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-   -   Suite Style - Avenger Blue Style by TheLastSuperman (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=269253)

TheLastSuperman 01-28-2014 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2477548)
Strange. I make the changes, and each time I get this...

Not looking good for me at this point. (happens in FF and Chrome)

Hmm that is a bit odd... a work around would be to edit the product.xml file, scrol to find that template in the code and make the change there then save, now upload and overwrite the product file.

*That could be related to server setup/configuration, suhoshin or the template manager mod that keeps track of template versions etc although I'm not entirely sure.

Kat-2 01-28-2014 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2477551)
Hmm that is a bit odd... a work around would be to edit the product.xml file, scrol to find that template in the code and make the change there then save, now upload and overwrite the product file.

*That could be related to server setup/configuration, suhoshin or the template manager mod that keeps track of template versions etc although I'm not entirely sure.

Odd things happening with me is nothing new. LOL

I will work on it more later when I have more time. Thank you for your help. :)

mrt12345 01-29-2014 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by mrt12345 (Post 2477369)

Ok there we go see on the far left .mind you it dose not look to bad without it :up: but i tried it in all different levels to test, and the results are the same in fluid and fixed as well

ok i found the problem why the sub category icon did not show up. It called for

a /images/avenger_blue/statusicon/category_forum_old-48.png
but the original was not named that i added the -48 and it is fixed :up:

TheLastSuperman 01-29-2014 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2477555)
Odd things happening with me is nothing new. LOL

I will work on it more later when I have more time. Thank you for your help. :)

You're welcome :D.


Originally Posted by mrt12345 (Post 2477725)
ok i found the problem why the sub category icon did not show up. It called for

a /images/avenger_blue/statusicon/category_forum_old-48.png
but the original was not named that i added the -48 and it is fixed :up:

Hmm I'll just overwrite that file on the next release, not sure why it was looking for a non-48.png file honestly. At least we know that, we're not crazy ;).

K4GAP 01-29-2014 09:00 PM

If anyone is having trouble with the VSa - ChatBox (AJAX) message text not showing when using this style. I resolved that @ 3:30am by doin it the "DTW" (duct tape way).

I simply went into the setting for the VSa - ChatBox (AJAX) and deleted all color choices other than the one I needed. Then turned off the option of allowing users to change colors.

I know it's not the preferred method but I didn't know the correct way so I attacked it the DTW :)

Kat-2 01-29-2014 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2477825)
If anyone is having trouble with the VSa - ChatBox (AJAX) message text not showing when using this style. I resolved that @ 3:30am by doin it the "DTW" (duct tape way).

I simply went into the setting for the VSa - ChatBox (AJAX) and deleted all color choices other than the one I needed. Then turned off the option of allowing users to change colors.

I know it's not the preferred method but I didn't know the correct way so I attacked it the DTW :)

I thought of doing that, but when you have other themes, and members prefer to use another one, the color you pick may not show on other theme. Themes I have have the chatbox white, and Avenger is blue, so it needs the light color. Light colors won't show on white.
I am still trying to figure it out.

K4GAP 01-30-2014 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2477837)
I thought of doing that, but when you have other themes, and members prefer to use another one, the color you pick may not show on other theme. Themes I have have the chatbox white, and Avenger is blue, so it needs the light color. Light colors won't show on white.
I am still trying to figure it out.

I have a mostly white style and this style. The text on the first is black, the text on this style is white. Don't make sense does it? All I know is it works for me.

TheLastSuperman 01-30-2014 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2477837)
I thought of doing that, but when you have other themes, and members prefer to use another one, the color you pick may not show on other theme. Themes I have have the chatbox white, and Avenger is blue, so it needs the light color. Light colors won't show on white.
I am still trying to figure it out.

Hmm a plugin could solve this... my wife literally just rounded the corner and asked me to run to the store for her so I'll post an example when I get back bear with me, off I go Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho :D.

TheLastSuperman 01-30-2014 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2477837)
I thought of doing that, but when you have other themes, and members prefer to use another one, the color you pick may not show on other theme. Themes I have have the chatbox white, and Avenger is blue, so it needs the light color. Light colors won't show on white.
I am still trying to figure it out.

Ok so go to AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Add New Plugin

Title: Custom background per style for VSA Chatbox
Execution Order: 5
Hook Location: parse_templates

if (STYLEID == 1) {
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumhome') {
$vsacssfix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

Now in styleid #1 it will show the chatbox with the background color in the plugin. I also told it to only do this on forumhome.

