vb.org Archive

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-   -   vbArchive - Search Engine Indexer for vBulletin (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=47667)

TECK 05-16-2003 03:50 PM

You are using the vbHome add-on, so there is no reason to ask here for help, since is not the same hack.
Try the vbHome support forums.

version2 05-17-2003 12:54 AM

Do ANY of the archives work with Apache2?

jjj0923 05-17-2003 12:58 AM


Today at 09:54 PM version2 said this in Post #562
Do ANY of the archives work with Apache2?
not this one... I tried to get it working for 3 days...gave up and went back to apache 1.3


atomic fireball 05-17-2003 03:59 AM

TECK, excellent hack. Installed with ease.

Quick question: Just curious, will an automatic redirect from my host, from the root index page (www.mydomain.com/index.html) to (www.mydomain.com/forum) cause problems?

According to your read me, I need to add the link (www.mydomain.com/forum/archive) on the main root index page. Due to the redicrect, if I add this link to either the header/footer of the forum index, will everything be peachy?

I assume I still need to add the robots.txt file to the root index page, or should I also include it in www.mydomain.com/forum due to the auto-redirect?

Just checking, and thanks for work on this!

dr1 05-17-2003 03:23 PM

I have installed, and re-installed and still cannot get it working :(
Apache's ForceType is running on my server.


All I get is the following:


I also uploaded an archive.txt file and re-named it to archive.php
For some reason it only shows a few of my forums. http://dr1.com/forums/archive.php

I know it must be something stupid, just don't know what?

Dont worry, got it to work :)
Needed the point in front of the htaccess and some of my forums needed to be sub-forums. Thanks for a great hack!!!!!!

cnczone 05-19-2003 01:57 PM

I got a question, last night I went to google and did a search for my site and got a bunch of (new) links. Than I went on and searched today and all the links I saw the night before were all gone. WHY? What happened to them all?

atomic fireball 05-19-2003 02:31 PM

Earlier in this thread, TECK mentioned that this exact same scenario is completely normal and not to panic. Apparently if I remember correctly, he said that the preliminary searches show up on google initially, and then when they are processed for a "deep search" and included in their database you may see the listings temporarily removed.

That's the gist of what I read earlier in this thread.

In other words, chill, don't panic. All will be normal soon.

TECK 05-20-2003 12:59 AM

Thanks atomic fireball. Also, I posted an email from Google support in the first thread.
Only if people would take the time to read everythink... ;)

atomic fireball 05-20-2003 05:38 AM

Hey TECK, no problem. :)

Did anyone get a chance to see my question regarding using a host's auto redirect from the root index page to /forum path? (it's about 3 posts up).

It's beyond the realm of this particular hack's info, but if anyone knows if changes need to be made for search engines when you redirect the root index page, to the /forum page, I'd like to know that info, thanks.

I figure I'll just create a dummy index file (with the archive link) on the root index page (which should be never seen due to the host's auto-redirect), and add robots.txt to /forum path, and the archive link to my main forums page and I should have my bases covered. But just wanted to be sure.

Thanks again TECK for the excellent hack.

NexDog 05-22-2003 04:51 AM


05-20-03 at 11:59 AM TECK said this in Post #568
Thanks atomic fireball. Also, I posted an email from Google support in the first thread.
Only if people would take the time to read everythink... ;)

Unfortunately not, Teck. Google just screwed us anyway:


Only listing 2800 pages now instead of 16,000. This last update sucks big time. PR got caned, links dropped, page one listings disappeared.....:(

NexDog 05-22-2003 05:04 AM

Teck, you've fared pretty badly with all your archive out of Google as far as I can see...

TECK 05-22-2003 09:43 PM


Today at 06:51 AM NexDog said this in Post #570
Unfortunately not, Teck. Google just screwed us anyway:


Only listing 2800 pages now instead of 16,000. This last update sucks big time. PR got caned, links dropped, page one listings disappeared.....:(

Trust me, you will be very happy soon. They do this all the time, they drop it for few days, but the links show up rightaway after...
Look at vBulletin.org archive results:

NexDog 05-22-2003 11:43 PM

Only 6000 pages on that search, Teck. I know Google is always changing but this latest update is definitely different. People on WMW are up in arms.

