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caimakale 02-14-2006 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
yes ma'am.... the store is set to yes for the gifts, and the usergroups are set as well. she can't even bank any of her points. it's very odd

Even though she has alot of bank points, is she in the negative on her points in her pocket? You can check this by looking at your user in the admincp >> users. Find the user and at the bottom you can see a couple eStore options. The only time I have ever seen this happen is when they get into negative points in their pocket, even though they have a positive bank roll.

Ohiosweetheart 02-14-2006 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by caimakale
Even though she has alot of bank points, is she in the negative on her points in her pocket? You can check this by looking at your user in the admincp >> users. Find the user and at the bottom you can see a couple eStore options. The only time I have ever seen this happen is when they get into negative points in their pocket, even though they have a positive bank roll.

no no... she has nothing in the bank.... she's not able to bank any points at all... she's not able to do anything

Frugal 02-14-2006 02:07 AM

I have now edited this post


to include a comprehensive guide to getting vbookie working with eBux using both the sql and file editing methods.

Rickie3 if you haven't got it working yet follow the post, ignore the bold bit, when you get to the green bit ignore it and upload lordofguns edited functions_vbookie then carry on after the green.


Rickie3 02-14-2006 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Frugal
I have now edited this post


to include a comprehensive guide to getting vbookie working with eBux using both the sql and file editing methods.

Rickie3 if you haven't got it working yet follow the post, ignore the bold bit, when you get to the green bit ignore it and upload lordofguns edited functions_vbookie then carry on after the green.


so basically all i have to is this then after ive uploaded functions_vbookie ?
Then go to ACP >> vBulletin Option >> vBookie Settings and set Enable uCash to yes

i also removed this from postbit is that right?
<if condition="$vboptions['vbookiecashon']">
<br />vCash: $post[vbookie_cash]

kylek 02-14-2006 02:40 AM

Yes, thats all you have to do, I just did the file edit method and it works fine.

Frugal - maybe you could include the functions_vbookie.php file in your post, a lot easier for people who are not too sure of what to do.

caimakale 02-14-2006 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Frugal
Unless CMX removes the option to choose the table name the sql option will work with any future hacks of eBux and will likely work with other hacks like vbookie that integrate with ucash. However providing you only change ucash and do not change the vbookieucash the file edit version will work just as well and you will just have to remember to do it anytime you update vbookie.

The file editing version is definately the better option for people not comfortable running queries and vbookie is pretty solid so unlikely to be updated very often (which is why it was my first suggestion some 70 odd pages back).

If you know your database and are comfortable with sql then the query is the far more elegant and effective solution, if you don't know your way round sql the file edits are far safer and far easier to reverse if you make an error.


If I made a hack calling the ebux field from the user table it wouldn't find it because you have it renamed to ucash. It would have to be a pretty big hack to do that as most hacks will use the functions CMX has built in, but nonetheless it is a possibility.

shaynehammy 02-14-2006 02:52 AM

When a user is recieving reputation, its doesnt seem to be affecting cash in anyway. Why is this happening?

caimakale 02-14-2006 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by shaynehammy
When a user is recieving reputation, its doesnt seem to be affecting cash in anyway. Why is this happening?

It affects the person giving the reputation, not the user receiving. Make sure you have a value set in your AdminCp >> eBux Options >> Manage Settings >> Points Per Good Reputation and Points Per Bad Reputation.

If those are set and the person giving the reputation still isn't getting points, make sure you have 1.1.2 installed. I know it works because my wife just sat here and gave people reputation to earn free points. Luckily it only allowed her to give 10 people reputation in a 24 hour period. ;)

Reeve of shinra 02-14-2006 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by caimakale
If I made a hack calling the ebux field from the user table it wouldn't find it because you have it renamed to ucash. It would have to be a pretty big hack to do that as most hacks will use the functions CMX has built in, but nonetheless it is a possibility.

