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RoutineX 01-03-2007 11:32 PM

When you visit other profiles you can press "Network with <Username>" and select a group (Family, Friends, Colleagues and Add Group).

Maybe it goes against the purpose, but was wondering if it was possible to remove the "add group" option and only make it possible for the admin(s) to add additional groups.

Other than that, keep up the excellent work!

Zoints 01-04-2007 12:24 AM

Ah, I see what you're saying.

Yeah, we need all kinds of options like that so forum owners can easily contour minor aspects of the system. Things like that will be coming :)

Wordplay 01-04-2007 01:57 AM

i have so many questions, let me just get started with:

i registered on zoints using the forum owner link. where do i get the token / authentication key from?

do my members have to register on zoints to be able to have profiles like these? or how does it work.

when people click on the user names on my forum, will they still see the usual vbulletin profiles or will they see a zoint like profile once i'm completely finished.

MSheraz86 01-04-2007 09:57 AM

Thanks a lot for this wonderful mod! It's so awesome!

I'm kind of a newbie at this .htaccess file change but i'm getting there. I've managed to fix other areas but i'm having trouble uploading a new block.
It gives me the 406 Not Acceptable error message. I've already added the .htaccess file into the z folder and to add to that I just added rewrite folder into the z folder but that wouldn't help either.

"Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forum/z/zadmin.php could not be found on this server."

That's the error message I receive. Do I need to add something to the existing .htaccess file that is not mentioned anywhere?

Feedback: You may want to give out more pointers on how to use .htaccess as that will allow users who don't know how to use the whole thing to be able to use this without having to ask for help :p lol.

Overall i'm very pleased with this mod! So awesome! If I could just get the ability to upload new blocks without that error message getting on my way then that would be wonderful!

Thanks :D

Wordplay 01-04-2007 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1136544)
We've had a few reports of issues with ISAPI. At present, we're moving it to an unsupported platform. Sorry for the trouble, but we don't have an IIS server to test things on right now to figure out where the issue is arising. As soon as we do figure out a resolution, we'll let you know.

did you ever get a resolution for that?

varkjie 01-04-2007 02:56 PM

what an awesome easy mod!!!!!!!!!

Wordplay 01-04-2007 03:26 PM

easy? i must just be one of the many unlucky ones that can't even get through the installation process.

and on the forums over there is no help for this problem i am having neither. just other's having the same problem and hardly any getting it fixed with the apparent fix for it. i'm about to go crazy over here.

MSheraz86 01-04-2007 06:01 PM

^^ Sorry to hear about that, I know how it feels to have barriers in the way of a wonderful mod!

This 404 error is driving me nutz! This htaccess all in all should die lol I hate it. If only CHModding to 777 would solve all problems lol.

Zoints 01-04-2007 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Wordplay (Post 1150336)
i registered on zoints using the forum owner link. where do i get the token / authentication key from?

If you registered at http://zoints.com/forum.z then they should have been provided during the process. During the install, clicking on the token and auth key links will take you to zoints.com where they are shown to you.


Originally Posted by Wordplay
do my members have to register on zoints to be able to have profiles like these? or how does it work.

No they don't. The profiles are on your forum.


Originally Posted by Wordplay
when people click on the user names on my forum, will they still see the usual vbulletin profiles or will they see a zoint like profile once i'm completely finished.

That's up to you. There are options for both.

Zoints 01-04-2007 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by MSheraz86 (Post 1150507)
Thanks a lot for this wonderful mod! It's so awesome!

I'm kind of a newbie at this .htaccess file change but i'm getting there. I've managed to fix other areas but i'm having trouble uploading a new block.
It gives me the 406 Not Acceptable error message. I've already added the .htaccess file into the z folder and to add to that I just added rewrite folder into the z folder but that wouldn't help either.

"Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forum/z/zadmin.php could not be found on this server."

That's the error message I receive. Do I need to add something to the existing .htaccess file that is not mentioned anywhere?

Feedback: You may want to give out more pointers on how to use .htaccess as that will allow users who don't know how to use the whole thing to be able to use this without having to ask for help :p lol.

Overall i'm very pleased with this mod! So awesome! If I could just get the ability to upload new blocks without that error message getting on my way then that would be wonderful!

