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bobster65 05-18-2011 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by synseal (Post 2197313)
I went ahead and used this after your post earlier regarding SEO and sitemaps Zerohour, thanks for that, now I have this set up and working fine I have one issue.

Is there a way of making this area (white) transparent, it looks fine on my light style's but terrible on my dark styles.

Do I need to edit the skin-tfh.css? and in what way.

Thanks for any help.


.yui-navset .yui-content {
border-top:5px solid #ADCCE1;

change the background element.

NOTE: you'll want to have a different CSS file for your dark and light styles..

daydie 05-19-2011 07:25 AM

this is a great mod and i wud keep it on my forums but.....

ive done a few tests regarding SEO and search engines cant view any of the forums even the default one...

thanks anyways fella.

daydie 05-19-2011 08:03 AM

All my forums will not load now after i uninstalled product and reverted templates.

im stuck!

synseal 05-19-2011 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 2197318)

.yui-navset .yui-content {
border-top:5px solid #ADCCE1;

change the background element.

NOTE: you'll want to have a different CSS file for your dark and light styles..

Thanks bobster,

Setting that to transparent worked fine for both light and dark styles.

ZeroHour 05-19-2011 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by daydie (Post 2197463)
this is a great mod and i wud keep it on my forums but.....

ive done a few tests regarding SEO and search engines cant view any of the forums even the default one...

thanks anyways fella.

Send me a pm with your url.
I can tell you search engines do have permissions to access and if you use sitemaps there is no difference...

Khriz 05-19-2011 02:00 PM

This is a great plugin
modification is actually a very useful and excellent ...
base all my forum on this amendment ...
I'm hoping to use the final result ...

My question is for developers ...
there will always be upgrades to be compatible plugin provided with vbulletin? because it makes me sad but hey seen good changes over time its developers let it die and stop being incompatible.



ZeroHour 05-19-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Khriz (Post 2197570)
This is a great plugin
modification is actually a very useful and excellent ...
base all my forum on this amendment ...
I'm hoping to use the final result ...

My question is for developers ...
there will always be upgrades to be compatible plugin provided with vbulletin? because it makes me sad but hey seen good changes over time its developers let it die and stop being incompatible.



I pretty much use the latest vbulletin most of the time so I will update as needed :)

daydie 05-19-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 2197489)
Send me a pm with your url.
I can tell you search engines do have permissions to access and if you use sitemaps there is no difference...

lol ya wrong there, fair play google knows your pages via sitemap and may go to them directly. But if they search your homepage and cant find no more links.

If it doess see the link to the page it will make the relevant link (hpyerlink text) increase the page its pointing to for that keyword.

IMO i wudnt use this . if they can make it load all but only show on click that wud b great

ZeroHour 05-19-2011 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by daydie (Post 2197596)
lol ya wrong there, fair play google knows your pages via sitemap and may go to them directly. But if they search your homepage and cant find no more links.

If it doess see the link to the page it will make the relevant link (hpyerlink text) increase the page its pointing to for that keyword.

IMO i wudnt use this . if they can make it load all but only show on click that wud b great

Sadly I am not wrong, I have been doing this for a very very long time in regards to SEO.
I am a bit lost by your post, "if they search your homepage"? as in googling for "blah site:blah.com"? that still works or are you meaning on the page.
Hey, its cool if you dont believe me, use what you like, I am just trying to inform you that google really doesnt care about 1 page out of x pages on your site and it wont affect your rankings at all tbh. Its one page, not even a long tail page... if anything google probably ignores keywords on the index page due to its limited content appeal. Its the threads that matter.
I have used this for a long time now and my site grows and grows. I had a non ajax version before and saw NO drop at all but ymmv (your mileage may vary)

ZeroHour 05-19-2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 2196490)
Re-bumping as is now under 'new management'...

Hey I missed this before,
If you need to remove the table that tfh uses look for {PREFIX}tabs (mine is vb_tabs for example)
Take a DB backup and then remove that table only. Thats the only table used by this mod.

daydie 05-19-2011 03:39 PM

what im sayin zero, is that you know aswell as i do. that if a page is linking to your site E.G "Window Cleaners" google follows it and ranks that page for that keyword higher (with more relavance)!

