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School-Help 04-11-2005 03:58 PM

What new template?

JsnakeJ 04-11-2005 07:41 PM

I am having the same problem as xtrememobile. I installed it yesterday when i posted and no luck :(

I have Post Interval set to 1.

xtreme-mobile 04-11-2005 07:42 PM

yeh mine still hasnt posted anything from the yahoo feeds any one know what we are doing wrong?

vulture 04-12-2005 05:33 PM

Installed in 3.0.7 fine.

Only problem is running via VB schedule manager. To solve it:


if (!$_REQUEST['do'])


if (!$_REQUEST['do'] || $_REQUEST['do']=='runcron')

Jaxx 04-15-2005 04:43 PM

I've asked a bit ago but got no reply, so here goes.

I'm trying to figure out why I've got news, but no title, and also how I can get the link at the end of the story to be 'Click Here ...' instead of the actual link.

I've also got an issue with the formating, and i do not believe its from the RSS feed itself.

Site: http://www.nektulos.net

Feed: http://bootleg-rss.g-blog.net/d.eq2p...840092630H.php

Its a scrap since SOE does not have a true RSS feed. it supplies the title, but its not showing up on my site.


venomx 04-18-2005 02:22 AM

Can anyone help me edit Article bot to work with this hack?
Amy gave me the code to add to the adrticle bot file but I am not sure how to change it. :(

RichieBoy67 04-23-2005 07:43 AM

Just wondering.... does this actually post an article or just a link to an article???? As of right now that is all I am getting... I need to try more feeds I guess...lol

memobug 04-23-2005 09:12 AM

It posts whatever is in the Description field and links to the article. Take a look at the feed itself and you'll see what's in it in terms of text. That's all there is.



RichieBoy67 04-23-2005 05:41 PM


I had it working last night but it only posted a link.... now it is not working at all..

Just wondering..

do I need to add index.php to the path??

PHP Code:


venomx 04-23-2005 05:44 PM

Take a look at the feed. Is there any new ones listed? I have a few feeds that only post every few days because thats about when they are updated.

No need to add index.php...

RichieBoy67 04-23-2005 06:06 PM


I didn't think so.... I do not have it set in cron jobs right now.. I just have the php file taking care of it right now... I set it at 1 minute just so I can test....

Thanks for your reply... I will have to add more feeds and see if that helps...

School-Help 04-23-2005 08:15 PM

When someones got some free time or something. I would be greatful for support. I have been trying to get it to work for like a month and still its only posting titles. Had it working on 3.03 but since i upgraded to 3.06 im having only titles posts made by the bot. Any ideas i would be so grateful.

RichieBoy67 04-24-2005 05:22 PM

OK- I have it working. I just had to uninstall the other rss feed hack. They are basically the same thing...

I was under the impression that this would post an article.. Inactuality it just posts a description and a link....

Are there any feeds out there that actually post more than a short description????

Links to demos would be nice to so I can compare... Thanks

memobug 04-25-2005 08:01 AM

The bot will post whatever is in the description. It can't post what isn't there. Some feeds are longer and more descriptive than others. Basically it's up to the feed generator to put whatever they want in there.

Usually the intention of the feed generator is to stir up enough interest in the description field to get the reader to follow the link back to the site. Having too much info in the feed is often self defeating, because the user won't follow the link.



kyouens 04-25-2005 03:40 PM

Is anyone else having problems with their articlebot making duplicate posts? Mine performs correctly about 99% of the time, but the last 1% of posts are re-downloaded and re-posted every time that articlebot is run. I can't see any difference in the posts or titles (e.g. obvious areas of whitespace).

Has anyone either a) succesfully dealt with this problem from the articlebot end or b) found a script to delete identical posts (even if they're in the same forum--note that the remove doubleposts function in admincp only works across forums)?


PS. If you're having problems with your articlebot's formattting, inserting wacked looking foreign characters in some places, etc, you can replace the magpie RSS files from the hack download with the updated ones from here. I did that and my problems with wierd looking characters magically dissapeared. The upgrade is seamless, and you don't need to change anything (that I have yet encountered) in articlebot.php, etc.

memobug 04-25-2005 09:48 PM

I'm pretty sure that it's the actual target link that defines the uniqueness of the post. If the feed uses a different target link that post will be identified as unique regardless of the description and title.

That's what I recall from reading the code once a long while ago, and it seems to make sense.



kyouens 04-26-2005 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by memobug
I'm pretty sure that it's the actual target link that defines the uniqueness of the post. If the feed uses a different target link that post will be identified as unique regardless of the description and title.

That's what I recall from reading the code once a long while ago, and it seems to make sense.



