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-   -   Major Additions - vBTubePRO - Lite Version 1.0.4 Updated and FIXED (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=168658)

farzana 10-06-2008 01:37 PM

installed.. :) lets see.. :) thanks.

farzana 10-06-2008 01:50 PM

i am receiving the following error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT title, categoryid, display, forumid
                        FROM vb_vbtube_categories
                        WHERE categoryid =
                        LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 4
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Monday, October 6th 2008 @ 03:46:20 PM
Error Date    : Monday, October 6th 2008 @ 03:46:20 PM
Script        : http://www.shopnoranga.com/forum/vbtube_add.php?do=addnew
Referrer      : http://www.shopnoranga.com/forum/vbtube_add.php?do=add
IP Address    : ********
Username      : *********
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1~bpo.1-log

farzana 10-06-2008 01:54 PM

Sorry solved.. Forgot to ad a category.. thanks.. cheers..

soundbarrierpro 10-06-2008 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by BJF (Post 1638001)
anyone know why im having this problelm.?

Need to provide more info. When you hit add video>Fill in all the criteria. How are you adding your video? Is it the link or embed code? Is it from a site supporedt by vbtubePro?

muratmunich 10-06-2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by BJF (Post 1638001)
anyone know why im having this problelm.?

Did you call yourdomain.com/forumroot/vbtube_install.php ?

The DB Field vbtube in usergroup is missing..

mlucek 10-07-2008 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by soundbarrierpro (Post 1638612)
Need to provide more info. When you hit add video>Fill in all the criteria. How are you adding your video? Is it the link or embed code? Is it from a site supporedt by vbtubePro?

In the case of a YouTube video, add the YouTube URL, not the embed URL, to the Video Share Link box on the vbtube page. That's what actually embeds the video into your site - adds a link to the YouTube video in this case. HTH !

JamRob79 10-08-2008 10:32 PM

vBTubePRO is really cool but here are some things it needs:

1. Support for audio

2. A way to turn on/off photo support. (This way if we have phoot post or another photo gallery on our site we can use that with out the photos in vBTubePRO)

3. Instead of having it's own admn area for the Category Menu and other setings why not add the Category Menu or other setings to the vbTubePRO area in the vBulletin Admin Control Panel

nymyth 10-18-2008 03:01 PM

Getting some weird issues: 1. the vBTube template was actually showing me the contents from the other vBTube mod...when I tried to uninstall the plugin i get this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.2:

Invalid SQL:

DROP TABLE `vbtube_tubes`;

MySQL Error : Unknown table 'vbtube_tubes'

Any help please...

nymyth 10-18-2008 05:23 PM

no matter...for some reason that template was still in my database...removed it


nymyth 10-19-2008 01:39 PM

I'm having a hard time with all sites but youtube.......does the lite version only work with youtube?


SVTOA 10-20-2008 09:18 PM

I just want to add my two cents here, if I may?

I think the way this is being "marketed" is missing the mark! I had skimmed over this mod/topic awhile ago, not realizing it was EXACTLY what I was looking for!

I am sure there are many people like myself, who have purchased video upload/sharing scripts like v-share or clip-share and wanted some sort of bridge or integration so that members of our forums didn't have to create a separate account to upload as well as be able to fully integrate the video system into Vbulletin.

The PRO version of this product does just that! I'm glad I took a second look at this topic, as I didn't realize this product offers the kind of setup I have been searching for. My members can upload and share videos and they are already setup with an "account" as a member of my forum.
I am a longtime member of vbulletin.org and am not here to "spam" for vbtube. I am posting this because I think that this is a nice product and the support from the coder has been outstanding. If you are looking for a video sharing system to integrate with your vbulletin you have found it.

Uasuforos 10-22-2008 08:05 PM

<a href="http://www.uasuforos.com/vbtubepro.php" target="_blank">http://www.uasuforos.com/vbtubepro.php</a>

Never acces, because?

ever-fresh 10-23-2008 02:39 AM


Admin Embed. Add Videos from all Video Sites wich allows you embedding Videos. Note that this Feature only working for Admins.
what dose it mean ?
only admin can embed videos from other 34 sites ?
i mean in my forum i made youtube bbcode , so all user can embed youtube videos.
they just copy and past the youtube link into post.

is it possible in vbtube for all 34 listed websites ?
if possible then how it works ?
user need to just copy and past the embeding codes from any of 34 websites? or link or what ?

soundbarrierpro 10-23-2008 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by ever-fresh (Post 1650873)
what dose it mean ?
only admin can embed videos from other 34 sites ?
i mean in my forum i made youtube bbcode , so all user can embed youtube videos.
they just copy and past the youtube link into post.

is it possible in vbtube for all 34 listed websites ?
if possible then how it works ?
user need to just copy and past the embeding codes from any of 34 websites? or link or what ?

