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Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mastar
HOw do I start the installation??


Mikecp421 09-25-2005 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
You didn't do all the file edits as required boss, there is a quick edit to the index.php file in the admincp that places the donations admin on your navbar.

ok well I looked it over numerous times and I can't figure it out. I know what you mean but I just cant figure it out. Thanks anyway!

EDIT, I found a hack to make a link so I got it covered, thanks!

majorj0nny 09-25-2005 08:48 PM

wow - you are possibly the rudest git ive come across on here... thanks for all your 'help'...

I dont think anyone was too rude in their requests - please remember that not everyone is the big giant head genius that you aparently are, im relitively new to this stuff and I muddle through the best I can! All I can say to my 'few' requests and questions is - sorry there was more than 1 before I politely bowed in appreciation of your ore! - Im really interested in seeing using a paypal system like this on my site... i typed paypal into the search engine and waded through the countless threads... its also a little tiring waping through 35 plus pages of this thread for help... especially when I dont find anything from a word search or if I do they seems to trail off into another tangent.

I thought people posted their stuff on this forum cause they were proud of their work - you seem to have things confused - while I and Im sure others fully apreciate this kind sharing, we dont expect or demand support. how could we the stuff is free?

ahh.. i dont know what Im on about now - Im pissed off you took peoples comments so bloody seriously ! do you suggest in future no one dare ask anything ? or some kind of punishment system that slaps someone across the face when they dare ask a question thats alerady been asked ?

ps - that amazing link you seem to be banding around so much on the first post of this thread - the one for the vba2 thing - is a dead link ... i tried that back before I even thought of posting.

anyhow - I might as well uninstall this thing now - since I fear a public scolding if I dare ask for assistance as I muddle my way through getting to to work for me.

I'll also remember that your hacks are for the elite vbulletin users only it seems - guess im not allowed to appreciate them.

wobbly 09-25-2005 11:38 PM

I am sorry to upset you cloudrunner, it wasn't meant to. Thanks to the pointer, but I already done that for the 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include' fix, howver, it wont let me save, as the save button seems to be inactive.


Also, the link in the BIG LETTERS (above) is as dead as a Dodo.

wobbly 09-25-2005 11:55 PM

Ok, I finally sussed it and thank you cloudrunner.

The fix wasnt very clear in my head, as when I tried to save after carrying out the fix, it did nothing, but here is what i done for the

'Could not find phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include' problem

I went to vbulletin vBa CMPS menu in admin cp

I clicked on add new module

I selected the PHP File option

I then added the parameters like this

I named it donations2

File to include: selected donate.php

Module parent: selected None

Templates Used entered the following


Clean File Output: selected NO

Selected my permisions and hit save......voila!!!! a block in all its glory.

Sorry your having a bad time atm Cloudrunner, hope everything gets better soon. :surprised:

Cloudrunner 09-26-2005 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mikecp421
ok well I looked it over numerous times and I can't figure it out. I know what you mean but I just cant figure it out. Thanks anyway!

EDIT, I found a hack to make a link so I got it covered, thanks!

Run the installer again, and skip to the file edits only option, that defines the file edits to get the links into your admiincp. Everything to installing the hack is in the installer.

Cloudrunner 09-26-2005 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by majorj0nny
wow - you are possibly the rudest git ive come across on here... thanks for all your 'help'...

I dont think anyone was too rude in their requests - please remember that not everyone is the big giant head genius that you aparently are, im relitively new to this stuff and I muddle through the best I can! All I can say to my 'few' requests and questions is - sorry there was more than 1 before I politely bowed in appreciation of your ore! - Im really interested in seeing using a paypal system like this on my site... i typed paypal into the search engine and waded through the countless threads... its also a little tiring waping through 35 plus pages of this thread for help... especially when I dont find anything from a word search or if I do they seems to trail off into another tangent.