An example for multiple styles would be:


if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumhome') {
if (STYLEID == 1) {
$vsachatcssfix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsachatcssfix;

if (STYLEID == 2) {
$vsachatcss2fix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsachatcss2fix;

^ I moved the if this script to the outside so it's still specified but also not repeated (not required). If you're using the chatbox on other pages then remove that snippet about THIS_SCRIPT and the closing } tag in the code.

This should sort the chantbox background per style so long as you include each style in the plugin per new code ;).

EDIT: This method is now outlined in my article Customizing Styles via Plugins Part 1: The Basics.

Kat-2 01-30-2014 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2477859)
Ok so go to AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Add New Plugin

Title: Custom background per style for VSA Chatbox
Execution Order: 5
Hook Location: parse_templates

if (STYLEID == 1) {
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumhome') {
$vsacssfix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

Now in styleid #1 it will show the chatbox with the background color in the plugin. I also told it to only do this on forumhome.

An example for multiple styles would be:


if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumhome') {
if (STYLEID == 1) {
$vsachatcssfix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsachatcssfix;

if (STYLEID == 2) {
$vsachatcss2fix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsachatcss2fix;

^ I moved the if this script to the outside so it's still specified but also not repeated (not required). If you're using the chatbox on other pages then remove that snippet about THIS_SCRIPT and the closing } tag in the code.

This should sort the chantbox background per style so long as you include each style in the plugin per new code ;).

I tried the first code, didn't change anything. Replaced it with second code, and still didn't change anything. I did it exactly as you stated to do it. I don't know what the heck is wrong. :(

K4GAP 01-30-2014 05:44 AM

I really have to thank you for going above and beyond by producing and maintaining this style.

As far as any issues with your latest release, I've been beating it up and shaking it down. So far everything looks good after the latest update.


TheLastSuperman 01-30-2014 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2477881)
I tried the first code, didn't change anything. Replaced it with second code, and still didn't change anything. I did it exactly as you stated to do it. I don't know what the heck is wrong. :(

Hmm ok then try this one:

PHP Code:

if (STYLEID == 1) {
$vsacssfix '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

But make sure that when hovering over the styles name in Style Manager that the styleid # is in fact 1, if it's not then change this 1 to the # of your style.


if (STYLEID == 1) {
$vsacssfix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

Basically if you are viewing all your styles via the Style Manager in admincp and you click on a style it opens that style in a new window, note the url up top i.e. http://www.yoursite.com/forum.php?styleid=22 and the last # which in my example is 22, is the style id so then we would replace the 1 with 22 ;).


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2477895)
I really have to thank you for going above and beyond by producing and maintaining this style.

As far as any issues with your latest release, I've been beating it up and shaking it down. So far everything looks good after the latest update.


Thanks, been real busy lately and just trying to be helpful best I can ;).

Kat-2 01-30-2014 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2477903)
Hmm ok then try this one:

PHP Code:

if (STYLEID == 1) {
$vsacssfix '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

But make sure that when hovering over the styles name in Style Manager that the styleid # is in fact 1, if it's not then change this 1 to the # of your style.


if (STYLEID == 1) {
$vsacssfix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

Basically if you are viewing all your styles via the Style Manager in admincp and you click on a style it opens that style in a new window, note the url up top i.e. http://www.yoursite.com/forum.php?styleid=22 and the last # which in my example is 22, is the style id so then we would replace the 1 with 22 ;).

I am sorry I am being so much trouble.

Okay...that theme is #90 on my board, but I don't know where you want me to put the new code in..

TheLastSuperman 01-30-2014 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2478056)
I am sorry I am being so much trouble.

Okay...that theme is #90 on my board, but I don't know where you want me to put the new code in..

Ok so use this code:
PHP Code:

if (STYLEID == 90) {
$vsacssfix '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

You must paste that code when you make a new plugin so do this:
  • Login to Admin Control Panel.
  • On left column scroll to find "Plugins & Products".
  • Now click the little arrow it opens-up/drops-down a menu.
  • Now click Add New Plugin.
  • Now key in the title like I stated a few posts above.
  • Now fill in the other info i.e. execution order (set to 5) and the Hook Location (use the drop-down to select the location, scroll to find "parse_templates" and finally paste the code I supplied in the code box, make sure the plugin is set to Active = yes then save.

