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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Steam Connect - Sign in with your Steam Account! [RC3] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266883)

Skyrider 02-08-2016 12:16 PM

Is there anyway I can fix symbols being used for registration? EG, some steam name registered and end results were he/she used the following profile name:

"¡¡¡Heaven 문상삼"

While it should have been "¡¡¡Heaven"

User table is using utf8_general_ci.

Mattlab 06-02-2016 05:15 PM

Hi, I am using Vbulletin 4.2.3 any chance this plugin might be upgraded to work with it? Right now after a user clicks "Log in" or connect from the steam page I get a web server error. Any ideas?

Disasterpiece 06-02-2016 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mattlab (Post 2571551)
Any ideas?

Not without the exact error message.

VanFenix 11-21-2016 10:28 PM

Hi Disasterpiece.

I have an issue which is quite new to me, but it looks like people are signing up to steam accounts, and then authenticating their forum account through steam for spam. I've started getting 1 -2 new spam users per day. Any advice?

Disasterpiece 11-22-2016 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by VanFenix (Post 2578546)
Hi Disasterpiece.

I have an issue which is quite new to me, but it looks like people are signing up to steam accounts, and then authenticating their forum account through steam for spam. I've started getting 1 -2 new spam users per day. Any advice?

I have never heard of that and considering the work required to sign up with a steam account, i find this hard to believe.

There isn't really a solution so far, as steam link trusts all people signing up with steam link. You could use a secondary usergroup that gets assigned if the user is in a certain steamgroup you can specify.

Other than that, the plugin would need to be extended to look for registration date and steam level as well. But since the project is pretty much abandoned, I cannot assist with that.

RedPowder 11-25-2016 10:53 AM

This is a wonderful addon and its well worth the time and effort put in to it. You should support this addon and maybe even turn it in to a paid version I would be willing to spend money on this.

Thank you for providing this to us.

WindVoice 01-07-2017 11:02 AM

Since 3 days I am recieving the following error:

PHP Warning: file_put_contents(/tmp/stc_76561198212340925.cached): failed to open stream: Permission denied in ..../includes/class_stc_cache.php on line 107

Dieter27 01-12-2017 05:46 PM

pfff if i see this lately most of the plugins on vbulletin arent even supported anymore why do they even make them then serieusly

There has been a problem with the OpenID libary: No OpenID Server found at http://steamcommunity.com/openid

i didnt had this problem before tried uninstalling several times no change i dont even know why it is not working

WindVoice 01-18-2017 08:36 PM

I can confirm the Mod is working. Great Mod!

Jonler 03-24-2017 07:51 PM

Is the mod still working with VB 5?

rbrt508 03-27-2017 03:30 PM

Don't know about vb5.. definitely installs and works on vb4.2.4

I had an issue where it eventually after about a month stopped retrieving profile data for no reason at all but still worked, possibly because of a semi-domain change, but otherwise works if your settings are right.

About to give it a go on a reinstall on 4.2.4 after a host change.

Cadellin 03-27-2017 04:56 PM

Running vb4.2.4 I have recently started getting the following error when users try to login

There has been an error with your request. Please inform the Administrator, if the problem persists..
Nothing unfortunately it in the steam connect logs.

I've tried disabling quick registration but that just changes the error to:


There is no forum account which is linked to this Steam Account.

FIXED: I will leave this here for anyone having similar issues in the future. The issue for me was the API key. It may be worth resetting the key if you encounter similar issues which do not give error logs.

Cyborg_delta1 06-12-2017 12:51 PM

Any one know how I can get users to link there accounts after they have registered the normal way the steam link button is not showing up?

Kutzooi 09-09-2017 01:58 PM

worked like a charm, deleted 1 user and systemfail in this mod, cant reproduce it, the button just disapeared :(

Cyborg_delta1 02-15-2018 02:34 AM

Hi Guys I have been trying to get the Steam avatar to show up in the post bit but I can not get it to work any one have any ideas?


Skyrider 09-08-2018 06:54 AM

I know this is no longer supported, but has steam changed something that breaks this system for the most part? Getting "FETCH ERROR" whenever I check my steam info through /profile.php?do=steamlink. The only thing that appears to be caching is the steam level (in the tmp files).

Arkool 09-26-2018 12:59 AM

So I tried to use this with Vbulletin 4.2.5, and I am only getting one error that is being logged:

Malformed cachefile: <file>.cache deleted.