I thought people posted their stuff on this forum cause they were proud of their work - you seem to have things confused - while I and Im sure others fully apreciate this kind sharing, we dont expect or demand support. how could we the stuff is free?

ahh.. i dont know what Im on about now - Im pissed off you took peoples comments so bloody seriously ! do you suggest in future no one dare ask anything ? or some kind of punishment system that slaps someone across the face when they dare ask a question thats alerady been asked ?

ps - that amazing link you seem to be banding around so much on the first post of this thread - the one for the vba2 thing - is a dead link ... i tried that back before I even thought of posting.

anyhow - I might as well uninstall this thing now - since I fear a public scolding if I dare ask for assistance as I muddle my way through getting to to work for me.

I'll also remember that your hacks are for the elite vbulletin users only it seems - guess im not allowed to appreciate them.

You misunderstand me there boss.

I'm am rude, people already know that. I'm frustrated as to how many folks do not read the post up top. Yours is not the first request that was addressed in the first post. As to the bad link, I'll call my bad and apologize for that, however, a person who takes on something like being an administrator to a forums should realize when there address bar for a given link does not match the linked text (I spelled out the link verbatim when I posted it, unfortunately, something in the coding here on vb.org changed it to remove the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/... from the link. I have fixed that in the post.

To answer your question, I am a rude SOB when someone comes on and gripes about something that was addressed previously, and then when no response is given (due to me NOT BEING HERE, but where I could do some good by helping the folks down in Louisiana after Katrina, and living in the conditions present there for three weeks just to make sure that the freaking hospital equipment is running even without power and air conditioning required to keep them running) posting multiple times on the same problem, with each post getting more nasty as they come along, instead of simply looking at the problem and then saying, hmmm...the full link is given, but when clicked it goes somewhere else, maybe I should cut and paste the address into the browser bar; nah, that would be too obvious.

So yes, I'm pissy, I'm rude, and I'm frustrated as to how denegrated the public school system has seemed to get lately. Reading must be an acquired skill, as well as simple common sense.

So in closing, here is the link AGAIN:


and the one in the first post is fixed for the folks who cannot figure out how to cut & paste and save everyone some hassle.

Again, I apologize for not catching the broke link thing there folks, my bad. But I do expect a small amount of common sense from folks who are willing to run a forums, as fork out the cash to do it with VB. I do not have a big head, nor have I EVER said that I am a genius, It has taken me five years of doing this to get JUST THIS ONE system running. I am a student first and foremost, but more than that, I learn from everything that happens to me. I also own up when I make a mistake, and I expect others to do the same; I made the mistake of assuming that the link was working, it was not, I apologize, it's fixed. As well, I expect people to help themselves first before hollering for assistance from others.

Now I was wrong with the link, and I fixed it, thank you for pointing out that it was broke. I am going to repeat myself here, I will do my best to help where I can, but do not expect my help if your requests make no sense, are not in detail, and demand that something be done.

Oh, and one more thing, I am an A$$ folks, get used to it, especially if you are going to goad me into a corner, I will not deal with that; and to respond to your thing about taking stuff seriously, I take everything seriously. To me what you say is exactly what you mean the first time you say it. Words are a very special thing to me, and I choose mine very carefully, for they can either bite or soothe. Either way, you cannot take back what you have said, the words will always be there, they are the one magickal thing in this world, so yes, I take what everyone says very seriously, including my own words. I do not regret my words, nor do I ever wish to take my words back, because I chose them as I did at that time because I meant what I said. I expect nothing less from anyone else.

Lastly, you will do as you see fit, it does not concern me in the least, if I release another hack and you decide to install it, more power to you, I will not punish for questions asked, as long as they are intelligent, thought out, and specific in details. This is not the first time I have ranted on anyone for not being literate, neither will it be the last. As you so deftly stated, the hacks are free, demand for support is null. However, we all do our best to accomodate, but I can garuantee that the authors of the hacks here at vb.org will all get frustrated and pissed at the folks who install their stuff when the answers have already been given. I just don't care who I piss off when I call those people out. That's the difference.