So if all pages are interlinking in and out it makes the robot scan your pages multiple of times giving your website a great overall appearance.

Am i wrong?

ZeroHour 05-19-2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by daydie (Post 2197611)
what im sayin zero, is that you know aswell as i do. that if a page is linking to your site E.G "Window Cleaners" google follows it and ranks that page for that keyword higher (with more relavance)!

So if all pages are interlinking in and out it makes the robot scan your pages multiple of times giving your website a great overall appearance.

Am i wrong?

Internal linking (aka links inside the same domain blah.com/index.php -> blah.com/somethingelse.php) do not have any huge impact on ranking at all. The ranking is based on external sites linking to your pages which is why sitemaps fix the issue and also the quality of the page content. How your site is internally linked is not the ranking factor.

crazymilk 05-21-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by GrossKopf (Post 1956333)
I installed this, but when it was done and I created my first tab, my forum homepage only showed the tab in the closed position. You have to click on the tab to open it up. I'd like it so that first tab is opened by default. I can't use it in it's current state.

Has this been answered? couldn't see reply

crazymilk 05-21-2011 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by roymogg (Post 2016108)
Hi Great Mod Bobster,

Went in very easily - I saw this below and included <noscript> tags around the 'old' forum display script (rather than delete) so crawlers (who only see text) can see the standard forum layout. Also if A user has script disabled the standard layout is shown.

thanks for a great mod



Sorry I'm a noob where is the forumhome template I'm I putting this code?

Thanks for your help

crazymilk 05-21-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 2183641)
yes, click on Manage Tabs... in the Active Modules section (under the tabs), on the far right, click on Make this Default. Then that Module will be the default tab loaded.

How would I do this for one of the other tabs?

synseal 05-21-2011 04:21 PM

So far after 2 weeks using this I see no drop off to do with SEO, infact today I have had the most members and guests view my forum than ever before.

Was at 2000 or there abouts, today so far,

Most users ever online was 3,353, 21-05-2011 at 05:44 PM.

kderentz 05-27-2011 09:39 PM

Having a slight issue:

Installed the mod, uploaded the files, made the template edits, installed the product, and set up the tabs in the admincp.

The tabs display the correctly selected forums and then repeat ALL forums afterwards. For example:

Tab 1:

Displays Forums Selected For Tab 1

Then Displays ALL forums again below those selected forums

Tab 2:

Displays Forums Selected For Tab 2

Then Displays ALL forums again below those selected forums

What did I do wrong???



Found it ... it was with the 2nd edit in the FORUMHOME template

kderentz 05-27-2011 10:10 PM

One other question ....

How come I cant limit the user groups who can see the default tab? My site is going to be a closed site (in the fact that you can only see the forums after you register and your reg is approved).

ashley55 05-29-2011 04:52 PM

i have a problem, i want my main tab to have these forums


but it cuts off halfway, is there a way to bypass the limit?

and is it bad for SEO?

preemz10314 05-29-2011 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by ashley55 (Post 2201338)
i have a problem, i want my main tab to have these forums


but it cuts off halfway, is there a way to bypass the limit?

and is it bad for SEO?

i don't think it is bad for seo, plenty of forums have tabbed index's. Now, on the other hand, will having that many tabs confuse your users. Yes. In the most possible nicest way.

daydie 05-30-2011 06:25 AM

it IS bad for seo you noobs lol..... login to google. goto webmaster tools. Use the spider viewer tool. and you will see that it does not bring up ANY forums because they are hidden.

i wish yas could fix this as i would use it. as its neat

TheInsaneManiac 06-09-2011 09:07 PM

Is it possible to remove the links that TFH creates on my categories? Because I am trying to create a forumhome with only my forum categories listed, for PSP users.

Khriz 06-13-2011 02:11 AM

still not finished the new version?