I carefully reviewed the code and echoed out portions to see where it goes wrong.

It seems to not like something in the array "$match", and only returns an empty array. This results in the cache file being written with nothing or missing data to be considered malformed.

I figured if Steam did modify the API, some changes will need to be made. I am only a beginner in PHP so it'll be hard, and I have limited time. I'd share this to hopefully turn the bugfixing into a communal effort.

Any help is greatly appreciated, hoping to get this working!

jetkai 11-11-2018 08:34 PM

Match array no longer works as expected on 4.2.5 vb (PHP 7.1) :(
[shame this is no longer supported]

Had to do some modifications to the functions_steamconnect.php file to get Avatar, DisplayName & Community URL to show.

Replace Previous Code in (functions_steamconnect.php):


$match = array();
        preg_match_all("/\w*(\".+\": .+,?)\n/", $raw_json, $match);

        if (!isset($match[1]) || !is_array($match[1])) {
                DEVDEBUG("stc_profiling[] = Time: ".(microtime(1)-$time).", ret: http404");
                return false;

        $steam_info = array();
        // We filter just for the fields we actually need.
        $additional_fields2 = explode("\n",$vbulletin->options['stc_additionalfields']);
        $whitelist = array_unique(array_merge(array('steamid', 'communityvisibilitystate', 'personaname', 'profileurl', 'avatar', 'avatarmedium', 'avatarfull'),$additional_fields,$additional_fields2));
        $values = $match[1];
        foreach ($values AS $val) {
                $match = array();
                preg_match("/\"(.+)\": ([^,]*),?/", $val, $match);
                if (is_array($match) && count($match) == 3) {

                        $name = $match[1];
                        $value = trim($match[2]);
                        if (!in_array($name, $whitelist)) continue; // Not a setting we're looking for. skip..

                        // Strip quotes and slashes
                        if ($value{0} == '"' && $value{strlen($value)-1} == '"')
                                $value = stripslashes(substr($value, 1, -1));

                        $steam_info[$name] = $value;

With either options below


    $steam_info = array();
    $json_decoded = json_decode($raw_json);

    foreach ($json_decoded->response->players as $player) {

        $steam_info['steamid'] = $player->steamid;
        $steam_info['communityvisibilitystate'] = $player->communityvisibilitystate;
        $steam_info['personaname'] = $player->personaname;
        $steam_info['profileurl'] = $player->profileurl;
        $steam_info['avatar'] = $player->avatar;
        $steam_info['avatarfull'] = $player->avatarfull;
        $steam_info['avatarmedium'] = $player->avatarmedium;




        $steam_info = array();
        $json_decoded = json_decode($raw_json);
        $steam_values = array('steamid', 'communityvisibilitystate', 'personaname', 'profileurl', 'avatar', 'avatarmedium', 'avatarfull');

        foreach ($json_decoded->response->players as $player) {

            foreach ($steam_values as $steam_value) {
                $data = $player->$steam_value;

                if($data != null && $player != null)
                    $steam_info[$steam_value] = $data;


No idea if this causes any further security issues, just a quick fix to showing Avatars & URL's. Haven't come across any other issues yet.

hunter1985 11-14-2018 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by jetkai (Post 2597336)
Match array no longer works as expected on 4.2.5 vb (PHP 7.1) :(
[shame this is no longer supported]

Had to do some modifications to the functions_steamconnect.php file to get Avatar, DisplayName & Community URL to show.

Replace Previous Code in (functions_steamconnect.php):


$match = array();
        preg_match_all("/\w*(\".+\": .+,?)\n/", $raw_json, $match);

        if (!isset($match[1]) || !is_array($match[1])) {
                DEVDEBUG("stc_profiling[] = Time: ".(microtime(1)-$time).", ret: http404");
                return false;

        $steam_info = array();
        // We filter just for the fields we actually need.
        $additional_fields2 = explode("\n",$vbulletin->options['stc_additionalfields']);
        $whitelist = array_unique(array_merge(array('steamid', 'communityvisibilitystate', 'personaname', 'profileurl', 'avatar', 'avatarmedium', 'avatarfull'),$additional_fields,$additional_fields2));
        $values = $match[1];
        foreach ($values AS $val) {
                $match = array();
                preg_match("/\"(.+)\": ([^,]*),?/", $val, $match);
                if (is_array($match) && count($match) == 3) {

                        $name = $match[1];
                        $value = trim($match[2]);
                        if (!in_array($name, $whitelist)) continue; // Not a setting we're looking for. skip..