OT but it would be better if the table and field were variables that could configured. This way something like vbookie could easilly be used for both estore and ushop :)

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-14-2006 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
another require :)

when lottery is on add an annoucement in the estore.php home page :)

and question lets say i move the lottery option to no category...

how come it doesnt show?

A lot of template changes need to happen for the lottery, as well as a page to view the "past winners" soon too.


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
another question................How does the lottery works? how does it pick winners?

It counts the number of tickets in the specified lottery and then generates a random number from 0 to that number and pulls an entry out of the winners table randomly.


Originally Posted by caimakale
I am able to purchase a lottery ticket with no money in my account. Then it puts me into a negative restricting access to the bank. It happens because the initial cost of the lottery is 0.00 and it gives access to anybody. I don't think it checks the price after you select the lottery you want to purchase in the drop down box. It allows you to continue to the next page to make the actual purchase, this is where the check should occur to prevent it from letting you get to the page to make the final purchase.

Will be fixed in the next release.


Originally Posted by eNforce
After removing gifts from a member they still display inside their profile :pirate:

Because they are listed inside the estore_gifts table of course. Editing in the Admin CP is just to fix any bugs that show up in the postbit. There is currently no Admin Edit feature for editing the ones in the MEMBERINFO yet.


Originally Posted by redtailboa
These were already reported, but I am going to also confirm this on my forum:

Interest is showing this: Next Bank Interest: 01-01-1970, 12:00 AM

Users can buy lottery tickets even if they don't have enough money. If they do this, they go into the negative point range.

This will be fixed in the next version, it was a minor bug.


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
Do the purchases of lottery tickets go INTO the jackpot...

Example.. I would like to set the jackpot to 0... Then as people buy tickets, it goes into the jackpot.. Is that how this works?

No, the jackpot is settable right now, its the first incarnation of the eLottery system, so it will grow with features over time. Your suggestion has been noted.


Originally Posted by caimakale
Ok, well then that explains it. I was getting the loyal member and senior discount, which brings up another bug.

This is giving anybody without their birth year set the senior discount. I have my birth month and day set, but not the year and it is giving me the senior discount. I don't require the birth year on my site.

The weird number was throwing me for a loop. I couldn't figure it out.

This will be fixed in the next release.


Originally Posted by StarBuG
The sticky option is nice to have but I realy would like to be able to select in which forums I want to allow this option to work
Same goes for other options that effect forums

Another question:

The setting: "Expires X Days after Purchase" does this mean that the item disappears from the users itemlist after the ammount of time (if he didn?t use it)?
Or does it mean that after X Days the thread he sticked will get unsticked again?

The second option would be very usefull

Or what about denieing some colors for usernames for example.
So that users can?t change there username color and layout so that they look like admins or mods

A short "how to" for implementing other hacks using eBux would be nice too.
I for example use PhotoPlog Lite and I would like to limit the number of photos users can upload by default (can be set via the photoplog options) but I would like to have another eStore item that will increase the number of photos +10 or such.
How would I do that?

And one more.
Would it be possible to remember if a pager message has already poped up?
If I have multiple tabs from my forum open in Firefox, then it pops up on every tab.

I also noticed that when I got a pager message on my forum tab I can?t write in this message window (happend to me 4 times during writing this) until I go to the tab with the pager message and then back

Another "Bug":
If you deposit an ammount of money into your bank the "next time of interests" is set to the new time.
It would be good if it was stored at the first deposit and then never changes.
If you deposit a new amount of money 5mins before you would get interests you would lose a whole day

The richest member display only shows points a user has not in the bank.
To realy show the richest member you would need to take the bank into account too

You can select what forums can be stickied, its under Forum Options.

The Expires X Days only works on certain kinds of purchases and on something like a sticky thread, it only will work if that user is active. It will disable soon as its been 7 days and that user who purchased it would have logged in as it uses that user's history as the "expire" feature.

I have no idea what you mention about a pager as eBS doesnt use any kind of pager at all.

