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Bubble #5 12-22-2005 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Luggruff
can't blaiming you for being born in the 30's and not knowing that the phrase "dude" isn't a name -_- ..or thinkinh you have to bow down to everyone that's a little bit older, or may have a "higher position". Refering to someone as dude, mate, bro', hombre or whatever, does not mean you discriminate or anything (just because you might yourself)

What does any of this have to do with this hack? :rolleyes:

Luggruff 12-23-2005 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bubble #5
What does any of this have to do with this hack? :rolleyes:

Nothing, just pissed at people that take a go at you for the language you use.
So damn pathetic. -_-
Why even use the energy to pick at a thing like that =\

And about the "Read a few posts back, to learn why.".. I can't see how any of the past, recently written post, answer the question to "why not" on the selection of AWS access option for usergroups =\
I'm not a coder, at all, just know html and css, and read php at the most.
..But I'll guess I'll have to figure this out myself then. Nothting is impossible, just damn tricky (:

And I just figure: There's something in this that recons that the users that can use this are in fact admins or mods, and those types have a kind of "ID" that is connected to this, right?
So all I have to do, in theory, is to create a mod type of ID and exclude it from the AWS, and that's gonna be the type of mods that the users with own subforums are going to be.

Could take forever, or not. So I'm just gonna jump right at it, who needs your help? It's just code, it's logistics, I'll get it sooner or later ;D

Bubble #5 12-23-2005 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Luggruff

Exactly :nervous:

Good to see you're going to try to learn some code. I'm doing the same thing and it's not as hard as I first thought it would be. Looking forward to seeing your first hack :nervous:

sv1cec 12-23-2005 11:55 AM


I just uploaded a file, with instructions on how to install the Notes feature in your AWS-enhanced vBulletin board. PLEASE REMEMBER, AWS 3.5.xx should be install and running in your board, before you apply the instructions in the warn_notes_update_instructions.txt file.

Consider this as a Christmas gift to the users of AWS.

Let me know how that works for you guys.

Many thanks are due to our friend Xplorer4x4 here, for providing me access to a test server to port this feature to vB 3.5.


Bubble #5 12-23-2005 03:31 PM

Thank you sv1cec, it is appreciated. Do we need to install 'kill_warns.php'? The instructions for AWS didn't say what this add=on was for, so we didn't install it. Thanks again for for the notes feature :nervous:

sv1cec 12-23-2005 03:35 PM

Yes kill_warns.php has to be installed in includes/cron and you should make it run once a day, in the Scheduled Tasks. It is the script which erases the warnings, whwn they mature. Use the stand-alone file I've uploaded, the one in the zip has some problems.

Bubble #5 12-23-2005 03:52 PM

John, we didn't see instructions for warn_kill. Do the ones below look OK?

Title : AWS Kill Warnings
Day of the Week : *
Day of the Month : *
Hour : 24
Minute : 0
Log Entries : Yes
Filename : ./includes/cron/kill_warns.php

sv1cec 12-23-2005 04:05 PM

Yes, that looks fine. There are some other kill_ scripts, have you activated them? They are kill_alerts and kill_bans. Make them run also once a day.

Bubble #5 12-23-2005 04:51 PM

The other files (kill_alerts and kill_bans) were uploaded, but no scheduling was done because the instructions didn't say to do so. We will add that part now.

EDIT: We stand corrected John, the other two were added before. We have 3 in total now.

docvader 12-25-2005 10:07 PM

An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Where did you issued the warning from? Where are you trying to remove it from?

I get the same error, when issuing a warning on ANY post, for ANY user.

BTW, I've upgraded from AWS on 3.07 to this AWS on 3.52 also. Not sure if that's causing the problem. Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that?

Thanks, and Merry Xmas. Great job porting this hack over


PS: Any reason why, after installing this, my search for NEW POSTS (or any posts of any days), leads to the search page, and not a listing of the new posts?????? I'm completely befuddled with that one.


docvader 12-25-2005 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by docvader
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

I get the same error, when issuing a warning on ANY post, for ANY user.

BTW, I've upgraded from AWS on 3.07 to this AWS on 3.52 also. Not sure if that's causing the problem. Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that?

Thanks, and Merry Xmas. Great job porting this hack over


PS: Any reason why, after installing this, my search for NEW POSTS (or any posts of any days), leads to the search page, and not a listing of the new posts?????? I'm completely befuddled with that one.


Well, I've got some major issues after this upgrade.

