SnapOff Racing |
04-12-2009 07:11 AM |
installed 2.8.1 and 2.8.0 and i get this error when creating a tournament:
Fatal error: Registry object is not an object in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 177
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Registry object is not an object, /home/gears/public_html/forums/includes/class_dm.php, 177, Array ([this] => vB_DataManager_Thread_FirstPost Object ([validfields] => Array ([firstpostid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[lastpost] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[forumid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 1),[pollid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[open] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[replycount] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[hiddencount] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[deletedcount] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[lastposter] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 2),[lastpostid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[views] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[notes] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 0),[sticky] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[votenum] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[votetotal] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[similar] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 2),[prefixid] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[taglist] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 0),[threadid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 3),[title] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[username] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[userid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[dateline] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 2),[iconid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[visible] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 0),[attach] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[pagetext] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[allowsmilie] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 1),[showsignature] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 0),[ipaddress] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 2)),[bitfields] => Array (),[table] => thread,[condition_construct] => Array ([0] => threadid = %1$d,[1] => threadid),[thread] => Array (),[post] => Array (),[modlog] => Array (),[floodcheck] => ,[spamlog_insert] => ,[setfields] => Array (),[rawfields] => Array (),[registry] => ,[dbobject] => ,[lamda] => ,[errors] => Array (),[error_handler] => 1,[existing] => Array (),[info] => Array (),[condition] => ,[failure_callback] => ,[presave_called] => ),[registry] => ,[errtype] => 1)) called at [(null):0] #1 trigger_error(Registry object is not an object, 256) called at [/home/gears/public_html/forums/includes/class_dm.php:177] #2 vB_DataManager->vB_DataManager(, 1) called at [/home/gears/public_html/forums/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php:1482] #3 vB_DataManager_Thread_FirstPost->vB_DataManager_Thread_FirstPost(, 1) called at [/home/gears/public_html/forums/includes/functions_tal.php:166] #4 new_thread(1, 38, Test, Test No Players: 4 Type: 1v1 Description: testing testing 123 , 1, 1, 1) called at [/home/gears/public_html/forums/tournaments.php:998]
An additional question would be:
If I wanted to create a tournament after I've hosted and completed one and wanted to set up the brackets, etc as they happened is this possible? to give the teams that won credit, etc? to keep track of their records? I hope so. Can someone explain please?