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Mithan 02-13-2004 10:39 PM

I just upgraded my forum to a clean install of vBulletin 3.0, and got PluhNews working with it.

Here are some tips for people doing the same:

Basic editing here...

$newsforums = ; to the new News Forum. (same # if you just upgrade)
$forumspath = "/forum"; to the new vB 3.0 forum dir (probably the same)

Basic editing here...




$bericht=parse_bbcode2($pagetext,"1","1","1","1"," 1");

Where you might have problems:
Getting the global.php file to load in PluhNews.php may be a problem.

For me, the old method of loading the global.php file didn't work.
This WAS my code for vb2.3.4:
PHP Code:


at the bottom of the page)...

That did NOT work.

I had to delete require("./global.php"); from PluhNews.php entirely (or // it out) and I had to move it to my main sites index.php file.

This is what I put in at the top of my Index.php File:
PHP Code:



This is what the top of my PluhNews.php File looks like now:
PHP Code:


Anyways, to make a long story short, I got this working fairly quickly, the only problem was with the global.php file not working, which stops the parsing and doesn't allow your script to format the output correctly.

A good way to error test is to // (rem) out require("./global.php"); and replace $bericht=bbcodeparse2($pagetext,"1","1","1","1"); with $bericht=$pagetext;

That will allow you to do some basic error checking and isolate the global.php problems from the actual news posting.

I still get MySQL errors though. Trying to suppress those now...

Tannerman 02-16-2004 02:18 PM

Mithan, thanks for posting about your progress. I appreciate the details. I haven't got vB3 up and running yet, but this is going to be very helpful soon!

Owen 03-11-2004 01:52 PM

Ah got it running, no global.php problems, running RC4

Tannerman 03-11-2004 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Owen
Ah got it running, no global.php problems, running RC4

Owen, thanks for the update. What sort of modifications (if any) did you make to the original script?

Owen 03-12-2004 06:30 AM

What Mithan suggested I do, didnt do the global.php stuff though... His Post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=521

Crazy Pete 03-22-2004 03:48 PM

What do you have to alter to have this recognize the vB3 bbcode? Right now it just seems to ignore it. Thanks.

HUNTER|UF 03-24-2004 11:41 AM

Thanks Mithan i got it working fine, i think on my site running vb3 full :D

JacobiKenobi 03-26-2004 03:49 PM

Wow, all I have to say is GREAT SCRIPT!

definitely in top 5 for me. Does exactly what I want. and fully customizeable and easily comprehendible for changes!!

i have 1 small problem though, concerning smilies/images, and I would bet that it interferes with some otehr bbcode thing but I haven't checked yet.

i place the script here: /website_root_directory/forum/PluhNews.php
i php-include the script here: /website_root_directory/another_directory/some_page.php

and the smilie doesn't show up. i viewed the properties of the smilie and this is where it is trying to load it from: website_root_directory/another_directory/images/smilies/some_smilie.gif

how can i fix this so it grabs the smilie images from the forum directory?

JacobiKenobi 03-26-2004 03:50 PM

By the way, i may edit this news script and release a version for vB 3.0.0 with some extra features.

SK 04-13-2004 04:25 PM

Is there any way of making it so it cuts the news post to a certain number of characters and adds a [Read More] URL to the end of a news post?

FleaBag 04-21-2004 03:24 AM

Running this on vB3 also, wicked. Good to be able to come back to this after vB2.

martinh4 05-02-2004 03:45 PM

Thank's Mithan for the VB3 changes got this working now. :)

HUNTER|UF 05-25-2004 07:54 AM

ok little help need to get rid of the errors above the script inclues here:


Beowolf 08-15-2004 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kayn
Working on those new features, and yes, the script includes the (0 Comments, last comment was by So-and-so).

This might take a while, so bear with me... :)

Ok, just incase anyone needs to full code that works on vb3, I am using this successfully from my basedir (i.e PluhNews.php is not in my /forum directory)

You will need to change the two occurances of "username" at the top and bottom in chdir() to your site username.

