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ericgtr 09-07-2005 01:23 PM

This is a great mod and I appreciate all the time CR put into it. The only bummer is that it does not update itself automatically so you have to manually add each user and update the goal, steps that I don't know make it worth it. I have went through the install instructions over and over. Still, there are a lot of neat features with this mod.

Since so many others are also having this issue maybe the part of the features that says "Automatic updates EVERY time a user donates or retracts a donation." should be pulled so it doesn't give the wrong impression.

msimonds 09-07-2005 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by ericgtr
This is a great mod and I appreciate all the time CR put into it. The only bummer is that it does not update itself automatically so you have to manually add each user and update the goal, steps that I don't know make it worth it. I have went through the install instructions over and over. Still, there are a lot of neat features with this mod.

Since so many others are also having this issue maybe the part of the features that says "Automatic updates EVERY time a user donates or retracts a donation." should be pulled so it doesn't give the wrong impression.

I have to agree with eric on this one. It does not properly update and since it seems that the developer has stopped supporting this due to personal reasons, which is fine, I think that it needs to be edited and changed because it does not update itself

contemptx 09-07-2005 03:30 PM

ok i have installed this on my forum fortecfiles.com and its running fine but the only problem i have is getting the vbadvanced module to show?

i get the following error when i try and save the module to show to users:

Could not find phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'.

any help on this would be much appreciated.

mholtum 09-08-2005 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by contemptx
ok i have installed this on my forum fortecfiles.com and its running fine but the only problem i have is getting the vbadvanced module to show?

i get the following error when i try and save the module to show to users:

Could not find phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'.

any help on this would be much appreciated.

I had to delete it and create it manually. Get all the template names, etc. and it only takes 1 minute to recreate it.

mholtum 09-08-2005 09:07 AM

I seem to be working fine except when Paypal trys to go to /ppverify.php I get this error message.


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.8:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
                                      `txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
                                      `first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
                                      `address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
                                      `address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
                                      `payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
                                      `item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
                                      `memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
                                      `option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
                                      `payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
                                      `mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
                                      `settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
                                      `case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
                                      ) VALUES (
                                      '', '0', '0', '0', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '0', '',
                                      '', '0', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '0', '0', '', '0', '0',
                                      '0', '', '0', '',
                                      '', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Thursday 08th of September 2005 02:44:05 AM
Script: http://www.ravensrealm.net/forum/ppverify.php
Username: mholtum

anyone have any clue as to how I maight fix that?

Mikecp421 09-08-2005 01:11 PM

is there a reason that there is no where to actually donate? I did the mod completely and all pages work but the donate button brings me to donate.php where there is nowhere to actually initiate the donation. If you go to the top donaters list then it take you to a page where a donate button is but that button takes you right back to......yep you guessed it the donate.php page. Is there a php file I should be pointing to instead of donate.php or should I add some link to donate.php to allo for initiation of a paypal donation? THanks.

mholtum 09-08-2005 01:21 PM

You have to actually setup a goal and then a button that is connected to that goal. Then the things will appear on the donate page.

GamerPlanet 09-08-2005 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by mholtum
I had to delete it and create it manually. Get all the template names, etc. and it only takes 1 minute to recreate it.

Could you be a little more descriptive? Delete what and create from where, where is this info? I am a tad lost here...


mholtum 09-08-2005 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by GamerPlanet
Could you be a little more descriptive? Delete what and create from where, where is this info? I am a tad lost here...


1: Make a list of the templates that are being called to the module.
2: Delete the module.
3: Create a new module that will pull the donate.php file from the modules dir.
4: Use the list of templates in the correct palce and activate.

GamerPlanet 09-08-2005 06:21 PM

Ahh very nice that worked! Thanks..

Now I just need to figure out why the block is pushing out of its wrapper and moving everything below it down and expanding accross the bottom.

imported_FrankieFive 09-09-2005 04:40 AM

When users try to enter their usercp to change their password they get this:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /mnt/web_a/d48/s32/b0239134/www/forums/profile.php on line 1190

To make things worst I lost my previous profile.php so therefore I am stuck!

rammbs 09-09-2005 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Chani
When I try to update the CMPS module, I get an error that vBulletin can't find the phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'.