Thanks :D

IF you turn the mod_rewrite option on then the only thing you do with .htaccess is upload the .htaccess file in the rewrite folder to /z/. You do NOT do anything else, you do not upload the entire rewrite folder, all you do is upload the .htaccess to /z/ and nothing else.

You're the first to ever report:


"Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forum/z/zadmin.php could not be found on this server."
so I am a little confused there.

Can you fix the .htaccess file and then (if the problem still persists) walk me through exactly what is happening? Thanks.

Zoints 01-04-2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Wordplay (Post 1150544)
did you ever get a resolution for that?

Not yet, sorry.

Is that the issue you speak of above? Or are you experiencing something else?

Wordplay 01-04-2007 09:04 PM

well thanks for answering all my questions, that all just made this hack even more desirable for me, too bad there is absolutely no way of getting it to work on my server, as it seems.

but how come you guys deleted my ticket over at the zoints support site? right after i asked a new question?

is there no other way if installing it?

Zoints 01-04-2007 09:16 PM

The ticket got deleted? We don't actually delete tickets, so I'm not sure what happened.

Please PM me here or over on http://network.zoints.com (same username) with your username (on Zoints so I can look for the ticket) and the exact issue you are having and I'll personally look into it.

Obviously we want this system to work for as many people as possible. There is a massive amount of code and we're quite pleased that is works on the vast majority of forums with no problems at all. We just have a few setups (ISAPI, strange mod_security settings, and safemode) that are causing us headaches right now.

MSheraz86 01-04-2007 09:36 PM

Hi thanks for the reply.

Yes I have now removed the rewrite folder and the .htaccess is still in the z directory. mod_rewrite option is turned on. I still get the same error message.

What I do is go to my profile > settings > Zoints Admin Area > Pages > Upload New Block > browse for the block and select it then click Upload.

When I click upload then instead of going any further and SUCCESSFULLY uploading it, it gives me that sad 404 error message.

My .htaccess file as I've uploaded it contains:


Options +FollowSymlinks
# If you are running vBSEO with RewriteBase enabled,
# or your webserver needs it, uncomment the following
# line, and change "/forum/z" to the appropriate path
# of where the forum is (ie domain.com/forums/z/ should
# change it to /forums/z)
# RewriteBase /forum/z
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(install/|tour/|[a-z]+\.php)$ $0 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.+)/(.+)/$ $2.php?z-profile=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ index.php?z-profile=$1 [QSA]

I notice a "tour" there and I have no clue what that is about, for some reason mine doesn't have that. Could that be the cause of the problem? I mean me not having something relating to Pages section in the .htaccess file?
I haven't editted the .htaccess file even one bit, I just uploaded it as it came so I dunno why I don't have a "tours" section. Anyhow i'm not so worried about tours section as long as Zoints is able to function properly without it lol :D but if this Pages section could be resolved then that would be so wonderful.

pokerie 01-04-2007 10:01 PM

Hey again DChapman, just wondering do you have a link where I can see the autonomous in action (preferably without having to create a new account or anything)

Any news on teaming up with vBlogetin?

Wordplay 01-04-2007 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1150904)
The ticket got deleted? We don't actually delete tickets, so I'm not sure what happened.

Please PM me here or over on http://network.zoints.com (same username) with your username (on Zoints so I can look for the ticket) and the exact issue you are having and I'll personally look into it.

Obviously we want this system to work for as many people as possible. There is a massive amount of code and we're quite pleased that is works on the vast majority of forums with no problems at all. We just have a few setups (ISAPI, strange mod_security settings, and safemode) that are causing us headaches right now.

thanks for the offer, i just wrote you that pm.

Zoints 01-04-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by MSheraz86 (Post 1150924)
Yes I have now removed the rewrite folder and the .htaccess is still in the z directory. mod_rewrite option is turned on. I still get the same error message.

I don't think the issue you are experiencing is related to .htaccess, but let's try a few things. First of all, which new block are you trying to upload?

1. Go to /z/zadmin/php > change install settings and remove mod_rewrite. Then try to upload the new block and see if it works.

If no...

2. Upload all of your files again so we can make sure none didn't happen to get missed.

If still no...

3. If you would like to submit a support ticket to http://zoints.com/support.z with the following, we'll look into the issue for you:

1. A temp admin account
2. A temp FTP account
3. A link to this thread

Please be sure to give the temp admin account admin status on Zoints by going to /z/zadmin.php, searching for the user, and setting the permissions as admin.

