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Ramsesx 03-06-2006 09:27 PM

It was gif and jpg format. But as mentioned before it was possible to add it from the acp.

derekivey 03-06-2006 09:46 PM

Hmm, can you PM me the url to your forum so I can try it? It should let you upload gif and jpg images. Maybe even try reuploading the .php files.


derfelix 03-10-2006 03:56 AM

Very nice hack...
suggestions for future versions (maybe suggested before didn't real ALL of the 38 pages)

* an automatic check if the site has included your code (removal or suspension if your code has been removed)

* point system for users that have lots of ins (if a user comes from their site.. an registers .. addition to referrer?)

* usage of real banners.. (most sites have) instead of buttons..(or choice) with automatic resizing if banner is not the exact requested size...

these are just suggestions
it is great as is


derfelix 03-10-2006 05:16 PM

been testing it .. and it is great...

found one little bug.. (or feature? :surprised: )

A user uploads a pic.. and the sitename, description etc...
everything is fine..

now the user sees he has a typo in the text.. so he edits it.
when he saves it.. everything is fine..
BUT: the picture is gone.. as a matter of fact the file is still there..
but somehow in the db it is gone.. the user sees a broken image.

I think its a little bug in edit_site.php

because when you edit your sites it stores the $key variable into the database. BUT if you have not modified the image.. the variable $key is not defined anywhere (actually it takes the $key variable out of the included global.php)

My workaround is the following (maybe there is a more elegant way to do it)
First make a backup copy of edit_site.php

in edit_site.php
PHP Code:

if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['image']['name'])) 

above add:
PHP Code:

$query_key ""

a little lower find:
PHP Code:

$height $size[1]; 

below add:
PHP Code:

                    $query_key ", imagecode='" $key "' WHERE id='" $vbulletin->GPC['id'] . "'"

and finally find:
PHP Code:

imagecode='".$key."' WHERE id='".$vbulletin->GPC['id']."'"; 

and replace with:

PHP Code:

                        imagesize='" . $image_size . "'" . $query_key . ""; 

this is just a first guess..
maybe its not very elegant.. but it works for me.

which meens that when i edit a site without changing the image.. it does not delete the image.


As for the second little problem.. the dynamic image not showing.. its a problem with my localhost apache (test environment) that does not accept .htacess (but some providers dont either).

so what i did was:
rename the file image.png to image.php
then in the template Toplist_HTML_Code i replaced all 4 instances of image.png with image.php

for me its working now!!

Josh1 03-10-2006 05:25 PM

Which XML do i use??

derekivey 03-10-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by derfelix
been testing it .. and it is great...

found one little bug.. (or feature? :surprised: )

A user uploads a pic.. and the sitename, description etc...
everything is fine..

now the user sees he has a typo in the text.. so he edits it.
when he saves it.. everything is fine..
BUT: the picture is gone.. as a matter of fact the file is still there..
but somehow in the db it is gone.. the user sees a broken image.

I think its a little bug in edit_site.php

because when you edit your sites it stores the $key variable into the database. BUT if you have not modified the image.. the variable $key is not defined anywhere (actually it takes the $key variable out of the included global.php)

My workaround is the following (maybe there is a more elegant way to do it)
First make a backup copy of edit_site.php

in edit_site.php
PHP Code:

if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['image']['name'])) 

above add:
PHP Code:

$query_key ""

a little lower find:
PHP Code:

$height $size[1]; 

below add:
PHP Code:

                    $query_key ", imagecode='" $key "' WHERE id='" $vbulletin->GPC['id'] . "'"

and finally find:
PHP Code:

imagecode='".$key."' WHERE id='".$vbulletin->GPC['id']."'"; 

and replace with:

PHP Code:

                        imagesize='" . $image_size . "'" . $query_key . ""; 

this is just a first guess..
maybe its not very elegant.. but it works for me.

which meens that when i edit a site without changing the image.. it does not delete the image.


As for the second little problem.. the dynamic image not showing.. its a problem with my localhost apache (test environment) that does not accept .htacess (but some providers dont either).

so what i did was:
rename the file image.png to image.php
then in the template Toplist_HTML_Code i replaced all 4 instances of image.png with image.php

for me its working now!!

It must be a bug, I could have swore I had it not change anything if they left the image field blank. Hmm. I will take a look and fix it.


Originally Posted by Josh1
Which XML do i use??


derfelix 03-11-2006 08:07 AM

actually in the db it was not gone (i wrote that before i took a closer look)
the value of the $key variable was replaced by the one created in global.php

thx for looking in to it


Josh1 03-11-2006 12:50 PM

Ok, everything works fine, cept when I try to access the page:
you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

derekivey 03-11-2006 01:31 PM

You have to set the usergroup permissions for each user in the Usergroup manager.

derfelix 03-11-2006 01:56 PM

AH and there is one (maybe the most important) thing I am missing..

