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Alan_SP 05-03-2011 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 2190844)
Okay guys... Umm... I know that a lot of you are a bit ticked off at me since I've been so inactive in the development of this modification and support for it, but I'm trying to get back on the horse now. I have resumed development of Multiple Account Detection & Prevention and I will be returning to this thread on a much more regular basis.

Excellent, thank you. :top:

If you could also (there are many suggestion, mine too) take a look how to integrate evercookies?

Vick98 05-04-2011 01:33 PM

Could this be updated for 4.x.x

HMBeaty 05-04-2011 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Vick98 (Post 2191676)
Could this be updated for 4.x.x


Kiros72 05-11-2011 11:30 AM

Let me make a note of something.


Originally Posted by FreshFroot (Post 2146850)
That is a lie.

I just talked to the owners at DBTech and they stated they are willing to give their files to you to get it to work properly.

Maybe they did this earlier off, but right now they have their hands full and are letting you take care of it.

This? This is an example of lying out of favoritism. When a person likes one thing (be it a person or a modification for forum software), said person will typically defend it, even if it comes down to intentionally providing misinformation. Now I know vBOptimize is an awesome modification and it beats the hell out of mine, but try to have a little decency here.

I have directly asked Deceptor three times now for help in trying to resolve the conflict between my mod and vBOptimize. Have I received any messages from Deceptor or DBTech asking for my cooperation in resolving this? No. Any responses to MY requests? Nope.

FreshFroot didn't contact me either, hence why this affectionate message was posted in the first place.


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2146901)
Just popping in to confirm that we are indeed happy to give access to the necessary files, and that the author of this mod has never been told otherwise by anyone at DBTech.

Further - as normal post reporting works perfectly fine with vBOptimise the issue must lie within a change to that process cause by this modification - it's not something vBOptimise has "broken".


Just popping back to confirm that I was never informed of anything at all by DBTech or by Deceptor. The problem here is that you were willing to post here, saying that I wasn't told `otherwise` when a fan attempts to label me as a liar before you tried to contact me even once. I would have loved to find a message in my inbox from DBTech or Deceptor, but as it stands I have not.

If you're willing to work with me, contact me via PM. The sooner, the better. If a solution is found, I will release a new version with the fix included so vBOptimize users can use MADP and vice versa without any conflict.

mapleleaffans 05-11-2011 07:39 PM

Excellent Excellent Mod! Installed and marked as installed! Thank you very much!

Taurus MFF 06-20-2011 03:02 PM

installed on 4.1.3. reporting is working fine but detected multiple accounts are not being moved to the specified user group. settings are correct.

any suggestions why this function is not working correctly?

Markos 06-20-2011 07:07 PM

doesn't work for me only detects once in a blue moon even tho i know ppl come on using the same pc's and laptops

DragonByte Tech 06-23-2011 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 2194379)
Let me make a note of something.

This? This is an example of lying out of favoritism. When a person likes one thing (be it a person or a modification for forum software), said person will typically defend it, even if it comes down to intentionally providing misinformation. Now I know vBOptimize is an awesome modification and it beats the hell out of mine, but try to have a little decency here.

I have directly asked Deceptor three times now for help in trying to resolve the conflict between my mod and vBOptimize. Have I received any messages from Deceptor or DBTech asking for my cooperation in resolving this? No. Any responses to MY requests? Nope.

FreshFroot didn't contact me either, hence why this affectionate message was posted in the first place.

Just popping back to confirm that I was never informed of anything at all by DBTech or by Deceptor. The problem here is that you were willing to post here, saying that I wasn't told `otherwise` when a fan attempts to label me as a liar before you tried to contact me even once. I would have loved to find a message in my inbox from DBTech or Deceptor, but as it stands I have not.

If you're willing to work with me, contact me via PM. The sooner, the better. If a solution is found, I will release a new version with the fix included so vBOptimize users can use MADP and vice versa without any conflict.

Deceptor is no longer the coder of vBOptimize (nor has he been for over 6 months).

For those wondering we have never turned down a request for access to the files. While I cannot vouch for Deceptor, I can say that the official DBTech vb.org account, DBTech emails and the personal accounts of the DBTech owners at dragonbyte-tech.com have never received a request for the files.

I should also note that you never responded to my post here in this thread, which is unsurprising since you seemed to flat out abandon the mod for several months.

It seems to me like you are trying to shift the blame onto us because you dropped off the radar and stopped updating your mod for 5 months or so, which strikes me as rather cheap and petty.

