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-   -   Major Additions - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal login (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197)

gremrock 10-06-2012 04:34 PM

Great idea, works fine no issues. Will use at a later date!

sticky 10-06-2012 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpotato (Post 2371111)
Just tested on 4.2.0. It does not work.

The problem is your configuration not the product.

huevncom 11-21-2012 08:01 AM

thanks ! working for me.

iMpuLzBe 12-11-2012 10:34 AM

Can someone say if it's possible to use the same cache for every site? And if I do so, what are the consequences for my site?

I want to have my sites configured in a way the users don't have to log in every time when they change the domain. Is this possible?

sticky 12-11-2012 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by iMpuLzBe (Post 2389987)

I want to have my sites configured in a way the users don't have to log in every time when they change the domain. Is this possible?

I don't know if it is without causing problems, would be nice.

iMpuLzBe 12-12-2012 08:00 PM

@sticky: I played a little bit with my settings and this is the result I got:

If the user uses the login at the main domain where everything is hosted, he is logged in on each domain.

EDIT: Is it possible to connect the different domains with different languages?

patrick91 12-12-2012 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by iMpuLzBe (Post 2390350)
@sticky: I played a little bit with my settings and this is the result I got:

If the user uses the login at the main domain where everything is hosted, he is logged in on each domain.

EDIT: Is it possible to connect the different domains with different languages?

That bacause it uses 1 and the same cookies! There is no possibily to use prefixes i think. need to say never tried this mod. Will test it maybe soon on vb4.2.

iMpuLzBe 12-13-2012 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2128941)
OK, had a strange issue...

I have my forums grouped together in three major cats. For example...
Category 100
- Forum 101
- Forum 102
- Forum 103

Category 200
- Forum 201
- Forum 202
- Forum 203

Category 300
- Forum 301
- Forum 302
- Forum 303
I have Cerberus configured so that Domain A has access to Category 100 & 200 while Domain B has access to Category 300.

While posting on Domain A in Forum 102 (just for example, but really any forum on Domain A) I was getting a 'No permissions' error. To get around that I disabled the unset permissions line from the "Forum Display" plugin used by Cerberus. Did not solve my problem but allowed me to continue so I could experiment. When I did continue my new thread that I was posting in Forum 102 ended up being posted in Forum 303! :eek:

So I poked around for a bit in the "Forum Display" plugin again and enabled the 'debug' lines so I could see what was going on in what sequence. Sure enough Forum 303 was the last forum ID that was being evaluated and, since I was on Domain A and not Domain B, it was removing that forum ID from the cache & permissions.

Going back to posting a new thread I did a view source on the page and could see that even though I was posting to Forum 102 in the URL the various buttons (eg: preview, save, etc.) were all referencing forum ID 303 instead. That led me to believe then that the variable $forumid being used in the plugin was not being preserved as a local scope variable and was being used by the rest of vB, hence why since forum ID 303 was the last one evaluated then that is where it was thinking I was trying to post to.

To confirm I changed all references in that plugin from $forumid to $forumidx to make it unique and repeated my experiments. Success!

This was with vBulletin 4.0.8 running on PHP 5.2.12 using the version of Cerberus in this thread.

Had the same problem, so it is still not fixed.

conaero 01-09-2013 02:12 PM

Guys, have installed this and its great but I have a major problem. if you go to the main url where the site is hosted: www.sportsitalia.com, it works fine, but as soon as you log in on the Cerberus domain, www.sportsmaserati.com when you post in any forum, they all end up in one forum called classifieds>Other.

Its a great pluggin and we dont want to pull it, but if we cant fix this, we have no option, can you help or am I doing something mad????