I've tried reinstalling the phrases for CMPS, but that didn't fix it, so I'm assuming it has something to do with this module?

i had the same problem. so i deleted the existing "donations" module and created a new one based on ARANTHORN'S POST

and now it works perfectly

my config:
vbadvanced v2.0
vbulletin 3.0.8

nymyth 09-09-2005 08:01 PM

Does anyone know if there is an add-on that allows you to sell physical objects...ie. cds etc.



ps..GREAT HACK by the way...love it.

GamerPlanet 09-10-2005 02:32 PM

When someone makes a donation, the screen on my site after being redirected from Paypal, says thak you for your donation of $0.00. The donation works, it is a verified trasaction and I see it in the donation admin panel. It even shows them in the list with the correct ammount. Its just the thank you page that doesn't show the correct value.
Thoughts? Thanks!

George Gerez 09-10-2005 10:58 PM

Does anyone know when version 1.0.8 of donate came out?
I see Last Update: 02. Jul 2005 but does that mean the program or the original message..

d0dger 09-16-2005 05:32 PM

Greetings everyone!

This is pretty much my first post to these forums in well over a year. Last time I tried my hand at hacking vB was back in the 2.x days.

Anyhow, I'm a server admin for a CS/BF2 clan, and we use the paypal hack to collect donations from our clan members (and anyone else). Since our hosting bill is monthly, I decided it would better to hack up a recurring payment system, rather than re-creating goals every month.

I searched the forums, and didn't find anything but requests for this mod, so here's my stab at it.

This code should be considered as early beta at best. If it works well for ppl, I will make my own thread elsewhere in the forum.

See this hack in action at http://www.thewolfpackclan.com/forum/donate.php

iSpanish 09-16-2005 10:12 PM


Cool , Nice , wonderful and great.....

but can you make it for 3.5.0?


iSpanish 09-17-2005 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Marboosh.Net

Cool , Nice , wonderful and great.....

but can you make it for 3.5.0?


ooh thanks i found it


Icehawk002 09-19-2005 02:14 PM


Always add your goals first as the buttons can be attached to a specific goal so that the user gets credit for donating towards a specific goal (you can of course add a button that does not attach to a goal for a general coffer fund type of deal, but goals are the preferred method).

After adding a goal, you can then add a button to the site.

The settings for the buttons are self-explanatory for the most part, the only required input from you is the title, and the description of the button. Everything else will work fine without input.
Everything appeared to install fine, but the 'donations' does not appear in admin options so a problem with the last phase quoted above.

Have I missed a step how do I get the donations hack to show in admin?

Icehawk002 09-19-2005 03:03 PM

Thanks it ok,

Just found a later version of this PayPal hack so will try that first :nervous:

Mikecp421 09-21-2005 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by mholtum
You have to actually setup a goal and then a button that is connected to that goal. Then the things will appear on the donate page.

I have a reason for the donation but no goal screen? I'm sorry I dont quite get where to go to add a goal?? Is there a way to just add the paypal link to the donatephp page? I cant get it to work at all. Please look at my donate page.


majorj0nny 09-22-2005 07:18 AM

im having problems with this - Ive done a clear install never before had this on, its ran through the installation without any obvious errors, etc - but for some reason I cant see my VBA module - its there - but all the viewing permissions are set to NO ... if I try to set them to YES (so I can see the module) it comes back with an error

Could not find phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'


majorj0nny 09-22-2005 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by majorj0nny
im having problems with this - Ive done a clear install never before had this on, its ran through the installation without any obvious errors, etc - but for some reason I cant see my VBA module - its there - but all the viewing permissions are set to NO ... if I try to set them to YES (so I can see the module) it comes back with an error

Could not find phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'


infact that whole module is screwed - I cant change anything in there without it coming up saying that error. I dont think its pointing to anything either - there are no options for it to use a template or a file or anything ?

bendigo-tech 09-22-2005 11:14 AM

Any chance of this being released for vB 3.0.9????

