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rapidphim 05-17-2009 06:52 PM

can this hack play any music or playlist from Imeem since Imeem enable the 30 second preview of each songs?

ArnyVee 05-17-2009 07:26 PM

I use it here as an example using Imeem: http://www.gervaisbook.com/showthread.php?t=30

jacobsen1 05-21-2009 12:21 PM

I'm also having issues with flickr? Videos that are on flickr and public won't play (the box comes up, but you have to click on it which takes you to it's flickr page, plus no "thumbnail"). Also, flickr sets don't work either?


Digital Jedi 05-25-2009 08:50 AM

Nine Private Messages? Geez, I didn't know I was so popular. (At least, that's what I consider popular. But I'm anti-social.)

Guys, a lot has been going on lately and I'm still behind on updating these. The start (or re-start rather) of updating these defs is tentatively scheduled for the beginning of next month. I had a sick child to deal after getting back from my Grandma's funeral, so things have been hectic. The current schedule I'm looking at puts the AME upgrade sometime after I complete the upgrades to my own website, which is giving off database errors like a Hare Krishna giving out flowers in the airport. I'm going to be busy for a very long time...sigh...

gnatster 05-25-2009 07:14 PM


Great hack and my members love it.

Quick question please. We also use the article system in vBdynamics. Links placed in articles are not embedded. Anyway to bring that functionality to vBdynamics?


DemoVFW 05-27-2009 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by soundbarrierpro (Post 1806321)
Is anybody able to embed veoh and dailymotion URLS? They don't embed for me

Had the same problem. You need to set "Extract destination data" to YES in vb cpanel-> AME-> Settings. I'm able to embed daily motion now.

|Jordan| 05-28-2009 05:04 AM

Blip.tv doesnt work. Does it work for anyone?

UncleGrundle 05-29-2009 03:51 AM

ebaumsworld does not work with 3.8.2

MonkYZ 05-29-2009 11:43 AM

Digital Jedi: take care man. Your kid is more important than everything in here. Good luck ! We'll be waiting for your godly coding skills :)

wildweaselmi 05-29-2009 01:15 PM

Has anyone been successful embedding a local .mp4 file? Most of my movies are all in mp4 format. Don't really want to have to convert them if I don't have to.

Chadi 05-29-2009 09:42 PM

Can you please add one for Tangle.com (formerly Godtube.com)? Thank you :)



Thank you.

Digital Jedi 05-30-2009 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chadi (Post 1819844)
Can you please add one for Tangle.com (formerly Godtube.com)? Thank you :)



Thank you.

I believe I did update that already but haven't released it yet. What with all that happen (and keeps happening) with my daughter, I kind of lost track of where I was during the last update. As soon as I get my personal site re-open, I'll be able to work on this again. Knowing how these sites are I'll probably have to start over. Again, bear with me.

Chadi 05-30-2009 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1819981)
I believe I did update that already but haven't released it yet. What with all that happen (and keeps happening) with my daughter, I kind of lost track of where I was during the last update. As soon as I get my personal site re-open, I'll be able to work on this again. Knowing how these sites are I'll probably have to start over. Again, bear with me.

Thanks for the response brother. Family comes first, hope everything works out for you and your daughter.

UncleGrundle 05-31-2009 04:24 AM

Sorry to hear about the troubles with your family. I wish all of you well and I hope that everything will be OK.

Thanks for the MOD BTW, but family comes first!

Dollarsign 06-02-2009 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dollarsign (Post 1812108)
Can someone please tell me why myspace won't embed? Does the XML need to be updated or is a setting wrong on my forum??

Please? :o

Please anyone :confused::(

thangluoi 06-02-2009 07:55 AM

I was trying to add new definition for this site : www.bennhac.com , but it doesn't work. Could someone please help me to make one for this site? Thank you very much

testebr 06-02-2009 01:13 PM


Any possible support for SoapBox? Example: http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=...5-e023d5892452

Reycer 06-02-2009 11:41 PM

MTV.com code dosen't work.

ultimo 06-03-2009 06:21 AM

Great Mod! Thanks

djvj 06-04-2009 02:00 AM

Has anyone got HD video from gametrailers to work? I tried linking http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3...49936?type=flv but AME never picks it up to embed it. Also tried removing the type=flv, still no go.

I got http://www.gametrailers.com/player/49936.html to work, but that is the link to the SD version. Gametrailers only links you SD to embed.

Bulldog Stang 06-04-2009 09:15 PM

I am getting this displayed every time after I post ...

Warning: include([path]/amecache/findonly.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\includes\ame_bbcode.php on line 74

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '[path]/amecache/findonly.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\PHP\pear') in [path]\includes\ame_bbcode.php on line 74

Any suggestions on what this may be ???

Bulldog Stang 06-04-2009 09:23 PM

I am also unable to chmod the amecache folder for some reason as well....

I have turned off the cache for now and that seems to have fixed the issue ...

Bulldog Stang 06-04-2009 09:25 PM

opps ...

xTerMn8R 06-05-2009 12:52 AM

I'm trying to get this to work with Video links on "WebTemplates" pages that are integrated with my vb3.8.2. Can't figure out why they wont work, I think that its got summin to do with the 'regular expression' I made for the definition I created. Can anyone help me out with this.

1) The Web Template ONLY contains the url to the Movie File.

