xuanhuy238 |
10-02-2009 06:26 AM |
Originally Posted by Sorky
(Post 1893181)
Sent you a PM asking for admin access so I can check it out - or you can turn debug on and I can have a quick look... Never had any issue with sorting before, but to be honest I never investigated the sorting in non-English, so I may need to do something due to that.
Hi Sorky,
I was waiting for your reply, thanks! :up:
But I don't see any PM from you and I turn on debug mode, you can take a look here.
This is the log:
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.8.0 - Debug Information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default behaviour (value in brackets below) = 5
// (0) Forums with original SubForum behaviour =
// (1) Forums with SubForums hidden =
// (2) Forums with the new SubForum formatting =
// (3) Forums with 1 SubForum column =
// (4) Forums with 2 SubForum columns =
// (5) Forums with 3 SubForum columns =
// (6) Forums with 4 SubForum columns =
// (7) Forums with 5 SubForum columns =
// (8) Forums with 6 SubForum columns =
// (9) Forums with 7 SubForum columns =
// (10) Forums with 8 SubForum columns =
// (11) Forums with 9 SubForum columns =
// (12) Forums with 10 SubForum columns =
// Should SubForum length be limited (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// SubForums to limit or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Maximum number of SubForums to show = 0
// How to display more (0=text/1=link/2=expand) = 2
// Text to use if there are hidden SubForums = <More...>
// Text to use if there are SubForums to be hidden = <Less...>
// SubForum Descriptions (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// SubForums for descriptions (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// SubForum Description mode (0=N,1=Anchor,2=Before,3=After) = 0
// Max length of SubForum description = 50
// Characters that indicate the description is cut off = ...
// Characters to preceed the SubForum description = <
// Characters to follow the SubForum description = >
// SubForum outer box table formatting =
// SubForum table formatting =
// SubForum element formatting =
// SubForum sorting (0=H,1=AH,2=AV,3=V) = 1
// Sort ForumOrder-Horizontal Forums =
// Sort ForumOrder-Vertical Forums =
// Sort Alphabetic-Horizontal Forums =
// Sort Alphabetic-Vertical Forums =
// Text to indent with =
// Separator to use between SubForum names =
// SubForums to not display in the SubForum list =
// Should Forums show counts on SubForum (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// Forums to show or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Should the count include Sub-SubForums (0=A,1=I,2=E,3=N) = 3
// Forums to count or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Count display format (0=N,1=T,2=P,3=TP,4=PT) = 0
// Count start character = (
// Count middle character = /
// Count end character = )
// Count formatting HTML = style="font-size:10px; color:darkgray;"
// Hide zero counts (1=Y,0=N) = 0
// Should Forums show counts (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// Forums to show or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Allow collapse of SubForum list (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// Forums to allow or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Expand (Show) image = images/buttons/collapse_thead_collapsed.gif
// Expand (Show) alt text = Show SubForums
// Collapse (Hide) image = images/buttons/collapse_thead.gif
// Collapse (Hide) alt text = Hide SubForums
// Expanded/Collapsed/Previous default (0=E,1=C,2=P) = 2
// Default if the above = 2 (0=E,1=C) = 1
// SubForum heading text =
// Forum description formatting HTML = class="smallfont" style="margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px"
// Align icons to the top (1=Y,0=N) = 0
// Use full column width (1=Y,0=N) = 1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------