Mikecp421 09-22-2005 12:13 PM

Ok I figured out my problem. There is no ACP link to the donation_admin.php file so I had to manually go to it and was able to get it working. How can I make it available through the ACP?

wobblyman 09-22-2005 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by bendigo-tech
Any chance of this being released for vB 3.0.9????

Me to, is this compatible with

EricaJoy 09-22-2005 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by paul41598
I dont get this. Ive done the instructions like 3 times. Everytime I donate and get taken back to my page, it says Ive donated 0.00 and I dont get added to the goal, nor the donater top 5 list. Plus it doesnt show nothing but 0's in my admin cp, for valid, invalid transactoins.


Same here...is it safe to assume support for this hack has died?

Edit: I just got an update from paypal about an invalid transaction. *le sigh* I'll post the details when I get home.

Edit again: Fixed!

[high]* EricaJoy clicks install[/high]

wobbly 09-23-2005 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by majorj0nny
im having problems with this - Ive done a clear install never before had this on, its ran through the installation without any obvious errors, etc - but for some reason I cant see my VBA module - its there - but all the viewing permissions are set to NO ... if I try to set them to YES (so I can see the module) it comes back with an error

Could not find phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'


I have the same problems when trying to edit the module page for the donations. Everything else is working fine, but cant get the block in vbadvanced to show as I cant change the permissions because of this error. Any ideas?

majorj0nny 09-25-2005 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by wobbly
I have the same problems when trying to edit the module page for the donations. Everything else is working fine, but cant get the block in vbadvanced to show as I cant change the permissions because of this error. Any ideas?

... yeah its crap aint it!

I dont know but looking at that 'module' it just aint pointing to anything ? usually they have pointed to a template of some kind - this one seems to just be a name ? dont seem to point to anything? If the writer of this hack reads this - what file? is it supposed to be showing for vbadvanced ?

majorj0nny 09-25-2005 06:55 AM

when running http://www.50klicks.com/forum/modules/donate.php i get the following error -

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/wombats/public_html/forum/modules/donate.php on line 14


majorj0nny 09-25-2005 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
there is no such file within the donations system called 'modules.php'...so let's try again to be more specific on the problem at hand...

Secondly, be very certain that you did not try to install the 3.0.7 version of this hack and place it on a 3.5.0 board, or vice versa, it will not work.

Thirdly, line 14 is a commented placeholder in the code on ./donate.php for the latest version of this hack for both vb 3.0.7 and vb 3.50
PHP Code:

// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ########################### 

so I'm not seeing how you are getting an error on that specific line.

As far as for version two of vbacmps, please, kindly, don't insult yourself by showing me that you are illiterate or lazy; we have covered that in the first post of this thread, which is displayed on each and every page of this thread.

Im getting this fault too - but unlike the other guy who found his files were swopped around - im certain mine are as in the directoryu structure of the original download I did last week.

the donate.php is roughly 10k in the forum root, the one in the modules folder is about 3k, im running vbulletin 3.0.8 and VBA 2

Mastar 09-25-2005 01:43 PM

HOw do I start the installation??

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by majorj0nny
Im getting this fault too - but unlike the other guy who found his files were swopped around - im certain mine are as in the directoryu structure of the original download I did last week.

the donate.php is roughly 10k in the forum root, the one in the modules folder is about 3k, im running vbulletin 3.0.8 and VBA 2

Hey folks, sorry bout the lag off on my part, it's due mostly to personal issues as well as being on the disaster recovery team with my employer, so I've spent quite alot of time "Down South" over the last month or so...

Anyway, they have given me a reprieve from travelling for awhile, and I'll look into some of the problems ya'll have been having. Please don't get all frustrated and upset if I'm not around all the time, I do have a life outside the computer, and I am not always on the thing, plus I cannot promise that I won't be on a flight tomorrow to recover and rebuild hospitals in Texas, Louisiana again as I have been over the last month.

