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John 01-21-2004 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by MaDCaT75
About the copter game that was added..... can you make a submit score button please? I dont wanna have the score submitted every time I crash!

The thing is, you ask me for a submit button - and as soon as I add it, someone else will ask me to remove it because it makes challenges unfair!

Did the proArcade version have a submit button? (Just curious)

AshAbed 01-21-2004 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by badboy1
well. if there isnt no major text included / changed then you can try to reinstall it on the new upgrade.

ok, but will all scores be lost?

John 01-21-2004 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by yabba
Hello John

2 little errors in the arcarde.php. I think thats a prefix problem again:
Failure One:
and the Second :
Greets yabba

yabba, I think those two errors you reported were already fixed - you just need to update to the last arcade.php in the latest zip file.

MaDCaT75 01-21-2004 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by John

Did the proArcade version have a submit button? (Just curious)

Yes this is why I ask for a submit button... the "seethru.co.uk" button was replaced with "submit score". I think everyone would like this instead of having it re-direct to the score page right away.... because I believe the score page would be filled with 5 pages in a day!

And I'm sorry that I didnt request a submit button.... I thought you already knew that the vbproarcade one had one already :confused:

GamerzWorld 01-21-2004 09:17 PM

How come http://plurplanet.com/forum/proarcade.php? has so many games?

MaDCaT75 01-21-2004 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by GamerzWorld
How come http://plurplanet.com/forum/proarcade.php? has so many games?

Cause its the proarcade? Not this arcade.

badboy1 01-21-2004 09:21 PM

hey John... If you read your .game.php file then you can see ur License ID. You might want to take that off. Some sites only require a license ID just to use.

John 01-21-2004 09:32 PM

badboy1, I thought they needed the customer number?

badboy1 01-21-2004 09:34 PM

Maybe. Not sure tho. I would just make sure to take off the # and see if it works on a test file.... if it doesn't then keep it on. But i see no reason why Vbulletin.com would need the Customer # for a hack they dont support.

macshrine 01-21-2004 09:44 PM

i was browsing some sites, and i found some freeware .fla games. i thought i might upload them here, dont remember what they are, but its like a racing and solitaire, and others. i remember you saying to upload .fla games, so i thought i would contribrute :cool:

sorry if im not allowed to do this :nervous:

Dark Jim 01-21-2004 10:24 PM

Hey John, could you add these games too: http://www.thegaminguniverse.com/index.php?page=Arcade. I took those from miniclip.com and added them until I installed your hack. No source code but since you added the other miniclip game...

Shad 01-21-2004 10:51 PM

I would kill to get Galaga on this, but can't even dig up a flash version of it let alone a .fla.

VampireMan 01-21-2004 11:35 PM

<a href="http://www.groovynet.com/javagames/SpaceWar/" target="_blank">http://www.groovynet.com/javagames/SpaceWar/</a> (galaga clone)

now about the killing ... there's this bloke in leeds lol

Shad 01-21-2004 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by VampireMan
http://www.groovynet.com/javagames/SpaceWar/ (galaga clone)

now about the killing ... there's this bloke in leeds lol

You almost had your guy in Leeds whacked, but that is java not flash :)

Detomah 01-21-2004 11:43 PM

Please feel free to correct me if you feel I am being paranoid with this. :)

I thought I better bring it to the attention of everyone that one of my members has somehow found a cheat for Asteroids and for Helicopter.

I am not totally sure how he's doing it, but it's so blatently obvious that he's doing it it's unreal.

Spot the cheat:


Skan0r - Asteroids Champion! - 79840 ownage - 1285 secs
2 Forge - 66130 - 625 secs
3 Slaya - 65650 - 625 secs

Skan0r - Helicopter Champion! - 3458 - 366 secs
2 Yadz - 2744 - 117 secs
3 Yadz - 2738 - 122 secs
For those who did not spot it, look at the times for Skan0r. It may not seem too extreme but it like this for him on ever game where he has become leader. His times are 3 and 4 times longer than anyone else. I don't think it can be put down to him having loo breaks either.

As I said I'm not sure exactly how it's being done, but I do think it may have something to do with having the right click options available.

