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NTLDR 01-24-2004 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Wildthinks
I have trouble ... no news is showing... i have the right Forumsid, news checked and vbwar not.
Any hints ?
RC3 ....

Admin CP -> Update Counters -> run the two there that reffer to updating threads.

Wolfy.2k 01-24-2004 07:57 PM

ND, i love u!

thanks for all ur help!

integra99 01-24-2004 07:58 PM

I don't understand how to get the sidebars to resize to be all the same width, please link me or tell again :)

drumsy 01-24-2004 09:30 PM

Can someone please list all the queries needed to run to remove this, since I'm not adapt at reading through install files and changing queries.

digitalSite 01-25-2004 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
You'll need to reverse all the queries found in the install files. I doubt you have messed it up enough to need to uninstall to re-install though. An uninstaller is planned for the final version.


I am brand new to vb 3.0. Can you please explain what you mean by "reverse the queries" - I have no idea what this means. I would like to uninstall vBindex.

Thank you.

NTLDR 01-25-2004 06:25 PM

Do the exact oposite of each one that makes any modification. As I've already said an unistaller or detailed instructions won't be avalible untill after vB3/vBindex 3 final.

M.C. 01-25-2004 06:53 PM

good stuff!

Only few comments:

1. Make available show full post in news or just few first characters like it made in vBadvanced Homepage version 1.0
2. I`d love to define for blocks like Latest Threads and Polls not only Right and Left but Center as well (that`s enough for me, but i think it`ll be usefull for other users if it`s ON for all blocks ;)). Same with Welcome Box... I`d love to move Welcome Box to left or right collumn or even disable it (anyway there is small welcomebox in breadcrumbs - it`s enough for me ;))
3. Why is default icon enabled for that hack when in vbOptions it`s disabled?

that`s my wishes for improvement, what do you think? :nervous:

Now few questions:

1. My style choose menu in botton doesn`t work
2. And i`ve got some more java-script problems with hide buttons for side blocks

may be it was already told here, so give me just link to post in thread, if not what i did wrong?

Nice hack! Good Luck

NTLDR 01-25-2004 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by M.C.
1. Make available show full post in news or just few first characters like it made in vBadvanced Homepage version 1.0

There is a hack for this at Core Forums (if your not registered and licenced there see the code at the bottom of this post), however its not yet a default option as it has some issues if the cutoff point is mid way through some vB Code.


2. I`d love to define for blocks like Latest Threads and Polls not only Right and Left but Center as well (that`s enough for me, but i think it`ll be usefull for other users if it`s ON for all blocks ;)). Same with Welcome Box... I`d love to move Welcome Box to left or right collumn or even disable it (anyway there is small welcomebox in breadcrumbs - it`s enough for me ;))
There is an option to disable it on the vBindex Options page ;) I'll look into a side block version. Center blocks are planned too :)


3. Why is default icon enabled for that hack when in vbOptions it`s disabled?
Its not, at least on vB3 Gamma it works correctly, if the thread has an icon it shows it, otherwise it takes the value from the vB Options.


1. My style choose menu in botton doesn`t work
2. And i`ve got some more java-script problems with hide buttons for side blocks
Both are due to incorrect template edits, see the included HTML files in the zip for default versions that work correctly.

Character Limit: In vbindex.php find:

PHP Code:

$news['pagetext'] = fetch_censored_text(parse_bbcode($news['pagetext'], $news['forumid'], 1)); 

Replace with, changing 394 to your character limit (Note, for some reason vB seems to place extra spaces in so fetch_trimmed_title has no spaces unlike bellow):

PHP Code:

$news['pagetext'] = fetch_censored_text(parse_bbcode(strip_bbcode(fetch_trimmed_title($news['pagetext'], 394), truetrue), $news['forumid'], 1)); 

M.C. 01-25-2004 10:25 PM


Character Limit: In vbindex.php find
thanks a lot! perfect work!

There is an option to disable it on the vBindex Options page
Yes, there is options but it doesn`t remove full Welcome box, just some in it, but table is still on....

I'll look into a side block version. Center blocks are planned too
waiting for new release! ;) I think you need to change it like that:
Now you have options for Left blocks# and right blocks# to chose what will be in that blocks, but i think better way to make chose menu in News, Latest Threads and etc. to chose where that block should be...