Embed code. Only admins can do this. (the embed code next to youtube and movie site video window)

Users can still use the links to embed their favorite movies like your bbcode mod.

Sea Shepherd 10-24-2008 10:30 AM

Hi Everyone.

Ive just updated from VBTube LITE to VBTube Pro.

Its all working fine except for one thing.

It seems the HOME for the new URL of the updated VBTUbe has changed.

VBTube Lite installed a VIDEO link in the nav bar and the PRO version did not update it it.

How do i change the Link in the nav bar from what it is now to the new VBTube Home?

That is from:

Thanks in advance


Sea Shepherd 10-24-2008 01:57 PM

Actually, after trying to upload videos it seems i have half a dozen issues.

1. The Link in the Nav Bar (VIDEO) needs to point to "forum/vbtube.php" not "forum/vbtubepro.php"
2. Video upload will not work i get the following error: Error! You didnt added a Video or Photo!
3. Photo Upload gets a database error
4. Photo Link does not work.
5. I cannot edit/delete any of the categories via the VBTube Admin page. I Can add new categories however.

Ive submitted a ticket to 7s7v7n, so i guess i'll wait and see.

Any suggestions appreciated. Ive looked high and low and havent found any answers to these issues.

soundbarrierpro 10-24-2008 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sea Shepherd (Post 1651793)
Actually, after trying to upload videos it seems i have half a dozen issues.

1. The Link in the Nav Bar (VIDEO) needs to point to "forum/vbtube.php" not "forum/vbtubepro.php" Did you change the name in the ACP?
2. Video upload will not work i get the following error: Error! You didnt added a Video or Photo!Does your host support ffmpeg to upload raw video?
3. Photo Upload gets a database error did you create any photo categories in the ACP
4. Photo Link does not work. Did you create any photo categories, or enable photo's in ACP?
5. I cannot edit/delete any of the categories via the VBTube Admin page. I Can add new categories however. did you follow the category rules for assigning order? Start @ 10 for the first and so forth?

Ive submitted a ticket to 7s7v7n, so i guess i'll wait and see. Remember his support is within 24hrs

Any suggestions appreciated. Ive looked high and low and havent found any answers to these issues.

I've added responses in bold

Sea Shepherd 10-24-2008 03:02 PM

You guys are awesome.
7 is working on it.

1. The Link in the Nav Bar (VIDEO) needs to point to "forum/vbtube.php" not "forum/vbtubepro.php"

Did you change the name in the ACP?
NO? Is this the forum path field? Where in ACP can i do this? VBtube settings?

2. Video upload will not work i get the following error: Error! You didnt added a Video or Photo!

Does your host support ffmpeg to upload raw video?
I'm not sure, can i find out via Cpanel? What do i ask for when i email the server guys?

3. Photo Upload gets a database error

did you create any photo categories in the ACP
Trying that now. Cheers!

4. Photo Link does not work. Did you create any photo categories, or enable photo's in ACP?
5. I cannot edit/delete any of the categories via the VBTube Admin page. I Can add new categories however.

did you follow the category rules for assigning order? Start @ 10 for the first and so forth?
Hmmm, i thought i did, i definitely did when it was the free version, now ive updated im not so sure.

Thanks Soundbarrierpro, you guys make this place awesome.

I recommend the VBtube mod to anyone! My only criticism is that the instructions arent so clear for a total net tard newbie like me.

soundbarrierpro 10-24-2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sea Shepherd (Post 1651822)
You guys are awesome.
7 is working on it.

1. The Link in the Nav Bar (VIDEO) needs to point to "forum/vbtube.php" not "forum/vbtubepro.php"

Did you change the name in the ACP?
NO? Is this the forum path field? Where in ACP can i do this? VBtube settings?

2. Video upload will not work i get the following error: Error! You didnt added a Video or Photo!

Does your host support ffmpeg to upload raw video?
I'm not sure, can i find out via Cpanel? What do i ask for when i email the server guys?

3. Photo Upload gets a database error

did you create any photo categories in the ACP
Trying that now. Cheers!

4. Photo Link does not work. Did you create any photo categories, or enable photo's in ACP?
5. I cannot edit/delete any of the categories via the VBTube Admin page. I Can add new categories however.

did you follow the category rules for assigning order? Start @ 10 for the first and so forth?
Hmmm, i thought i did, i definitely did when it was the free version, now ive updated im not so sure.

Thanks Soundbarrierpro, you guys make this place awesome.

I recommend the VBtube mod to anyone! My only criticism is that the instructions arent so clear for a total net tard newbie like me.

I've not used the lite version, but I would venture to guess the controls and ACP are different. Check over all your settings first to make sure in regard to adding photos. As for uploading raw video, check by contacting your host provider. Not all cpanels are the same or offer that kind of info. You might need to talk to them directly. I don't want any media streamed from my site. It's too bandwidth intensive. I only do the embedding.

