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Hippy 03-18-2012 12:25 PM

it's posted in the install file in the zip..

if your server is running suphp then there is no reason to set permissions.

Heardy 03-18-2012 01:22 PM

You know the {vb:raw post.crowns}?

Is there any way to make it scroll further? It only goes a certain width across my posts :(

This is an example:


Hippy 03-18-2012 02:15 PM

if your using postbit
admincp> plugin manager

look for ibProArcade: Crowns in Postbit

and replace the code with this


global $crowncache;
if (!$crowncache)
        $this->cache['champs'] = array();
        $this->cache['tourneys'] = array();
        $this->cache['crowns'] = array();
        $this->cache['crown'] = $this->registry->db->query_first("SELECT crown_type AS type, show_crowns, show_t_won FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_settings");
        if ($this->cache['crown']['show_crowns'])
                $thecrowns = $this->registry->db->query_read("
                        SELECT c.*, g.gname, cat.password FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_champs AS c, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list AS g, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_cats AS cat
                        WHERE (c.champ_gid=g.gid) AND (g.gcat=cat.c_id) AND trim(password)='' AND g.active=1
                    while ($this_champ = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($thecrowns))
                        if (!isset($this->cache['champs']["$this_champ[champ_mid]"]))
                                $this->cache['champs']["$this_champ[champ_mid]"] = array();
                        $this->cache['champs']["$this_champ[champ_mid]"][] = array(
                                'gid' => $this_champ['champ_gid'],
                                'gtitle' => $this_champ['champ_gtitle'],
                                'gname' => $this_champ['gname']
        if ($this->cache['crown']['show_t_won'])
                $tourneyquery = $this->registry->db->query_read("
                        SELECT t.champion, u.userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tournaments AS t
                        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS u ON (t.champion = u.username)
                        WHERE champion<>''
                while ($this_tourney = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($tourneyquery))
                        if (!isset($this->cache['tourneys']["$this_tourney[userid]"]))
                                $this->cache['tourneys']["$this_tourney[userid]"] = 0;
        $crowncache = true;
$champs =& $this->cache['champs'];
$tourneys =& $this->cache['tourneys'];
$crown =& $this->cache['crown'];

$crowns = '';
if ($crown['show_crowns'])
        if (!isset($this->cache['crowns']["$post[userid]"]))
                $crowns = '';
                if (isset($champs["$post[userid]"]))
                        if ((count($champs["$post[userid]"]) > 1) && ($crowns[type]!=4))
                                switch ($crown['type'])
                                        case 0:
                                                $crowns = '';
                                        case 1:
                                                $crowns = '<marquee width="150" scrollamount="3">';
                                        case 2:
                                                $crowns = '<marquee width="175" name="crownscroll" scrollamount="1" direction="up" height="20">';
                                        case 3:
                                                $crowns = '';
                                $crown_end = ($crown['type'] == 1) ? '' : '<br />';
                                foreach ($champs["$post[userid]"] AS $this_game)
                                        if ($crown['type'] == 3)
                                                if ($counter == 5)
                                                        $counter = 0; $crowns.= "<br />";
                                        if ($crown['type'] == 3) { $imgtext = "$this_game[gtitle] Champion"; }
                                        $crowns .= "<a href=\"arcade.php?" . $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=stats&amp;gameid=$this_game[gid]\"> <img src=\"arcade/images/$this_game[gname]2.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$imgtext\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" />";
                                        if ($crown['type']!=3)
                                                $crowns .= $this_game[gtitle]." Champion!</a> " . $crown_end;
                                                $crowns .= "</a> ";
                                if ($crown['type'] != 0)
                                        $crowns .= '</marquee>';
                                        if ( ($crown['show_t_won']) && (isset($tourneys["$post[userid]"])) )
                                                $crowns .= '<br />';
                                foreach ($champs["$post[userid]"] AS $this_game )
                                        $imgtext = "";
                                        if ($crown['type'] == 3) { $imgtext = "$this_game[gtitle] Champion"; }
                                        $crowns = "<a href=\"arcade.php?" . $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=stats&amp;gameid=$this_game[gid]\"><img src=\"arcade/images/$this_game[gname]2.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$imgtext\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" /> ";
                                        if ($crown['type'] != 3)
                                                $crowns .= "$this_game[gtitle] Champion!";
                                        $crowns .= "</a>";