^ Doing the above results in the new plugin being active and it should change the background color of the chatbox style in styleid #90 (if this is the same style you edited before when we were in the vsa templates it will not change, make sure you are changing the chatbox background in a different style that needs it done etc).

No trouble at all, as you can see I support much more than my style sometimes which is not a problem ;).

Kat-2 01-30-2014 07:53 PM

Yay! Success! Thank you very much. Tell your wife to give you a big hug from me. LOL

TheLastSuperman 01-30-2014 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2478066)
Yay! Success! Thank you very much. Tell your wife to give you a big hug from me. LOL

Will do :D and you're clear on how to add more styles to this right? Let's do an example real quick to be sure but I'm going to make it simpler than before:
PHP Code:

if (STYLEID == 90 OR STYLEID == 91 OR STYLEID == 93) {
$vsacssfix '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

^ So per the above I just added styleid's 90, 91, and 93 because in my example code we are pretending that styleid 92 already has a white background for the chat because it's a light style ;) the other three listed in the code were dark styles like avenger blue. <-- That's on an example if you're adding more than one style to this plugin.

Hint: You can also modify this code to make new plugins doing many things including switching logos per forum, background images per forum and much more it just takes some creativity and some tinkering from all of you :cool:. In fact I use variants of this on many sites accomplishing many things! If you've ever ran into some of the shared css issues with custom styling this can come in handy when css is shared on a different page but you're trying to accomplish something that just does not like the default definition being overwritten in additional.css (since it's global) so you use a plugin like this to specify THIS_SCRIPT or forumid and overwrite it there ;).

Edit: Actually good idea for a new article ^ so I'll have that posted soon!

Kat-2 01-31-2014 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2478067)
Will do :D and you're clear on how to add more styles to this right? Let's do an example real quick to be sure but I'm going to make it simpler than before:
PHP Code:

if (STYLEID == 90 OR STYLEID == 91 OR STYLEID == 93) {
$vsacssfix '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;

^ So per the above I just added styleid's 90, 91, and 93 because in my example code we are pretending that styleid 92 already has a white background for the chat because it's a light style ;) the other three listed in the code were dark styles like avenger blue. <-- That's on an example if you're adding more than one style to this plugin.

Hint: You can also modify this code to make new plugins doing many things including switching logos per forum, background images per forum and much more it just takes some creativity and some tinkering from all of you :cool:. In fact I use variants of this on many sites accomplishing many things! If you've ever ran into some of the shared css issues with custom styling this can come in handy when css is shared on a different page but you're trying to accomplish something that just does not like the default definition being overwritten in additional.css (since it's global) so you use a plugin like this to specify THIS_SCRIPT or forumid and overwrite it there ;).

Edit: Actually good idea for a new article ^ so I'll have that posted soon!

Yes, I gotcha. And, I even went in and changed the color code from the stark white to a softer pale gray, which matches other things (such as new and old post images) in the theme. May do that for a couple other themes I have.

ozzy47 02-01-2014 12:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Mike, I just tried the update, I added it as a new style to see how it would react. Got a question though, what is with the different color for the background as seen in the screen shot. (this is the fluid version)

TheLastSuperman 02-01-2014 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2478373)
Hey Mike, I just tried the update, I added it as a new style to see how it would react. Got a question though, what is with the different color for the background as seen in the screen shot. (this is the fluid version)

Hmm try uploading the new images too because that screenshot, I can tell something is not right as that silver line going across horizontally mid way down the screenshot is the new header area background.

Remember, I had to change a little bit of the css to fix that scrollbar issue but the color change for the record was from #141515 to #161616 ;).

ozzy47 02-01-2014 06:54 PM

Yep, reloading the images seems to have done the trick. :)

TheLastSuperman 02-01-2014 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kat-2 (Post 2478066)
Yay! Success! Thank you very much. Tell your wife to give you a big hug from me. LOL

I showed her this last night, hug was given lol :cool:.

@Ozzy - Ok great :D.

K4GAP 02-02-2014 08:09 AM

Ok I give up, were can I change the yellowish background hover color as per attached screen shot?


TheLastSuperman 02-02-2014 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2478553)
Ok I give up, were can I change the yellowish background hover color as per attached screen shot?


