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-   -   Forum Display Enhancements - Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=233629)

chriske 05-12-2010 02:50 PM

Hi, Thanks for the fast update :)

Installed the latest version only the images don't show.

Any idea whats the problem?

Jhonnyf 05-12-2010 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by chriske (Post 2035793)
Hi, Thanks for the fast update :)

Installed the latest version only the images don't show.

Any idea whats the problem?

Maybe Bad imagen PATH, try to use ABSOLUTE path and not RELATIVE

Absolute: http://x.com/forum/images/myimagen.gif
Relative: /images/myimagen.gif

chriske 05-12-2010 09:33 PM

I am sure i used the correct path.

Am i the only one who has this problem?

Jhonnyf 05-12-2010 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by chriske (Post 2035983)
I am sure i used the correct path.

Am i the only one who has this problem?

If you want, say my your URL and I take a look (sent me a PM )

Or if you prefer, check que HTML SOURCE CODE and see what imagen PATH it's creating my Hack

Thank You

CRDeveloper 05-13-2010 02:58 AM

The image for a menu tab doesn't work...

chriske 05-13-2010 10:00 AM

Yes I am not the only one :D

Jhonnyf 05-13-2010 11:20 AM

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, In TABs with menu

ok, If you don't want to wait the NEXT Release, in plugin name "Insertando Tabs", find this

PHP Code:

$menucompleto ='<li class="popupmenu"><a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl navtab" style="background:transparent url('.$imgdir_misc.'/arrow.png) no-repeat '.$right.' center; padding-right: 15px">'.$item_menu[0]['title'].'</a><ul class="popupbody popuphover">'

and replace with:

PHP Code:

if ($item_menu[0]['imagen'])
$imagen "<img class='inlineimg' src='".$item_menu[0]['imagen']."' border='0' />";
$imagen "";
$menucompleto ='<li class="popupmenu"><a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl navtab" style="background:transparent url('.$imgdir_misc.'/arrow.png) no-repeat '.$right.' center; padding-right: 15px">'$imagen $item_menu[0]['title'].'</a><ul class="popupbody popuphover">'

Sleeter 05-13-2010 09:05 PM

I have added 4 tabs. When I press the tab on the right it is the only one that is highlighted. However, when I press any of the other tabs to the left, then any tab to the right of the one I press is also highlighted.

Check http://www.westcoasthighliners.com and look at tabs (Gear Store, Subscribe, Staff, AOTY) for examples.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Jhonnyf 05-13-2010 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sleeter (Post 2036607)
I have added 4 tabs. When I press the tab on the right it is the only one that is highlighted. However, when I press any of the other tabs to the left, then any tab to the right of the one I press is also highlighted.

Check http://www.westcoasthighliners.com and look at tabs (Gear Store, Subscribe, Staff, AOTY) for examples.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

1.- Upgrade to 2.0.4a version
2.- Do you use THIS_SCRIPT option? (read post #3)
3.- Or try to use URL parameters

tini_lam 05-14-2010 02:08 AM

thank for upgraded :)

meschiash 05-14-2010 06:09 AM

For a long time was not I need CMS so turned off HOME button.
Today comes the need to run as a CMS, it appears that although the button is turned on, and so it does not appear. I did a lot of treatments and nothing restores the HOME button. I'm doing a whole on the basis of a test backup so tempted by the extreme solutions and still nothing. Maybe someone has an idea for my already exhausted ...

Here is a list of these variations, which took the tests:
- Uninstall modification Tabs en vBulletin 4.x
- Rebuild templates
- Upgrade.php
- Truncate datastore table and upgrade.php
- Remove CMS (product) + new installation of CMS (a product from another forum that has a button)
- CMS removal, cleaning Datastore table, use tools.php + upgrade.php (new installation of CMS)
- A couple of other solutions that are ineffective.

Maybe someone has any idea because I sag.

Sorry for my English but I support a translator.

Jhonnyf 05-14-2010 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by meschiash (Post 2036766)
For a long time was not I need CMS so turned off HOME button.
Today comes the need to run as a CMS, it appears that although the button is turned on, and so it does not appear. I did a lot of treatments and nothing restores the HOME button. I'm doing a whole on the basis of a test backup so tempted by the extreme solutions and still nothing. Maybe someone has an idea for my already exhausted ...