Theres an eBux setting to set it not to reset the interest amount upon deposits for a few versions now I think.

The richest member displays the top overall money in pocket + money in the bank now.


Originally Posted by inspiration100
Can you sell zip files in the store? How would you add it?

With the latest version if you upload a file to a post, it should have a field for how many points you would like for people to download it. Just enter the number there, it doesnt really need a store option as it shows the attachment inside the post and checks/transfers the points upon a user clicking it. Unfortunately there's no way without a Code Modification to have it display the cost of the attachment due to it needing the imagecodes field from the attachment database.


Originally Posted by Baudman
I'm lost. I installed this and set everything up but then I click on the estore button in the nav bar and Its telling me my usergroup doesn't have permision to use it. How do I set this? I thought I had it all.

Should be under Usergroup Permissions.


Originally Posted by Geser
I am trying to remove item I bought, and getting message "You do not have enough points to perform this action.".
Why I need points to remove item I have?

What version do you have installed? I thought that was fixed in v1.1.2.


Originally Posted by docvader
I have about ten categories, and, oh, 140 "forums", with a few extra user groups. Am I going to have to set options for each one of these forum areas individually, or will the permissions follow the parent category forum? Just wondering what this is going to be like to configure.

Gonna do it one day!

Unfortunately yes until I can create a global setting to set all items at once and then you could "modify" the options you dont want to have the settings. I hope to implement something like this in the near future.


Originally Posted by NuclioN
I'm stucked with the 'deny' and 'give' forum access options. These options are set to be available for staffmembers only to block access to one of their forums in a category. But when a moderator block access for a member, this member can visit, post and reply as usual. What's wrong?

It only blocks them from going to the forum ID that you did the block for.


Originally Posted by Stormwolf
Is there a way for an admin to view every transaction made in the store or to get it to pm a specific usergroup when a transaction is made?

We are using this to sell forum items and items in our gaming world. It would greatly help the person who delivers the items sold on the forum to the people in game if there was either a pm made to all admins when somebody buys something or a web accessable log of every transaction made in the store.

The next version 1.1.3 will have a history per item. I think sending a PM is a bit overboard, but the history will be nice, and it will have pages and a setting for how many to show per page, etc. Someone could make an addon for the PM thing I'm sure, or I could look into it when I get more time.


Originally Posted by Sooner95
Ok, completed upgrade to 1.1.2

Error still exists on that account. See screenshot.

I cannot do anything with that account. No matter what I click, it just gives me that page.

Did you reupload all of the files in the UPLOAD folder? That is a common mistake people tend to forget as well.


Originally Posted by Sooner95
ok thx. Think I am going to write this one off as, shithappens. No worries, corrupt account will just be removed, and create another ect..

Still afriad to try the immunity hacks again, so I'll prob create another test account and doit that way, see if that has been fixed.


THx for the Lotto!!

Only request I have left is intergration with ibPro Arcade..

In the future, I'll add it so the Admin CP, search for Users can edit the otherflags and some of the other fields that are added to the usertable in case of corruption too.

Does IBProArcade have any hooks implemented?


Originally Posted by Sooner95
Quick question about the Lotto Ending time.

Says this in my store..

Lottery Ends Approximately: 02-20-06, 11:21 AM

Says this in AdminCP


How do these relate?

The time it ends is a "TIMESTAMP" from php's time() command. It's how all dates are stored into the database physically. Even the joindate's that go into when your users have registered. They could be edited to show a proper date I guess, but it was easier at the time to just display the exact number for accuracy.


Originally Posted by StarBuG
Ok I still have the empty category problem

I uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled it.

Still all categories are empty?

Did anyone solve this problem?? Any solutions?

Did you reupload all of the files, then click on Rebuild Datastore from the Admin CP?


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
ut oh.... a member is trying to buy a gift for another member. I have the cost set at 1000 points. It's telling her that she doesn't have enough points to perform this action. But she has over 5,000 points....

what can I do?