                if ($crown[type]==4)
                        if (count($champs["$post[userid]"])>1)
                        $crowns = "";
                        if (count($champs["$post[userid]"]) > 0)
                                $crowns = "<img src='arcade/images/trophy.gif' alt='".(count($champs["$post[userid]"]))." Highscore".$extra."'><br />";

                $this->cache['crowns']["$post[userid]"] = $crowns;
                $crowns = $this->cache['crowns']["$post[userid]"];
$champtext = '';
if ($crown['show_t_won'])
        if (isset($tourneys["$post[userid]"]) )
                $champtext = "<dt><a href='arcade.php?do=viewtourneyend' target='_blank' alt='123456'>" .$vbphrase[ibpa_tourney] . " </dt></a><b>" . $tourneys[$post[userid]] . "</b>";
$post['crowns'] = $crowns;
$post['champtext'] = $champtext;

if your using postbit_legacy change the marquee width= to suite

Heardy 03-18-2012 02:39 PM

Thanks Hippy!

I had to edit it to make it 170 instead of 150 but it worked perfectly!

Hippy 03-18-2012 02:46 PM

Welcome 150 was tested on postbit so it may be wider if your using postbit_legacy


Heardy 03-18-2012 03:06 PM

Yeah, I used it on postbit_legacy, thanks!

skol 03-18-2012 06:06 PM

Would it be possible to stop the marqee in postbit when you hover over it.

Hippy 03-19-2012 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2310711)
Would it be possible to stop the marqee in postbit when you hover over it.

sorry bud I seen this when you posted it but I was busy as a mofo ;)

go to your admincp> Plugins & Products> under plugin manager
look for ibProArcade: Crowns in Postbit
click it or click edit ...
look for

                    case 1:
                        $crowns = '<marquee width="150" scrollamount="3">';
                    case 2:
                        $crowns = '<marquee width="175" name="crownscroll" scrollamount="1" direction="up" height="20">';

and change it to


                    case 1:
                        $crowns = '<marquee width="150" onmouseout="this.scrollAmount=3" onmouseover="this.scrollAmount=1" scrollamount="3">';
                    case 2:
                        $crowns = '<marquee width="175" name="crownscroll" onmouseout="this.scrollAmount=1" onmouseover="this.scrollAmount=0" scrollamount="1" direction="up" height="20">';

skol 03-20-2012 11:35 PM

Cheers Hippy...:up:

Hippy 03-21-2012 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2311580)
Cheers Hippy...:up:


TopShelfGamer 03-22-2012 03:11 PM

Anyone got a big rar file full of games?

Hippy 03-22-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by TopShelfGamer (Post 2312131)
Anyone got a big rar file full of games?

** Please do not post any information, request or offer of Games here in this Thread ! And remember that Support is given in the ibProArcade-Support-Forum **

read the mod post also vb.org rules

boggseric 03-23-2012 04:52 PM

I posted this in the premium thread, but I am not a premium user. :o


Originally Posted by boggseric (Post 2312326)
I made these changes but now there error moved down one line.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: str_ireplace() in /home/ls2com/public_html/forums/arcade.php on line 5601

2.7.2 does it now required PHP5?

my code in arcade.php

// remove any SQL-commands
        $sqlcomm = array();
        $sqlcomm[] = 'create';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'database';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'table';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'insert';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'update';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'rename';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'replace';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'select';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'handler';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'delete';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'truncate';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'drop';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'where';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'or';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'and';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'values';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'set';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'password';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'salt';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'concat';
        $sqlcomm[] = 'schema';
        // $value = recursive_str_ireplace($sqlcomm, '', $value);
        foreach ($sqlcomm AS $key => $needle)
        $value = str_ireplace($needle, '', $value);

Hippy 03-23-2012 04:57 PM

you posted it before in the correct thread,, that's the support forums.. this is not..
unless you do what stangger5 did just removing that part of the code will move the error

cowcowcow 03-25-2012 02:22 AM

my fourm just got compromised hardcore through the arcade.