I have created a temporary login so you can test: U: test P: password please dont abuse it.

tokads3 01-22-2013 02:05 PM

We installed this MOD and it caused a problem with the display window smileys, it was blank, so we had to disable it.
There was no error in the server logs
Too bad, I just wanted to pass the information

azn_romeo_4u 02-09-2013 03:46 AM


What happens to images upload on different sites? How are they viewed on a forum that is shared across multiple domains. Are they uploaded to both sites or one site?
Can someone answer that question? Because if someone makes a post on a forum that is shared, but he only updated to one forum, it will not show right?

RuneLocusCom 02-26-2013 09:22 AM

We have tested this on a clean 4.2.0 (patch 3) installation, and it seems to be functioning just fine. Now testing a couple of things and making some changes, and after that we'll integrate it to our real forum. Once again, it works just fine.

insidegames 03-05-2013 11:33 PM

I don't understand this correct. What should i fill out?


sticky 05-11-2013 02:49 AM

Problem with this on 4.2.1.

If you are browsing forum X and when searching for new posts a thread on forum Y shows up it will no longer take you to forum Y if clicked. You have to be on forum Y or you get a "no permission error."

Not sure why this changed with 4.2.1 it always worked fine before this.

sticky 05-12-2013 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2421223)
Problem with this on 4.2.1.

If you are browsing forum X and when searching for new posts a thread on forum Y shows up it will no longer take you to forum Y if clicked. You have to be on forum Y or you get a "no permission error."

Not sure why this changed with 4.2.1 it always worked fine before this.

On further review the "no permissions" error only happen when trying to go to the latest post. Clicking the thread still will take you to the other site.

sticky 05-17-2013 09:43 PM

If you click a thread on site X that is on site Y the product will take you from site X to site Y without issue.

If you however click on view first unread post on site X that is on site Y you will get the no permissions error.

If you click on go to last post on site X that is on site Y it works without issue.

So, the only problem is with viewing the first unread post between sites. Anyone have a solution?

bigs15 05-21-2013 07:16 PM

good news this works like charm in vbulletian 3.8 too thankx a lot i just tested in vb 3.8 :D

bigs15 05-21-2013 07:18 PM

problem is unable to access forums :( please solve it ..

Nirjonadda 06-20-2013 06:10 PM

Please any update for work on vB 4.2.1

GameOverViper 08-18-2013 12:49 AM

So I don't understand how to get another domain to work. I have filled out the form in the main forum options, but how do you get a domain to redirect to those categories of the main domain? Do you redirect the domain? Do you upload forum files to each new domain using the same main forum server settings?

BirdOPrey5 08-18-2013 02:31 AM

No, you only use 1 installation. You need to "park" the additional domains on the same server.

GameOverViper 08-18-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2439455)
No, you only use 1 installation. You need to "park" the additional domains on the same server.

Alright, so I did that. But it doesn't seem to work still. Maybe I'm still doing something wrong.

Is the /forums addition required for these to work properly? I just removed the /forums part from the domains.

Do I need to change any other domain settings or is just putting nameservers of the server through Godaddy alright?

BirdOPrey5 08-18-2013 08:16 PM

When I tested this, years ago, all I did was have two parked domains and my main domain.

Then in the settings for this I specified the forums for each domain, and it worked.

There was nothing else I know of I needed to do.

Anytime I hear GoDaddy though I worry since they are so backwards on everything, all bets are off.

Robb M. 08-26-2013 05:50 PM

I have this working fine on 4.2.1, does anyone have a fix for the broken archives.php?

hostmela 11-10-2013 05:55 AM

Dear ROb,

Please advise how it works.

AndrewSimm 11-10-2013 06:52 PM

The only issue I am having is it doesn't force the style.

dizzynation 12-16-2013 11:08 PM

Wonder if I can get this to work as a "migration" to a new domain name. For example, I set this up as directed, then just axe the domain name I am leaving. Hmmm any thoughts? BOP5?

BirdOPrey5 12-17-2013 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by dizzynation (Post 2468834)
Wonder if I can get this to work as a "migration" to a new domain name. For example, I set this up as directed, then just axe the domain name I am leaving. Hmmm any thoughts? BOP5?