Now, as for the rrors that folks seem to be having with the advanced module, first make sure that in your settings for the donations state to view the donation module. If you do not have that set to yes, the thing will never display the module, also make sure that your other settings for donations are as they should be for your specific site. I included alot of settings for the donations that will remove the functionality of some of the things that PPD does with one simple click on the settings. Please be as specific as possible when descibing your problem, use three pages of text if you have to, I am not a mind reader, nor do I have the ability to wave my magic pink faery wand and see into my crystal ball exactly what you are experiencing unless you put it in plain english for me.

Now on a side note, I have been away quite abit, and will continue to be away off and on, I cannot promise that I will be able to support this hack any longer in the way that I used to. That being said, I am removing the supported check box on the thread; should you have a question or problem with this version, ask, be specific in your descriptions, and I will do my best to help when I can but as of this point, there are no promises being made. As well, I am not going to be adding any features for this version of the hack since 3.5 is nearing completion and gold status, but I am also not releasing any version for 3.5 beyond what I already have until vb has hit gold status.

However, I will keep you updated on progress better of the new gold version of PPD.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 01:50 PM


I make new goals every month.

I have one question. If someone donates, why isint the goal updating itself? Everytime someone donates, I have to manually update the goal.

Now it seems ok because there arent so many donators, but if alot of people start donating, there is no way to keep track of ALL of them.

Is there a solution for this?
you must assign a goal to the button for it to track the goal's progress, if you change the goal every day, then you must change the button every day as well.

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by msimonds
This is a great hack and got it installed without a problem, OUTSTANDING Cloudrunner

One question though, I am paypal verified and when i click on the verified link, it takes me to paypal but wants me to sign in before i can view that I am verified. I thought that anyone was allowed to click on this and see that the owner of the site is verified

Am i doing something wrong


Honestly, I don't know on that question sir, seems to me that would be an issue to take up with PP themselves.

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by mholtum
I seem to be working fine except when Paypal trys to go to /ppverify.php I get this error message.


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.8:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO donation_paypalipn (
                                      `txn_id`, `userid`, `test_ipn`, `notify_version`, `verify_sign`,
                                      `first_name`, `last_name`, `payer_business_name`, `address_name`,
                                      `address_street`, `address_city`, `address_state`, `address_zip`,
                                      `address_country`, `address_status`, `payer_email`, `payer_id`,
                                      `payer_status`, `business`, `receiver_email`, `receiver_id`,
                                      `item_name`, `ip_address`, `quantity`, `invoice`,
                                      `memo`, `tax`, `option_name1`, `option_selection1`, `option_name2`,
                                      `option_selection2`, `payment_date`, `parent_txn_id`, `txn_type`,
                                      `payment_type`, `payment_status`, `pending_reason`, `reason_code`,
                                      `mc_gross`, `mc_fee`, `mc_currency`, `mc_handling`, `mc_shipping`,
                                      `settle_amount`, `settle_currency`, `exchange_rate`, `case_id`,
                                      `case_type`, `case_creation_date`, `valid`
                                      ) VALUES (
                                      '', '0', '0', '0', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '0', '',
                                      '', '0', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '', '', '', '',
                                      '0', '0', '', '0', '0',
                                      '0', '', '0', '',
                                      '', '', '0'
mysql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

Date: Thursday 08th of September 2005 02:44:05 AM
Script: http://www.ravensrealm.net/forum/ppverify.php
Username: mholtum

anyone have any clue as to how I maight fix that?

Delete your blank transaaction in your DB.

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by ericgtr
This is a great mod and I appreciate all the time CR put into it. The only bummer is that it does not update itself automatically so you have to manually add each user and update the goal, steps that I don't know make it worth it. I have went through the install instructions over and over. Still, there are a lot of neat features with this mod.

Since so many others are also having this issue maybe the part of the features that says "Automatic updates EVERY time a user donates or retracts a donation." should be pulled so it doesn't give the wrong impression.

I'm not pulling that, because if you have the system setup properly, it will auto update everytime.

