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supreemball 10-01-2002 09:45 PM

would like a password for vbhome zipfile.. www.somethingleet.com/forum is my site.

TECK 10-01-2002 09:55 PM

check your pm's supreem, thanks for installing my hack.

PIMPY 10-01-2002 09:55 PM

TECK, it possible to auto reparse that forum? and maybe delete news items?

for example on my page how its not showing the articles, maybe make it so i can do something through the admin CP where it re-checks the current forum.. AND for if you install it and you ahve say 5-6 threads already in a NEWS forum, and you want those to show up.

and deleteing could go along with having a admin type control, where if we are admins we can have quick access to editing, deleting, and so on to the news.

TECK 10-01-2002 09:58 PM

all functions are based on vBulletin ones. if you can do it from the cp an operation, then you can also do it in vbHL.
i will not write extra functions because that's not my goal. my goal is to have vbulletin everywhere on my site.

about your question, rephrase it because i didnt understend what you want to do, be more specific.

Erwin 10-01-2002 10:00 PM


Originally posted by TECK
thanks for your offer but i dont accept money.
all i ask in return for my work is to have 2 links displayed as they are, intact. is not alot for the features you get in the package.

This kind of attitude is admirable in such a hard-working vB hacker. :) TECK deserves the recognition he gets.

PIMPY 10-01-2002 11:15 PM

well if the question you are refering to is the admin type control, then imagine this.. Next to the title or down at the bottom or anywhere around the news item shown on the index page, there is a few links that are only viewbale to admins. Such as Edit, Delete, and so on. Just so its a little easier. Not doing much i know, just may be more easier for some people.

And for the reparsing, well i'm not to sure myself how this could go, but is there not some wort of way you don't need to do anythign except to find all the contents of the NEWS forum DB, and then check for the first 5-10 or what ever? Like when the forum first loads, it checks the DB for all the threads and such, can you not make the page do that?

TECK 10-01-2002 11:59 PM

i understand now.. just edit your file yourself is really realllllly easy this.. something like that:

$article[editthread] = '';
if (ismoderator($article['forumid']) or $getperms['canopenclose'] or $getperms['candeletethread'] or $getperms['canmove']) {
  $article[editthread] = '<a href="' . $bburl . '/postings.php?s=' . $session[sessionhash] . '&threadid=' . $article[threadid] . '&action=editthread">Edit Thread</a>';

however this is just terrible for the performance because of this:
the ismoderator() function performs a query to check and see if you have actually perms to edit the thread. if you place a link like that in the articlebit template, for every article you display it will add a query. so if you display 10 articles you will have 10 queries extra.
it's called query in a loop, the worst thing a coder can do. you can mess a server easy if you have a busy site.

if you want to ruin your page doing what i typed me above, dont come and complain the sever is really slow... :)
now for the second part related to parsing, i have no idea what you are trying to do or say... sorry.
you want to display an event from a group of forums on a single page? do an array, something like that:

if (in_array($article['forumid'], array(2, 15, 48))) {
  return true;
} else {
  return false;

or you want to run a query?? to grab them from those forums... ? let me know...

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:11 AM

hmmm well... seems the Poll option is not working for me..

I uninstalled via your php script, and then reinstalled.. but i failed to delete templates first.

Could this be the problem?

TECK 10-02-2002 02:16 AM

first you cannot delete the templates if they are customized. you have to revert them to original.. is written in big red letters... bouncer. i recommend you to save the ones you edited to files, then revert them to default.

be aware there are 9 new templates in 3.2 also there is a new procedure that inserts the options.. so from now on i will be able to make just upgrades, due to the new code.
i need you to send me the old installer you have. i will make an uninstaller for you. SEND it through PM. thanks.

also before you download the new file, delete all your temporary files from internet explorer.

TECK 10-02-2002 02:22 AM

i worked really hard on the new release, 3.2. is optimised for easy upgrades, since i saw i release a new version every 2 weeks :)

from now on it will be an easy life for everyone, i promise.

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:26 AM

pm sent, but i wont need it.

i uninstalled so i could get rid of all the 3.1 sql info
then reinstalled.

now i took your install script and i am copy/pasting it all into my templates.

yea.. i am doing it the long way, buts its kewl Take a break for a bit

thanks for the quick repsonse.

TECK 10-02-2002 02:30 AM

bouncer, the new installer doesnt do anymore just altering the field and adding the templates, are you aware of that?
i hope you didnt ran step 4 from the new installer... not that is really bad, is fixable.. but more work to do. :)

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:32 AM


well, right now i got it 98% working.

poll part isnt working properly and the links for the pictures are not working (article's)

tryin to see where i got the error on the poll... other then that everything is working.

if ya get a sec, check it out


TECK 10-02-2002 02:33 AM

did you enable it? in admin options?
is disabled as default.

there is a big difference between 3.1 and 3.2

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:36 AM

found error for pictures not showing

home_articlebits is the template

you have it set as


<img border="0" src="$bburl/{imagesfolder}/articleemail.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="Email this Article to a friend"></a></smallfont></td>
when it should be


"><img border="0" src="{imagesfolder}/articleemail.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="Email this Article to a friend"></a></smallfont></td>
**code snippet**

$bburl is not needed

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:36 AM


Originally posted by TECK
did you enable it? in admin options?
is disabled as default.

there is a big difference between 3.1 and 3.2

yes it shows as enabled.

TECK 10-02-2002 02:37 AM

ya my bad again.. lol.
i coded this yesterday night.. so i was tired. remove the $bburl in front of 2 article print and email options. :)

i will update the file now.

nokia8860 10-02-2002 02:39 AM


Great to see v3.2 up. I too am having a problem with the polls. I did a fresh install of vB and vbhl and enabled polls and it shows up as an area in the home page witht he words Total: vote. but no poll?