Regardless, the offer still stands: if you would like access to the files feel free to drop me a PM or an email and i'll get them sent over to you =)


CK 06-23-2011 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Markos (Post 2210536)
doesn't work for me only detects once in a blue moon even tho i know ppl come on using the same pc's and laptops

It's rather trivial to defeat depending on the settings you're using for detection.

For example perhaps you only detect via IP - Use a proxy
Perhaps you detect by cookie - clear your cookies

Maybe you have both settings enabled - use a proxy and clear your cookies.

Some of your users may be wise to the detection methods.

Alfa1 06-23-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2211599)
Deceptor is no longer the coder of vBOptimize (nor has he been for over 6 months).

For those wondering we have never turned down a request for access to the files. While I cannot vouch for Deceptor, I can say that the official DBTech vb.org account, DBTech emails and the personal accounts of the DBTech owners at dragonbyte-tech.com have never received a request for the files.

I should also note that you never responded to my post here in this thread, which is unsurprising since you seemed to flat out abandon the mod for several months.

It seems to me like you are trying to shift the blame onto us because you dropped off the radar and stopped updating your mod for 5 months or so, which strikes me as rather cheap and petty.

Regardless, the offer still stands: if you would like access to the files feel free to drop me a PM or an email and i'll get them sent over to you =)


What do you mean 'access to files'?
How does giving access to files alone mean that you are willing to fix the problem? I do not understand this 'If you want to fix it for us, then we will provide you access' attitude.
I'm sorry if I am misunderstanding you but as I see it there is an issue with either your product or this addon and it needs the effort of both you and Kiros to resolve it. So just giving access to the files effectively means that you are not willing to participate in resolving it.
Please correct me if I am understanding this wrong. I have been trying to purchase your product for over a year now and together with others we have repeatedly asked you to try resolve this.
Instead of fixing the issue, we are seeing an unprofessional quarrel for a year that does not reflect on your company in a positive manner. I've noticed posts about this on various websites.
Please take into account that Kiros is providing a free service here on vb.org

BadgerDog 06-23-2011 10:09 AM


I have directly asked Deceptor three times now for help in trying to resolve the conflict between my mod and vBOptimize. Have I received any messages from Deceptor or DBTech asking for my cooperation in resolving this? No. Any responses to MY requests? Nope.
Hmmm... we're running vBOptimize Pro along with Kiros72's mod here on vBulletin 4.1.3 and it works fine, so perhaps there's something else wrong? :confused:


Trek 06-23-2011 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2211708)
Hmmm... we're running vBOptimize Pro along with Kiros72's mod here on vBulletin 4.1.3 and it works fine, so perhaps there's something else wrong? :confused:


Same here, and have been for over a year.

Not sure what the deal is, maybe we just don't have something setup that's tripping this, but... I dunno, it works for me as well.

Alfa1 06-23-2011 08:12 PM

Could be related to vb3. Like others I had to uninstall vboptimise last year.

princesspepper 08-04-2011 12:18 PM

Can anyone confirm if this mod is working on 4.1.5? I currently have the AE Detector, but was going to change to this, as we have a group of troublesome members that I want to catch in the act.

oldfan 09-06-2011 12:48 PM

I have this running on 4.1.5 , works great :)

Mathsman 09-16-2011 05:22 PM

thank you so much.

Jman423 10-10-2011 12:24 AM

Is there anyone that can help me figure out how to hard code a prefix onto the thread that is started when the system is reporting an offender?

Jman423 10-14-2011 07:18 PM

No one can help me figure out how to add a prefix to threads generated by this product?

Moshe1010 10-21-2011 05:54 AM

Kiros72 Do you still support this mod?

I appreciate your work on this mod, but it seems like many people have problems with the forum reporting option. I don't have VB Optimize, and I can't get it to work. I do get PM's, but it is more comfortable to get the detections in a private forum (which I set its ID in the mod options, but it doesn't work.)
Please advice,
Thank you.

Jman423 11-19-2011 10:28 PM

It's pretty obvious that the author is not supporting this anymore, even though it is marked as supported.

BadgerDog 12-24-2011 09:06 PM

Anyone have a fix for this error constantly appearing in our PHP Logs, generated by this mod?

[24-Dec-2011 13:21:08] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /usr/www/apache/forums/madp/prevention.php on line 308

Thanks .. :)


whiteduallyil 12-29-2011 06:24 AM

Thought I would tell you guys that I have tested and this works great on 4.1.9 i love it on my forum that run 3.7.4 and had to try on my new forum and it works.