The target links are identical in the duplicated posts. I think it has to do with the post title, but mine appear to be identical.

KevinL 04-27-2005 07:23 PM

I've been trying to get this to work it just wont. I went over it and over it..

I'm uninstalling it. :(

memobug 04-27-2005 10:43 PM

This hack requires that you configure it precisely and it has a lot of dependencies, like the feed being properly formed and the cron be implemented correctly and the paths being accurate.

If you get anything wrong, it will not work. Even if you do configure it right you will not get any output until the cron and posting intervals have passed.

So, I suggest that people begin with a known good feed and import to a test forum to minimize the probability of error.

I posted a thread awhile back to help set up the cron and use a known good feed.

If you try to customize it completely the moment you install it, chances are good that it will not work, and you will not be able to figure out why.

1. Follow the instructions for setup exactly. Don't leave out any steps and make sure your paths are right.
2. Try using this cron and this feed:




KevinL 04-27-2005 10:55 PM

Thanks for the reply I will go over it again.

I did have it working at one point one bot posted like 15 threads then just stopped.

Then I started getting a email saying that the cron wasnt working right. It all was very confusing.

I will remove everything including the tables and re install everything and leave it for 24 hours and see if it posts anything.

RichieBoy67 04-27-2005 11:18 PM

Is there any way you can keep the bots posts from not being counted?? I would also like to keep the bot out of statistics??? Is this possible???


kyouens 04-28-2005 12:43 AM

I think if you read all 40(!) of the pages in this thread, somebody mentions that RichieBoy. But I could be wrong.....Try a thread search.

KevinL 04-28-2005 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by memobug
This hack requires that you configure it precisely and it has a lot of dependencies, like the feed being properly formed and the cron be implemented correctly and the paths being accurate.

If you get anything wrong, it will not work. Even if you do configure it right you will not get any output until the cron and posting intervals have passed.

So, I suggest that people begin with a known good feed and import to a test forum to minimize the probability of error.

I posted a thread awhile back to help set up the cron and use a known good feed.

If you try to customize it completely the moment you install it, chances are good that it will not work, and you will not be able to figure out why.

1. Follow the instructions for setup exactly. Don't leave out any steps and make sure your paths are right.
2. Try using this cron and this feed:




Ok so I went back and did it all over again...and it works great!!

Thank you!

ChrisHasenpflug 04-28-2005 03:29 AM

I am having a problem with this hack. Currently the feed I am trying to use includes an ampersand.

I input:


However the hack converts this to:


Obviously (for anyone who knows about query strings), this does not work. The hack is encoding the ampersand, and that doesn't fly. While ampersands should be encoded when displayed in a browser (for W3C standards) they should not be encoded when accesed (browsers unencode the & and turn it into a plain & when viewed).

I would appreciate any help in fixing this hack to not encode ampersands. I'm considering making a mod_rewrite rule for this as a work around, but I would prefer to make this work.


kyouens 04-28-2005 03:30 AM


PS. If you're having problems with your articlebot's formattting, inserting wacked looking foreign characters in some places, etc, you can replace the magpie RSS files from the hack download with the updated ones from here. I did that and my problems with wierd looking characters magically dissapeared. The upgrade is seamless, and you don't need to change anything (that I have yet encountered) in articlebot.php, etc.
Try this, it worked for me.


KevinL 04-28-2005 03:56 PM

Now..is there a way that when someone replies to a thread the bot made it moves to another forum?

Like say you set up the news to go to a sub forum and when someone goes in and replies it goes into the the regular forum. So people can see the ones that people have replied to.

memobug 04-28-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by KevinL
Now..is there a way that when someone replies to a thread the bot made it moves to another forum?

If so, it would be a different hack. The bot doesn't read the forum.



T3MEDIA 04-28-2005 07:35 PM

Simple question the standard vb feeds... is this a major upgrade to it?


KevinL 04-28-2005 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by memobug
If so, it would be a different hack. The bot doesn't read the forum.



No, I mean if the thread that the bot makes gets a reply the thread moves out of the sub forum (automatically) and into a discussion forum so others could reply to it without it getting lost.

Without say a mod or admin moving the threads into the other forum.

kyouens 04-28-2005 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by KevinL
No, I mean if the thread that the bot makes gets a reply the thread moves out of the sub forum (automatically) and into a discussion forum so others could reply to it without it getting lost.

Without say a mod or admin moving the threads into the other forum.

What memobug said. . . . .If you are moving posted threads from one forum to another, you should look at a completely different hack. Articlebot does not (and should not, probably), have such a function. Try searching for something like "move threads with replies" or the like and see what you get.

