10-06-2003 07:15 PM |
[high] vBindex v3.0.0 Beta 1 - Public Beta Released[/high]
I happy to announce the first release of vBindex for vBulletin 3. This is the first beta so it may still have some bugs left in it, however after testing both here and at hellsatans site most of the obvious bugs have been resolved. The templates remain largely un-phrased untill vBulletin have added all a majority of the phrases into the language system. Due to the restrictions on discussing vB3 hacks and Addons here at vB.org, vBindex 3.0.0 Support will only be given over at Core Forums when you have PM'ed either myself or hellsatan your Core Forums username to us via the vB.org PM System. vBindex 2.x support will remain in this thread.
To download you will need to enter the following forum password:
[high] Features[/high]
The following are the features that are presently avalible in vBindex, those marked new have been updated since vBindex 2.1.
- Latest Threads;
- News (taken from a specified news forum), with vBcode, Smilies and optional news posters avatar;
- [high]*NEW*[/high] Online user list, with buddies and invisible users marked;
- Very easy to customize, just edit/add templates;
- Integrated Welcome Panel;
- Capable of operating a multi-paged site;
- [high]*NEW*[/high] Full usergroup based viewing permissions;
- [high]*NEW*[/high] Global and user specific ignore list throughout all items;
- Will work 100% outside of your forums directory;
- Fully integrated into the Admin CP, change all options there!
- Fully integrated Shoutbox;
- [high]*NEW*[/high] Reduced queries and cleaner code, only 16 queries with all fetaures enabled;
- [high]*NEW*[/high] 100% Valid XHTML 1.0 Templates.
[high] Installation/Upgrade[/high]
Full instructions can be found in the zip file containing the source code, which can be downloaded from our forums. The templates provided with Beta 1 are designed for vBulletin 3 Beta 7 due to the new image folder structure.