I've installed it as per instructions, and now, I cannot log in to my board's admin area. Not sure what happened after this install, but I can't get into my forum to play with this. What did I do????? Completely puzzled.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

docvader 12-26-2005 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by docvader
Well, I've got some major issues after this upgrade.

I've installed it as per instructions, and now, I cannot log in to my board's admin area. Not sure what happened after this install, but I can't get into my forum to play with this. What did I do????? Completely puzzled.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Well, that was fun.

I finally got access to my admin area by turning off the "hooks" in config.php.

I disabled the AWS product, and I was finally able to log in without problem. Also, the search function reverted to normalcy.

John, something went seriously wrong here. I think it has to do with the fact that I used AWS (and loved it) on my 3.07 board. Upgrading to 3.52, and installing this, did not make my forums "happy". I think I "removed" myself from the system access wise, by clicking on "warn 'me'" on one of my posts, just to see what page would come next, as a test. I got the "wrong user ID" mentioned previously. Apparently, something wrong happens when you "warn user". It might have to do with the fact that there are previous associated databases. I shall reattempt this on my test board to see what happens.

Really wish there was a way to get this working. I understand how difficult this is.


slvr ralliart 12-26-2005 07:17 AM

This hack is awesome, just what my forum needs...

Installed with no problems, all went nice and smooth with installing and works error free :D

one question... where do I upload the "kill_warns.php" file? In my forums root directory?!?

Hornstar 12-27-2005 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by docvader
Well, that was fun.

I finally got access to my admin area by turning off the "hooks" in config.php.

I disabled the AWS product, and I was finally able to log in without problem. Also, the search function reverted to normalcy.

John, something went seriously wrong here. I think it has to do with the fact that I used AWS (and loved it) on my 3.07 board. Upgrading to 3.52, and installing this, did not make my forums "happy". I think I "removed" myself from the system access wise, by clicking on "warn 'me'" on one of my posts, just to see what page would come next, as a test. I got the "wrong user ID" mentioned previously. Apparently, something wrong happens when you "warn user". It might have to do with the fact that there are previous associated databases. I shall reattempt this on my test board to see what happens.

Really wish there was a way to get this working. I understand how difficult this is.


I had this on 3.0.8 and loved it and then i went to install this again because i had 3.5 and things went wrong big time, so bad that i had to install my forums from scratch again as nothing worked to resolve it. But then, i tried it again and everything went okay, but took me alot of work, if you read back on my other posts you will see what i had to go through lol. But i couldnt have a forum without this hack, John did an awesome job on 3.0.8 and deserves another thanks.

docvader 12-27-2005 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
I had this on 3.0.8 and loved it and then i went to install this again because i had 3.5 and things went wrong big time, so bad that i had to install my forums from scratch again as nothing worked to resolve it. But then, i tried it again and everything went okay, but took me alot of work, if you read back on my other posts you will see what i had to go through lol. But i couldnt have a forum without this hack, John did an awesome job on 3.0.8 and deserves another thanks.

Well, horn, I'd love to get this hack back on my boards also. I wonder if, by reinstalling your forums, you wiped the old AWS databases. I really think that they interfere with the new install.

There has to be a way of "disabling" them, so that one can install the new hack on top of them. Or, just remove all the previous tables and start from scratch.

I just don't know what all they are. There are some in the Users table which are not obvious; some of the larger tables are easier to find.

vampireus 12-28-2005 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by docvader
Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that

Yes I also would like to know how to uninstall the hack completely + clear all related databse, so I can make a clean reinstall

Freezerator 12-30-2005 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by docvader
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input

I get the same error, when issuing a warning on ANY post, for ANY user.

BTW, I've upgraded from AWS on 3.07 to this AWS on 3.52 also. Not sure if that's causing the problem. Maybe a totally clean install, removing all the previous databases, is the answer. Got any suggestions as to how to do that?

I got the same issue. I get a db error that a column is missing, here is some example code:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:
update user set warning_level='1', warnings='1' where userid='6783';

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'warnings' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date        : Friday, December 30th 2005 @ 07:23:30 PM
Script      : http://xxxxxx.net/forum/Warn.php
Referrer    : http://xxxxx.net/forum/Warn.php?do=WarnUser&id=6783&post=1749928
IP Address  : xx.xx.38.153
Username    : Freezerator
Classname    : vb_database

I have a table called warnings. I searched the thread, and this error has come after 23december. Thanks in advance.