Usually in a ranking list you can set after how many ins the banner appears!

I run a standalone toplist where it is set to 5, so only after 5 ins the banner of the user is up..

(because that is the only way you can get people to post a link towards you)
i guess it must be somewhere in the settings.. and I missed it.
If not.. this is a BIIIG request!

derekivey 03-11-2006 02:37 PM

Thanks for the suggestion. I like the idea and am adding it to my todo list.


derekivey 03-12-2006 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by derfelix
been testing it .. and it is great...

found one little bug.. (or feature? :surprised: )

A user uploads a pic.. and the sitename, description etc...
everything is fine..

now the user sees he has a typo in the text.. so he edits it.
when he saves it.. everything is fine..
BUT: the picture is gone.. as a matter of fact the file is still there..
but somehow in the db it is gone.. the user sees a broken image.

I think its a little bug in edit_site.php

because when you edit your sites it stores the $key variable into the database. BUT if you have not modified the image.. the variable $key is not defined anywhere (actually it takes the $key variable out of the included global.php)

My workaround is the following (maybe there is a more elegant way to do it)
First make a backup copy of edit_site.php

in edit_site.php
PHP Code:

if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['image']['name'])) 

above add:
PHP Code:

$query_key ""

a little lower find:
PHP Code:

$height $size[1]; 

below add:
PHP Code:

                    $query_key ", imagecode='" $key "' WHERE id='" $vbulletin->GPC['id'] . "'"

and finally find:
PHP Code:

imagecode='".$key."' WHERE id='".$vbulletin->GPC['id']."'"; 

and replace with:

PHP Code:

                        imagesize='" . $image_size . "'" . $query_key . ""; 

this is just a first guess..
maybe its not very elegant.. but it works for me.

which meens that when i edit a site without changing the image.. it does not delete the image.



You are right, that is a bug. I will release a fix shortly.


derekivey 03-13-2006 12:04 AM

Ok here is the fix. Please download this attached file, upload, and select overwrite if your FTP program asks you.


derfelix 03-13-2006 03:08 AM

Thx for the quick fix..!!!

will test ist this evening..
just looked at the code.. much better than mine!!!


derekivey 03-13-2006 06:42 PM

No Problem :)

derfelix 03-14-2006 06:05 AM

works like a charm

Hoffi 03-14-2006 07:28 AM

After update my Images are also not shown up and I have the same Problem as Ramsesx. What was the solutions?

Edit: During update I get the following Error for every Entry:


Warnung: copy(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /admincp/plugin.php(1239) : eval()'d code (Zeile 13)

Warnung: copy(http://www.dunklesvest.de/avatar/bannervest.gif): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /admincp/plugin.php(1239) : eval()'d code (Zeile 13)

derfelix 03-15-2006 07:43 AM

Found another little bug... no its not.. its rather an annoyance..

AND it will NOT AFFECT (I think) all systems (only the phpmyadmin users)

I stumbled into it when backing up my database with phpmyadmin...
when i wanted to get the backup.sql file back into the database.. it gave me an error...


because one field is named "in" and phpmyadmin thinks it is a sql statement.

so what i did to upload the backup.sql file.. I edited the field name to "ins" and everything was ok..

then in phpmyadmin (once the file was loaded) I renamed the field back to "in" and everything was ok..

What would be nice in a future version would be to have that field called: "ins" once and for all.. then there would be no more problems..


derekivey 03-15-2006 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Hoffi
After update my Images are also not shown up and I have the same Problem as Ramsesx. What was the solutions?

Edit: During update I get the following Error for every Entry:


Warnung: copy(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /admincp/plugin.php(1239) : eval()'d code (Zeile 13)
Warnung: copy(http://www.dunklesvest.de/avatar/bannervest.gif): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /admincp/plugin.php(1239) : eval()'d code (Zeile 13)


Try the attached product file instead. I took out the code that grabs any images that people have already added before you upgraded, and uploads them to your server. Since your server configuration doesn't allow file uploads, you will have to edit the hack to not allow image uploads, or get your php configuration changed to allow it.


derekivey 03-15-2006 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by derfelix
Found another little bug... no its not.. its rather an annoyance..

AND it will NOT AFFECT (I think) all systems (only the phpmyadmin users)

I stumbled into it when backing up my database with phpmyadmin...
when i wanted to get the backup.sql file back into the database.. it gave me an error...


because one field is named "in" and phpmyadmin thinks it is a sql statement.

so what i did to upload the backup.sql file.. I edited the field name to "ins" and everything was ok..

then in phpmyadmin (once the file was loaded) I renamed the field back to "in" and everything was ok..