Is anyone else having a similar problem to this? I really don't think it's just me going crazy? Is it? If someone else is suffering this, is there anyway you figured to stop it and what exactly is it he's doing?

John - Any luck figuring out anything that could be causing scores to not be submited?

AutomatikStudio 01-21-2004 11:50 PM

Detomah...I'm not really seeing how he is "blatently" cheating...plenty of people on my boards play games for a long span of time. It's called "boredom."

MaDCaT75 01-21-2004 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by AutomatikStudio
Detomah...I'm not really seeing how he is "blatently" cheating...plenty of people on my boards play games for a long span of time. It's called "boredom."


DuffMan 01-22-2004 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by MaDCaT75

Look at the times compared to the scores. If a member got 2744 points in 117 seconds, how could the other guy possibly get under a thousand more in over twice the time? Aren't the helicopter scores largely based on the time you've been playing?

John 01-22-2004 12:15 AM

I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary there. If you're that worried, check Skan0r's pings and make sure they're reasonable. (In the database)

John 01-22-2004 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by DuffMan
Look at the times compared to the scores. If a member got 2744 points in 117 seconds, how could the other guy possibly get under a thousand more in over twice the time? Aren't the helicopter scores largely based on the time you've been playing?

Because on a slower PC, the frame rate drops dramatically for Helicopter. And the timing is server side.

Edit: Another thing you have to take into account is that timing starts as soon as the game loads... he can wait minutes before clicking on start.

monstergamer 01-22-2004 12:17 AM

any word on the X amount of post ?

John 01-22-2004 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
any word on the X amount of post ?

No, not yet. The next batch of features will come all at once.

Also, I have to work to survive. As much time as I do spend on this, I need to get other stuff done - apart from the game conversions, bug fixes, installation support, etc. for the Arcade. The hack has only been released for a few days, give me a chance.

monstergamer 01-22-2004 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by John
No, not yet. The next batch of features will come all at once.

Also, I have to work to survive. As much time as I do spend on this, I need to get other stuff done - apart from the game conversions, bug fixes, installation support, etc. for the Arcade. The hack has only been released for a few days, give me a chance.

take your time i am in no rush
but do you have some kind of idea of what the new features well be, or are you thinking as you go?

EDIT: one of my staff has asked me some thing..
i am going to turn on the auto pruning on for every 30 days

and they asked if there is was a way to have it post the top 5 socore for each game in a certin thread or forum id before it prunes the scores

John 01-22-2004 12:34 AM

Yep, I have a list.

John 01-22-2004 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
EDIT: one of my staff has asked me some thing..
i am going to turn on the auto pruning on for every 30 days

and they asked if there is was a way to have it post the top 5 socore for each game in a certin thread or forum id before it prunes the scores

There's always a way, as long as you know how to code it.

Link14716 01-22-2004 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Detomah
Please feel free to correct me if you feel I am being paranoid with this. :)

I thought I better bring it to the attention of everyone that one of my members has somehow found a cheat for Asteroids and for Helicopter.

I am not totally sure how he's doing it, but it's so blatently obvious that he's doing it it's unreal.

Spot the cheat:

For those who did not spot it, look at the times for Skan0r. It may not seem too extreme but it like this for him on ever game where he has become leader. His times are 3 and 4 times longer than anyone else. I don't think it can be put down to him having loo breaks either.

As I said I'm not sure exactly how it's being done, but I do think it may have something to do with having the right click options available.

Is anyone else having a similar problem to this? I really don't think it's just me going crazy? Is it? If someone else is suffering this, is there anyway you figured to stop it and what exactly is it he's doing?

John - Any luck figuring out anything that could be causing scores to not be submited?

Want to see one of my Chopper Challenge scores?

3        squall14716        2044        The crown is mine, +++++.          8:27pm Jan 19        4091 secs
Anyways, I've installed every modified game to date. One game that I'd like modified is "Alien Attack". I'll grab an .fla and post it in a few minutes or something. I tried it myself with little luck (not that I had luck doing it for ProArcade either...).

John 01-22-2004 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Detomah
One of my members has found a huge weakness/exploit in the Maeda Path game.

At the end of the level there is a little arrow you can click on for a bonus. There is nothing at all to stop anyone from just repeated clicking on that and getting absolutely huge scores. :/

I've tested the exploit and it is there. Anyway to fix it?