Freezerator 12-30-2005 06:03 PM


I ran this query on my users table:

        ADD warnings INT(5) DEFAULT '0',
        ADD warning_level INT(15) DEFAULT '0',
        ADD warning_bans INT(2) DEFAULT '0',
        ADD alerts INT(5) DEFAULT '0',
        ADD warn_notes SMALLINT DEFAULT '0'

It did the trick. I hope this helps for others to :)

Zoomby 12-30-2005 06:28 PM

After install I can't get into Admincp, get errors when "new post" = no new posts and after last 24h "Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /search.php on line 269" around 30 lines then search
If I try to save something in UserCP i get "Could not find phrase '::$values for profile fields is not an array::'."
If I try to view user "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view."
If I try to wanr user "An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Invalid User ID Input"

How to disable this hack if I can get into AdminCP...what files on server do I need to edit to get my forum back! Please don't say I have to reinstall!

If you didn't guess from my post, I'm new to this!

Zoomby 12-30-2005 07:56 PM

FIXED my problem!
global $vbulletin;
line in functions_warning.php file

I don't belive this line caused all that trouble!!! one global! I did have to read every post and try every single change that was posted!

I didn't check everything, but for now I'm happy that I can get into AdminCP and warning, new posts and all is not returning any errors.

KirbyDE or sv1cec update this please in next hack update.

BTW great hack....

edit: after reading entire thread, I can see that this gloabl was metioned before...sorry for euphoria :) :o

MThornback 12-31-2005 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Zoomby
FIXED my problem!
global $vbulletin;
line in functions_warning.php file

I don't belive this line caused all that trouble!!! one global! I did have to read every post and try every single change that was posted!

I didn't check everything, but for now I'm happy that I can get into AdminCP and warning, new posts and all is not returning any errors.

KirbyDE or sv1cec update this please in next hack update.

BTW great hack....

edit: after reading entire thread, I can see that this gloabl was metioned before...sorry for euphoria :) :o

Couple of things about the notes instructions:

your notes say to add:


'allownotes' => INT,
should be:

'allownotes' => TYPE_INT,

Also say to add:


'warn_allownotes' => $allownotes,
should be:

'warn_allownotes' => $vbulletin->GPC[allownotes],
otherwise some people (me :p) won't be able to set enable notes system to yes


Decado 12-31-2005 08:48 AM

John any chance of fixing that conflict with inferno rpg, i'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long. We're getting a lot of people with errors because of it having to stop using your warning system, obviously a far from ideal situation.

Bubble #5 12-31-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by slvr ralliart
where do I upload the "kill_warns.php" file?

Full instructions were posted a few pages back.

Bubble #5 12-31-2005 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
OK guys, the bug which didn't allow you to delete a Warning Type is now fixed.

John are you sure that you fixed this error? We have the latest version and we still get the error shown below if we try to delete a warning :(

Any idea of how to correct this?

Xplorer4x4 01-01-2006 06:11 AM

Do the notes add any extra queries(more then 1 if it even adds one)?

sv1cec 01-01-2006 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Decado
John any chance of fixing that conflict with inferno rpg, i'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long. We're getting a lot of people with errors because of it having to stop using your warning system, obviously a far from ideal situation.

I agree that this is a far from ideal situation, but why don't you folks correct it? It should be an easy fix for you, while for me, it's not. As I have explained here, I no longer have the time to support this hack in vB 3.5. All I do here, is to try (as much as I can, because I have no great experience with vB 3.5) to help users out, because Andreas, who was supposed to support this hack, is obviously too busy to do it.

Sorry for that folks, I am sure it is easier for you to fix it, than for me.

sv1cec 01-01-2006 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Xplorer4x4
Do the notes add any extra queries(more then 1 if it even adds one)?

Yes, the notes add an extra query per post, which has a note. If the posts have no notes, no extra queries added. This is the best I can do at the moment. Again, I am sure there is a better way to do it (grab the notes together with all the other post data), but I just do not have the time to do it.

sv1cec 01-01-2006 02:14 PM

MThornback thanks for catching those bugs. I'll update the file in a bit.


Originally Posted by Bubble #5
John are you sure that you fixed this error? We have the latest version and we still get the error shown below if we try to delete a warning

Any idea of how to correct this?

I do not think I've update the release zip file with the updates on that, since it is Andreas who maintains the code, not me. If I remember right (and there is no guarantee that I do, after yesterday night's party), I have posted the instructions here, but don't hold me liable for what I write today.