PHP Code:

//PluhNews 1.5 released under GNU GPL Licence version 2.0 (see copying.txt file for more info)
//Set your permissions in your control panel to make sure that only YOU and who you specify can post news. Otherwise, everyone and their dog can register and post in your news forums, thus posting where your news will appear. But for this script to work it's extra magic, be sure your members can reply to your news posts.


//scroll down to edit the HTML for the news

//Start the goodies (please do not edit to goodies unless you know what you are doing

$connection mysql_connect("$servername","$dbusername","$dbpassword") or die ("Cannot connect to server.");

//select database
$db mysql_select_db("$dbname"$connection) or die ("Could not select database.");

// create sql statement
$sql "SELECT threadid, title, forumid, replycount, postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline, iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid = \"$newsforums\" ORDER BY threadid DESC LIMIT $newsitems";

//execute sql query
$sql_result mysql_query($sql$connection) or die ("Could not execute query.");

if (!
$sql_result) { 
"<p>Could not get record.";

while (
$row mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
$threadid $row["threadid"];
$title $row["title"];   
$forumid $row["forumid"];
$replycount $row["replycount"];
$postusername $row["postusername"];
$postuserid $row["postuserid"];
$lastposter $row["lastposter"];
$iconid $row["iconid"];
$dateline $row["dateline"];

//create the second SQL statement to pull the post from the thread it resides in
$sql2 "SELECT postid, threadid, username, userid, title, dateline, pagetext, iconid FROM post WHERE threadid = \"$threadid\" ORDER BY postid ASC LIMIT 1";

//execute second sql query
$sql_result2 mysql_query($sql2$connection) or die ("Could not execute query in second sql statement.");

if (!
$sql_result2) { 
"<p>Could not get record in second statement.";

while (
$row2 mysql_fetch_array($sql_result2)) {
$pagetext $row2["pagetext"];

//gotta convert that damn unix time crap
$dateposted date("D j M Y, g:i A",$dateline);
//end the goodies

if ($replycount==1) {
$commenttext "Comment";
else {
$commenttext "Comments";

// **********************
//Edit the HTML here (keep in mind that any double quote that is HTML requires a backslash in front of it)

echo "

<a href=\"
$forumspath/showthread.php?s=&threadid=$threadid\"><b>$title</b></a> - <a href=\"$forumspath/showthread.php?s=&threadid=$threadid\"><b>$replycount</b> $commenttext</a><br>
Posted By <a href=\"
$forumspath/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=$postuserid\"><b>$postusername</b></a> at  <i>$dateposted</i>

$bericht</blockquote><center><a href=\"$forumspath/showthread.php?s=&threadid=$threadid\"><b>$replycount</b> $commenttext</a> Last comment was by <b>$lastposter</b></center><hr noshade height=\"1\" width=\"60%\"><p>


//add news search stuff (this is optional - delete if you do not wish to include this, or edit it to meet your needs
echo "<center><a href=\"$forumspath/search.php?s=\">Search the News</a> | <a href=\"$forumspath/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=$newsforums\">View All News Posts</a></center>";

//end HTML edit



mrplow 08-15-2004 08:54 PM

One thing seems different since my u/g to vb3, and that is the URL parsing...

With vb2 if a news post had a really long URL in it the pluhnews page would show the http://www.blahblah...blah.com (i.e. cut down size) link just like the normal showthread templates do. With pluhnews running on vb3 the links no longer get cut down... they still get cut down in the normal forum view but on the news page the full length URL is shown. This sometimes causes havoc with the site layout.

Anyone have any idea why that is and how it can be changed?

FleaBag 08-16-2004 06:51 PM

A function name has probably changed between vB2 and vB3.

mrplow 08-17-2004 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
A function name has probably changed between vB2 and vB3.

Any idea what that might be? ;)

speedracer68 02-04-2005 12:53 PM

Is there a way for PluhNews to pull info on the most peoplied or the hotest topic at the time? I would like to put a box on my home page that would show the hotest topic each time the home page it loaded.