I released this system because I thought some might like to use it. I do not have to support it (but I will as I can), neither do I need to suffer the proddings of someone who does not wish to help themselves when the answer to their problems is not immediately forthcoming. I have stated previously, I have other issues to deal with, and I don't always have the time to be online, sometimes (like the last three weeks) I'm not even home.

Anyway, you've got me into rant mode right at bed time, and I don't appreciate that, as I expect you didn't appreciate my previous post, nor will you appreciate my position in this one, it matters not.

wobbly, you did not upset me, MJ did with his previous statements

Originally Posted by MJ
infact that whole module is screwed...

not screwed, just not implemented properly...

Originally Posted by MJ (I love this one, this is the one that pissed me off there MJ just for the record)
...yeah its crap aint it!...

If it's crap, then uninstall it and go on your way.

In parting let me say this, if you don't like it, uninstall it and keep your childish words to yourself, if you have a problem, post it intelligently, in detail, and you will get a much better reception.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

Mikecp421 09-26-2005 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
Run the installer again, and skip to the file edits only option, that defines the file edits to get the links into your admiincp. Everything to installing the hack is in the installer.

ok will do thanks again! Nice program BTW, exactly what I was looking for and it works otherwise flawlessly excpet for my mistake there!

majorj0nny 09-26-2005 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
wobbly, you did not upset me, MJ did with his previous statements not screwed, just not implemented properly...If it's crap, then uninstall it and go on your way.

In parting let me say this, if you don't like it, uninstall it and keep your childish words to yourself, if you have a problem, post it intelligently, in detail, and you will get a much better reception.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

wow - you have totally misunderstood me and others comments on here and blown everything out of all proportion.

as for the 'yeah crap aint it' problem - i was not refering to the hack itself - merely the frustration in asking for assistance from a thread that dont seem to be answering! Im way too familiar with asking questions (most a lot more detailed than here) on these vbulletin resource sites and getting absolutely no answer.

whatevers happening in your life - no one else really cares man... Its like me expecting you to understand my 'outbursts' if I said I had a bad day/week/month/year/whatever...

if you dont wanna support this hack - just dont - and if you dont wanna answer 'silly' questions - just ignore them.

I dont see I did anything wrong with what I said - since I wasnt getting much response from anyone I was merely posting again with updated ideas as to the causes of my problems.

and boo hoo I made you upset - you made me pissed off in the first place for coming down on me like a tonne of bricks! its not nice getting my inexperience with vbulletin slapped back in my face and mocked cause Im still unfamiliar with what I need to look for to fix a problem and what relates to what!

anyway - I wont bother read and reply to this thread as its already near on 40 pages long - probably becasue its full off people begging for HELP only to get publicly humiliated by you!

Cloudrunner 09-26-2005 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by majorj0nny
wow - you have totally misunderstood me and others comments on here and blown everything out of all proportion.

as for the 'yeah crap aint it' problem - i was not refering to the hack itself - merely the frustration in asking for assistance from a thread that dont seem to be answering! Im way too familiar with asking questions (most a lot more detailed than here) on these vbulletin resource sites and getting absolutely no answer.

whatevers happening in your life - no one else really cares man... Its like me expecting you to understand my 'outbursts' if I said I had a bad day/week/month/year/whatever...

if you dont wanna support this hack - just dont - and if you dont wanna answer 'silly' questions - just ignore them.

I dont see I did anything wrong with what I said - since I wasnt getting much response from anyone I was merely posting again with updated ideas as to the causes of my problems.

and boo hoo I made you upset - you made me pissed off in the first place for coming down on me like a tonne of bricks! its not nice getting my inexperience with vbulletin slapped back in my face and mocked cause Im still unfamiliar with what I need to look for to fix a problem and what relates to what!

anyway - I wont bother read and reply to this thread as its already near on 40 pages long - probably becasue its full off people begging for HELP only to get publicly humiliated by you!

oh yes, I take pride in publicly denegrating others for my personal pleasure. I also take pride in being the local hacky sack for comments such as your work is crap! and then being expected to support the speaker with their problems (just for the record yer only number three since I've been on vb.org that I've +++++-slapped for being lazy and nasty, and my beef is with your comments, no one else's. It's just you.).