Thank you.

Zoints 01-04-2007 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by pokerie (Post 1150938)
Hey again DChapman, just wondering do you have a link where I can see the autonomous in action (preferably without having to create a new account or anything)


They could of course rename /z/ if they want, change the header however they want, etc etc etc.

MSheraz86 01-05-2007 03:21 PM

Hi, thanks for the reply DChapman, unfortunately none of the suggestions worked so I've had to submit a support ticket.

The sad part is that I got the same error message upon trying to give an admin account admin rights with Zoints. As soon as I clicked on the admin's username it gave me that error. I'm starting to get really annoyed by this error message lol.

I hope the problem could be fixed :)

Zoints 01-05-2007 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by MSheraz86 (Post 1150507)
I'm kind of a newbie at this .htaccess file change but i'm getting there. I've managed to fix other areas but i'm having trouble uploading a new block.
It gives me the 406 Not Acceptable error message. I've already added the .htaccess file into the z folder and to add to that I just added rewrite folder into the z folder but that wouldn't help either.

"Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forum/z/zadmin.php could not be found on this server."

That's the error message I receive. Do I need to add something to the existing .htaccess file that is not mentioned anywhere?

It turned out this was being caused by mod_security. If anyone else gets the same or a like error message, please add the following to your /z/ .htaccess file:


<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

MSheraz86 01-05-2007 07:41 PM

Yeheyyyyyy it works!!!!! Wooooooohooooooooo!!!

Thank You!!!! :D :D :D :D

SChweeeeeeeeettttt!!!! I knew it was the damned htaccess file. Curses on this htaccess system! CHModding and all other easier alternatives are way better!

Ok putting the excitement aside your responses were very fast and you have been a very big help! Thanks once again and I shall now start to configure this mod to the max.

Not making any guarantee's but the block building process looks rather cool so if there's anything not produced yet then I would like to give it a try and if I do i'll be sure to share it, after testing it of course.

This mod is no doubt got some wonderful potential! It says mod of the month at the top, well no doubt!! :D

Zoints 01-05-2007 09:54 PM

Heheh, in the end, the culprit was mod_security. .htaccess actually let us work around the issue.

In case you haven't seen, the block development is going on at http://dev.zoints.com (and some pretty cool blocks have been made so far).

MSheraz86 01-06-2007 05:46 PM

Yeah i'm tuned into that site and the moment I get free time i'll try to see if I can come up with something interesting as well :p I got an idea so far but i'll keep that in mind :D and if I can't output the idea into a block then i'll just put it through as a suggestion, at least that counts as a contribution, doesn't it? :p hehe.

Anyways keep up the awesome work, I have my doubts on any person being unhappy with the way you're handling responses. Awesome work! :D

FranklinNoble 01-07-2007 05:54 AM

If I may, I'd like to post a bit of a testimonial here regarding this mod:

Not only is this a very versatile, customizable, and feature-rich modification for vBulletin, but the developer support is incredible. I had a few small snags following the installation, and they were addressed and fixed rapidly - on a weekend. I never expected this level of support.

Highly recommended!

acegames 01-07-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by FranklinNoble (Post 1152418)
If I may, I'd like to post a bit of a testimonial here regarding this mod:

Not only is this a very versatile, customizable, and feature-rich modification for vBulletin, but the developer support is incredible. I had a few small snags following the installation, and they were addressed and fixed rapidly - on a weekend. I never expected this level of support.

Highly recommended!

Yes have to agree a flawless install , really professional looking and awesome support

Installed it here www.acegames.us and my forum members absolutely love it

influence 01-08-2007 02:48 PM

How about a block which has last XX Profile Visitors name and avatar in it..
Also maybe total profile hits stats in another box.

I still haven't bought this yet because I just wrecked my car and all my money going towards that problem now but hopefully DC and his staff can implement that block or someone else by the time I have enough money to buy the other version.

Please DC, add that block. I would pay extra just for that block.

MotMann 01-08-2007 06:13 PM

Is there a german Version right now out? :)

captainslater 01-08-2007 06:14 PM

I'm currently working on it.
All files are hard coded, no phrase support until version 1.1.0 - so please be patient :)

MotMann 01-08-2007 06:18 PM

Okey.. im waiting :)

Nice job

imported_Psybadek 01-09-2007 09:20 AM

I keep getting this


Warning: main(/home/vvwmyxi/public_html/forum/global.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/vvwmyxi/public_html/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php on line 43

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/vvwmyxi/public_html/forum/global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/vvwmyxi/public_html/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php on line 43
when trying to install, but my forum isnt installed in a forum directory, its installed on the domain.