I looked at some of the sites people listed above to see how theirs worked and every single page I clicked on is no longer there. It's like all the link above point to old web sites that are no longer there.

Thanks for the help!

ChiefPhillips 02-17-2005 03:24 PM

I've tried everything here... and not one thing worked, guess PluhNews isn't for me :(

I use 3.0.6, imported IPB 1.3.1 into it, working just peachy.. well.. cept PluhNews, heh.

PsiNyde 04-21-2005 10:25 PM

good job Beowolf! I've been hounding Kayn for weeks now to update that script to work with vB3 [I work at his site now], but since he's moved on to bigger and better projects for news posting on home page, he has abandoned it. FOR CRY! Glad to see somebody figured out the bbcode parse problem! That was the only real hangup. Awesome job, thanks again.

SK 04-30-2005 12:02 AM

I'm getting this on my 3.0.7 board using the pluhnews.php that beowolf posted.


Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /global.php on line 329

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php on line 2290

Shredder 11-26-2005 06:26 PM

What would I use if the index.php for my forums is located in the base directory? I tried a few different variations, and I keep on getting error messages...

/home/krang1/domains/twelveoclock.net/public_html dosn't seem to want to work either...

Onji 12-07-2005 05:37 PM

Do you think we'll see an update of this for vb 3.5? I have used pluhnews forever, and love it. The headlines seem to still be working ok, it just isnt pulling the threads for news. you can see the error here: http://www.lamerc.com


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/www/data-dist/includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php on line 384

glowinggal 12-18-2005 03:50 PM

I don't see errors - what did you do to fix it?

RonanHayes 02-19-2006 07:34 PM

Getting a similar error there is something wrong with:

$bericht=parse_bbcode2($pagetext,"1","1","1","1"," 1");

I believe it requires an extra parameter:

return parse_bbcode2($bbcode, $dohtml, $dobbimagecode, $dosmilies, $dobbcode, $iswysiwyg, $donl2br);

But Im no php person. If you remove this, then it does seem to work, but I am assuming that there is a problem with the bbcode. As the BBCODE is not parsed when I remove it.

upnorth 02-24-2006 06:35 PM

Anyone know if this works for 3.5? I'm running 3.0.7 and am in the middle of moving to a new sever and want to put the latest version of vB but need to make sure all the other goodies still work. Any feed back would be appreciated.

Onji 02-24-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by upnorth
Anyone know if this works for 3.5? I'm running 3.0.7 and am in the middle of moving to a new sever and want to put the latest version of vB but need to make sure all the other goodies still work. Any feed back would be appreciated.

Didnt work for me, I ended up swapping to this: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=83005

Tannerman 02-25-2006 11:48 PM

I got a "Could not select database" error when upgrading to 3.5. I don't know how to fix.

Anyone have luck modifying this?

johnn 03-23-2006 07:34 AM

Im also interested in this, as I can't seem to get vb external to work for me.

Dot50Cal 05-04-2006 12:34 AM

Solved, working on getting content shown in 3.5!

Dot50Cal 05-04-2006 03:51 AM

Just an update, I fixed all MySQL errors, and now I've hit a message parsing problem. Im confident that it is the last issue, right now pointing my browser shows the forum title, poster, date etc everything except comments and the posts content. So Im working on that now :D

Dot50Cal 05-05-2006 02:18 PM

Post content is shown. Pluhnews is working almost 100% on Vb3.5!! Im working on parsing now, and once thats solved Ill probably re-release this as its the best hack I've ever used and lets face it, the 3.5 world NEEDS a news ripper and ONLY a news ripper! Not some CMS bull! You can view it for yourself here:

Dot50Cal 05-10-2006 07:47 PM

Got it working 100%. Ill be posting it in the 3.5 section in a day or so, I just need to clean up the dirty "my site only" code. Though it seems youll have to do some text edits, since a lot of the pre-defined info no longer works with 3.5.

Naka 01-02-2007 06:04 PM

Did anyone ever put out an update for VB3.5+?

Tannerman 01-04-2007 03:20 PM

Not that I know of.

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