2) The Link to the page is...http://www.superskunkracing.com/view.php?pg=ssr-vid

3) My RegEx: (http://www\.superskunkracing\.com/view\.php\?pg=ssr-vid)

4) My Replacement code:

<object id="MediaPlayer" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" classid="CLSID:22D6f312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" standby="Loading Windows Media Player components?" type="application/x-oleobject" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=6,4,7,1112">
    <param name="filename" value="$p1">
    <param name="Showcontrols" value="True">
    <param name="autostart" value="false">
    <embed type="application/x-mplayer2" src="$p1" name="MediaPlayer" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" autoplay="false"></embed>

I've done some reading up on these RE's but still dont understand why I need them, and if I do why must they contain so many varibles if I'm pointing it directly to a Page thats not dynamic in its name. Any insite on this would be deeply appreciated...

Thank you,

Digital Jedi 06-05-2009 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Dollarsign (Post 1821841)
Please anyone :confused::(

Like I said guys, I'll get to updating the definitions just as soon as I have my site squared away (and hopefully these health issues under a little control too)


Originally Posted by xTerMn8R (Post 1823672)
I'm trying to get this to work with Video links on "WebTemplates" pages that are integrated with my vb3.8.2. Can't figure out why they wont work, I think that its got summin to do with the 'regular expression' I made for the definition I created. Can anyone help me out with this.

1) The Web Template ONLY contains the url to the Movie File.

2) The Link to the page is...http://www.superskunkracing.com/view.php?pg=ssr-vid

3) My RegEx: (http://www\.superskunkracing\.com/view\.php\?pg=ssr-vid)

4) My Replacement code:

<object id="MediaPlayer" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" classid="CLSID:22D6f312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" standby="Loading Windows Media Player components…" type="application/x-oleobject" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=6,4,7,1112">
    <param name="filename" value="$p1">
    <param name="Showcontrols" value="True">
    <param name="autostart" value="false">
    <embed type="application/x-mplayer2" src="$p1" name="MediaPlayer" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" autoplay="false"></embed>

I've done some reading up on these RE's but still dont understand why I need them, and if I do why must they contain so many varibles if I'm pointing it directly to a Page thats not dynamic in its name. Any insite on this would be deeply appreciated...

Thank you,

I'm not sure what your trying to do. For one, AME isn't designed to work outside of Posts, Visitor Messages, Signatures and Blogs. The definitions do not make AME work in different areas of your forum. The definitions make AME parse media from specific websites in your Posts, Visitor Messages, Signatures and Blogs.

So, for example, I make a definition for YouTube. Then I post a link to YouTube in one of the areas I mentioned. AME replaces the link with the Replacement HTML. So you can see, why would it parse on the page it's supposed to be parsing? The idea is the regular expression is supposed to match the URL of a page with a video already on it. Not the other way around.

Really, trying to get AME to work on a custom page is going about the hard way. Just put the embed code to your video on that page. AME is meant for posting areas where HTML code isn't allowed or would be dangerous to use otherwise.

daihlo 06-05-2009 12:01 PM

Just downloaded this, trying to setit up at the moment thanks!

Can you add this site if possible?


That would be great thanks!!!!

xTerMn8R 06-05-2009 12:31 PM

OK Jedi you have answered my Question, and hit it right on the head. I was tring to adapt this to work on Custom Pages created using WebTemplates. I was trying to adapt it to have a frontend like VD, Thought that maybe I could make a Definition File that would get it to parse even though it wasnt in the above mentioned areas of the site, Guess not from what you've said. so I guess I'm back to trying to write an xml for the Other Mod (Video directory). I'm gonna try and use the code out of the AME Local windows or Divx xml file and see if I can adapt it to VD. that would be the perfect solution for me..

Thanks for saving me a lot of wasted time... I think..LOL although My Guess is I'll be sitting here doing the same thing in 8 hrs.


daihlo 06-05-2009 12:33 PM

total newby problem,have dloaded the master xmls but where do I go from here?
If I dont import through the product manager, where do I access the ame cp? I cant see it in the admin cp.

Probably something completely obvious but Im still missing it!


daihlo 06-05-2009 12:43 PM

FIXED! Thanks. TEsting now :-)

daihlo 06-05-2009 03:16 PM

would this work with www.cagefilm.com

thanks - daihlo

dieKetzer 06-05-2009 04:28 PM

isnt it just my luck that all work as expected except youtube...
any reason why all work yet youtube displays only the table and no player?

dieKetzer 06-05-2009 04:40 PM

perhaps it is just me....
can anyone see the youtube vid in this post?

daihlo 06-05-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1824020)
perhaps it is just me....
can anyone see the youtube vid in this post?

yes, I can see it fine.

dieKetzer 06-05-2009 04:50 PM

thanks mate :)

Digital Jedi 06-05-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1824020)
perhaps it is just me....
can anyone see the youtube vid in this post?

I see it too. Maybe you set your permissions/exclusions wrong or you just need to update your flash player.

Reycer 06-06-2009 12:51 PM

any thoughts as to why the MTV Vids won't work?

mamahues 06-08-2009 01:03 AM

This is not urgent, as family does come first, but I haven't been able to post videos from TinyPic.

In the meantime, has anyone else had a problem with TinyPic? It just shows the link. My album is set to public.

dieKetzer 06-08-2009 07:29 PM

i can see it on IE, so its likely a firefox plugin issue on my end.

daihlo 06-08-2009 08:54 PM

Hi, can this work with this site?

Normal flv streaming site but I cant get it to work on this one!
Any help would be great.


Saint_I_Am 06-09-2009 01:47 AM


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