One more thing. For those who installed the Notes feature, before you release it to the public, please verify that your users cannot see the notes. The Notes should be viewable only by the management team, not the users, even if a note is attached to the particular user who sees his own Public Profile.

Please check it, before posting notes for your users.

SoftWareRevue 01-03-2006 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by MThornback
Couple of things about the notes instructions:

your notes say to add:


'allownotes' => INT,
should be:

'allownotes' => TYPE_INT,

Also say to add:


'warn_allownotes' => $allownotes,
should be:

'warn_allownotes' => $vbulletin->GPC[allownotes],
otherwise some people (me :p) won't be able to set enable notes system to yes


Ha! And me. :)

And I just installed.

Of course, being technologically challenged, it took a bit to find that part. -=\

SoftWareRevue 01-03-2006 02:50 AM


First, thanks for all your work.

I've set this up on the small forum and it seems to be a great hack.

I'm just wondering if you plan on expanding it any.

To work on the big forum, we need to be able to edit points and days per warning as issued.

Is this something you'd consider implementing?

Thanks again!

sv1cec 01-03-2006 05:14 AM

I am not sure I understand your request. You have the ability to have multiple warning types, each one associated with different points and different maturity period. Also, you have the ability to artificially mature a warning sooner than the maturity period (remove it) or to completely remove it (as if it was never issued). What more do you want? Oh, also, the admin can also change the number of points a user has etc.

MThornback 01-03-2006 05:36 AM

This might be over reaching what you wanted to do with this mod...but i'd like to see an improved IP/email banning system integrated into this Mod...its almost universal as it is...but little bits to help keep shit disturbers out is always going to be a hit with Admins :p

Samira 01-03-2006 06:08 AM

John, is this still truly Beta? Or is it considered a stable release?

sv1cec 01-03-2006 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by MThornback
This might be over reaching what you wanted to do with this mod...but i'd like to see an improved IP/email banning system integrated into this Mod...its almost universal as it is...but little bits to help keep shit disturbers out is always going to be a hit with Admins

I am not sure what you want, but if it is for vB 3.5, don't hold your breath.


Originally Posted by Samira
John, is this still truly Beta? Or is it considered a stable release?

Well, the hack was pretty stable in vB 3.1.xx and it is still working like a champ on that one. The reason why it was released as a beta, is because I didn't do the release work. I provided the code, changed as best as I could for vB 3.5 and the whole "packaging" and installation things were done by Andreas. In such cases, problems can occur. Also, since this is a complicated hack, there might be some things which have slipped my attention. For example, the updated kill_warns.php file, which was released because I had forgotten to do the required vB 3.5 changes in it.

So there is not way I can easily answer your question. As long as you have it installed, if you have an issue, I'll do my best to resolve it, as long as it is an AWS code issue. But if there is an issue with the installation, I can't help, since I was not involved in that.

What would that make it? A beta, or a stable release? You tell me!

MThornback 01-03-2006 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
I am not sure what you want, but if it is for vB 3.5, don't hold your breath.
What would that make it? A beta, or a stable release? You tell me!

Yea, its for 3.5 :p I wanted something with a more advanced IP/e-mal banning options...

and i'd call this stable...

sv1cec 01-05-2006 10:33 AM

Thanks for calling it stable. I think it is stable too, but if you have an issues which affect AWS per se, let me know, I'll do my best to solve these. What I can't help is with issues relating to the installation procedure etc.

Bubble #5 01-05-2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
I do not think I've update the release zip file with the updates on that, since it is Andreas who maintains the code, not me. If I remember right I have posted the instructions here

Well we can't remember the last time that Andreas has worked on this, and since this feature still does not work, should we just assume that once you install this hack that you cannot delete any warnings issued to members? We've been through this thread several times and there is no resolution to this problem. It said that the problem was caused by one of the files uploaded to the server, but we have the newest version of that file installed, and still warnings cannot be removed once issued :ermm:

sv1cec 01-05-2006 04:50 PM

Please give me some more concrete instructions on how to recreate the problem. If the test site is still active, I'll try and see what's wrong.

Xplorer4x4 01-05-2006 06:58 PM

John I can not remove warning either. For example when i hover the link to remove a warning, it shows up as www.domsforums.net// which in other words it is adding an extra trailing slash

sv1cec 01-05-2006 07:20 PM

Remove the warning, OK , but from where gentlemen? From Warn.php? From the User Manager in AdminCP, from the Profile? From where???

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