Here is a list of these variations, which took the tests:
- Uninstall modification Tabs en vBulletin 4.x
- Rebuild templates
- Upgrade.php
- Truncate datastore table and upgrade.php
- Remove CMS (product) + new installation of CMS (a product from another forum that has a button)
- CMS removal, cleaning Datastore table, use tools.php + upgrade.php (new installation of CMS)
- A couple of other solutions that are ineffective.

Maybe someone has any idea because I sag.

Sorry for my English but I support a translator.

Make a Copy of your navbar template and after reverse the changes (original template)

If not work then you have anoter problem, maybe with the CMS Installer

meschiash 05-14-2010 10:59 AM

I have oryginal templates and i still don't have HOME button.

wIrEs 05-14-2010 09:49 PM

thanks, everything works now!

Small phrase bug: $vbphrase[evbs_sstab_advanced_imagen]
Error: Imagen path
Correct: Image path

FireFox status shows: javascript:// (dropdown only)
Is it possible to fix the dropdown menu tab ?

Tabs not appearing pressed
THIS_SCRIPT: forum.php, does not appear pressed. Other new tabs i created have the same problems.


Jhonnyf 05-14-2010 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by wIrEs (Post 2037102)
thanks, everything works now!

Small phrase bug: $vbphrase[evbs_sstab_advanced_imagen]
Error: Imagen path
Correct: Image path

FireFox status shows: javascript:// (dropdown only)
Is it possible to fix the dropdown menu tab ?

Tabs not appearing pressed
THIS_SCRIPT: forum.php, does not appear pressed. Other new tabs i created have the same problems.


1.- Ok, Next Version FIX that phrase
2.- The version don't say javascript://, i going to change for # (then it will be Actual URL/# like #top)
3.- About use THIS_SCRIPT , please READ post #3

wIrEs 05-15-2010 01:23 AM


meschiash 05-15-2010 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 2036839)
Make a Copy of your navbar template and after reverse the changes (original template)

If not work then you have anoter problem, maybe with the CMS Installer

I have install a new style for vB and in this style i have HOME button.

Lky 05-15-2010 10:32 AM

Thank you :)

joerns 05-15-2010 06:06 PM


I've downloaded and installed sstab_advanced_204a.zip but it show up as version 2.0.3 in the Plugins and Product Manager. On closer inspection the installer xml in this zip archive also refers to 2.0.3.

Am I missing something or does the zip file not have the latest installer/files? IS this the latest version or is there a 2.0.4a version?

Cheers and thanks for a great script!

Jhonnyf 05-16-2010 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by joerns (Post 2037492)

I've downloaded and installed sstab_advanced_204a.zip but it show up as version 2.0.3 in the Plugins and Product Manager. On closer inspection the installer xml in this zip archive also refers to 2.0.3.

Am I missing something or does the zip file not have the latest installer/files? IS this the latest version or is there a 2.0.4a version?

Cheers and thanks for a great script!

Yes, the version 2.0.3a have a important FIX, I released and inmediatly I had fix because was a BIG Bug, both the version a It's only the version 2.0.3 with that Patch


masterb44hz 05-16-2010 05:22 PM

Thanks so much for the FIX :) Really like ur addon. Great job mate!

Bounce 05-16-2010 09:11 PM

Superb add-on, is the Tab Sub-Links not working?

I presume these should put then on the sub links below the TAB bar?

I have them on the navtab working with drop downs but would like to start adding then to the navbar below that, the ones that have the |New Posts| Private Messages|FAQ|Calendar etc.

Or am I missing something?

Wilfred1 05-17-2010 05:05 AM

Just installed this - great job Johnny

Found one issue - if you hide the "What's New" tab and you are using vbadvanced CMPS, it is not removed from the CMPS page.

my site:
- Forums installed in root
- CMPS installed in root
- CMPS is home page and called index.php
- vb v4.0.3
- CMPS v4.0.0

mmacrypt 05-18-2010 02:55 AM

Just installed, seems to be working great. Did a few simple tabs tonight, will play with harder ones down the road.