And one good thing will be, if I can modify Custom Blocks #1-4 straight in vBindex Options

One more good isea: you have options: Show Sticky Threads, I think if i can show only sticky topics without posts and link on them it`ll be great

Its not, at least on vB3 Gamma it works correctly, if the thread has an icon it shows it, otherwise it takes the value from the vB Options.
unfortunatly i`ve got that problem on vB 3.0.0 RC3

Both are due to incorrect template edits, see the included HTML files in the zip for default versions that work correctly.
Ok, thanks... just change templates called like HTML-files called?

and last stupid question: why that hack doesn`t take header and footer from forum?

Anyway! Superb job and superb hacker! I`d love to see yours hacks get Hack of the Month award and i already called you Hacker of the Month! All the Best!

NTLDR 01-25-2004 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by M.C.
Yes, there is options but it doesn`t remove full Welcome box, just some in it, but table is still on....

Good point ;) *add to the todo list for RC4*


unfortunatly i`ve got that problem on vB 3.0.0 RC3
I'll look into that one for you :)


Ok, thanks... just change templates called like HTML-files called?
Yep, each one has the same name as the template, if you haven't edited yours yet just cut and paste.


Anyway! Superb job and superb hacker! I`d love to see yours hacks get Hack of the Month award and i already called you Hacker of the Month! All the Best!
Thanks for the kind words :D

M.C. 01-25-2004 10:37 PM

you`re rocket :) i was edit my post but you post answer already... mad workoholic :D

NTLDR 01-25-2004 10:45 PM

Using the forum header/footer would mean more template edits to get the links working correctly so I've opted not to use them. Plus the footer has some extra text in it thats not on or needed on the forum pages.

M.C. 01-25-2004 11:23 PM

okay... got it

RapCheck 01-25-2004 11:27 PM

I did the charater limit hack for the news, which works, but how would I change that hack to show the whole post for a sticky thread?

drumsy 01-26-2004 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Do the exact oposite of each one that makes any modification. As I've already said an unistaller or detailed instructions won't be avalible untill after vB3/vBindex 3 final.

The problem I have is that I do not know how to do this. I do not know how to find the queries and change them, but I do know how to run them via the Admin CP. Can someone take just a few moments of your time and help me?

NTLDR 01-26-2004 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by RapCheck
I did the charater limit hack for the news, which works, but how would I change that hack to show the whole post for a sticky thread?

Instead of replacing it with the code above use:

PHP Code:

if ($news['sticky']) {
$news['pagetext'] = fetch_censored_text(parse_bbcode($news['pagetext'], $news['forumid'], 1));
} else {
$news['pagetext'] = fetch_censored_text(parse_bbcode(strip_bbcode(fetch_trimmed_title($news['pagetext'], 394), truetrue), $news['forumid'], 1)); 

Again replacing 394 with the number of characters to show for non-sticky news.

FlyingDutchman 01-26-2004 01:12 PM

i just installed it on vb3 rc2 and i ran into a problem, i believe it's a cookie-problem...

Everything on the forums itself works 100% fine, so that's no problem, but if i visit domain/vbindex.php i get a login page, and if i login (yes, i edited the links) it tells me that i'm logged in and it will redirect me, and i get back to the same page, the login screen...

i have my cookie-path set to "/vb3/" if that mattes anything?
please help,


NyCwill 01-26-2004 01:15 PM

how do you uninstall vbindex?

NTLDR 01-26-2004 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingDutchman
i have my cookie-path set to "/vb3/" if that mattes anything?

Set your cookie path to '/'.

NyCwill 01-26-2004 01:47 PM

umm can someone tell me how to uninstall vbindex??

pcalloway 01-26-2004 04:15 PM

I recently converted my forum at http://www.authentic-campaigner.com/ to vBindex but some of my users are reporting that they can't stay logged in from one page to the other. They have to keep relogging...

As one of my moderators put it:

I am having a tremendously difficult time with something here... either my system or the forum software simply refuses to let me stay logged-in... I've checked the "remember me" button, erased cookies, set our system to accept cookies from this site, and I still can't stay logged on from one page to the next... If I go to respond to a post, or do some admin to a thread, I'm logged out when I move to the next page, and can't perform the functions.

I can't view page 2 of any discussion, nor pull up any "new posts."
ANY suggestions?

NTLDR 01-26-2004 05:48 PM

You path and or cookie domain are probably wrong. Path: / Domain .mydomain.com is the format they should be in.

