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Elbulus 11-24-2008 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by FluidG (Post 1671610)
I added the WoTLK options in the templates and phrases but the additions do not show in the form. Anyone know if you have to reimport the changes in a remade XML file?

I done the changes or atleast thing i made the changes in the correct place in the .xml file , uploaded it and everyone was the same :( Gonna have a look into it a bit more when i'm not trying to heal people in heroics >< Will post back if i work it out !

Kaas 12-04-2008 12:44 PM

I had the same issue, It had something to do with the cache or somethign with the templates... I fully modified my xml to reflect WOLTK... Now however I am having an issue with a "security toekn" IE: CSRF, I for the life of me can not figure out where the line is to be modified... And no one has posted a sugestion in the dev forum on it..
If you have any ideas, let me know please...


mikey1974 12-13-2008 07:35 AM

I am no genious when it comes to php but i gave this a go for the sake of my sanity when WotLK was released.....its worked on our forum and i stress this is a short term fix till electricstorm or someone with the same know how starts to work on this script again

download Electricstorms product file and then edit it using what ever package you need, then make the following changes, it looks long but alot of it is just same old, same old


$dropdownchoice1i = $vbphrase[wow_form_warrior];
underneath add:

$dropdownchoice1j = $vbphrase[wow_form_deathknight];
then find:

$dropdownchoice5i = $vbphrase[wow_form_holy];
underneath add:

$dropdownchoice5j = $vbphrase[wow_form_blood];

then find:

$dropdownchoice6i = $vbphrase[wow_form_protection];
underneath add:

$dropdownchoice6i = $vbphrase[wow_form_frost];

then find:

$dropdownchoice7h = $vbphrase[wow_form_survival];
underneath add:

$dropdownchoice7i = $vbphrase[wow_form_unholy];

then find:

$dropdownchoice8j = $vbphrase[wow_form_skinning];
underneath add:

$dropdownchoice8k = $vbphrase[wow_form_inscription];


                                        <option value="$dropdownchoice1i" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1i == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1i</option>

                                        <option value="$dropdownchoice1j" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1j == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1j</option>

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice5i" <if condition="$dropdownchoice5i == $dropdownanswer5">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice5i</option>
underneath add:

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice5j" <if condition="$dropdownchoice5j == $dropdownanswer5">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice5j</option>

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice6i" <if condition="$dropdownchoice6i == $dropdownanswer6">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice6i</option>

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice6j" <if condition="$dropdownchoice6j == $dropdownanswer6">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice6j</option>

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice7h" <if condition="$dropdownchoice7h == $dropdownanswer7">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice7h</option>

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice7i" <if condition="$dropdownchoice7i == $dropdownanswer7">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice7i</option>

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice8j" <if condition="$dropdownchoice8j == $dropdownanswer8">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice8j</option>

                                <option value="$dropdownchoice8k" <if condition="$dropdownchoice8k == $dropdownanswer8">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice8k</option>


                        <phrase name="wow_form_warrior" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Warrior]]></phrase>
underneath add:

                        <phrase name="wow_form_deathknight" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[DeathKnight]]></phrase>


                        <phrase name="wow_form_affliction" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Affliction]]></phrase>
underneath add:

                        <phrase name="wow_form_blood" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Blood]]></phrase>


                        <phrase name="wow_form_combat" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Combat]]></phrase>
underneath add:

                        <phrase name="wow_form_frost" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Frost]]></phrase>


                        <phrase name="wow_form_destruction" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Destruction]]></phrase>
underneath add:

                        <phrase name="wow_form_unholy" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Unholy]]></phrase>


                        <phrase name="wow_form_skinning" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Skinning]]></phrase>
underneath add:

                        <phrase name="wow_form_inscription" date="0" username="Elricstorm" version="1.0.1"><![CDATA[Inscription]]></phrase>

Right ok i cheated on the next part but it works, wont reflect it in the control panel but still it works ok on the form


$dropdownchoice270 = "70";
work upwards changing the numbers so it looks like the following

$dropdownchoice264 = "74";
$dropdownchoice265 = "75";
$dropdownchoice266 = "76";
$dropdownchoice267 = "77";
$dropdownchoice268 = "78";
$dropdownchoice269 = "79";
$dropdownchoice270 = "80";

get the idea take it all the way down to 11 instead of lvl 1, if you have someone applying to join your guild below level 11 that then tough titty for them. I think thats about it then simply save your work / re-apply the product overwriting the one you had previously installed and it should work great.

Again i stress, i just looked at the file and made the next logical steps i claim no glory for this its electricstorms work that takes all the credit and as i said i am the village idiot so if it takes over the world dont blame me LOL

Finger78 12-18-2008 01:06 AM

I applied the fixes in the post above mine and they worked fine, however this mod is so outdated a LOT of the info it asks for in the form are no longer relevant, this is a good mod I just hope the author can find some time to update it. I would be happy to provide some suggestions for possible updates to the form. Msg me!