I will redownload since you posted you made a fix. I will let you know.

TECK 10-02-2002 02:39 AM

files updated. :)
when you ran the uninstall, did you do it with the new file? or the old one?

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:39 AM

hmmm... it shows the box where the poll is.

but when a poll is posted its not updating.

hmm hmm..

here is what i did.

replaced index with this new one.
took original newthread and replaced it

added your tweaks.

took the vbhinstall.php
uninstalled it all
then reinstalled it

took my templates and reverted them to original

then tweaked the image path

still no poll

hehe gotta hate me :)

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:40 AM


Originally posted by TECK
when you ran the uninstall, did you do it with the new file? or the old one?
Sorry, new file

maybe thats why...

TECK 10-02-2002 02:41 AM

ahh we are in trouble, you ran step 4 right?
promise me one thing. never do this again. :)
i will help you fix the problem.

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:43 AM

| STEP 4 |
| (+) Set your smilies to the full url. To change this, go to
| your admin control panel:
| Smilies > Modify > [edit]
| and change the "Path to image" to the full url, instead of "images".
| Example: http://www.yoursite.com/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif

if this is what you mean, then yes..

btw, got AIM.. we be post +++++s :)

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:44 AM


Originally posted by TECK
ahh we are in trouble, you ran step 4 right?
promise me one thing. never do this again. :)
i will help you fix the problem.

I am sorry i jumped the gun.. i should have waited for your official update.

I am sorry

TECK 10-02-2002 02:44 AM

no the uninstaller, what step you ran to remove the old templates???
dont worry about it. we will fix it togheter tonite, i got time.

TECK 10-02-2002 02:46 AM

to start with right foot, i need you to tell what exacly you did with the new uninstaller, what steps you entered? what error you got? etc.

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:47 AM

i ran all of them

but it never got rid of the templates or reverted them back to original.

so what i did was manually went back and converted them to original

thats when everythig fell into place.

except the poll. its not updating or showing that a poll exsist in my news forum.

but it does update article showing that a new post was made.

TECK 10-02-2002 02:49 AM

this doesnt help me bouncer. be specific exacly what step did you perform and how you did it. if you dont remember, we will start on some short test to check the database, ok?
i will send you file that will do this for you.

forget about the poll.. who cares about it?? your database is vital.

PIMPY 10-02-2002 02:49 AM

Heh, TECK i love confusing you, but i see where your going with it so.. :P

but for the refreshing, think of it as just that, refreshing the home page. just think .. say i JUST installed this thing, and i already ahd 4 threads in my nEWS forum, how would i get those 4 threads to show up on the page wthout re-posting it all?


bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:49 AM

hehe please do...

i honestly dont remember excactly what i did..

all i remember i have typed out to ya

TECK 10-02-2002 02:52 AM

pimpy give 20min to straightup bouncer.. he couldnt wait to post first here and now his arse is on fire.. :)
ok baouncer, first do this:

type in your browser this url:
[your site]/forum/admin/setting.php

look at the bottom, what do you see there? vbHome Page?
if you do, click on REMOVE GROUP anordecept the warning.. it will take out all options.

TECK 10-02-2002 02:53 AM


Originally posted by PIMPY
Heh, TECK i love confusing you, but i see where your going with it so.. :P

but for the refreshing, think of it as just that, refreshing the home page. just think .. say i JUST installed this thing, and i already ahd 4 threads in my nEWS forum, how would i get those 4 threads to show up on the page wthout re-posting it all?


just reupdate and reindex all your forums, in admin cp. now i'm busy with bouncer. :)

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:54 AM

ok, i am gonna play stupid that way we are on the same page and i dont trash something else i am not suppose to


vbHome Page [edit] [remove] [add setting]
Articles Forum (articleforum) [edit] [remove]
Number of Articles displayed (articlemax) [edit] [remove]
Maximum Characters per article (articlemaxchars) [edit] [remove]
Enable Html Code? (articlehtmlon) [edit] [remove]
Maximum Number of threads (threadmax) [edit] [remove]
Latest Threads title lenght (threadmaxchars) [edit] [remove]
Enable Private Messages? (activepm) [edit] [remove]
Enable Advertisements? (activeadvertise) [edit] [remove]
Enable Affiliate Links? (activelinks) [edit] [remove]
Enable Poll? (activepoll) [edit] [remove]
Allowed Users to post a poll (activepollusers) [edit] [remove]

That's all folks

TECK 10-02-2002 02:55 AM

vbHome Page [edit] [remove] [add setting]
click on remove. very good you ask... better be sure then sorry

then, revert all wbhome templates to original

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:55 AM

okie dokie


bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:56 AM


Queries Executed: (useful for copy/pasting into upgrade scripts)
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM settinggroup WHERE settinggroupid=99");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM setting WHERE settinggroupid=99");

TECK 10-02-2002 02:56 AM

yep it looks great to me.
now, make sure all templates are reverted, ok? no home_xxxx templates must be in blue

bouncer18 10-02-2002 02:58 AM


Originally posted by TECK
yep it looks great to me.
now, make sure all templates are reverted, ok? no home_xxxx templates must be in blue



Damn.. php is cool.. gonna have to learn to play with php and sql a lil more.. fun stuff. your awesome at this

TECK 10-02-2002 02:59 AM

now all templates are listed in green or whatever, i'm not good with colors... do you see by any chance a template called:

bouncer18 10-02-2002 03:00 AM


Originally posted by TECK
now all templates are listed in green or whatever, i'm not good with colors... do you see by any chance a template called:

Yes they are all green again

and yes i do see home_printarticelbit

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