Ahh that will be in the next revision, my apologies for the drab yellow!

Will be under Common > general_hilite_color > Set it to #424e66

K4GAP 02-02-2014 09:05 AM

Thanks, that was it.

K4GAP 02-16-2014 08:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
How can I close up the gap between the calendar tabs and the calendar? The gap in question is marked by red x's in the attached image.

ozzy47 02-16-2014 09:28 PM

In the vbulletin.css template find the following:


dl.tabslight {
        border-bottom:solid {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}{vb:stylevar tabslight_border.units} {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor};
        padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding} * 2};
        height:{vb:math {vb:stylevar tabslight_size.height} + {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}};
        margin-top:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*1.5};

And change it to this:

dl.tabslight {
        border-bottom:solid {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}{vb:stylevar tabslight_border.units} {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor};
        padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding} * 2};
        height:{vb:math {vb:stylevar tabslight_size.height} + {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}};
        margin-top:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*1.5};

TheLastSuperman 02-16-2014 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2481594)
How can I close up the gap between the calendar tabs and the calendar? The gap in question is marked by red x's in the attached image.

I almost didn't recognize you with that new Avatar lol, I'm getting old I suppose mind plays tricks on me more easily than it used to :p.

ozzy47 02-16-2014 11:07 PM

It only gets worse Mike. :p

TheLastSuperman 02-16-2014 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2481628)
It only gets worse Mike. :p

This is one of the few times a little white lie seems better, you're supposed to say things only get better LOL!

K4GAP 02-17-2014 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2481600)
In the vbulletin.css template find the following:


dl.tabslight {
    border-bottom:solid {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}{vb:stylevar tabslight_border.units} {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor};
    padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding} * 2};
    height:{vb:math {vb:stylevar tabslight_size.height} + {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}};
    margin-top:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*1.5};

And change it to this:

dl.tabslight {
    border-bottom:solid {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}{vb:stylevar tabslight_border.units} {vb:stylevar mid_border.borderColor};
    padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding} * 2};
    height:{vb:math {vb:stylevar tabslight_size.height} + {vb:stylevar tabslight_border.borderWidth}};
    margin-top:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*1.5};

That closed up the gap about half way but it's still there.

ozzy47 02-17-2014 03:24 AM

OK do this also, add this to your additional.css


#calendar_main {
    margin-top: -10px;

K4GAP 02-17-2014 03:35 AM

Thanks Ozzy, changing your

margin-top: -10px to -15 px
did it perfectly.

That was also including the first code for vbulletin.css.

Problem resolved.

ozzy47 02-17-2014 03:37 AM

Not a problem, glad to help. :)

pityocamptes 02-17-2014 07:37 PM

I have noticed that with the new version of this template I installed my forum icons mod disappeared...


Ok, had to do some forumbit edits, works now...

TheLastSuperman 02-17-2014 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by pityocamptes (Post 2481927)
I have noticed that with the new version of this template I installed my forum icons mod disappeared...


Ok, had to do some forumbit edits, works now...

Good to see you got it working and for anyone else running into the issue of that mod not displaying properly w/ this style or any other for that matter please note the authors statement in the mod description:


IMPORTANT! If you use the "Auto Template" feature of this mod and it doesn't work then you MUST do the manual template edits outlined in the install.html. This plugin was created using a default vbulletin style.

TheLastSuperman 02-17-2014 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2481691)
That closed up the gap about half way but it's still there.

Gary were these changes that you wanted on your forum alone or were they changes you feel were required? I didn't see a screenshot but let me know what you think if so I'll include Ozzy's edits in the next revision ;).

K4GAP 02-17-2014 09:24 PM

I would say they are required. Any other style's calendar I've ever seen had the tabs look connected to the calendar with no gap.

Post 586 has a screenshot of the way it was.

pityocamptes 02-17-2014 09:28 PM

TheLastSuperman. Love the template. However, I'm not sure if this is your template or if I am doing something wrong. I basically want to take a bunch of subforums and turn them into a list. However, when playing around with it I get a drop down icon appearing in each subform... whereas I'm trying to do this:


ozzy47 02-17-2014 09:29 PM

Mike, should you do decide to include it, I am sure there is a better way to do it, I just did a quick and dirty fix.

pityocamptes 02-17-2014 11:03 PM

I figured it out. Thanks...

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