Thats very odd unless you have the tax percentage to like 400% lol, I dont see how that error would occur though, nonetheless, I'll look into it and test it on my test forum.


Originally Posted by Skyline_GT
I wonder are you planning to integrate paypal with this system?
buy points using real money??

I really would like someone else to implement that as I dont want to do anything that has to do with real money due to legal reasons. Someone else is more than welcome to code this add on :)


Originally Posted by Sooner95
oh.. lol


Can this be set up another way then? hehe.

I am having no luck with settign this..

Its based on seconds, like how many seconds till the end of the lotto?

I put in 302400, which is 1 week. But i get this date

Lottery Ends Approximately: 01-04-70, 07:00 AM

In the time active box, it has 604800, I assume means the lotto is up for 1 week?

Maybe i am just doing it wrong.

Nope, its a TIMESTAMP from php's time() command. You would have to run take vBulletin's TIMENOW + 604800 (1 week more than the TIMENOW).


Originally Posted by xYarub
It's allowing you to buy lottery tickets even if you don't have enough for one. It sent me 900 eBux into the negative integers.

Will be fixed in the next version.


Originally Posted by shaynehammy
Got this error when trying to admin donate

"The amount you are trying to transfer is invalid."

Although the amunts gets transferred to the user... how do i rectify this?

Did you enter a non-numeric value or leave it blank, that should be the only time it gives that message unless there's some new bug I havent found yet.


Originally Posted by shaynehammy
Quick question. I want my users to be able to able to change any admins custom titles if the users can afford it. However, admins seemed to be protected ...??

For now you would have to hack the action file.

Remove the following code from action.changeotherusertitle.php


        // you cant change an administrators user title :p
        if (($touser['usergroupid'] == '6') || ($touser['userid'] == '1'))
                // display error, this user is protected against this action

I did it this way because I work for a big Gaming Accessory company called Pelican Performance, I cant have some idiot change my user title to 'a$$hole' or something even more ridiculous, so I disabled it.


Originally Posted by lordofgun
Regarding vbookie integration:

It's so much easier just to change all instances of "ucash" to "ebux" in functions_vbookie.php

No queries or anything need to be run.

I messaged the maker of vBookie, Andreas, I think he will update vBookie to work with eBS in the future, we'll see.


Originally Posted by amykhar
If I may make a suggestion...
The way the permissions are now is not all that intuitive. It might be better to make the permissions for each category and usergroup pick up the default usergroup permissions for the mod, and only use the category and option permissions to override the defaults as needed.

Very creative & good idea, I'll see if I can implement that into v1.1.3.


Originally Posted by shaynehammy
Where does the lottery display winners?

It doesnt just yet, but it DOES save the winners into a winners table, just need to do the templates/php to display the "previous winners".


Originally Posted by shaynehammy
Sorry for the double post. Another problem is

"Next Bank Interest: 01-01-1970, 01:00 PM"

How do i rectify this?

Again this will be fixed in v1.1.3


Originally Posted by WolfsongNevan
As well as the above problem with the next bank interest date (ours is showing 1969 though), I have another problem ...

Some gifts are not showing up on threads, but *are* showing up on the user's profile. None of these users are above the 20 gift maximum default, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Also, I thought I read earlier that the "hover" over the gifts (which would show the gift giver's name and message) was being implemented, but I don't see it on the newest version we just upgraded to (v1.1.2).

It does not show 2 of the same gifts in the profile so it can display as many different gifts as possible in the postbit. Also, you may need to use the Admin Feature to "Fix all gifts".


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
All I know is that my usergroups are set to be able to purchase from the store, and everything is enabled in eStore Options/Manage Options... but some users can't make purchases even tho they have way more than enough points to do so.

I havent seen this problem, I'd have to say make sure you did upload all files again every time you upgrade because some files changed overtime, especially functions_estore.php.

Another note, working on v1.1.3, hopefully it will release tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th, valentine's day!


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