As far as inexperience, everyone has been there before, and we all understand that, including myself; however, don't expect a happier response from any of the authors here when you take personal shots at the coding of that author such as you did with mine. I've already explained my absense lately, and did not need to read that literary smack in the head from anyone.

Let's give a "for instance" here...If I walked up to you on the streets and said, "you're a piece of SH*T!" I'm fairly certain you'd be upset. Whether you act upon that is determined by the type of person that you are. I will not put up with that anywhere, so I called it out. By stating what you did, you were basically saying it to my face, and I acted according to the person that I am.

Now you can either accept my apology for taking this into the public eye instead of into PM, or not. If you choose to not take the apology, that is your choice. The fact of the matter is that what you said was wrong, no matter how you look at it, and thus I slapped you for it. Had it been in person, you would have had more than words to deal with.

I sincerely apologize for bringing my personal issue with your remark into the public view and not having done it in private.

Anyway, sorry for dragging the thread down like this folks, I do sincerely apologize for it. In the future I will ensure that the links I post are correctly htmlised to parse within vb.org so that this problem does not happen in the future. And for everyone who reads this, the last few rants were directed only at the person in the posts, not everyone in general. I realize after reading through, that I was in the wrong, and should have taken my personal beef with the person into PM and not in the public eye, and for that I apologize to the rest of you. I was wrong in doing that.

If there are any other issues that I can resolve with the hack itself, let me know and I will do my best to accomodate.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

majorj0nny 09-27-2005 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
Let's give a "for instance" here...If I walked up to you on the streets and said, "you're a piece of SH*T!" I'm fairly certain you'd be upset. Whether you act upon that is determined by the type of person that you are. I will not put up with that anywhere, so I called it out. By stating what you did, you were basically saying it to my face, and I acted according to the person that I am.

Now you can either accept my apology for taking this into the public eye instead of into PM, or not. If you choose to not take the apology, that is your choice.

... I really did not mean for you to take the 'crap' comment as being directed at you or your code in any way... Are you american ? I will put this down to cultural differences in local language as that comment I made meant something entirely different that you obviously percieved. So for that misunderstanding, I am truelly sorry if I caused offence.

Reef 09-27-2005 12:20 PM

Cloudrunner could you please take a look back at this reply and let me know if you can help me staighten it out..

I only need to relax the permission to ppverify.php so paypal can access it on my private board. How can I bypass the need to 'login' in order for paypal to interact with this script?


I have had this working fine on 3.0.7 with vBadvanced CMPS other than this ability to auto-update... It would be awsome if this can be worked out..


Mastar 09-28-2005 02:59 PM

I got this error --->>>

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 29

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 30

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 31

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 45

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'donation_install/donation_templates.php' (include_path='') in /mnt/large/home/****/****/fourms/admincp/donations_install.php on line 29

What do I need to do to correct??

Vb 3.09

Mastar 09-30-2005 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mastar
I got this error --->>>

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 29

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 30

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 31

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /admincp/donations_install.php on line 45

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'donation_install/donation_templates.php' (include_path='') in /mnt/large/home/****/****/fourms/admincp/donations_install.php on line 29

What do I need to do to correct??

Vb 3.09

!!!!Can SomeOne HELP!!!!

RapCapital 10-02-2005 03:55 AM

Before i install i need to know if there's a way to add in people customly who have not donated using the hack but have donated directly through paypal.

Mikecp421 10-03-2005 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by RapCapital
Before i install i need to know if there's a way to add in people customly who have not donated using the hack but have donated directly through paypal.

yes there is, I do it all the time

Trana 10-06-2005 12:37 AM

Now that VB 3.5 is gold, any idea when we can expect an updated version of this script? It works great on my 3.0.7 board, but I am working on moving to 3.5.


