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tlwwolfseye 03-15-2009 04:39 PM

Megavideo also gives me "INVALID URL", is there something I can do wrong ?

VIMEO and MEGAVIDEO both give me that. Is it me or the Mod ?

Jaxel 03-15-2009 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye (Post 1768859)
Is the link for the VIMEO HD also different like the YOUTUBE HD (hdef://) or is it just the same links and the Mod finds out itself if its HD or not ?

P.S: I tried adding a VIMEO Clip (http://vimeo.com/658094) but it says "INVALID URL"

Also, is there a way to add GOOGLE VIDEO ?

Google video does not have a publicly available API, and google has said they will never work on one (since google video is dead, its just youtube now).

Jaxel 03-15-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye (Post 1768876)
Megavideo also gives me "INVALID URL", is there something I can do wrong ?

VIMEO and MEGAVIDEO both give me that. Is it me or the Mod ?

Did you try the new files?

The old files require you to have www... the new files dont.

tlwwolfseye 03-15-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1768879)
Did you try the new files?

The old files require you to have www... the new files dont.

Yes, thank you. Those work now. ;)

l_amhed 03-15-2009 05:16 PM

Hi Jaxel !

I wrote a post somedays ago : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=566
What have I done wrong ?

Jaxel 03-15-2009 05:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Wegame! (there is no timecode in the API, so time must be added manually)

All these new hosters are tested here: http://www.8wayrun.com/video.php?do=...y&categoryid=4

qbn720 03-15-2009 07:06 PM

Hey Jaxel,

Nice add-on. I think you should make it so that we can edit the video url so that when things get deleted off these hosts we don't have to delete everything. I think it would be really useful. Also, editing comments would be another nice feature you should look into for upgrades.

Additionally, I noticed that usernames within the comment boxes are in the "strike out" format, is there an immediate way to resolve this issue? It doesn't display any other formats of the users name, such as different colors or font textures for moderators and etc.

Take care,

Skyrider 03-16-2009 07:34 AM

Jaxel, possible possible when higher quality (HD) is available, the size of the video can be increased? I know you can use HDEF to get the bigger screen, but it doesn't seem to use the HD quality right away. Or possible to increase size when HQ is available? That you can set it in the options menu of the AdminCP. At the moment, your plugin grabs normally a very small video size which you can't set if a HQ is available.

bengalistation 03-16-2009 01:26 PM

@jex.. can ya please help us to make hoster XML of our own host ?? i donno how to create the XML for the video files that are hosted in my hosting, i wanna play them from this directory, cheers !!!

Al-Mothafar 03-16-2009 08:35 PM

Thanks Jaxel for this powerful Addon , I have two points to you:

1. I suggest to use JW Flash player to play video , its allow to you add many options like (One interface & using on flexible player & controls player style , can you add direct links "http://domain/vid/video1.flv" , etc)
for JW Player visit this link : http://www.longtailvideo.com/

2. How can i make hoster file to another hoster like(http://video.google.com/) or others ?

dancue 03-18-2009 10:13 PM

Alright. I'm going to attempt to add a video hoster, but I know not where to start.

The hoster is viddler.com

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

FFTFTCEd 03-18-2009 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by KeyTraderz (Post 1728216)
Is there a way for me to add Divx code so i can link files from my server?

Same here, I'm using DivX webplayer and want to know if this mod will work with it.

It would appear that the most common use for this mod is linking to video hosting sites, as stated in the lead, but I want to eliminate the third party altogether. I want to FTP the video files (in DivX format) to the forum root, point the mod to that host and away we go.

Will this mod do that or is it only for host's suggested in the lead?

Thanks for your help & mod guys.

Playa82 03-19-2009 05:37 AM

Last Update: Yesterday

Version: 1.2.4

Changelog ??? <--------

Stefanus 03-19-2009 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Playa82 (Post 1771657)
Last Update: Yesterday

Version: 1.2.4

Changelog ??? <--------

Still show's 1.2.3

I do have a problem on some vids showing "We're sorry, this video is no longer available."
but the video is available on YouTube here is one example and the link to YouTube.

