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jdelasko 06-28-2008 11:35 AM

Here's a simple question. The 'Photo Album' tab on the profile pages links to this file:

/z/album.php (Which doesn't exist)

Where can I change the link that the 'Photo Album' tab points to? Maybe I can hack in Photopost as an interim solution.

Strike3ForumsMH 06-28-2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by jdelasko (Post 1561146)
Here's a simple question. The 'Photo Album' tab on the profile pages links to this file:

/z/album.php (Which doesn't exist)

Where can I change the link that the 'Photo Album' tab points to? Maybe I can hack in Photopost as an interim solution.

I believe the way it is coded it's so that users can specify a gallery to link to, be it on your site or an external site (like FlickR.)

There are also photo blocks from both Photopost and Photoplog on dev.zoints.com to integrate with Zoints, but I don't know if they still currently work as they are both older and I am sure they've gone through updates.

- Reid

jdelasko 06-28-2008 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1561560)
I believe the way it is coded it's so that users can specify a gallery to link to, be it on your site or an external site (like FlickR.)

I have spent the last 12 hours searching for a place to specify this and it has been nothing but an adventure in frustration. There is nothing in admin or in any of the countless php files I have searched in. Rather than tell me that you believe it is coded so that users can specify a gallery to link to, you would save us both some time by just telling me WHERE to change it.


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1561560)
There are also photo blocks from both Photopost and Photoplog on dev.zoints.com to integrate with Zoints, but I don't know if they still currently work as they are both older and I am sure they've gone through updates.

- Reid

I did notice the photopost block on dev.zoints.com. If I could ever actually log in on that site, I might have a look at it. The login system on your dev site hasn't worked right for over a year now. Y'all might want to fix that.


Manual Login
If you have reached this page then the automated login process is not working. In order to log in, please proceed with the following steps:

Copy down the login code
Click the button labeled "Proceed"
Enter the login code into the form on the next page.

Clicking on 'PROCEED' returns a blank white page.

How hard can it be to get a login script to work?????????!!!!!!!!!

Strike3ForumsMH 06-28-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by jdelasko (Post 1561617)
I have spent the last 12 hours searching for a place to specify this and it has been nothing but an adventure in frustration. There is nothing in admin or in any of the countless php files I have searched in. Rather than tell me that you believe it is coded so that users can specify a gallery to link to, you would save us both some time by just telling me WHERE to change it.

No there isn't

Hey JD,

I hope your Saturday is going as well as it can be, mine has been fantastic. :)

But I do need to apologize. I know I am probably not your favorite person, but there really has been a lot of work put into the release this week and a lot of support so I've been scatterbrained. I have so many different products I help on and I sometimes get things confused. For some reason, I don't really recall why or even if there was a reason, the album file was left out a few versions ago (I am not an engineer, so I don't know.) But I found the file for you and I PERSONALLY tested it on my forum (you can go to my profile to check it but I will likely remove that page from my navigation soon.)

This is how it functions. If enabled, when the user clicks on it for their profile, it will bring up a screen asking for their album URL. If they click that page, they will always get that screen but visitors and guests will be redirected to the URL that they specified.

And yes, there are certainly blocks on dev.zoints.com to show a user's images and to link to their gallery. On some install work I installed them for a few forums. These are 3rd party blocks so I wouldn't be able to support them but if they work, that would be great to hear.


Again, my apologies. Upload this file to your /z/ folder, enable the Photos page, inform your users on how to use it. I am sure a more elegant and seamless solution can be coded if you sought it from a hacker here, but this is something that does the job.

Strike3ForumsMH 06-28-2008 11:19 PM



Manual Login
If you have reached this page then the automated login process is not working. In order to log in, please proceed with the following steps:

Copy down the login code
Click the button labeled "Proceed"
Enter the login code into the form on the next page.

Clicking on 'PROCEED' returns a blank white page.

How hard can it be to get a login script to work?????????!!!!!!!!!
We actually just got a complaint of this recently (literally last night.) I am thinking it must be a browser issue as while there has not been a ton of posts made there, very few actually, I have been able to login to post simple widget blocks and others have too.

