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-   -   Major Additions - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal login (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197)

twizzler 12-22-2011 07:20 PM

Where we could find those version and test them if they are working fine on the vb boards?

sticky 12-23-2011 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by CvP (Post 2277162)
Hi guys.

I know I haven't been able to release this in the time frame I wanted. One of the prime reason being joining up vB team. But then again, that helped me learn a lot of things too. The other reason is that I always kept looking for ways to minimize the file edits.
I apologize for the delay.

Thanks to everyone sending me PM showing interest to help testing this add-on. I am finally at a point where I consider this "update" to meet beta testing standard.

Right now, here are the things I still need to do:
- Upgrade to 418 and make sure nothing breaks (it shouldn't but still...)
- Separate my site related custom code from Cerberus core product code
- Setup a forum for discussion
- Setup an issue tracker

Though I'm still torn between installing 418 or jumping to 4110...

Once done, the first post of this thread will be updated with the latest version and you can report the bugs in the issue tracker/discuss possible features in the forums etc etc.

I'd be glad to help you but what changes are made in your update?

S3Ponline 12-23-2011 06:18 AM

I’m looking forward to updates!

I’m gonna own an anime website that is already established, and a personality website that’s already established.

I was hoping to have one log in for both of them. You log into one, you log into both and can switch between easily.

Can this provide this?

twizzler 01-10-2012 05:10 AM

Can I have the link to test the versions that were released till now ?

sticky 01-10-2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by CvP (Post 2277162)
Hi guys.

I know I haven't been able to release this in the time frame I wanted. One of the prime reason being joining up vB team. But then again, that helped me learn a lot of things too. The other reason is that I always kept looking for ways to minimize the file edits.
I apologize for the delay.

Thanks to everyone sending me PM showing interest to help testing this add-on. I am finally at a point where I consider this "update" to meet beta testing standard.

Right now, here are the things I still need to do:
- Upgrade to 418 and make sure nothing breaks (it shouldn't but still...)
- Separate my site related custom code from Cerberus core product code
- Setup a forum for discussion
- Setup an issue tracker

Though I'm still torn between installing 418 or jumping to 4110...

Once done, the first post of this thread will be updated with the latest version and you can report the bugs in the issue tracker/discuss possible features in the forums etc etc.

Please jump to 4.1.10

Shogo 01-14-2012 10:10 PM

This mod is a must have

Thx to try to update it

If i can test it... that would be cool

gundamkid 01-19-2012 09:25 AM

Hi all,

I don't know what is SALT: Salt for login hash to other sites. Anyone help me explain it??

Thank you!

azn_romeo_4u 01-21-2012 06:18 AM

What happens to uploaded images? Are they uploaded to both domains or just one domain? Images like attachments and avatars....

Shogo 01-23-2012 04:35 PM

Do you have a schedule for the 4.1.10 (or 4.1.08) version?

Best regards

Shogo 02-10-2012 02:47 PM

Somebody's there?
When can we see this perfect mod up to date?
If you need help to test... i'm here ;)

Warion 02-15-2012 04:13 AM

what all functions will this incorporate. I have read the priors but I would like a breakdown please.

Alfa1 02-18-2012 09:40 AM

Are there any paid (more complete) versions of this mod available somewhere?

Does anyone have a solution to the duplicate content issue? i.e. Google indexing content of all sites under all urls.

Does anyone have a solution to have this work for CMS categories, social groups categories and blog categories?

Shogo 02-22-2012 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2300813)
Are there any paid (more complete) versions of this mod available somewhere?

Does anyone have a solution to the duplicate content issue? i.e. Google indexing content of all sites under all urls.

Does anyone have a solution to have this work for CMS categories, social groups categories and blog categories?


Really need this mod working on 4.1.x and why not a "pro" (paid) version.

tpgsr 02-24-2012 01:43 PM

I too am willing to pay for a working version or even access to your Beta version. I wrote my own code to do this on 4.0.x and really do not have the time to rewrite it for 4.1.x

Please provide an update to tell us at least if you are planning on releasing an upgrad in the near future or not.

prandah 02-26-2012 03:37 PM

i have problem :( can anyone help me ?
after i install this, when i login ( login page get blank page )
any advice ?

Shogo 03-04-2012 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by prandah (Post 2303584)
i have problem :( can anyone help me ?
after i install this, when i login ( login page get blank page )
any advice ?