Any help on this vids giving a "We're sorry, this video is no longer available." message?


DobieGillis? 03-19-2009 07:47 PM

I have it all installed fine, just need to enter the You Tube hoster settings. Anyone know what that is? TIA!

Playa82 03-19-2009 08:22 PM

shows 1.2.3 to me, too...

DobieGillis? 03-19-2009 09:46 PM

this is an amazing Mod...what took me so long to install? What? Awesome Sauce!

FFTFTCEd 03-19-2009 10:09 PM

so..... anyone out their using this mod to host your own video's & if so, what format are you using?

Jaxel 03-19-2009 10:13 PM

1.2.4 is for file changes only, that is why the script still says 1.2.3; because nothing changed in the script.

As for "video is no longer available"; that has nothing to do with this mod, it has to do with Youtube sucking.

Al-Mothafar 03-19-2009 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Al-Mothafar (Post 1769967)
Thanks Jaxel for this powerful Addon , I have two points to you:

1. I suggest to use JW Flash player to play video , its allow to you add many options like (One interface & using on flexible player & controls player style , can you add direct links "http://domain/vid/video1.flv" , etc)
for JW Player visit this link : http://www.longtailvideo.com/

2. How can i make hoster file to another hoster like(http://video.google.com/) or others ?

I am still waiting :)

Playa82 03-20-2009 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1772219)
1.2.4 is for file changes only, that is why the script still says 1.2.3; because nothing changed in the script.

As for "video is no longer available"; that has nothing to do with this mod, it has to do with Youtube sucking.

ah, ok. thanks

TheLastSuperman 03-20-2009 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by FFTFTCEd (Post 1772216)
so..... anyone out their using this mod to host your own video's & if so, what format are you using?

What Ed meant is, same as myself....

I want this mod BUT I want it to pull info from my FTP for my divx videos....

So, before I go through all this code and attempt this, do you have a simple answer or?

Anything @ all will be helpful!

Thanks :D


Sunray2 03-21-2009 04:49 PM

Hi Jaxel,

I've done the install, however I cannot see the video manager in the AdminCP, therefore I am not able to update categories.

Any idea what I have missed during the install. I followed the directions from start to finish twice.




I can now see the AdminCP.

Stefanus 03-22-2009 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1772219)
1.2.4 is for file changes only, that is why the script still says 1.2.3; because nothing changed in the script.

Ok. ;)


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 1772219)
As for "video is no longer available"; that has nothing to do with this mod, it has to do with Youtube sucking.

Not so sure about that, the vid works every time on the YouTube site but the modification gives only on certain vids the "video is no longer available" error. When these vid's is used with a bbcode link on another site it works perfectly.


6piston 03-23-2009 04:24 PM

hi jaxel,

the Video Directory Remixed was working perfectly

but until just today, i noticed that when i put in the youtube url and then press load information, it takes about 10 seconds to actually load the information where normally, it's in a blink of an eye

i have tried upgrading to the 18th march version but the problem still persists

i registered and tried to load on your site (http://www.8wayrun.com) and it was really fast compared to mine

what could this mean? is there like some cache i have to clear or any bits i need to rebuild?


FRANKTHETANK 2 03-23-2009 06:15 PM

Did anyone make any more xml's for this or is this all we can get for this mod?

BalkanW 03-23-2009 06:50 PM

first of all great mod,but i have this problem...pleas help to fix this

qbn720 03-25-2009 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by BalkanW (Post 1775240)
first of all great mod,but i have this problem...pleas help to fix this

Administrator CP > Users > Usergroup Manager > (Select Usergroup) > Shift No to Yes and Save.

FFTFTCEd 03-25-2009 10:47 AM

Still need a answer to the DivX question & about hosting video's from my own site. Will this program work with DivX format & can the host be my FTP/site?