Sea Shepherd 10-24-2008 03:21 PM

Thanks mate.
I will email them now.

SVTOA 10-24-2008 04:11 PM

Typically, the error regarding "you didn't add a video or photo" will display when you attempt to upload a file larger than the php.ini file settings. When you are on the vbtube admin page, what does it say for max filesize and max execution?


PHP Config Status:
Uploads: 1 | Max Filesize: 8M | Memory Limit: 32M | Max Post Size: 8M | Max Execution Time: 1000

Jeffler 10-26-2008 08:46 PM

Alright, I set this up on my forum and added my categories...

But they come out really odd looking.


Any way to make them display one per line?

soundbarrierpro 10-26-2008 08:57 PM

Looks fine to me, I went there and took a look, they are one per line.

gnubittol 10-26-2008 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jeffler (Post 1653364)
Alright, I set this up on my forum and added my categories...

But they come out really odd looking.


Any way to make them display one per line?

open the relative template and add a " <br />" after the instriuction of the category :)

luxmail 11-05-2008 05:23 AM

any ideea why if condition its set to "edit own link" the user can edit all links ? thank you for the hack, any ideea what is the price for ful version ?

robertpro2a 11-05-2008 08:32 PM

Very weird bug..when I copy the Sharelink and post it in a thread on my forum, and the user clicks it, it opens up Youtube, and not VbTube. But if you manually type it in your browser...it works and goes to VbTube!

robertpro2a 11-05-2008 08:41 PM

Even with permissions set, anyone can edit the content!

Fynnon 11-08-2008 12:24 PM

1. How to add a link in the navbar to vBTube ?

i added that code under memberslist but it doesnt work ...it doesn`t show up

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="vBTube.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[vBTube_title]</a></td>
2. Can you add to the supported sites trilulilu.ro ?

soundbarrierpro 11-08-2008 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Fynnon (Post 1661748)
1. How to add a link in the navbar to vBTube ?

i added that code under memberslist but it doesnt work ...it doesn`t show up

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="vBTube.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[vBTube_title]</a></td>
2. Can you add to the supported sites trilulilu.ro ?

Admin CP>Styles and Templates>Style Manager>Click the dropdown next to your style>Edit Templates>Navigation Breadcrumb templates>Double Click on Navbar. Put your link anywhere on your navbar :)

KJThaDon 11-11-2008 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by robertpro2a (Post 1660121)
Even with permissions set, anyone can edit the content!

I thought I was going cray with my test bot, but it's true anyone can edit the links who has permission to view vbtubepro.php.....

cindy helmond 11-15-2008 09:57 AM

it will send an blank email !!
anyone get to fix this ?

Text for the auto email when a Video is approved

Text for the auto email when a Media is rejected

forumrunt 11-19-2008 05:20 AM


Not Found
The requested URL /Forum/vbtube_show.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
But I can see the file under /forums everything else works great

forumrunt 11-19-2008 05:23 AM

Figured it out how do I make the F in Forums lower case?

abhimation 11-20-2008 01:57 PM


Thnx for this Mod. I am not sure if this is asked earlier or not but -

1. Can i have a URL like - http://www.myurl.com/forums/videos/
2. Instead of vbTube written on the top of the page, can i have Video gallery or something like that ?

Currently i have Lite version installed, but are these features in Pro version ?

soundbarrierpro 11-20-2008 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by abhimation (Post 1669361)

Thnx for this Mod. I am not sure if this is asked earlier or not but -

1. Can i have a URL like - http://www.myurl.com/forums/videos/
2. Instead of vbTube written on the top of the page, can i have Video gallery or something like that ?

Currently i have Lite version installed, but are these features in Pro version ?

Yes, with pro it can be done right through ACP.

baghdad4ever 12-05-2008 08:59 AM

is there any danger or exploit xss??

bec i remember there is similar hack but one of vbulletin staff send it to graveyard due to xss exploit

soundbarrierpro 12-05-2008 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by baghdad4ever (Post 1678923)
is there any danger or exploit xss??

bec i remember there is similar hack but one of vbulletin staff send it to graveyard due to xss exploit

This is not that mod. Yes it's built from the same development structure but there are "0" exploits or vulnerabilities in this package 100% secure.

baghdad4ever 12-05-2008 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by soundbarrierpro (Post 1678989)
This is not that mod. Yes it's built from the same development structure but there are "0" exploits or vulnerabilities in this package 100% secure.

thank you for your great reply

blind-eddie 12-17-2008 04:43 AM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1631008#post1631008" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...08#post1631008</a>

soundbarrierpro 12-17-2008 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by blind-eddie (Post 1687174)

What are you replying to?

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