Im not sure if this applies to everyone (since i downloaded the last arcade version 6 months ago and this might have been addressed) but if u dont have a recent version would suggest every1 to delete ibpro ASAP or update it.

they replaced some templates, tried to delete .php files

hippy i have pmed you how they did it please fix it so the other sites dont experience what i did. might be related to this.


ibProArcade Arcade.PHP SQL Injection Vulnerability

ibProArcade is prone to an SQL-injection vulnerability because the application fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input before using it in an SQL query.

A successful exploit could allow an attacker to compromise the application, access or modify data, or exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying database implementation.

This issue affects version 2.5.9+; other versions may also be vulnerable.

BirdOPrey5 03-25-2012 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by cowcowcow (Post 2313022)
my fourm just got compromised hardcore through the arcade.

Im not sure if this applies to everyone (since i downloaded the last arcade version 6 months ago and this might have been addressed) but if u dont have a recent version would suggest every1 to delete ibpro ASAP or update it.

they replaced some templates, tried to delete .php files

hippy i have pmed you how they did it please fix it so the other sites dont experience what i did. might be related to this.


ibProArcade Arcade.PHP SQL Injection Vulnerability

ibProArcade is prone to an SQL-injection vulnerability because the application fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input before using it in an SQL query.

A successful exploit could allow an attacker to compromise the application, access or modify data, or exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying database implementation.

This issue affects version 2.5.9+; other versions may also be vulnerable.

The arcade was fixed months ago too. Emails went out to everyone who has ever downloaded it to disable or delete the mod until the fix was provided.

If you didn't get the email you should make sure the one you use here is up to date and white list @vbulletin.org from your spam list if you have one.

ywwz 03-25-2012 12:38 PM

great job!!!

silpher 03-27-2012 05:26 PM

Arcade style is broken for me, I've already reinstalled but it's still the same, I'm using VB 4.1.11,


help me please.

Hippy 03-27-2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by silpher (Post 2313934)
Arcade style is broken for me, I've already reinstalled but it's still the same, I'm using VB 4.1.11,


help me please.

In my Sig you'll find the link to the arcade fixes the first post I believe will fix your issue

ptshooter619 03-28-2012 09:07 PM

how do you change the text color of the arcade?

Hippy 03-28-2012 09:35 PM

the fieldset / legend>
in your style look for CSS templates the reset-fonts.css is what youll need to do this
change the #000 to what ever color you like

marccap 04-22-2012 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2314463)
the fieldset / legend>
in your style look for CSS templates the reset-fonts.css is what youll need to do this
change the #000 to what ever color you like

Which code needs amending for colours as I treid all the #00000 and #DDDDDD amendments but nothing?-

.tborder {
background-color:{vb:stylevar doc_backgroundColor};
border: 1px solid #c4c4c4;
font-size: {vb:stylevar font-size};
.tcat {
font:{vb:stylevar blockhead_font};
color:{vb:stylevar blockhead_color};
background:{vb:stylevar blockhead_background};
padding:{vb:stylevar blockhead_padding};
border:{vb:stylevar blockhead_border};
-moz-border-radius-top{vb:stylevar right}: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-border-radius-top{vb:stylevar left}: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-top-{vb:stylevar right}-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-top-{vb:stylevar left}-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
.tcat a:link, .tcat_alink
text-decoration: none;
.tcat a:visited, .tcat_avisited
text-decoration: none;
.tcat a:hover, .tcat a:active, .tcat_ahover
text-decoration: underline;
.alt1, .alt1Active
color: #000000;
.alt2, .alt2Active
color: #000000;
/* ***** small padding on 'thead' elements ***** */
td.thead, th.thead, div.thead { padding: 4px; }
/* ***** basic styles for multi-page nav elements */
.pagenav a { text-decoration: none; }
.pagenav td { padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; }
.tcat .shade, .thead .shade, .tfoot .shade { color: #DDDDDD; }
/* ***** define margin and font-size for elements inside panels ***** */
.fieldset {
padding: 5px;
font-size: {vb:stylevar font-size};
border: 1px solid #c4c4c4;
margin: 0 2px;
.fieldset, .fieldset td, .fieldset p, .fieldset li { font-size: 11px; }