I've read through the entire thread & found no mention of it. If there it has been answered somewhere, could you please post a link to where it has been addressed.

Thank you for your time & assistance.

Jaxel 03-25-2009 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by FFTFTCEd (Post 1776563)
Still need a answer to the DivX question & about hosting video's from my own site. Will this program work with DivX format & can the host be my FTP/site?

I've read through the entire thread & found no mention of it. If there it has been answered somewhere, could you please post a link to where it has been addressed.

Thank you for your time & assistance.

I'm not answering this question AGAIN.

FFTFTCEd 03-25-2009 05:20 PM

Thanks for your answer.

l_amhed 03-26-2009 03:41 PM

Sorry for the repost but I geuss it was drowned in the flaw of the other answers.

"Hi there !

First thanks for this hack, this is a reaaallly good idea !
All was working like a charm, and didn't do any changement in your hack, but since it is insalled I tried some other hacks (maybe there is a correlation) and I just pay attention yesterday that the :
General settings
Video detail settings
Video tag settings

Options in the AdminCP don't 'work' anymore. I mean when i click on the links nothing is appearing (even if I can access the 'Video-directory Details' via the VB options menu).

EDIT: I found that my problem is related to the XML cp_nav file
<link>options.php?do=options&amp;dogroup=videodire ctory</link>
I don't know why but the &amp; is not parsed when I 'over' the link in my adminCP with my mouse it's written "options.php?do=optionsdogroup=videodirectory" instead of "options.php?do=options&dogroup=videodirectory ". I don't know why and moreover and don't know how to fix such a thing heheh.

(hope my english is understandable by the way)"

Chadi 03-27-2009 03:00 AM

Feature request:

- place member usergroup submissions into moderation queue automatically.
- who's currently viewing this video
- who's active in video directory
- user video uploads (local)
- mp3/wav support (both local and online)
- comments moderation


Jaxel 03-27-2009 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Chadi (Post 1777992)
Feature request:

- place member usergroup submissions into moderation queue automatically.
- who's currently viewing this video
- who's active in video directory
- user video uploads (local)
- mp3/wav support (both local and online)
- comments moderation


Moderation queue I will work on for next major release...

MP3/Wav support technically already exists... They work the same as video embed codes, just use audio embed codes. Just get me the per-video XML feed of your requested music site and I'll do a hoster file for it.

Al-Mothafar 03-28-2009 09:15 PM

Feature suggested:
• Support direct links ..
• Make Playlist ; some videos on youtube divided to more than 1 part , like Lessons or another series videos..
• Last commented videos on main page that has last videos etc..

And thank you for this hack , I am really translate phrases to Arabic and edited some lines to work fine ..

Lahoria 03-29-2009 04:38 PM

when i try to add a youtube video I get "The url is invalid."

how do i fix this

fluentdesigns 03-29-2009 06:44 PM

Just started having problems with youtube videos, everytime I try to add a video I get the following error.

The response of the video server cant be read.

Any ideas?

Al-Mothafar 03-29-2009 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by fluentdesigns (Post 1779894)
Just started having problems with youtube videos, everytime I try to add a video I get the following error.

The response of the video server cant be read.

Any ideas?

Some times happen to me when i try to add some , and i solve it by following
* first check the url of video , and note its case sensitive
* refresh the add-video page , and try again


Forumi Shqiptar 03-30-2009 01:36 AM

How come that every time i install this mod and when i go to the user manager to edit the permissions of a usergroup instead of editing the permissions it adds another usergroup with the same name and everything so for example.

If i want to edit the moderators group permissions it adds another moderators group into the usergroup permission.

Now that ive un-installed this it still does it so ive to reupload the vbulletin files again and update all the hacks from the beggining because of this.
So does anyone has this or its only me?

Glynn58 03-31-2009 07:25 PM

Any chance of having a password protected catagorie where we could add adult content ( not porn in my case but adult comedy )

This would be a boost for an already excellent Add-on


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