NyCwill 01-26-2004 06:02 PM

is my question a stupid question?? No one is replying to my question :(

NTLDR 01-26-2004 06:17 PM

Your question has been answered countless times. If bothered to A) read the thread or B) search you'd find the answer.

SRozhon 01-26-2004 09:21 PM

thank you so much, the colors work great now!

SilverDawn 01-26-2004 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by poolking
I've downloaded, I'll install it later. :)

no surpise I installed it :)

I love this hack!

RapCheck 01-27-2004 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Instead of replacing it with the code above use:

PHP Code:

if ($news['sticky']) {
$news['pagetext'] = fetch_censored_text(parse_bbcode($news['pagetext'], $news['forumid'], 1));
} else {
$news['pagetext'] = fetch_censored_text(parse_bbcode(strip_bbcode(fetch_trimmed_title($news['pagetext'], 394), truetrue), $news['forumid'], 1)); 

Again replacing 394 with the number of characters to show for non-sticky news.

perfect! thanks

drumsy 01-27-2004 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
Your question has been answered countless times. If bothered to A) read the thread or B) search you'd find the answer.

Unfortunately, some of us are not very knowledgable on the process. Can you or someone else please take just a few minutes of your time to list all of the correct queries to run to uninstall this hack. You say you are working on an uninstaller, then you must have these queries available. Please share them! :nervous:

NTLDR 01-27-2004 03:06 PM

As I've said before and uninstaller will be done after the final of vB3/vBindex 3, I will not be releasing an uninstaller or working out the queries to remove the 8 different versions of vBindex a user could have untill then, I simply don't have the time. None of the vBindex edits effect how vB runs or cause problems for upgrades hence this isn't a priority now.

wowiee 01-27-2004 05:31 PM

i installed it and it doesnt show up i dont know why i did everything the instructions said

Briboy923 01-28-2004 05:35 PM

Hi. I get

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')
AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
AND forumid NOT IN (0)

mysql error number: 1064

when I try to access VBIndex , this is fresh install of VBIndex RC3 on VB3 RC3

NTLDR 01-28-2004 06:04 PM

Make sure you have set all the options correctly in the ACP and saved them if you still get the error post the entire contents of the email in [code] tags here.

Zaeolos 01-28-2004 06:17 PM

There are 2 things I need help with...

1. My smilies do not work in the Shoutbox and I have changed the path in the database to the full path of the image.

2. How can I make the width of the vbindex portion of the main page the same width as the nav bar?

NTLDR 01-28-2004 06:20 PM

1. They can't be the correct path if they don't show. Make sure its a full URL like http://www.mysite.com/forum/images/smilies/smile1.gif

2. Edit the VBINDEX template to suit your needs.

Zaeolos 01-28-2004 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
1. They can't be the correct path if they don't show. Make sure its a full URL like http://www.mysite.com/forum/images/smilies/smile1.gif

2. Edit the VBINDEX template to suit your needs.

When I right click the properties of the image placeholder in the shoutbox, it does not show the same path as what I changed it to in the database. I have checked all that I know.

Also if it was wrong, then they would not work in the forums, and they do.

NTLDR 01-28-2004 06:24 PM

What path is in the HTML and what path is in the smilie manager?

Zaeolos 01-28-2004 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
What path is in the HTML and what path is in the smilie manager?

The path that the placeholder shows is:


And the path that is in the smilies manager is:


Also NTLDR, do you think you can set me up as Licensed over at Coreforums?

NTLDR 01-28-2004 06:45 PM

Seems vB isn't updating the smilies properly, create a file with the following content:

PHP Code:





That should rebuild the smilies and update the correctly. Once you have confirmed your email I can mark you as licenced.

Zaeolos 01-28-2004 07:00 PM

That worked perfectly. It might not have been VBulletin. I used that script in this thread to manualy update the database with the path and that may have been the cause. I have 50 smilies and thought that may have been quicker than going through one by one.

Thanks for everything.


Natch 01-28-2004 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Zaeolos
That worked perfectly. It might not have been VBulletin. I used that script in this thread to manualy update the database with the path and that may have been the cause. I have 50 smilies and thought that may have been quicker than going through one by one.

Thanks for everything.


You have to be very careful with that script - it will make the changes that YOU ASK FOR.

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