What would be nice in a future version would be to have that field called: "ins" once and for all.. then there would be no more problems..


I will take a look at this. PHPMyAdmin never gave me that problem, but I will change the name of it for the next release.


Hoffi 03-16-2006 06:02 AM

That Works. Thanks.

But in my Toplist now all old Entrys did not show up any Banner of the old Entrys. :(

derekivey 03-16-2006 09:45 AM

Yeah the new version switched from linking the the image urls, instead it uploads them to your server. I will try and release an update to support the old method but right now it doesn't.

Hoffi 03-16-2006 12:25 PM

Umpf. Too bad... about 150 Entries now have no Banner. Shit...

derekivey 03-16-2006 03:38 PM

Check the database, I think I left the old field in there, you could probably just edit the templates so it uses the url to the images instead.

baerwurz 03-20-2006 10:35 PM

I have Prob with 1.06

My Pictures isn´t shown and if I click an see the path ist will be search the pic here:


The Pic on my ftp ist at:


It is chmod 777, but it will not be shown in the Toplist?

Any Idea, what to do?

Thanks, André

derekivey 03-20-2006 11:56 PM

Did you edit that file in notepad according to this post?

DementedMindz 03-21-2006 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by baerwurz
I have Prob with 1.06

My Pictures isn?t shown and if I click an see the path ist will be search the pic here:


The Pic on my ftp ist at:


It is chmod 777, but it will not be shown in the Toplist?

Any Idea, what to do?

Thanks, Andr?

i had the same problem.... it displayed basiclly a broken image... i just removed that image from the center since i couldnt figure it out... i left it all stock and it didnt show up and i edited the file too so i removed that image

DementedMindz 03-21-2006 01:36 AM

what image is suppose to show in the center one by the way?

derekivey 03-21-2006 07:00 PM

It's supposed to show a dynamic image which shows various stats about the site like the number of in and out hits, rating, rank, etc. I'm thinking about adding something to the AdminCP to help everyone edit it more easliy.

Ramsesx 03-22-2006 10:37 AM

Derek, is there a easy way to disable the rating?

derfelix 03-22-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
i had the same problem.... it displayed basiclly a broken image... i just removed that image from the center since i couldnt figure it out... i left it all stock and it didnt show up and i edited the file too so i removed that image

thats because your server probably doesn't accept php scripts with other endings than php (AND the htaccess instruction is not accepted like on mine)

if i remember right.. i just renamed the image.png to image.php and changed the link all 3 times in the template (from image.png to image.php)


DementedMindz 03-22-2006 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by derfelix
thats because your server probably doesn't accept php scripts with other endings than php (AND the htaccess instruction is not accepted like on mine)

if i remember right.. i just renamed the image.png to image.php and changed the link all 3 times in the template (from image.png to image.php)


nah it aint that cause i have a few other hacks installed that basiclly do the same thing as that.... ill try what you said we shall see its worth a try

derekivey 03-22-2006 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx
Derek, is there a easy way to disable the rating?

You would have to do some template edits to remove it. For example probably the Toplist_1 and Toplist_2 templates, to remove the ratings and the Toplist template to remove the table header for the rating column.

loonytune15 03-26-2006 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by loonytune15
ok I am having probs with the buttons again.

A member has added in his site and the button shows up in the admin cp and the toplist, but not on the forumhome scrolling list of sites, it only shows up as a red x.

any ideas?

Has this problem been fixed? I just had a new member add their site in and its got the red x still..

derekivey 03-26-2006 01:51 PM

Should have been fixed. Right click the image and paste here what it is linking to.


DementedMindz 03-26-2006 01:59 PM

any word on whats going on with the middle png image yet?

derekivey 03-26-2006 03:19 PM

Can you paste what you have in it so far so I can try taking a look to see whats wrong? Paste it in tags please.


DementedMindz 03-26-2006 07:00 PM

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.example.com/in.php?id=1" target="_BLANK"><img src="http://www.example.com/images/toplist/buttons/dynamic/image.png?id=1" border="0" alt="example" /></a>

i changed them all from my link but thats what its displaying in the middle image html code.... it dont display the image just a red x for a broken image.....

JonnyQuest 03-27-2006 02:50 AM

I love this hack. One suggestion I have:

Allow affiliates to link to a version of the boards where they have defined the header and footer. This would encourage people to drive traffic to the boards because it looks just like their site. It would really allow the board to be a nexus of discussion from a wide variety of different sites.

Keep up the great work.

ocyberbum 03-27-2006 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
any word on whats going on with the middle png image yet?

Same here

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