Dr.Alzaabi 01-09-2007 01:15 PM


Just installed Zoints. the problem that i can't click on
action , style settings bottoms .. recieved java script avoid(o)

can any one help .?

thanx alot


caliman 01-09-2007 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Alzaabi (Post 1154553)

Just installed Zoints. the problem that i can't click on
action , style settings bottoms .. recieved java script avoid(o)

can any one help .?

thanx alot



What browser are you using? I think I've noticed this with IE 6.0. Firefox works. I've pointed out this issue, but I guess the solution is still in the works.

Zoints 01-09-2007 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by influence (Post 1153661)
How about a block which has last XX Profile Visitors name and avatar in it..
Also maybe total profile hits stats in another box.

I still haven't bought this yet because I just wrecked my car and all my money going towards that problem now but hopefully DC and his staff can implement that block or someone else by the time I have enough money to buy the other version.

Please DC, add that block. I would pay extra just for that block.

Oh man, that sucks, are you ok? One of our employees was in a serious accident a couple of weeks ago, so I feel your pain. I hope everything works out ok for you!

Anyway, a profile hits block would be super easy to make for any forum owner. Just cut and paste any code from a stat site into a custom block (or request it at http://dev.zoints.com)

As for the other block, that does indeed sound pretty cool :)

Zoints 01-09-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by imported_Psybadek (Post 1154425)
I keep getting this

when trying to install, but my forum isnt installed in a forum directory, its installed on the domain.

Step 1. Double check that all files are uploaded.

Step 2. Please go to /z/includes/localsettings.php and check what your $config['forum path'] is set to.

Step 3. If those two options don't resolve the problem, if you would like to submit a support ticket to http://zoints.com/support.z with the following, we'll look into the issue for you:

1. A temp admin account
2. A temp FTP account
3. A link to your issue in this thread.

Thank you.

Zoints 01-09-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Alzaabi (Post 1154553)

Just installed Zoints. the problem that i can't click on
action , style settings bottoms .. recieved java script avoid(o)

That usually happens as a result of javascript conflict from a custom header. To check and see if that is the issue, please go to /z/zadmin.php and turn off the forum header/footer option then try again.

influence 01-10-2007 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1155040)
Oh man, that sucks, are you ok? One of our employees was in a serious accident a couple of weeks ago, so I feel your pain. I hope everything works out ok for you!

Anyway, a profile hits block would be super easy to make for any forum owner. Just cut and paste any code from a stat site into a custom block (or request it at http://dev.zoints.com)

As for the other block, that does indeed sound pretty cool :)

ya I am OK. Thank god I am alive and no one else was hurt. came from a party around 6AM and i think I was so tired that i fell asleep while driving and my car went through a pole, then a tree and finally a damn fence stopped it and the airbag woke me up. Amazing

anyway DC, someone already requested that feature on your dev board and that thread been up for about a week now and no one attended to it so do you mind doing it for me? Please I beg of you to do that block. I know I am not the only one who want something like that .


Dr.Alzaabi 01-10-2007 12:56 AM


thanx Dchapman u were right that was the problem .. any thing can resolve this other than turning off the header and footer ?

+ i started to get (invalid usage) msg when i try to click of the profile section ?

thanx alot for ur help


Zoints 01-10-2007 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by influence (Post 1155071)
anyway DC, someone already requested that feature on your dev board and that thread been up for about a week now and no one attended to it so do you mind doing it for me? Please I beg of you to do that block. I know I am not the only one who want something like that .

The beta of that block is out. It's got a few minor bugs by the looks of it, but it'll get there.

Zoints 01-10-2007 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Alzaabi (Post 1155092)
thanx Dchapman u were right that was the problem .. any thing can resolve this other than turning off the header and footer ?

+ i started to get (invalid usage) msg when i try to click of the profile section ?

The two options would be:

1. Troubleshoot what the javascript error is.

2. Try adding the header and footer via manual code input. A guide for that can be found here.

imported_Psybadek 01-10-2007 07:46 AM

There isnt a localsettings.php file in the zip at all

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