I'll inform someone of this right away though. I'll download the blocks and I will post them you ASAP while that gets sorted out.

- Reid

Strike3ForumsMH 06-28-2008 11:29 PM

Here you go JD,

I've also copied over his config instructions into a .txt file for you with a link to the thread for your future reference. From my knowledge of the block, Photopost needs to be installed on the same database to work.

(For all others: This is not my modification nor an official Zoints modification. I am just posting this here to help JD out while we fix things.)

- Reid

Megatr0n 06-28-2008 11:43 PM

When will gold be released?

jdelasko 06-29-2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1561634)
Here you go JD,

I've also copied over his config instructions into a .txt file for you with a link to the thread for your future reference. From my knowledge of the block, Photopost needs to be installed on the same database to work.

(For all others: This is not my modification nor an official Zoints modification. I am just posting this here to help JD out while we fix things.)

- Reid

This block assumes that your vBulletin and Photopost installations use the same database. My installation uses a seperate database for Photopost, so this block doesn't work for me. I looked at the thread for this block on dev.zoints.com and several other people said the same thing and asked for a solution... as far back as a year ago. To date, there have been no solutions offered on dev.zoints.com

I guess I'm just S.O.L.

jdelasko 06-29-2008 01:39 AM

I'm posting the complet code for the block below just in case someone here can figure out how to make this work with a seperate photopost database. Hope you zoints guys don't mind, but this is my only hope of getting this working. I don't know enough about mysql to do it myself.

I'm also running Photopost 6.1, so this block probably hase more problems than just the database issue

===================Block code below =========================================

# photopost album
# 1.0.2
# mtgmaster (themtgmaster@gmail.com)
# http://lol.zoints.com/
# Displays a members photos
class user_photopost_album extends z_module
# Set the maximum amount of images any users are allowed to display
var $max_images = 7;
# Set your photopost db table prefix here
var $pp_prefix = 'pp_';
# Set your full url to the photopost directory, with no trailing slash
var $pp_dir = 'http://www.majorleaguetalk.com/photopost';
# Set categories you don't want to be displayed, separated with commas eg. '2,500,501'
var $dis_cats = '';

function contents()
$content = $this->content;
$vbulletin = $this->_zoints->external->vbulletin;
$userinfo = $this->_zoints->external->load_user($this->zuser);

# If limit hasnt been set or is over the admin set maximum, set it to the admin max
if(empty($content['max_pics']) OR $content['max_pics'] > $this->max_images)
$limit_sql = 'LIMIT ' . $this->max_images;
# Otherwise, let them set it
$limit_sql = 'LIMIT ' . $content['max_pics'];

# Generate the sql to get rid of some cateories
$categories = explode(',', $this->dis_cats);
foreach($categories as $cat)
$cat_sql .= 'AND cat<>' . $cat . ' ';
$cat_sql = ' AND cat<>' . $this->dis_cats . ' ';

# Get all photos the user has
$sql = "
SELECT * FROM " . $this->pp_prefix . "photos
WHERE userid=" . $this->zuser . "
AND approved=1
" . $cat_sql . "
" . $limit_sql . "
$getphotos = $vbulletin->db->query_read($sql);
$html .= '<div class="' . $this->style['pmain1'] . '" style="padding: 0;">';

# Does the user have any photos?
if ($vbulletin->db->num_rows($getphotos))
# Display the top of the table
$html .= '<table border="0" width="100%">
<td width="100" align="center" class="phead">
# Display the details?
$html .= ' <td class="phead">
$html .= ' </tr>';

