLUDE select forums from appearing in the stats (specifically RECENT POSTS)?

I dont' want some of my news feeds to appear there as they take up the whole thing in one shot. :rolleyes: :(

if its currently not possible, can I request that as a new feature for future release? :)

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-09-2007 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1223143)
is it possible to EXCLUDE select forums from appearing in the stats (specifically RECENT POSTS)?

I dont' want some of my news feeds to appear there as they take up the whole thing in one shot. :rolleyes: :(

if its currently not possible, can I request that as a new feature for future release? :)

omg nvm. found it.

<< n00b :p

Lilyandy 04-09-2007 03:42 PM

Latest Forum News
Most Viewed Threads
Hottest Threads

my vBulletin config.php:
$config['Database']['tableprefix'] = 'vbb_';


below it change to ok...

?FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread?x3
change to:
?FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread?x3

display ok!

sorry my english very pool....@.@"

patch files download

Valter 04-10-2007 02:31 AM

v5.0 - Apr 10. 2007.
-To save page space Stats are now arranged into two rows and up to four columns (adjustable in Options)
-For every column you can choose which statistic to show in, except "Latest Posts" which always uses one full column
-New: "Most Popular Forums"
-New: User can completely disable Top Stats (and enable it later easily if wanted)
-If stats disabled then "Enable Top Statistics" appears in "Quick Links"
-New: Drop-down menu in Stats table header with options to view more stats and disable them
-New: Exclude usergroups from viewing more results [guests(1) and banned(8) blocked by default]
-Fixed bug where queries are executed on index even you disable Stats on Forumhome
-Settings page much easier to understand and set now
-Several other fixes and improvements, including queries, indexes for thanked posts and user threads, better js codes, better tables etc...

To upgrade: Import XML as product, allow overwrite.
Check hack options after installation. You may need to update some settings.
Screenshots updated.

Shazz 04-10-2007 02:33 AM

thanx cyb for the update
[high]* Shazz :)[/high]

Shazz 04-10-2007 02:34 AM

Wheres the zip :confused:

Valter 04-10-2007 02:39 AM


Shazz 04-10-2007 02:42 AM

Perfect! :D

TeddyKGB 04-10-2007 02:45 AM

Sorry Cyb I usually LOVE your mods and alwyas look for you stuff but this change isn't very appealing to me once I installed it.

I think it would be great to have the option to limit the "Latest Posts" to 5 and also turn off the 2nd row option. While it does save space horizontally it chews up space vertically. I had all my settings limited to 5 each so it didn't take up so much space.

I'll be switching back to 4.7 and eagerly awaiting your next release in hopes those options are in there.

Shazz 04-10-2007 02:58 AM

It dosen't display Some of the options in the columns..
I agree with teddy though

Mrdby 04-10-2007 02:58 AM


spy_jeddah 04-10-2007 03:09 AM

Thank you for this fast version

soletrader 04-10-2007 03:14 AM

Can anyone attach and post the older version of this hack? I just installed the new one and can not get this to work. (wont show more results)

Anyone have 4.7? Or any previous ones? Thanks

Valter 04-10-2007 03:21 AM

What options Shazz?
Don't forget to revert templates if any customized.

Option to disable rows may be added in the next version. I didn't know that few rows heighter table can be problem for some of you. Usually width was problem. I don't think anyway it's good enough reason to not upgrade, there are several important updates/fixes in latest versions.

check hack settings.

fox3nova 04-10-2007 03:22 AM

I have some suggests:
Can let admin change stats columns position ?
Can let user choose the stats by day/week/month/year/all functions ?

Shazz 04-10-2007 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1223817)
What options Shazz?
Don't forget to revert templates if any customized.

Option to disable rows may be added in the next version. I didn't know that few rows heighter table can be problem for some of you. Usually width was problem. I don't think anyway it's good enough reason to not upgrade, there are several important updates/fixes in latest versions.

check hack settings.

Ill get back to you with screen shots regarding it, Ill try configuring some settings etc.
I never had any edited templates

Valter 04-10-2007 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by fox3nova (Post 1223818)
I have some suggests:
Can let admin change stats columns position ?
Can let user choose the stats by day/week/month/year/all functions ?

1. You can change positions for all stats except for Latest Posts.
2. For some stats this requires complex queries which pushes server a lot. This was implemented in some of older versions but removed later. If I find some better way to get that working I'll add such options.

rinkrat 04-10-2007 04:08 AM

I love the new two-column look, very tight and clean looking!

soletrader 04-10-2007 04:19 AM


Is it possible to attach 4.7? Ive had some problems with the newer ones lately. Thanks

redlabour 04-10-2007 04:32 AM

Small Bug:

Disabling Column 2 - has no Effect for Column 2 - Row 1 it is still shown. Dont know if other Row´s are affected.

and by the Way

please give us a Option to deactivate everything without 1 Column and 1 Row.

It is not a Height or Width problem but i think the most of us only use and want the latest Threads Option.

netblues 04-10-2007 04:36 AM

Uploaded latest version.
I still have an issue with Greek language and all styles, new ones, default ones, doesn't matter. In English dates appear ok, in Greek I get d-m, H:i instead of date and time.
I guess something is missing, but I need some direction where to look...

GSPFAN 04-10-2007 04:47 AM

i uploaded it and everything worked except the "enable statistics" on quick links drop down.

I had to do an overwrite with 4.5 to get the stats box back.

kitsch 04-10-2007 05:45 AM

Installed the latest version a few moments ago.