John - With regards to my earlier post including that possible fault, the common connection is that it's happening to people who beat the high score on games (not every time though, it's happened roughly 22 times from over 20,000 game plays). I managed to replicate it myself while I was checking the bug mentioned above.

By the way, Maeda Path has been updated. (Just download the zip again and overwrite the swf file.)

22 errors in 20,000 game sessions, that's 0.01% of all scores. It could be packet loss - it happens. You were lucky to manage to replicate it. (I've been unable to.)

Either way, arcade.php has been updated in the zip - I suggest you update, it might help. (It'll stop the database errors.)

MaDCaT75 01-22-2004 01:56 AM

John I must say..... for being as busy as you are and keeping up with this fast paced thread.... congrats :up:

Smirks 01-22-2004 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Hwulex
Those are merely template hacks, HTML. They would be easy enough to add if you so desired. If you're not sure on your HTML, pay the HTML School a visit. :up:

As for the bug in my mini_stats. The problem has been resolved. Please download the new instructions and rehack. Delete what you added into arcade.php before and add the new code. Cheers.

Either there's still a bug, or it was reporting the wrong stuff before because acording to the first rev I should have been almost at 2 days, then it went down to just over 1 and now it's still around there. So, which was correct?

Hwulex 01-22-2004 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Smirks
Either there's still a bug, or it was reporting the wrong stuff before because acording to the first rev I should have been almost at 2 days, then it went down to just over 1 and now it's still around there. So, which was correct?

I added multiple half hour sessions at a time and measured the time updates each time, and with the new algorithm, the results looked spot on for me.

The old one was very, very, wrong though.

djnoz 01-22-2004 02:17 AM

Superb hack. When VB goes gold, I'll be installing it.

/me clicks install

Detomah 01-22-2004 02:34 AM

I guess perhaps I am being a little paranoid or crazy or both then... >.< Ooh well always better to be safe thn sorry. :)

Uploaded the new Maede file anyway, working great. :)

Also uploaded the new files with no probs, but, I won't know if my mystery problem vanishes or not till the forum gets busy again in the morning now though.

A few of my users have been nagging me for a drving game, is there any on the horizon.

Regarding .fla files for games, can it be any .fla game file so long as it's good? There's no special requirements is there?

Big Jim 01-22-2004 05:19 AM

Hi John, great hack, got it up and running no problem now (multi-style blank page issue).

I'd like to know what I'd need to change in postbit_legacy so that the winners don't have their trophys and text trailing right after their user title? I think if I just put a <br> in, I'd have an extra line for no reason if that person wasn't a champion of a game.


MaDCaT75 01-22-2004 06:15 AM

I wish the copter game had a submit button.... I hate this!!! :cry:

Littlebit 01-22-2004 08:41 AM

I'm giving this a spin now and all seems to be working wonderfully on OSX and latest Mozilla! :bunny:

Curll 01-22-2004 09:09 AM

Amazing, amazing hack. Tons of fun!

But, there's gonna be a lot less posting on my boards now :'(

Now, we need an Excitebike and Paperboy flash port!

NuclioN 01-22-2004 09:14 AM

Is it possible to place the part of code that is launched after game over under a button?

B.t.w. i've installed it on RC3 and it looks great. When i have time i shall try to modify as many as possible games for this addon.

mini2 01-22-2004 09:59 AM

Installed on RC3 last night, seems to be working I did have ONE problem with the display on the profile page.

Under ***Arcade User Options*** in profile.php it would be good to add this:

PHP Code:


Before the $template_name line, to prevent layout/display issues.

John 01-22-2004 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by mini2
Installed on RC3 last night, seems to be working I did have ONE problem with the display on the profile page.

Under ***Arcade User Options*** in profile.php it would be good to add this:

PHP Code:


Before the $template_name line, to prevent layout/display issues.

Well spotted!

Zip file updated. If you've already installed it,

in profile.php
PHP Code:

$templatename "modifyarcade"

PHP Code:


This fixes those Arcade Settings colour issues.

GamerzWorld 01-22-2004 11:37 AM

How do i clear scores? I want to clear the game score Maeda Path as obviously i tryed the bug and score is stupied....

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