# loop and display all that have been fetched from the DB
while($photo = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($getphotos))
# Display image cell
$html .= '
<td width="100" align="center" class="' . $this->style['pmain1'] . '">
<a href="' . $this->pp_dir . '/showphoto.php?photo=' . $photo['id'] . '">
<img src="' . $this->pp_dir . '/data/' . $photo['cat'] . '/thumbs/' . $photo['bigimage'] . '" />
# Display the image details?
$html .= '
<td class="' . $this->style['pmain1'] . '" valign="top" style="font-size: 80%;">';
# photo name
$html .= '<div><a href="' . $this->pp_dir . '/showphoto.php?photo=' . $photo['id'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($photo['title']) . '</a></div>';
# File size in KB
$html .= '<div>Filesize: ' . number_format($photo['filesize'] / 1024, 2) . ' KB</div>';
# Date uploaded
$html .= '<div>Date: ' . $this->_zoints->external->date($photo['date'], $this->_zoints->external->get_date_format()) . '</div>';
# Dimensions
$html .= '<div>Dimensions: ' . $photo['width'] . 'x' . $photo['height'] . '</div>';
# Views
$html .= '<div>Views: ' . $photo['views'] . '</div>';
# Rating
$html .= '<div>Rating: ' . $photo['rating'] . '</div>';
$html .= ' </td>';
$html .= '</tr>';
$html .= '</table>';
$html .= '<div class="' . $this->style['pmain1'] . '" style="text-align: center;">
<a href="' . $this->pp_dir . '/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=' . $this->zuser . '">View all of ' . $userinfo['username'] . '\'s photos</a>
# Nope, tell them they have none
$html .= '<div class="' . $this->style['pmain1'] . '" style="text-align: center;">' . $userinfo['username'] . ' doesn\'t have any photos</div>';
$html .= '<div class="' . $this->style['pmain1'] . '" style="text-align: center;">
<a href="' . $this->pp_dir . '/uploadphoto.php">Upload pictures</a>

$html .= '</div>';
return $html;

function update($content)
return $content;

function edit()
$content = $this->content;
if($content['max_pics'] AND $content['max_pics'] < $this->max_images)
$limit = htmlspecialchars($content['max_pics']);
$limit = $this->max_images;
$html .= '<div class="pmain1">';

# Disable description checkbox
$html .= 'Disable image details? ';
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="mod[content][details]" ' . ($content['details'] ? 'checked="checked"': '') . ' /> <br />';
# Max pictures textbox
$html .= 'Max pictures to display ';
$html .= '<input type="text" name="mod[content][max_pics]" value="' . $limit . '" size="5" /> ';
$html .= '<span style="font-size: 7pt; color: #848484;">(max ' . $this->max_images . ' allowed)</span> ';

$html .= '</div>';

return $html;

jdelasko 06-29-2008 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH (Post 1561629)
Hey JD,

I hope your Saturday is going as well as it can be, mine has been fantastic. :)

But I do need to apologize. I know I am probably not your favorite person, but there really has been a lot of work put into the release this week and a lot of support so I've been scatterbrained. I have so many different products I help on and I sometimes get things confused. For some reason, I don't really recall why or even if there was a reason, the album file was left out a few versions ago (I am not an engineer, so I don't know.) But I found the file for you and I PERSONALLY tested it on my forum (you can go to my profile to check it but I will likely remove that page from my navigation soon.)

This is how it functions. If enabled, when the user clicks on it for their profile, it will bring up a screen asking for their album URL. If they click that page, they will always get that screen but visitors and guests will be redirected to the URL that they specified.

And yes, there are certainly blocks on dev.zoints.com to show a user's images and to link to their gallery. On some install work I installed them for a few forums. These are 3rd party blocks so I wouldn't be able to support them but if they work, that would be great to hear.


Again, my apologies. Upload this file to your /z/ folder, enable the Photos page, inform your users on how to use it. I am sure a more elegant and seamless solution can be coded if you sought it from a hacker here, but this is something that does the job.

Album.php doesn't do me much good. I guess it would be ok for linking to an external site, but I'd rather keep users on my site instead of providing a way for them to leave. This is not a viable solution for photopost albums on my site because each users album pages are a different url, and they would have no easy way to figure out what the url is.

Thanks for trying though.

It is really getting frustrating. I think I'll just go get drunk now.... I've been at this for 18 hours straight now.

BTW, you may not be my favorite person, but I like you just fine. I have to complain to somebody, and you're the only one around.

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