Originally Posted by AndrewD
(Post 1648214)
Here is the first beta release of 2.3.0. It still requires care - please do not install on a live site unless you are willing to deal with bugs. I will appreciate test reports and suggestions.
NB: the main zip only contains the Englilsh product file. The translations are supplied separately.
There are a few more changes expected before 2.3.0 becomes the new official release (work on vba page load efficiency, integration of vbboarder's 'extras' integrator to smooth upgrades, and perhaps a couple of new extras), as well as updating the wiki.
Compared to version 2.3.0-alpha, these are the changes:
+ Additional attributes
Groups have new 'hidden' and 'collapsed by default' options which can be set on per-category basis
Attribute groups displayed as collapsible boxes on 'Add/Edit Entry' forms
Attribute names that start with * are replaced by the corresponding vb phrase when displayed on user pages
+ Administration
Added information on admin/allowances when usergroups have *can_bypass_XXX* permissions
Added information on admin/showinfo when usergroups with *can_bypass_XXX* permissions
+ Accept agreement
Template/ *ll_agreement* phrase includes username as parameter
+ Forum Announcements
Admin option added to select thread prefix when forum announcements made in forum defined by autocreate_forum setting
+ Media Players
Updated JWplayer to use swfobject 2.1
+ Searches
Improved consistency of Advanced Search interface to saved searches and profile searches
Integrated attributes consistently into searches and search interface
Added option to profile searches to allow any/all/exact matches
+ Starred Nominations
New *Current Nominations* search option on Show menu
New permission *can_view_nominations* gives access to current nominations in linkbits and via Show/Current Nominations
+ vba modules
ldm_tagcloud, ldm_new_reviews, ldm_newly_reviewed and ldm_cats extended to accept optional category list
ldm_hot_thumb module added (thanks, vbboarder)
various bug fixes and template edits to improve integration with inline media players (thanks, vbboarder)
+ Extras
*blockhit-bylasthit* extra extends *timeout_hit_allow* setting to per-usergroup, per-category setting
*flash-sites* extra updated to allows national YouTube urls; handling of other video sites brought back up to date
*id3tag-enhancements* updated to use phrased attribute names
*shadowbox* extra provides lightbox handling of LDM Jukeboxes and images in main linkbit and in attributes
*ffmpeg-utils* updated to allow video transcoding via LDM admin pages
*tagcloud* updated to allow optional list of categories to include in cloud
+ Bug fixes
Filter bar appears correctly when featured entries have been enabled but no featured entries are visible
Retain *prune_downloadtable* setting correctly after visiting admin/hits pages
Fixed highlighting of exact phrase searches
Fixed highlighting with php versions < 4.4.0/5.1.0 which lack utf8 regex extensions
Fixed sql error with some choices of *musicbox_default_sort_order* setting
Fixed IE Javascript bug when *cat_desc_popup* is set
Fixed statistics code/vba module code to correctly select latest entries, hide hidden entries, etc.
Fixed handling of *show category name* option in vba modules
Fixed 'report entry' email to correctly pick up per-category setting of *report_email*
Fixed 'report entry' and 'send to friend' to redirect correctly when selected after search
Fixed bugs in handling some characters in filenames in admin/scans
Fixed display of profile field names in profile searches
Fixed central alignment of all titles on main page
'Sort by name' category listings and category drop down menus apply natural sorts (1,2,10 rather than 1,10,2)
These were the changes in 2.3.0 alpha compared to 2.2.9
+ Add/Edit Entry
Removed 'delete image' option when image has been autocreated from entry
Minor change to autoannounce new entries phrase ldm_thread_create_body to include category name
+ Admin
Keywords page lists keywords horizontally
Linkbits page allows editing of main linkbit and catbit parameters
+ Category Display
Added *category_filter_menu* setting to display/remove keyword filter dropdown
Added *cat_default_sort_order* setting to control sort order of category lists (was *default_sort_order*)
+ Featured entries
Added *featured_usergroupid_favs* setting to select featured entries from entire usergroup(s)
+ Media Players
Removed .swf from filetypes handled by JWplayer and added .m4a
+ Ratings and Comments
Inline comments/ratings changed to be full part of main linkbits
Ajax-enabled ratings/comments available as an option when using inline comments/ratings
Inline comments/ratings also available in Jukebox
+ Starred nominations
Entries can be unnominated
Nominations are no longer stacked, i.e. only user's current nomination is recorded
+ Security
*secure-urls* extra integrated into LDM, allowing download/play urls to be fully locked down
*secure_nullindexfile* setting autocreates empty index.html files to block browing of upload/thumbs directories
vBulletin session ids handled corrrectly throughout
+ User Profiles
No longer shows LDM sections in user profile when turned off
When LDM sections in user profile are empty, 'none' is shown as contents
+ Efficiency changes
Admin and categories tables cached in vBulletin datastore and unnecessary database lookups eliminated
+ Extras
*id3tag-enhancements* extended to create attribute information for wider range of video and audio files
*JWplayer-extensions* inline player extended to play attributes that are media files
*Wimpy* wimpybutton player extended to play attributes that are media files
Test release of *ffmpeg-utils* - uses ffmpeg utility to grab video frame as thumbnail and to transcode video formats
+ Hooks and templates
Added ldm_icons_cached after caching list of icon filenames
Added ldm_catbit_start in ldm_get_categorybits()
Added ldm_construct_catlist in ldm_construct_category_list()
Added ldm_maindisplay_title in main code
Added ldm_customfields_myentries in ldm_member_customfields_myentries()
Added ldm_customfields_myhits in ldm_member_customfields_myhits
Added ldm_create_post and ldm_create_thread in forums interface code
Split links_header template into links_header, links_navbar and links_navbar_popups templates, making it easier for
sites to move the LDM menu bar (move $ldmnavbar variable in links_main)
+ Bug fixes
Various fixes to id3tag-enhancements extra; extra now also works within Edit Entry
Fixed permissions-related null category bug in Edit Entry
Minor changes to code used to highlight search results to deal with UTF-8 special characters
Unnecessary blank line removed from category description in main displays
Fixed byte reporting in limitaccess-by-posts extra
Fixed keyword display/edit bug when display is filtered on keyword
When 'link_imagesize' is left blank, LDM correctly applies VB Message Attachment/Thumbnail Size setting
Sequence 'search->comment->return' returns to entry's category, not the base category