TECK 05-23-2003 04:58 PM

Honestly, I have no idea why, Laurence... That's the email they sent related to link droppings, specifing that is only temporary.
If you guys have more info related to this issue, please post it here so we all find out about it.

I will post it also in the first post so other users will read it to.

dano 05-23-2003 09:46 PM

The vbLite version of this is simple and works VERY well. No issues at all, I think install took 30 seconds.


EDIT only one issue (see below post)

dano 05-23-2003 10:22 PM


01-19-03 at 08:57 PM eva2000 said this in Post #91
what's the best way to turn off certain private forums from being viewed altogether regardless of usergroup permissions ?
I REALLY need to know this one. I searched this thread and Teks board and cant find an answer. Can anyone help? I am using the vbLite version, and simply want to make it so that a few of my password protected forums are not showing up in the archive.

As it is now, they are listed and can be viewed by guests or members.

If you can help, it would really save me here. Thanks!

TECK 05-24-2003 12:54 AM

dano, please post it in the forums. Cheers.

dano 05-24-2003 12:51 PM

Thanks at posted it at your Forums per your request, but I am hoping that if someone can help with this they may help me here too. If anyone can help, it woud sure help me a LOT. Thanks.

telc 05-24-2003 08:26 PM


01-13-03 at 08:50 AM TECK said this in Post #2
A little note, this was tested on normal URL's:

If you use an URL like:
you will have to hack yourself the files, since I don't provide support for the script.
If you want a working version no matter how it is the forum URL, then use vbHome (lite) and it's Archive Add-On.

It worked fine on my vb 2.2.9 forums without editing the scripts, and my forum is in the format http://forums.mysite.com/

gmarik 05-25-2003 08:12 AM

Is there a way to display archive by motnhs:


February ...

Like a real archive?

gmarik 05-25-2003 08:14 AM

Is there a way to display archive by motnhs:


February ...

Like a real archive?

temdy 05-26-2003 04:16 AM

Does this hack work with vbPortal?

TECK 05-26-2003 03:39 PM

This hack is made for vBulletin. vbPortal uses vBulletin to display it's news articles.

FlyBoy73 05-27-2003 05:07 AM

Any update on the Google Results? I have lost over half of my links in google in all 3 of my forums.. I have never seen this before.

gmarik 05-27-2003 05:17 AM

dFrisk - how large is your board than?

Mickie D 05-27-2003 12:25 PM

thank you for this fantastic hack .. :) inktomi loves my site was on it crawling for 5-8 days just gone.

currently getting new hosting because we are getting to large on bandwidth with 7000 Members and 40 online most of the time.

but i wanted to ask is it possable for the archive to stay open if i make my boards private ????

P.S also i cant see your 3rd vital mod ??? .. the one linking directly to archive or something.. i keep getting a 15 seconds maximum timeout from this site :(

Mickie D 05-27-2003 01:59 PM

one last thing
(sory for new post did not want to untidy my last one)

this sesionhash removing thingy ... has that effected my htaccess for my admin section ???

because since i installed your hack optional extras... it keeps asking me every page i goto in my admin cp for my password and username ... in the htaccess pop up :(

TECK 05-27-2003 04:41 PM

It should not affect any .htaccess options because my listed options are used specifically for the archive and not the forums.

TECK 05-27-2003 04:44 PM


Today at 07:07 AM dFrisk said this in Post #584
Any update on the Google Results? I have lost over half of my links in google in all 3 of my forums.. I have never seen this before.

I'm curious about it, also. Google is listing now only 34 pages for my archives (teckwizards.com) and I had before this over 1000, for several months...

99SIVTEC 05-27-2003 07:15 PM


Today at 06:44 PM TECK said this in Post #589
I'm curious about it, also. Google is listing now only 34 pages for my archives (teckwizards.com) and I had before this over 1000, for several months...