Don't know why this mod would be necessary- you can do that with domain parking since (I assume) you want the same content on both domains...
  • You have your current domain say aaa.com
  • You have forum setup and working on aaa.com
  • Then you buy bbb.com
  • You use cpanel or ask your host to "park" bbb.com on your existing hosting account
  • now going to bbb.com brings up the same exact page as aaa.com
  • For vBulletin to work correctly from either domain you need to go to Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Site Name / URL / Contact Details and set "Always use base URL" to NO, and add bbb.com to the redirect domain whitelist
  • At some point set an .htaccess file to permanently redirect aaa.com to bbb.com so you don't lost you old links.
  • In a few years, let aaa.com expire if you really don't want it.

sticky 12-18-2013 09:54 PM

Anyone running it on 4.2.2? Afraid to upgrade.

Kyo-dono 01-05-2014 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2469309)
Anyone running it on 4.2.2? Afraid to upgrade.

I'm very interested in this great addon too. I'm searching for this since years.

Im running actual version vB4.2.1 and want upgrade to vB4.2.2 in next time. Working this addon with this both versions? Have anyone running this mod and can give me a live example/url?


EDIT: Is it possible to have a own SIDEBAR for each domain/subdomain?
If I use en.domain.tld and it.domain.tld or fr.domain.tld, I want a own sidebar per domain and not a single one with last posts of the complete forum. :)

Phaedrus 01-22-2014 02:02 AM

I am interested... Does it work with 4.2.2?

Wajow-community 01-22-2014 08:39 PM

Does it works with vbulletin 4.2.1?

sticky 01-29-2014 03:59 AM

Anybody have any idea how to have a separate style for the CMS and the forum? The options only let you pick one style.

Yes, you can change the CMS style by clicking the pencil and setting it to not inherit the style but once you go the article page Cerberus forces the CMS back to the style you specify for the domain.

fxdigi-cash 03-29-2014 11:00 PM

I have tested it on vb4.2.2 and it works fine. The only thins is that you will need a lot of hard coding inside your 2nd domain or subdomain. I guess you need some html and css skills.

focusfanatics 04-14-2014 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by fxdigi-cash (Post 2490343)
I have tested it on vb4.2.2 and it works fine. The only thins is that you will need a lot of hard coding inside your 2nd domain or subdomain. I guess you need some html and css skills.

Are you having any issues with it posting to the wrong forum? I've tested and it somewhat works, just when you create a new thread in any forum, it always posts to the wrong forum (Usually the very bottom forum on the display order).

fxdigi-cash 04-14-2014 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by focusfanatics (Post 2493180)
Are you having any issues with it posting to the wrong forum? I've tested and it somewhat works, just when you create a new thread in any forum, it always posts to the wrong forum (Usually the very bottom forum on the display order).

it turned out that everything is fine except that I get this issue all times when I want to post new thread on the 2nd forum.

I get this " permission to access ....."

any idea?

focusfanatics 04-14-2014 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by fxdigi-cash (Post 2493190)
it turned out that everything is fine except that I get this issue all times when I want to post new thread on the 2nd forum.

I get this " permission to access ....."

any idea?

I get the same problem too when posting as a reg member. As an admin it works fine.

fxdigi-cash 04-15-2014 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by focusfanatics (Post 2493192)
I get the same problem too when posting as a reg member. As an admin it works fine.

it doesn't work for me even as an admin. sadly, I need to take long way this time to make this work.

I guess there is an option without using this mod. I'm gonna test this option and if it did work, I'll leave a feedback on what happened and how I did it...

Good luck!!

sticky 08-14-2014 04:57 AM

Any chance of this coming for VB5?

RisingGlow 08-15-2014 05:03 PM

I have my second domain parked in the same location as my main domain. If I visit my second domain, I get forwarded to my first/main domain.
I used the settings BirdOfPrey5 used here; https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=139
Anyone know why?

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