KevinL 04-29-2005 01:01 AM

Thanks guys I get what youre saying now :)

Romeos Tune 04-29-2005 04:43 AM

I have found several rss feeds that work..... the problem is most all of them I found only give you 2 or 3 lines of a story and then a link..... Does anyone know of some good links that will post the entire story? Preferably sports related...... Thanks!

RichieBoy67 04-29-2005 09:41 AM

I would also love a feed that actually puts more content on the site and not 3 lines................... I would also like to be able to remove the bot from adding to post counts...lol

kyouens 04-29-2005 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
I would also love a feed that actually puts more content on the site and not 3 lines................... I would also like to be able to remove the bot from adding to post counts...lol

The content of the feed has absolutely nothing to do with ArticleBot and everything to do with what the content providers choose to include.

KevinL 04-29-2005 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
I have found several rss feeds that work..... the problem is most all of them I found only give you 2 or 3 lines of a story and then a link..... Does anyone know of some good links that will post the entire story? Preferably sports related...... Thanks!

Reuters usually gives a good description.

Layne SMith 04-30-2005 04:05 AM

I know I'm beating a dead horse here but the answer eludes me still.

Just got it all set up to feed the link below (the one recommended) into a forum. Works fine, feeds it in. BUT, it feeds only into the title. It doesn't post any of the lines or the link into the body of the post. Just a title.


I've checked this whole board and the one fella who seemed to figure it out was happy to tell us of his triumph, BUT NOT HOW HE DID IT!!! ugh.

Help is appreciated!


kyouens 04-30-2005 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Layne SMith
I know I'm beating a dead horse here but the answer eludes me still.

Just got it all set up to feed the link below (the one recommended) into a forum. Works fine, feeds it in. BUT, it feeds only into the title. It doesn't post any of the lines or the link into the body of the post. Just a title.


I've checked this whole board and the one fella who seemed to figure it out was happy to tell us of his triumph, BUT NOT HOW HE DID IT!!! ugh.

Help is appreciated!



I just added that feed to my test installation, and it appears to work correctly on mine. I would recommend doing a fresh install of articlebot and using the updated MagpieRSS files (Which I linked to in a previous post.)

Also, you might want to take a look at your template (if it's customized for your articlebot) to make sure you haven't left something out. You could look diretly at your database (phpmyadmin) to see if the article descriptions are coming through and being inserted or not.

Good luck


Layne SMith 04-30-2005 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by kyouens
I would recommend doing a fresh install of articlebot and using the updated MagpieRSS files (Which I linked to in a previous post.)


I downloaded the most recent version of Magpie and am not sure what to do with it or where to put it. Or, even if I should do anything with it. I'm not sure which MagpieRSS files you're talking about. Which files in the Article Bot download need to be updated?


kyouens 04-30-2005 06:45 PM

There are four files in the articlebot directory that you should have uploaded to your server. The file names are rss_cache.inc, rss_fetch.inc, rss_parse.inc and rss_utils.inc I believe. If I recall, the MarpieRSS tgz file has those files inside it, and you should upload and replace the ones in your articlebot directory with the new ones from the magpie tgz.

I don't know if this will fix your problem, but it might. Good luck.

Layne SMith 05-01-2005 04:18 AM

Kenny, thanks for helping me out with this.


Originally Posted by kyouens
I just added that feed to my test installation, and it appears to work correctly on mine. I would recommend doing a fresh install of articlebot and using the updated MagpieRSS files (Which I linked to in a previous post.)

Did this. No dice.


Originally Posted by kyouens
take a look at your template (if it's customized for your articlebot) to make sure you haven't left something out.

Doublechecked, looked fine. Did a copy and replace right out of instructions to be sure. Still nada.


Originally Posted by kyouens
You could look diretly at your database (phpmyadmin) to see if the article descriptions are coming through and being inserted or not.

Here's where we have a lead. When I use phpMyAdmin to check the contents of articlebot_rss_cache the last thing in the table says...

title=...And We're Back

That's it. I see no descriptions.

This looks fishy.

On a different note...

Before checking the database, I tried to do a reinstall, went through the steps and got this database error. Have no idea what I've messed up, if anything. Thoughts?


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
        CREATE TABLE articlebot (
            articlebotid smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
            userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            regex_title_search varchar(100) NOT NULL,
            regex_title_replace varchar(100) NOT NULL,
            regex_desc_search varchar(100) NOT NULL,
            regex_desc_replace varchar(100) NOT NULL,
            enabled tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            dateline int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            PRIMARY KEY (articlebotid)
mysql error: Table 'articlebot' already exists

mysql error number: 1050

Again, thank you.

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