I'm still showing 5,400 listings for my first site, and 1,450 for my second. This might just be due to the current google dance going on.

Mickie D 05-27-2003 09:07 PM

yeah i found it was just a glitch :( must of had a few pages open with my admin init or something sorry

but teck can i still have access to my forums archives from google or any other bot if i make my board private ????

and also whats up with the 3rd vital option from your first page i get a 15 second maximum excession or something from this site ??

sajjid 05-27-2003 10:55 PM


01-21-03 at 07:43 PM TECK said this in Post #132
[B]Here it is another interesting mod I made to my forums, to link back to archives.
This will help because the crawlers will see the friendly URL's easier.
Basically the mod links every forum/thread to the archive.
To test it, mouse over each forum or thread icon, while viewing my forums.
Also, check the link I added under the thread title, while viewing the actual (not archived) thread.

TEMPLATE: forumhome_forumbit_level2_post

    <td valign="top"><img src="{imagesfolder}/$forum[onoff].gif" border="0" alt=""></td>

    <td valign="top"><a href="forumdisplay/f-$forum[forumid].html"><img src="{imagesfolder}/$forum[onoff].gif" border="0" alt="$forum[title] Archive"></a></td>

i dont see this code in forumhome_forumbit_level2_post all i have in that template is whats below


  <tr align="center">
        <td bgcolor="#1C5780" valign="top"><img src="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/$forum[onoff].gif" border="0" alt=""></td>
        <td bgcolor="#13486D" align="left"><a href="forumdisplay.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&forumid=$forum[forumid]"><normalfont><b>$forum[title]</b></normalfont></a>
        <td bgcolor="#1C5780"><normalfont>$forum[replycount]</normalfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="#13486D"><normalfont>$forum[threadcount]</normalfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="#1C5780"><smallfont>$forum[lastpostinfo]</smallfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="#13486D"><smallfont>$forum[moderators]</smallfont></td>

i have installed aswell here is the link


NexDog 05-28-2003 02:46 AM

Of course it's there:

<td bgcolor="#1C5780" valign="top"><img src="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/$forum[onoff].gif" border="0" alt=""></td>

sajjid 05-28-2003 04:09 AM


Today at 04:46 AM NexDog said this in Post #593
Of course it's there:

<td bgcolor="#1C5780" valign="top"><img src="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/$forum[onoff].gif" border="0" alt=""></td>

Thank you very much NexDog it worked every thing seems to be in order now one question not on the topic though i want this option disabled "Automatically parse URLs " when people post or reply i want that box unticked rather then ticked because at the moment when ever you post its ticked by default i want it other way round any help please ?

Courage 05-28-2003 09:05 AM

I have the no hash hack
Why is this happening ?

Plz see attached file :(

FlyBoy73 05-28-2003 03:39 PM


Yesterday at 01:17 AM gmarik said this in Post #585
dFrisk - how large is your board than?
My largest has over 3500 members, 155,000 posts and 15,000+ threads.

The others have around 400-500 members and a few thousand posts.

sajjid 05-29-2003 02:37 AM

well since i installed this hack which seems to be working on my forum but all my listing have gone from google search index nothing come up now this happened yesterday i find it very strange how can this happen in just one day

Mickie D 05-29-2003 04:11 PM

i get this error aswell ???

Warning: Unknown modifier 'k' in /home/digitalw/public_html/forums/index.php on line 387

and i only get it when there are robots on my site also .. if that helps ???

anyone else have it or know what it means ????

TECK 05-29-2003 05:28 PM


Today at 04:37 AM sajjid said this in Post #597
well since i installed this hack which seems to be working on my forum but all my listing have gone from google search index nothing come up now this happened yesterday i find it very strange how can this happen in just one day
Is normal, read the first post related to Google drops.

Mickie D 05-29-2003 05:33 PM

hi teck i have been waiting all day on these forums for yours or anyone with the skills to help and you just missed my post ????

please it is driving me mad as the main index works but when a bot is on the site i get that error at the top :(

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