The mod is not up to date.
Not working with lastest version of vb :(

Is someone able to update it?

SocialNetworkBuzz 03-20-2012 11:05 AM

Work in Progress.. Working now with 4.1.11. I will release this once stable and working to the point I can offer proper support for it.

SocialNetworkBuzz 03-21-2012 02:54 AM

Tested and confirmed working on Firefox, Chrome, Safari for OS X and Safari for iPhone for mobile theme. Please register for my site if you would be so kind so it can be tested and broken features can be fixed.

Login now works.. no more blank screens!

Posts to the correct forum, not to default id 1 as it does in old version of this on 4.1.11

cookies now save per sub domain use .domain.com for global or subdomain.domain.com to allow you to set cookies per subdomain so members can create different usernames based on sections of the site.

~~~~ NEW Feature ~~~~~ Now support vB mobile skin!

Examples and demo of WIP..

http://www.socialnetwork.bz - all forums




New support for Mobile..


sweetpotato 03-21-2012 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by SocialNetworkBuzz (Post 2311319)
Work in Progress.. Working now with 4.1.11. I will release this once stable and working to the point I can offer proper support for it.

Thanks and waiting for you. lol

Shogo 03-21-2012 08:38 PM

Looks like working but searching "members post" doesn't work

Great job

tpgsr 03-22-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Shogo (Post 2311854)
Looks like working but searching "members post" doesn't work

Great job

I had that same problem in the original as well.

SocialNetworkBuzz, did you work on this originally or are you just here answering the prayers of us that have been begging for an update? Please let me know when and where I can download and where I can send a donation to.


SocialNetworkBuzz 03-23-2012 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by tpgsr (Post 2312174)
I had that same problem in the original as well.

SocialNetworkBuzz, did you work on this originally or are you just here answering the prayers of us that have been begging for an update? Please let me know when and where I can download and where I can send a donation to.


I am using the "Re-usable Code" to update this to work with 4.1.11. I was not involved in this script originally, I used it and as like every one else, it broke upgrading to 4.1.11. So for a few weeks now I been modifying it to get it all working again. Search is the next thing on my list and then both vB cms and vBadvanced support and blogs.

BirdOPrey5 03-23-2012 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by SocialNetworkBuzz (Post 2312670)
I am using the "Re-usable Code" to update this to work with 4.1.11. I was not involved in this script originally, I used it and as like every one else, it broke upgrading to 4.1.11. So for a few weeks now I been modifying it to get it all working again. Search is the next thing on my list and then both vB cms and vBadvanced support and blogs.

You can send donations to paypal@socialnetwork.bz

That sounds well and good but I would caution anyone from sending a donation before you have released anything.

A lot of coders with the best of intentions have had nearly complete mods and for whatever reason they don't come through.

And you have never released a mod here before- you're going to start with CERBERUS?

I hope you do release it and it's awesome, but...

This is a theme that has repeated on vBulletin.org many times.

SocialNetworkBuzz 03-24-2012 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2312672)
That sounds well and good but I would caution anyone from sending a donation before you have released anything.

A lot of coders with the best of intentions have had nearly complete mods and for whatever reason they don't come through.

And you have never released a mod here before- you're going to start with CERBERUS?

I hope you do release it and it's awesome, but...

This is a theme that has repeated on vBulletin.org many times.

Hi Joe, I posted my paypal as he asked. Also I have released on vB before but I can't remember what e-mail I used for my old account - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=232748 I wish I could get what e-mail address I used to get that account working again as I have releases with over 20+ downloads on it.

BirdOPrey5 03-24-2012 01:49 AM

Unfortunately as a mod I don't have access to account email addresses. You could try contacting one of the Admins like Lynne or Paul.

MikeF 03-28-2012 02:01 PM

The effort has to come from multiple developers working on a single project for this.. no other way.. every time vBulletin is updated its going to break the code again and again unless it is coded properly. It is one thing to say you will make it work for the latest version of vBulletin, but it barely worked when it was released. This mod needs serious, permanent support from coders that have already done it to create their own forum networks. It would be a major benefit to the entire community, and would encourage partnerships between sites like never before.

It is truly a disaster to see this mod sitting here in limbo, for ages, without improvement.

For this project to ever work, one thing is certain:
  • No modifications should be required to the core vBulletin files.
  • Modifications should be in their own files.