Hippy 04-22-2012 11:19 PM


background-color:{vb:stylevar content3_background.backgroundColor};
to alt1 and 2
so it looks like this

.alt2, .alt2Active
 background-color:{vb:stylevar content3_background.backgroundColor};
 color: #000000;

or you can justy do this

.alt2, .alt2Active
 color: #000000;

marccap 04-23-2012 10:00 AM

Thanks and how do u completely remove the option to add icons etc from postbit as its messed it up and moved the join date text to the middle and moved the text back to original posisition.


Hippy 04-23-2012 10:47 AM

Take the postbit edit out

lapiervb 04-25-2012 01:18 PM

<a href="http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=2431487" target="_blank">http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=2431487</a>

Hippy 04-25-2012 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by lapiervb (Post 2323374)

and what are you posting a mybb forum here for ?? :confused:

DAMINK 04-25-2012 09:13 PM

@hippy because Omnis little followers at times find holes.
Clearly here is one case of that.
Damn i come to VB sites to get away from Omni and his horde of skiddies lolz.
That said this is exactly why i got rid of the arcade on my board.

fly 04-25-2012 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2323511)
and what are you posting a mybb forum here for ?? :confused:

If you're a member of that forum, you'll see that there is apparently an unpatched exploit if you allow guests to play in the arcade.

Hippy 04-25-2012 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by DAMINK (Post 2323517)
@hippy because Omnis little followers at times find holes.
Clearly here is one case of that.
Damn i come to VB sites to get away from Omni and his horde of skiddies lolz.
That said this is exactly why i got rid of the arcade on my board.

got ya


Originally Posted by fly (Post 2323522)
If you're a member of that forum, you'll see that there is apparently an unpatched exploit if you allow guests to play in the arcade.

thanks for the info ..

katim110 04-28-2012 10:38 PM

how can i fix this

Warning: stristr() [function.stristr]: needle is not a string or an integer in [path]/arcade.php on line 5550

thank you

Hippy 04-29-2012 01:10 AM

relace your root arcade file with this one


katim110 04-29-2012 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2324463)
relace your root arcade file with this one



there is another error appears in admin panel:

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/admin/domains/zoubida.nl/public_html/forums/admincp/arcade.php on line 897

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/admin/domains/zoubida.nl/public_html/forums/admincp/arcade.php on line 5386

Hippy 04-29-2012 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by katim110 (Post 2324542)

there is another error appears in admin panel:

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/admin/domains/zoubida.nl/public_html/forums/admincp/arcade.php on line 897

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/admin/domains/zoubida.nl/public_html/forums/admincp/arcade.php on line 5386

add and replace the one you added to your root dir

katim110 04-30-2012 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2324566)
add and replace the one you added to your root dir

thanks a lot.
but that didnt fixed the prob :(

Hippy 04-30-2012 08:51 PM

those lines in the admin arcade file are referring to bbcode..
I am going to have and research this

Mark.B 04-30-2012 10:25 PM

Just search for "=&" and replace with "=".

That seems to fix these errors.

katim110 05-01-2012 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 2325045)
Just search for "=&" and replace with "=".

That seems to fix these errors.


mackers8923 05-01-2012 12:37 PM

I getting the old security token error message again when on 4.1.12 and this latest version anyone else?

princesspepper 05-01-2012 04:09 PM

Posted about it here :


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