Thank you for this mod.

hotfilepro 05-18-2010 04:57 AM

Excellent ! 5star + marked !

Martz 05-18-2010 12:24 PM

Just tried to install this and I get the following error:


Warning:  Unexpected character in input:  ''' (ASCII=39) state=1  in /home/martz/sites/mysite/web/includes/class_bootstrap.php(384) :  eval()'d code on line 243

Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/martz/sites/mysite/web/includes/class_bootstrap.php(384)  : eval()'d code on line 243

Which is quite strange! it's the only addon I have installed.

Running vBulletin Version 4.0.3 Patch Level 1.

If i disable this product, I don't get the error.

No tabs show up.

In the config, it's shown as Active.

Deleting all the tabs still shows the error.

Any ideas? Thanks for the mod :)

speedimpulse 05-18-2010 08:26 PM

i downloaded this mod but now i have 3 tabs that were adding automatically in spanish.... how do i delete those tabs and create new ones?

Al3li 05-18-2010 08:41 PM

Good ,,, thanks

carrlos 05-19-2010 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by speedimpulse (Post 2039468)
i downloaded this mod but now i have 3 tabs that were adding automatically in spanish.... how do i delete those tabs and create new ones?

In the admincp. ;)

speedimpulse 05-19-2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by carrlos (Post 2039751)
In the admincp. ;)

Where in the admincp?

speedimpulse 05-19-2010 12:01 PM

there is no option to add new tabs in the options area of the admincp.

Jhonnyf 05-19-2010 12:17 PM

Are you sure that Upload the content of UPLOAD to the root of your forum?

You should be have this Menu

Check if exist the file /includes/xml/cpnav_evbs_sstab.xml

If not, Upload and Reinstall

speedimpulse 05-19-2010 12:45 PM

which part of the control panel do i upload it to?

speedimpulse 05-19-2010 12:57 PM

i uploaded both of the files inside UPLOAD to the document root but it still does not work

speedimpulse 05-19-2010 01:34 PM

i got it to work. thanks for the help

ArchAngelz 05-20-2010 08:06 AM

I seem to be having some problems with the alignment of the image viz the rest of the text:


Do you know why the text is being pushed down like that?

Drache 05-24-2010 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Martz (Post 2039148)
Just tried to install this and I get the following error:


Warning:  Unexpected character in input:  ''' (ASCII=39) state=1  in /home/martz/sites/mysite/web/includes/class_bootstrap.php(384) :  eval()'d code on line 243

Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/martz/sites/mysite/web/includes/class_bootstrap.php(384)  : eval()'d code on line 243

Which is quite strange! it's the only addon I have installed.

Running vBulletin Version 4.0.3 Patch Level 1.

If i disable this product, I don't get the error.

No tabs show up.

In the config, it's shown as Active.

Deleting all the tabs still shows the error.

Any ideas? Thanks for the mod :)

having the same issue. Was runing 2.03 fine. But after I uploaded and overwrite with version 2.04 and import it overwrite. this error shows up and in the product_plugin menu it still says 2.03 instead of 2.04. tried to uninstall then restall with 2.04 doesn't work as well same error.

Dragonsys 05-25-2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Unborn (Post 1973061)

Firstly - Very nice mod, Extremely useful.

I am having a problem with the sub menu - the default links are showing up on every tab, even over the top of custom sub links.

The "Home" tab is set to "http://MY_FORUM_URL/index.php" which is my vBAdvanced CMPS index page. It is not set to be a drop-down menu, Tab mode is THIS_SCRIPT, and THIS_SCRIPT is "adv_index".

I have created 3 sub links "Link 1", "Link 2", "Link 3", all set to "http://google.com/" to demonstrate the problem.
As you can see in the attached screenshot, the custom sub links are underneath the default sub links.

Help would be appreciated.

I am having the same problem. I see where this has been asked about a couple of times, but no responses...

Dragonsys 05-25-2010 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 1997014)
same problem y have with vbadvanced

this is a CMPS function
check here - http://www.vbadvanced.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40438

howard007 05-26-2010 02:01 PM

Do I have to reupload everything to upgrade from 203 to 204a? Is 204a stable?


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