                        // Strip quotes and slashes
                        if ($value{0} == '"' && $value{strlen($value)-1} == '"')
                                $value = stripslashes(substr($value, 1, -1));

                        $steam_info[$name] = $value;

With either options below


    $steam_info = array();
    $json_decoded = json_decode($raw_json);

    foreach ($json_decoded->response->players as $player) {

        $steam_info['steamid'] = $player->steamid;
        $steam_info['communityvisibilitystate'] = $player->communityvisibilitystate;
        $steam_info['personaname'] = $player->personaname;
        $steam_info['profileurl'] = $player->profileurl;
        $steam_info['avatar'] = $player->avatar;
        $steam_info['avatarfull'] = $player->avatarfull;
        $steam_info['avatarmedium'] = $player->avatarmedium;




        $steam_info = array();
        $json_decoded = json_decode($raw_json);
        $steam_values = array('steamid', 'communityvisibilitystate', 'personaname', 'profileurl', 'avatar', 'avatarmedium', 'avatarfull');

        foreach ($json_decoded->response->players as $player) {

            foreach ($steam_values as $steam_value) {
                $data = $player->$steam_value;

                if($data != null && $player != null)
                    $steam_info[$steam_value] = $data;


No idea if this causes any further security issues, just a quick fix to showing Avatars & URL's. Haven't come across any other issues yet.

Thanks for your help, that 1st fix worked fine on my side!

KHALIK 01-25-2019 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by jetkai (Post 2597336)
Match array no longer works as expected on 4.2.5 vb (PHP 7.1) :(
[shame this is no longer supported]

Had to do some modifications to the functions_steamconnect.php file to get Avatar, DisplayName & Community URL to show.

Replace Previous Code in (functions_steamconnect.php):


$match = array();
        preg_match_all("/\w*(\".+\": .+,?)\n/", $raw_json, $match);

        if (!isset($match[1]) || !is_array($match[1])) {
                DEVDEBUG("stc_profiling[] = Time: ".(microtime(1)-$time).", ret: http404");
                return false;

        $steam_info = array();
        // We filter just for the fields we actually need.
        $additional_fields2 = explode("\n",$vbulletin->options['stc_additionalfields']);
        $whitelist = array_unique(array_merge(array('steamid', 'communityvisibilitystate', 'personaname', 'profileurl', 'avatar', 'avatarmedium', 'avatarfull'),$additional_fields,$additional_fields2));
        $values = $match[1];
        foreach ($values AS $val) {
                $match = array();
                preg_match("/\"(.+)\": ([^,]*),?/", $val, $match);
                if (is_array($match) && count($match) == 3) {

                        $name = $match[1];
                        $value = trim($match[2]);
                        if (!in_array($name, $whitelist)) continue; // Not a setting we're looking for. skip..

                        // Strip quotes and slashes
                        if ($value{0} == '"' && $value{strlen($value)-1} == '"')
                                $value = stripslashes(substr($value, 1, -1));

                        $steam_info[$name] = $value;

With either options below


    $steam_info = array();
    $json_decoded = json_decode($raw_json);

    foreach ($json_decoded->response->players as $player) {

        $steam_info['steamid'] = $player->steamid;
        $steam_info['communityvisibilitystate'] = $player->communityvisibilitystate;
        $steam_info['personaname'] = $player->personaname;
        $steam_info['profileurl'] = $player->profileurl;
        $steam_info['avatar'] = $player->avatar;
        $steam_info['avatarfull'] = $player->avatarfull;
        $steam_info['avatarmedium'] = $player->avatarmedium;




        $steam_info = array();
        $json_decoded = json_decode($raw_json);
        $steam_values = array('steamid', 'communityvisibilitystate', 'personaname', 'profileurl', 'avatar', 'avatarmedium', 'avatarfull');

        foreach ($json_decoded->response->players as $player) {

            foreach ($steam_values as $steam_value) {
                $data = $player->$steam_value;

                if($data != null && $player != null)
                    $steam_info[$steam_value] = $data;


No idea if this causes any further security issues, just a quick fix to showing Avatars & URL's. Haven't come across any other issues yet.

Thank you, it worked for me as well.

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