Za4a Tuner |
03-30-2007 05:13 PM |
Originally Posted by groeken
(Post 1205884)
I want to use this hack for support issues like 'i cant change my signature" or "there is no link, really".
Now I've got a question. In Germany their are so many laws... their forbid a lot of things like to dirsturb the privacy of other poeple.. When i want to use the Hack as a support-feature i need something like agreement with the user that allows a admin to use the mod.
Why do it by so a hard way?
Ask the User for his password -> log in with the correct password -> and if evrything is done ... send a pn to the user to change his password.
another question to this "law-problem"
What's about an option, wich will send a PN to the user, that an admin has logged into his account?
for example (A -> Admin / U -> User)
A loge into the account of U =>
nothing will happen =>
A log out -> send a PN to U ==> A has logged into your account
Can this be realized? Maybe with an option to set this option ON or OFF?