  • Plugins should be encompassed in a product that can survive simple version updates from vBulletin.
  • The project will need to be taken seriously like VBSEO or vBadvanced in terms of longevity and useability or it will just die again.

These are my thoughts - since this has gone nowhere, to my knowledge. It is unfortunate. vBulletin should have made this a core feature that was supported, but even for them it complicates things. If developers remain unwilling to do anything with the code publicly, it will never, ever go anywhere.

Arthran 03-28-2012 08:38 PM

I for one use this, but am stuck with an out of date version of vb because to update vb, will break cerberus!

I would be more than happy to help donate towards this as I'm sure a lot of others would, if it was to go forward. Hell I'd be happy to offer free hosting to a team who was willing to work on it. We have what seems like a group of people all working on forks or fixes, yet no releases. I honestly feel that somebody needs to step forward, take ownership and set up a project for this, get other coders on board and work together to keep this alive.

I agree these features should be part of the core vb code. I mean Cerberus was one of the main reasons I switched to vb, beforehand I had been using a mass of installs and database hacks to get a 4 phpbb forum installs to work together. I thought a single install with Cerberus allowing me subdomains for separate setups would be best. And it has been! But without updates its proving to be almost more hastle than its worth.

Is anybody willing to step up seeing as the original dev has gone awol?

Alfa1 03-28-2012 08:56 PM

I'm really amazed that vbulletin does not release a working version of this as a paid addon, instead of creating addons that no one asked for.
I'm sure many would by a paid & supported version of cerberus.

Arthran 03-28-2012 09:23 PM

Just a quick aside, anybody know off hand how to set 1 subdomain to go straight to forum and skip the cms?

In Omnibus 03-28-2012 11:54 PM

Unsupported modifications that do not function with the current version of vBulletin and further come with the bonus of breaking forums should probably be sent to the Modification Graveyard. If it's a modification or the latest software version / security patch it isn't an either / or choice. Fortunately this mod is nothing more than an out of date XML file which easily uninstalls. That was the only option.

Shogo 03-29-2012 08:08 PM

Is the mod available somewhere?

MikeF 03-29-2012 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by ProSportsForums (Post 2314511)
Unsupported modifications that do not function with the current version of vBulletin and further come with the bonus of breaking forums should probably be sent to the Modification Graveyard. If it's a modification or the latest software version / security patch it isn't an either / or choice. Fortunately this mod is nothing more than an out of date XML file which easily uninstalls. That was the only option.

The only reason this one isn't in the graveyard is because it was released by vBulletin in hopes that the community could get it working and even add features. It would have taken too much time away from regular development. It was better for them to release it as it was then to simply discard the code and not let anyone know they had tried the idea.

SocialNetworkBuzz 04-01-2012 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shogo (Post 2314823)
Is the mod available somewhere?

Not yet, I have it working on 4.1.11 but it needs some more work before I release it.

Examples and demo of WIP..

http://www.socialnetwork.bz - all forums




New support for Mobile..


Alfa1 04-01-2012 05:37 PM

I would be interested to see that with CMS categories and blog categories per site.

SocialNetworkBuzz 04-01-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2315809)
I would be interested to see that with CMS categories and blog categories per site.

Both Suite and vBA support is planned for future updates. Forum functions is currently my goal.

tpgsr 04-13-2012 01:57 AM

Any Updates?

pczone 04-15-2012 08:49 AM

Installed it on vbulletin 4.1.12 , looks works fine, but can't post new thread.

It's show:


you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1.Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2.If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
I Hope new update can be release.

mierzwin 04-21-2012 05:38 PM

Anyone having this mod managed to separet VSA-ChatBox so it displays separate chats for each domain ?

I have almost finished integration on 2 domains now, all looks good but had to edit loads of code manually, out of the box is not enough in my opinion for professional site.

sticky 04-24-2012 11:20 PM

Problem I'm having with this is the CMS will show links to the wrong domain sometimes. Until the cache is manually cleared, it will sometimes link to one of the other domains for the article.

Any way to fix this?

gibgib 04-29-2012 02:51 AM

We are still sitting on vB 3.8 due to the problems I have with Share users database among many forums mod in vB 4.X.
Saw this mod & thought I was saved, then see it doesn't work with current versions x.11 & x.12.
It looks like what I would be after so if it can be released as a working copy on all vB 4's, paying for it would be OK with me.

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