Originally Posted by username12
Very impressed with the level of support and updates of this hack.
One more vote for IBProarcade integration.
Like the idea of a point betting casino.
This is in the works, I have talked to the ibpro author about support for this.
Originally Posted by Ignignokt
Thanks for the lottery fix!
There is a typo in the following phrase: estore_action_clear_user_always_change_items_warni ng
Chagne should be change :)
Noted, and will be fixed in the next release.
Originally Posted by inspiration100
Fantastic, good job! I've asked this 3 times but other stuff is more important so i'd like to ask again, If I want to sell a zip full of goodies in the store, how would I do this? Is it possible?
For eBS points? You can attach it to a thread, and when you click on Manage Attachments, it should have a field for how many points you want to charge for the download.
Originally Posted by Lyricsmama
I fresh installed v1.1.3 and it doesn't allow members of any usergroup to buy options.
Also when I try to change usegroup permissions it gives me this:
Try changing usergroup permissions for what, categories, or options?
Originally Posted by redtailboa
Is there anyway to allow the same present to show up more then once on the users postbit. A bun of people bought a user of my site the Kick me present and want it to show more then once...in fact they want him to have 5 of them :)
Right now there isnt, but when the field is updated to handle the serialized gifts, there probably will be.
Originally Posted by MissKalunji
how do i know who won the lottery?
There will be a new link coming soon for the lottery winners.
Originally Posted by kylek
Cron Task Added for the Lottery. When it chooses a winner for the lottery, it sends a PM to the user who won the lottery.
Is there a way for admins to also know who won the lottery? Winner might only come in oncein awhile and everyone would be asking who won.
There will be a public link on the lottery page that will show the "previous winners" in the future, stay tuned!
Originally Posted by shaynehammy
The update says
1) Added an Item History to log a history of each item that is purchased.
But i am getting this:
This item does not have any eStore history recorded yet. - Although a lot of items have been bought. I take it the history starts from the time 1.1.3 was installed?
CMX. I think history should display bought by and for who. Ie It would perfect if users could see which members bought user titles for and what the user title was changed to.
Thanks for the help everyone and well done CMX!
Yes, it only works for purchases after 1.1.3 was installed.
And your suggestion is noted, I'll see about adding a new column for "notes".
Originally Posted by TJFweb
Would anyone here be able to provide me with a file edit to remove the , from the outputted $post[points] value?
I have an iconifier script which isn't working due to the comma. Thanks.
I'm going to change all of the number_format into vb's number_format so it will utilize whatever format you are using for vBulletin into the next release.
Originally Posted by docvader
OK, installed. Damn, it's an impressive piece of work. I'm in awe.
One thing that I need, lol. And this is evil.
I need an "option" for my members to purchase a usergroup for another member (not for themselves).
You see, I have a usergroup that forces an individual to "go to HELL", uh, my forum area for people who misbehave. OK, I'm not all there. But, being able to purchase a primary usergroup (ie, "Dungeon Denizens"), for other people, would make a lot of people happy. The way it is now, the banished people can purchase a user group which gets them out of hell. But, they don't necessarily get back into the user group they were in.
Having an option to restore your previous user group, after being banished, would be interesting also.
Nice job. Finally installed, and its truly an overwhelming piece of work.
LoL, I guess this could be done by taking the secondary action file and modifying it a bit. I'll add it to the todo list.
Originally Posted by dan35
Points Per Attachment Upload
Points Per Attachment Download
Points Per Attachment Download by others (credits go to uploaders)
Right now there is a feature when you attach a file to a post to select how many points you want for the file. If someone downloads your attachment, you get the amount of points from that user for them downloading it.
If you mean Points Per Attachment Upload that the user should get points themself for uploading a file, I guess that could be done, but I'll need more time because there is 1 noticeable problem I foresee with that. If someone adds an attachment, then removes it, then readds it, they would get the points twice, so there has to be something done about that before adding this feature. So I need some more time to think of a better way to do this.
Originally Posted by StarBuG
I have a few Questions
I have public joinable Usergroups
If I have the setting active for buying a secondary usergroup, will users only be able to join these public usergroups if they buy them?
Or I allow profile pictures.
If I have the setting profile pictures active, will users only be able to add/change there profile picture if they buy it?
There is a new setting per usergroup on if they are available for purchase. Goto the Admin CP and then click on the usergroup you want to be for sale, then scroll to the bottom of its options and put "Can be purchased as secondary" or "primary" where you see fit.
If you have the vB setting so they can use profile pictures, then they will be able to do it from their USER CP without paying for it since you have the default setting allowable to all users.
Originally Posted by exilera
In the attached image, the blocks are all touching each other on the top/bottom except for the 'username options' box in the upper right. How can I mimick the upper right box for all of the boxes and make it so none are touching?
I think u'd have to add a <br /> at the end of the estore_nav_categorybits template. But I havent tested that yet.
Originally Posted by voleibolmurcia
I just installed the Ebux / Store 1.1.3 mod, and i didnt see in the left side in ACP the menu for Ebux and Estore.
What do i do wrong and what i have to do for solving?
Did you upload all of the files and then Refresh your Admin CP?
Originally Posted by voleibolmurcia
Yes i did.
I uploaded all files.
I imported the product.
I modified the templates.
Do you have the HOOKS system enabled? If you do not have the hooks system enabled at all, none of the stuff would show up in the Admin CP either. Where is the global setting for enable/disable plugins?