NathanLedet 01-10-2012 03:06 AM

This is working on our 4.x forum - however, I cannot change the name of the cookie away from IDstack. Anything other than that breaks it.

Once i put it back to IDstack, it worked fine.

fortforum 01-28-2012 03:02 PM

I´m very sad that the discussion on this mod has died. It´s very very good stuff, so please please make it live again.

Alfa1 01-28-2012 03:04 PM

This should be included to the stock software.

fortforum 01-29-2012 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2293471)
This should be included to the stock software.

For sure. I have tested about a hundred mods on different boards, and this one is just so good. I see people asking for evercookies, but i don?t think those are ethically sound. Who are we to put un-removable stuff on peoples machines?

More features are always welcome, but to me it?s good enough. I have tried to dodge it, and it is ofcourse possible, but it get?s most of them. Why hasn?t this one been up for MOTM? To me it?s a winner.

Very very nice to have on-board, and a big thanx to the Kieros72. Hopfully he will be out of he?s university misery by now. We love you man, please come back.

Alan_SP 01-30-2012 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by fortforum (Post 2293995)
For sure. I have tested about a hundred mods on different boards, and this one is just so good. I see people asking for evercookies, but i don?t think those are ethically sound. Who are we to put un-removable stuff on peoples machines?

Ethics also depends for what you use evercookies.

If you target people who are known trouble makers (and banned users usually are, at least on my forum) and keep making troubles for all users, why not weed them out with everycookies?

Alfa1 01-30-2012 05:46 AM

Yes, thats a good point.

If evercookies are only placed on the computers of banned members, then thats a good function to have.

It needs to be considered that technology is moving forward, more and more people have automatic cookie removal and use dynamic IPs. i.e. it becomes harder to keep banned members out. Even with this awesome addon.
So it would certainly be useful to add more detection methods.

fortforum 01-30-2012 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2294033)
Ethics also depends for what you use evercookies.

If you target people who are known trouble makers (and banned users usually are, at least on my forum) and keep making troubles for all users, why not weed them out with everycookies?

I know. But hey, we are running discussion boards, not protecting the CIA db, right?

DEGE 01-30-2012 12:59 PM

I think that this standard version can be used by whoever wants and another version (with evercookies) can be released parallely for whoever (like me) wants it.

Everyone does what he/she feels right for his/her forum. No one is able to speak for the other since they should be in the other's shoes to do so. So, that said...

When is the evercookie version going to be released? Are you planning so? Do you need some help? Is anybody willing to help?

Regards everybody

Alan_SP 01-31-2012 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by fortforum (Post 2294117)
I know. But hey, we are running discussion boards, not protecting the CIA db, right?

I never meant that evercookies will help protect my users' data, but to protect discussions from people who are rude, who insult everyone, who only post inflammatory posts and all in all are making trouble for everyone else.

These users are banned (at least on my forum) and some of them keep getting back over and over again. Of course, they style is obvious and they get banned again quickly, but why not have ability to block their registration automatically?

Markos 01-31-2012 11:26 AM

this needs a good work over as some of it doesn't work

fortforum 02-01-2012 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Markos (Post 2294569)
this needs a good work over as some of it doesn't work

What part of it are you refering to? I run 3.8.7 and i see no malfunctions.

Alfa1 02-01-2012 11:21 PM

It does not reliably define if the user is in the 'banned' usergroup. Which is the most important part.

fortforum 02-02-2012 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2295188)
It does not reliably define if the user is in the 'banned' usergroup. Which is the most important part.

Realy? All the alarms i got seems to be accurate. Can you describe the details here please? I don?t use the default group.

Alfa1 02-02-2012 01:57 PM

For me its always stating that the user is in group 8 (banned)

fortforum 02-02-2012 10:30 PM

Weird. I get this message upon multiple regs:

A new account by the name of <786> has been registered. The new account has been moved to the Prevention Usergroup.

And when i check that group: Voil?. All the baddies in one place. Perfect.

Alfa1 02-02-2012 11:42 PM

And what does the report say about the banned usergroup found?

Markos 02-03-2012 07:46 AM

i run 4.1.10 and it doesn't work very well on it would like a update for it to work better on vb4

fortforum 02-03-2012 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2295548)
And what does the report say about the banned usergroup found?

I don?t use that function. I prefere to have manual control over the banning process.

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