There's a problem: Latest Forum News shows threads from forums which are in my Forums excluded from stats list.

dbirosel 04-10-2007 06:13 AM

Hmmm... thanks for the update Cyb, but once updated, my whole forum width stretched like crazy. Any solution?

kitsch 04-10-2007 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by dbirosel (Post 1223913)
Hmmm... thanks for the update Cyb, but once updated, my whole forum width stretched like crazy. Any solution?

Disable columns 3 and 4 and remove replies / views from the right column.
This did it for me.

dbirosel 04-10-2007 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by kitsch (Post 1223914)
Disable columns 3 and 4 and remove replies / views from the right column.
This did it for me.

That sucks. :( I liked the new idea on the columns. O wells went back to 4.9. Also, having those extra columns and other information adds a lot of extra queries.

itsblack 04-10-2007 07:12 AM

I got these errors:

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in \admincp\plugin.php(1941) : eval()'d code on line 34

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in \admincp\plugin.php(1941) : eval()'d code on line 34
The most options are OK for me, except the "hottest forum", it only display the threads number. So I went back to ver 4.9.

soletrader 04-10-2007 07:20 AM

How do you go back a version? Can anyone post an older version of this hack?

itsblack 04-10-2007 07:30 AM

Don't you have any programm backup? I have the old versions from 4.7 to 4.9.
Here you are, the 4.9 version.

voter 04-10-2007 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1223772)
v5.0 - Apr 10. 2007.
-To save page space Stats are now arranged into two rows and up to four columns (adjustable in Options)
-For every column you can choose which statistic to show in, except "Latest Posts" which always uses one full column
-New: "Most Popular Forums"
-New: User can completely disable Top Stats (and enable it later easily if wanted)
-If stats disabled then "Enable Top Statistics" appears in "Quick Links"
-New: Drop-down menu in Stats table header with options to view more stats and disable them
-New: Exclude usergroups from viewing more results [guests(1) and banned(8) blocked by default]
-Fixed bug where queries are executed on index even you disable Stats on Forumhome
-Settings page much easier to understand and set now
-Several other fixes and improvements, including queries, indexes for thanked posts and user threads, better js codes, better tables etc...

To upgrade: Import XML as product, allow overwrite.
Check hack options after installation. You may need to update some settings.
Screenshots updated.

- There is no more advanced options, allowing admin to choose what will be shown in Statistics like New Users, Top Posters etc
- "Main Top Stats box on ForumHome" to which you refer in info.txt dosn't more exist
- Latest Posts no more possible to DISABLE

Sorry Cyb, but I join the others - you spioled your nice hack.

voter 04-10-2007 08:32 AM

I was need to disable Latest Posts by "Hand" via changing template "cyb_topstats_stats"

If one need to disable any of statistics, he need to delete some lines in mentioned template

For instance, to disable Latest Posts delete


<td class="thead" align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap" width="55%">$vbphrase[cyb_latest_posts]</td>


<td rowspan="3">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="cybnpcol" style="height:100%;">
<tr style="height:14px;">
<td align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap" class="smallfont">$vbphrase[thread]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions[cybtopstats_lastpost_dateline]">
<td align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap" class="smallfont">&nbsp;$vbphrase[date]/$vbphrase[time]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions[cybtopstats_lastpost_poster]">
<td align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap" class="smallfont">&nbsp;$vbphrase[posted_by]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions[cybtopstats_lastpost_replies]">
<td align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap" class="smallfont">&nbsp;$vbphrase[replies]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions[cybtopstats_lastpost_views]">
<td align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap" class="smallfont">&nbsp;$vbphrase[views]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions[cybtopstats_lastpost_forums]">
<td align="$stylevar[left]" nowrap="nowrap" class="smallfont">&nbsp;&nbsp;$vbphrase[forum]</td>

cyberphr 04-10-2007 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by itsblack (Post 1223966)
Don't you have any programm backup? I have the old versions from 4.7 to 4.9.
Here you are, the 4.9 version.

Thanks, the new version is terrible. :(

redlabour 04-10-2007 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by itsblack (Post 1223966)
Don't you have any programm backup? I have the old versions from 4.7 to 4.9.
Here you are, the 4.9 version.

Thanks you saved my Day! :)

d3v1L 04-10-2007 10:15 AM

Was just about to import the new version until i saw the feedback. Is the new version that bad?

Valter 04-10-2007 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by d3v1L (Post 1224046)
Was just about to import the new version until i saw the feedback. Is the new version that bad?

Works perfect for me on three forums.

You can check it here:

I'll allow you to view more results as well if you want.

I guess some people don't know how to use this hack, or haven't upgraded properly, or don't know how to set it up.

captainslater 04-10-2007 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1223868)
Small Bug:

Disabling Column 2 - has no Effect for Column 2 - Row 1 it is still shown. Dont know if other Row?s are affected.

and by the Way

please give us a Option to deactivate everything without 1 Column and 1 Row.

It is not a Height or Width problem but i think the most of us only use and want the latest Threads Option.

Well I can confirm this, see the screenshot.
Column 2 and 3 are disabled.

I think an option "nothing" for the row-settings would be very useful but your hack is still great, Cybernetec.

As always: german phrases available at http://www.vbhacks-germany.org/forum

soletrader 04-10-2007 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by itsblack (Post 1223966)
Don't you have any programm backup? I have the old versions from 4.7 to 4.9.
Here you are, the 4.9 version.

Thank you very much.

kelekian 04-10-2007 10:42 AM

version 5.0 installed and I got javascript error (object required) and im back to version 4.8


Valter 04-10-2007 10:47 AM

I'm not sure i understand that problem with disabling columns.


If you disable column 2 then C/D will be turned off.
If you disable column 3 then E/F will be turned off.

Just like it's shown on your screenshot.

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