Jaxel |
12-26-2008 11:38 AM |
Okay... here is my newest build information...
In efforts to make this easier, I have completely rebuilt the product file and enclosed all my changes in a zip file. Extract the zip, upload all the new files, then import the product. This is NOT a replacement product; its an ehancement. You must have Survivor's version first. There are of course several important notes you should read before doing anything...
- For some reason, when you re-install the Video-Directory, it does NOT save your previous settings for "Limits". Make sure you go into Videos > General Settings and record your settings in the "Limits" section. Everytime you upgrade, this stuff will be wiped out and I couldn't figure out how to fix Survivor's code to fix it.
- I recommend the following settings for your limits...
- 5 - 15 - 2 - 5 - 0 - 0 - 5 - 20 - 5
- When you re-install the Video-Directory, it also does not re-install your videohoster XML files. Simple, this means you need to re-import the two YouTube XML files I have included in the zip. Just import them and it will automatically overwrite your old YouTube XML files.
- You may need to update/revert your existing templates to get my new template edits.
- By default I have disabled the options for SEO-slugs. While yes, the SEO-slugs do work great; they inherintly break the Who's Online system. I don't know much about SEO or VBplugins, so chances are I wont be fixing this anytime soon. If you use VBSEO, the SEO-slug system doesn't affect you.
- If you so wish, you can enable the SEO-slugs as they are right now by uncommenting the following line in /video.php.
// define('SEO_ENABLED', true);
And add the following to your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
#### VideoDirectory
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-u([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewuser&userid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-u([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewuser&userid=$3 [QSA,L]
Okay... that was simple enough... now for my patch notes, once again being worked backwards with Beyond Compare 3
CHANGES TO product-videodirectory.xml from Survivor's Version- Fixed create table constructs to check for existance.
- Added new column in videocategory for the indent level.
- Rewrote ALL TEMPLATES to be more aestheticly pleasing.
- Added templates "video_catbit_small_sub", "video_details_embed" and "video_user".
- Added Who's Online information for video user pages.
- Added missing phrases for many of the new features in my edits.
- Rewrote the majority of the phrases in this mod for better English.
CHANGES TO /video.php from Survivor's Version- Added support for a basic SEO slug system.
- Added support for a basic "sub-category" system. Its not actually sub categories; but I have made it so that you can define a "level" for each category. When listing categories on the sidebar, the system will now print out the contents of the template "video_catbit_small_sub" once for each level of the category. So by default, categories are level 0, and video_catbit_small_sub prints out 0 times. If you set a category to level 2, then the contents of video_catbit_small_sub will print out 2 times before it displays the category link. You can see an example of how this works here: http://www.8wayrun.com/video.php
- Added support for contributor video pages. Very simple, click on the user link and it will go to a page listing all videos uploaded by that user.
- Moved embed code to the top of the page using the template "video_details_embed". This gives more space for high definition video.
- VideoBBCode now fetches the video title for bbcode embed tags.
- PageNav for comments on VIDEO-DETAILS now properly calls up construct_video_url. Why it was not doing this to begin with, when every other video url link was; is beyond me. SHAME ON YOU SURVIVOR!
- Per Survivor's hotfixes; RSS feeds are properly sanitized for IE and Opera. Firefox was displaying the broken RSS feed without issues; so most people didn't notice it.
- I have removed the "random" and "best rated" options for VIDEO-DETAILS. There is no reason to have these options for when people are viewing specific videos. I have left the "related video" options intact.
- The Delete Comment page is now constructed properly. It calls its own page, instead of from the shell.
- I forced category display on all pages. In the original version, on certain pages, the category didn't show up in the videobit... now it always does.
CHANGES TO /admincp/video.php from Survivor's Version- Added support for the category "level" indenting system. In order to change the level of a category, you must do it in the category edit screen in your admincp. I tried to figure out how to do it from the display order screen; but as I said, I dont know much about VB plugins; so i couldn't figure it out.
- Changed the videohoster "yesno" setting from "true : false" to "1 : 0"... The problem is that if you set something for true, it worked fine (it properly inputted "1" into the videohoster fields); but if you set something for false, it inputted a null instead of properly inputting "0". So now the "yesno" goes straight to the 1 or 0.
CHANGES TO /includes/class_dm_videocategory.php from Survivor's Version- Added support for the category "level" indenting system.
CHANGES TO /includes/functions_videodirectory.php from Survivor's Version- The construct_video_bit function now has a new routine for handling the new isHD variable. Basically, if the video service for a video contains the word "HD" in it; it will mark the video as HD in the video_bit. (By default, I have this marking as a red "HD" tag). Now the HD tag will work for ANY high definition hosting service, as long as "HD" is in the $hostername (its inside the XML for the video-hoster).
- Added support for the contributor video pages.
- Added support for the SEO slug system.
I've also rewritten the YouTube videohoster files, so that they have options for enabling/disabling fullscreen, autoplay and related video options.
@Survivor... you can pretty much incorporate ALL of my changes in your next version; this way at least you dont have to do much for the video user pages. You can download a program called Beyond Compare that will show you a line by line comparison to your files. Anyways, the biggest thing I want is a TAGGING system... get that asap! =P