Flootroops 12-29-2008 08:33 PM

I applied all the above changes but it's still not showing Inscription, DK's or the DK talent choices. I did it twice by copying and pasting the code exactly. Could you possibly send me your editted XML?

Flootroops 12-30-2008 06:33 PM

I tried these changes in 3 different .xml editors. The only change that seems to be working is the change to reflect level 80's.

Ragefire 01-05-2009 10:40 AM

Snap Flootroops

Zhin Jio 01-07-2009 05:16 PM

Since noone seems to be contributing real fixes to this, I will explain in a bit of detail how to go about making changes to this "correctly". I'll use two examples, level changes (non-hack way as opposed to what is suggested above), and adding "Death Knight".
  • Adding new levels to the dropdown
    • Part ONE : Modifying the plugin code
      1. Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager
      2. Click on [Edit] next to your formname under the Elricstorm product
      3. Find the following line:

        $dropdownchoice270 = "70";
      4. Add the following after:

        $dropdownchoice271 = "71";
        $dropdownchoice272 = "72";
        $dropdownchoice273 = "73";
        $dropdownchoice274 = "74";
        $dropdownchoice275 = "75";
        $dropdownchoice276 = "76";
        $dropdownchoice277 = "77";
        $dropdownchoice278 = "78";
        $dropdownchoice279 = "79";
        $dropdownchoice280 = "80";

      5. Please note, NEW values are used in this example, unlike the example a few posts up. For those new to this... its important that variable names here are unique.
    • Part TWO - Adding in phrases
      • Ok, in this case, we can skip this step since we didn't add any new phrases in. Proceed below...
    • Part THREE - Modify the template
      1. Styles & Templates -> Style Manager
      2. In your style, select 'Edit Templates'
      3. Scroll to the bottom, find 'wow_form', double_click
      4. Find the following block:

        <option value="$dropdownchoice270" <if condition="$dropdownchoice270 == $dropdownanswer2">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice270</option>
      5. After it, add in a similar line for every level above 70 you're adding. For example, to add in level 71, you'd put in:

        <option value="$dropdownchoice271" <if condition="$dropdownchoice271 == $dropdownanswer2">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice271</option>
  • Adding the Death Knight Class
    • Part ONE : Modifying the plugin code
      1. Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager
      2. Click on [Edit] next to your formname under the Elricstorm product
      3. Find the following line:

        $dropdownchoice1i = $vbphrase[wow_form_warrior];
      4. After it, add the following:

        $dropdownchoice1j = $vbphrase[wow_form_deathknight];
      5. Note, that in THIS case, the new variable is incremented using a letter instead of a number (dropdownchoice1j) AND we *are*, in fact, using a new phrase (wow_form_deathknight)
    • Part TWO - Add the new phrase(s)
      1. Languages & Phrases -> Phrase Manager
      2. "Add New Phrase" button

        Phrase Type : GLOBAL
        Product : Elricstorm's World of Warcraft Recruitment Form
        Varname : wow_form_deathknight
        Text : Death Knight

      3. Note that in the above example, the "Varname" *MUST* match the new vbphrase that you added above
      4. Click "Save"
    • Part THREE - Modify the template
      1. Styles & Templates -> Style Manager
      2. In your style, select 'Edit Templates'
      3. Scroll to the bottom, find 'wow_form', double_click
      4. Find the following block:

        <option value="$dropdownchoice1i" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1i == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1i</option>
      5. After it, add:

        <option value="$dropdownchoice1j" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1j == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1j</option>
      6. Note that the block you're searching for will contain the variable name we added in the above step (Modifying the code), namely 'dropdownchoice1i'
      7. Save

The above method(s) can be used for adding other fields as well, including Inscription or whatever else. I leave those examples as an exercise to the reader.

PS - No offense meant to other submitted fixes... they just weren't working.

Zhin Jio 01-07-2009 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kaas (Post 1678416)
I had the same issue, It had something to do with the cache or somethign with the templates... I fully modified my xml to reflect WOLTK... Now however I am having an issue with a "security toekn" IE: CSRF, I for the life of me can not figure out where the line is to be modified... And no one has posted a sugestion in the dev forum on it..
If you have any ideas, let me know please...

This occurs in versions past ... I think 3.6.something or other. Fix:

Edit your wow_form template, find the following:

<input type="hidden" name="posthash" value="$posthash" />
<input type="hidden" name="poststarttime" value="$poststarttime" />

Add this after:

<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />

I'm not certain the sessionhash is necessary, but it works. Tested on 3.7.4, I will not speak to this fix's validity on any other version.

Bman200 01-15-2009 01:58 AM

Why is it giving me the following when I try to submit or preview the form: Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

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