ZeroHour 06-14-2011 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by daydie (Post 2201583)
it IS bad for seo you noobs lol..... login to google. goto webmaster tools. Use the spider viewer tool. and you will see that it does not bring up ANY forums because they are hidden.

i wish yas could fix this as i would use it. as its neat

It is NOT bad SEO, you may think it is but it is NOT, I have explained why and how the forum index is not a SEO important page. Please stop spreading FUD.

I had been waiting for 4.1.4 to test before new version, I have just updated to 4.1.4 and all is good but a few fixes to match up with vbulletin.
EDIT headerinclude:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/utilities/utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/tabview/tabview-min.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.9.0/build/utilities/utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.9.0/build/tabview/tabview-min.js"></script>

To fix the tab collapse problem edit forumhometab:
Add to the end:

<script type="text/javascript">

ZeroHour 06-14-2011 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by ashley55 (Post 2201338)
i have a problem, i want my main tab to have these forums


but it cuts off halfway, is there a way to bypass the limit?

and is it bad for SEO?

I am looking for a fix to that, initially use forum category id's as it should pull all the subforums below the category.
As for SEO, no it is not negative if you use sitemaps.

synseal 06-14-2011 03:51 PM

No negative effect to do with SEO for my forum using this, I was very cautious about this mod but after a month everything is fine and my members love it!.

Khriz 06-16-2011 05:56 PM

Waiting for new version:)

GameVB 06-19-2011 09:44 PM

Gahh I am having a big problem with this lol.

The plugin doesnt work with version 4.1

ZeroHour 06-20-2011 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Gamerhut (Post 2210127)
Gahh I am having a big problem with this lol.

The plugin doesnt work with version 4.1

Erm it does, it has worked on every version of 4.1 so far and works fine on my 4.1.4 board.
What problem are you getting?

RedDevil 06-20-2011 04:50 PM

Are we closer to an updated version yet?

Add tabs below navbar to the wish list ;) think we spoke about this earlier :D even have them as a seperate bar might be good.

BTW works fine on VB4 4.1.3 those having issues must have not done install correctly or some other mod is conflicting.

kderentz 06-20-2011 08:31 PM

I have been able to get the tabs all displaying and link to the correct pages but it always thinks its on the home page so none of the sub links work :(

Can someone guide me through this. I would be willing to donate/pay some money as I got a quote from one of the theme guys and he wants to charge me $200 to code it if I cant get this mod to work for me.

GameVB 06-23-2011 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 2210295)
Erm it does, it has worked on every version of 4.1 so far and works fine on my 4.1.4 board.
What problem are you getting?

would you mind helping me?

I dont know what i did wrong

pantani 06-29-2011 01:42 PM

Rserved for later use, thanks.

nezr 06-30-2011 02:49 AM

any updated on the way?

Easy5s.net 06-30-2011 04:57 AM

can you make show result like v ietvbb.vn

kderentz 06-30-2011 10:27 PM

Nevermind Im dumb ... posting in the wrong mod ... I have this one working great with my forum.

nezr 07-01-2011 11:21 PM

thanks for this mod

Can each tab have a different color?

nezr 07-01-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 2192196)
Do you submit sitemaps? if so it then makes no difference to your SEO as your content is still *out there*
I have used this addon since we went vb4 and my site has grown and grown and I have seen no SEO hit.
Think about your forum home, other then the right column showing last post date/thread it has no real dynamic content that search engines would care about.
Sitemaps ensures you content is indexed properly not the forum home as such.
Remember as well that if we were to say dump the tabs content into the page as hidden div's the page would be slower to load which google cares about now.

to submit sitemaps, do i have to enable "Enable Automatic Sitemap Generation"?

dai-kun 07-03-2011 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 2207391)
To fix the tab collapse problem edit forumhometab:
Add to the end:

<script type="text/javascript">

If this fix is applied, the individual blocks of the forum sidebar will become not collapsible.

radiofranky 07-06-2011 07:40 PM

will this mod works with vbadvanced? thanks

I really like the tab style, especially you have +10 forums


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