RapCapital 10-07-2005 04:38 AM

Hello i have recently installed this hack, everything seems to work well so far except when i goto my ppverify.php file i get a white page that says there's a problem with my database

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO vb3_donation_paypalipn (
`txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
`first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
`address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
`address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
`payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
`item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
`memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
`option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
`payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
`mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
`settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
`case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
'', '0', '0', '0', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '0', '',
'', '0', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'0', '0', '', '0', '0',
'0', '', '0', '',
'', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Thursday 06th of October 2005 10:35:59 PM
Script: http://www.rapcapital.com/forum/ppverify.php
IP Address: ******

Tony89 10-09-2005 08:41 AM

I couldnt get this to work with 3.5.0. :ermm:

micheal332001 10-20-2005 08:55 AM

for this to work on 3.5 there needs to be code changes to all the php files.
As the new 3.5 uses a diffarent call for info from the database and othere things.

Selene 11-19-2005 11:12 AM

I have installed it and its working fine, but the donors who have donated i cant see the DONATE icon in the postbit

Selene 11-19-2005 11:15 AM

how can i get to know what template modifications i had to do? i tried to run install again but i cudnt get to the samestep, cuz i think i modifed the legacy postbit whereas i had to modify the other one.

Selene 11-19-2005 11:16 AM

NO i still dont see the donate button under the avator..for those ppl who have donated...why

Diaego 11-20-2005 04:24 PM

Not sure how much work is required to port this to vb3.5?

Would be willing to pay £30 GBP if someone can convert it, and it works.

oldfan 11-22-2005 05:07 AM

thanks, just what I needed :)

oldfan 11-22-2005 04:25 PM

I cannot understand why I'm getting this error

This recipient is not yet registered. PayPal will send an email to the recipient explaining how to open an account and receive your transaction.
Email: support@metallifukinca.com
Status: Verified
Account Creation Date: Apr. 5, 2003

oldfan 11-22-2005 05:48 PM

nevermind, I think i fixed it :)
I entered to wrong email, damn typo's

oldfan 11-24-2005 05:03 AM

Why is it when someone donates, it lists them as a guest donator?
Did I miss something?

oldfan 11-24-2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by oldfan
Why is it when someone donates, it lists them as a guest donator?
Did I miss something?



SCRIPT3R 11-27-2005 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by aranthorn
When using a module designed for the vBa CMPS v1 in v2, the default type doesn't carry over. So All I did was:

Go to your admincp--vBa CMPS--Edit Modules--Donations

In the dropdown list for 'Change Module Type' select PHP

N/A... was linked to a post from the 3.5 section.

oldfan 11-29-2005 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by oldfan
Why is it when someone donates, it lists them as a guest donator?
Did I miss something?


patrick_m 12-07-2005 03:59 PM

Will this work with 3.0.10?

patrick_m 12-07-2005 08:03 PM

Okay I installed this on 3.0.10 and everything looks great. I was able to add donations and such, but when I click on one of the donate buttons on the site, it goes to PayPal and I get the following error from PayPal:
Error Detected
The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details.

What am I doing wrong?

PIKenPIK 12-08-2005 07:38 AM

It's time to get something back for the monthly high costs ..
Gonna try this mod :D


patrick_m 12-12-2005 01:52 PM

**BUMP** anyone?

alyster4k 12-15-2005 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by msimonds
The only thing that I can see wrong with it is that the donations still show the highest members who donated even when the donations have been switched in the admincp to the latest donors

Bump... same prob here. It only shows the highest donators and not the latest.

Smiry Kin's 12-21-2005 10:31 PM

port this to 3.5.2????

SCRIPT3R 12-22-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's
port this to 3.5.2????


sv1cec 12-23-2005 01:30 PM

Can someone tell me if that works on 3.0.10?

I know that the autor is now busy supporting 3.5 version, but I do not plan to upgrade my board to that version. So if someone can tell me if it works or not, I would appreciate it.

Tnx and rgds

xfaethorx 12-29-2005 04:59 PM

yep, it works with 3.10 , or at least it should do. Be careful and make sure you set it up correctly as it can be a total SOD to sort out if you fail to do it correctly.

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