By this I maen:

1) have a goal
2) have a button
3) have that goal assigned to that button
4) the user is logged in
5) the donation is made by clicking the button
6) the user completes the transaction by coming back to your site

After you create the button / goal, it is ALWAYS good practice to go back and verify that something did not hiccup during the creation of the thing. It's very simple to do, just click edit on the goal or button and make sure everything is as it should be. If the associations are not correct, the stuff will break.

Now, that being said, I cannot promise that IPN has not changed its protocol slightly in the last two months as I haven't even glimpsed at this hack for approximately that long, but I will look into the auto update not happening for you guys. Everyone needs to understand that as soon as 3.5 goes gold, I will drop support for this completely 100%, right now I'm only supporting this thing at 25%, even less while I was out and about for the company.

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mikecp421
Ok I figured out my problem. There is no ACP link to the donation_admin.php file so I had to manually go to it and was able to get it working. How can I make it available through the ACP?

You didn't do all the file edits as required boss, there is a quick edit to the index.php file in the admincp that places the donations admin on your navbar.

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by majorj0nny
im having problems with this - Ive done a clear install never before had this on, its ran through the installation without any obvious errors, etc - but for some reason I cant see my VBA module - its there - but all the viewing permissions are set to NO ... if I try to set them to YES (so I can see the module) it comes back with an error

Could not find phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'


Alright, for everyone freaking out about the module issue, here's the problem, I did NOT design a module for vBadvanced CMPS 2.0. The module was designed for 1.0.

That being said, it shows me just how lazy some folks are to read the information placed in the first post (majorj0nny), seems that the loudest one of all is also the one who did NOT read.

That error that everyone is complaining about (can't find the phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include') is an error of the vBadvanced 2.0 system trying to read the 1.0 module inproperly.

Not that I have figured ya'lls problem out, check the first post and read the whole thing., better yet, I'll quote a user from a couple of pages back


Originally Posted by Chani
When I try to update the CMPS module, I get an error that vBulletin can't find the phrase 'adv_portal_must_choose_0_include'.

I've tried reinstalling the phrases for CMPS, but that didn't fix it, so I'm assuming it has something to do with this module?

i had the same problem. so i deleted the existing "donations" module and created a new one based on ARANTHORN'S POST

and now it works perfectly

my config:
vbadvanced v2.0
vbulletin 3.0.8
Now for aranthorns post, you will need to read the first post, it is there, and listed as the fix to your problem, it has been listed for a long time there MJ. In fact, I'm highly confused as to how you could miss it, as it's in REALLY BIG LETTERS.

Now if you do those steps as listed by aranthorn, and it still doesn't work, then please, by all means, post your issue here and I will do what I can.

* Cloudrunner walks off grumbling to himself on whether it is too much to ask for people to read...

Cloudrunner 09-25-2005 02:23 PM

Now that I think we've addressed everything, I'm going to rant abit...

While it's not my requirement to tell everyone what is going on in my life, it is my responsibility to everyone to support this thing, because I said I would. In that I have not done so in the last two months. The last month I have been in Louisiana, but for the month previous I have no excuses other than personal issues. Even so, although it is required for me to provide support here, I'll be honest folks, I'd rather not. The reason is that now that I'm home I'm working on the 3.5 version of this thing, and would like to put my efforts into that version of the software. I do not even use 3.0.x anymore on my sites, nor do I want to, but seeing as I said I would support this version, I will to the best of my abilities.

Until 3.5 goes gold. Be ready for that folks, as soon as 3.5 goes gold, I will drop this version like a sack of rocks. This is the warning now, so what you see is what you get as of this point, I'm not going to add functionalities, nor toys to this version. Nor will I visit this thread after that time.

This is just a forewarning.

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

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  • (1)footer
  • (1)gobutton
  • (1)header
  • (1)headinclude
  • (6)option
  • (1)pagenav
  • (1)pagenav_curpage
  • (4)pagenav_pagelink
  • (1)pagenav_pagelinkrel
  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete