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derfelix 06-03-2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1260392)
Yep same here. I get always lots of spams on each day so I thought that this hack will keep away those spam bots. So I came to the idea to close my forum. I think this is the best way to keep out those spam bots. Really bad, but I thought this hack helped :(

are you sure these are bots???? because there is no way of stopping humans..

The Bish 06-03-2007 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1260392)
So I came to the idea to close my forum. I think this is the best way to keep out those spam bots. Really bad, but I thought this hack helped :(

Are you serious? How much thought did you put behind this statement? If you feel that this is a 100% fool proof way to stop SPAM you are kidding yourself. Those of you who are still getting SPAM Registers are getting them because they are people and not Bots. I have had this Mod installed for sometime now and have only been SPAM'd 3 times as opposed to all the time before the Mod. Therefore, and I am not alone, this Mod is well worth the price.... which is free by the way.

DementedMindz 06-03-2007 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by The Bish (Post 1260461)
Are you serious? How much thought did you put behind this statement? If you feel that this is a 100% fool proof way to stop SPAM you are kidding yourself. Those of you who are still getting SPAM Registers are getting them because they are people and not Bots. I have had this Mod installed for sometime now and have only been SPAM'd 3 times as opposed to all the time before the Mod. Therefore, and I am not alone, this Mod is well worth the price.... which is free by the way.

yeah very true it is but I know they were spam bots who had got past mine I installed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=147280 and poof there went the spam bots not one since i have installed it which is over a week now when even with this mod installed I was getting them everyday.

axi 06-03-2007 07:34 PM

i forgot to come here and tell you all how happy i am with this hack. this hack is the best hack ever. it keeps my forums just about maintenance free...

i used get AT LEAST 2 bots joining per day..and thats AT LEAST no less.

It has been 2 weeks since i have installed this hack, and not a bot or spammer has joined.
i must say i am very very impressed with it!!

axi 06-03-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1260400)
are you sure these are bots???? because there is no way of stopping humans..

hahahaha for some reason i found that sentence very amusing.. the bot & human thing..i must be tired lol!

MissKalunji 06-03-2007 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rumplestiltskin (Post 1259593)
I've had this installed for a wee while now, and the last 4 days or so have started getting spammers signing up again. Any ideas?

perhaps u need to always update ur images...if they study ur images they'll know each of them...and having a lot helps also i believe

gopherhockey 06-08-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz (Post 1260496)
yeah very true it is but I know they were spam bots who had got past mine I installed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=147280 and poof there went the spam bots not one since i have installed it which is over a week now when even with this mod installed I was getting them everyday.

We have a question in our registration process that asks for a Biography... bots are always answering "Man" to this question. Humans either skip it or enter random stuff.

When I first installed this hack the bots were done instantly.. 4 days passed without a one. Now they are back again.

My guess is that they have figured out a way around this. That or they are flat out guessing the answer to my quesitons, which I doubt. Or, these are humans who are using automated software to help the registration process (like autofill) so they are able to actually see the question and answer.

At any rate, it went from about 6 a day to 0 in 4 days (post install) to about 6 just today again. Bummer.

antialiasis 06-10-2007 10:00 PM

Phew, I haven't been on for a while.

Whoever asked for a feature to allow people to put images as the question: all you need to do is insert the HTML for an image as the question, as HTML will be parsed.

Everybody who has it installed and working but is still getting spam, I'm afraid this hack is logically 100% bot-proof until the day they create bots with flawless human intelligence, so if spammers are getting through, they are clearly human and impossible to stop with any sort of anti-spam system. (You could, of course, try to make more difficult questions - if, for example, all your questions are simple math problems, it is quite possible for bots to be programmed to pick up the numbers and mathematical operations from the string of text and enter the answer in a field, while if you ask random common-sense questions (and especially, if you own a specialized forum, answers that require some knowledge in a particular field that true members would have), they will be impossible for a bot to crack, and if they're difficult enough they might stop human spammers in their tracks as well, as they will not bother with spending time trying to Google the answer to the questions or something just to register at one forum.

The reason it is bot-proof (at least with decent questions) is that the answers to the questions are stored only on the server. From what I could understand of that other hack that will present the user with a choice of images, it offers very weak protection since the answer is in the filename of the image and all a bot programmer would need to do is be aware of this fact and make the bot extract the answer from the page when it is presented with the question. Here, there is no way to just retrieve the answer; it is all stored in the database, which the bot can't access, and the answer is never within the reach of anybody who does not actually know the answer to the question. Since bots do not have the artificial intelligence to be able to read a question, understand it and have the knowledge to answer it in more than some extremely limited cases (like the math questions mentioned above), it is impossible for them to get around it.

IceFanatic 06-17-2007 08:15 PM

Does this hack work on 3.6.7 PL1?

Quantnet 06-17-2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by IceFanatic (Post 1270510)
Does this hack work on 3.6.7 PL1?

works fine on mine

gg_luna128 06-18-2007 10:09 PM

How I can integrate this hack with the mobile skin from Mobile Device Style Assignment?

Saviour 06-19-2007 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Quantnet.org (Post 1270516)
works fine on mine

Did you have to do any editing...because, try as I may...I can't get the image to display.

I use Form Hack 4.0 and have made the integration changes. The form I want to use it on is not named "form"...it's named something else.

I also had the No Spam settings enabled - "Yes" and also enabled for guest posts.

The form I'm using is a link submission form I generated and allows all but Banned usergroups.

Needless to say...when installed...no question is displayed, but when I click submit on a blank form...I see the No Spam error message, but it doesn't conform to the rest of my forum pages.

I give up!

lostgirl815 06-19-2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by gopherhockey (Post 1264213)

When I first installed this hack the bots were done instantly.. 4 days passed without a one. Now they are back again. My guess is that they have figured out a way around this.

What kind of questions are you asking? That might matter. I'm sure by now they can be programmed to reply "four" when the question is "what's two plus two" or to type "four" when the question is, "type the word four."

I change my questions from time to time anyway, but none of them have the answer in the question and I haven't gotten a single bot registration that I'm aware of. And when I first started out I was getting about ten an hour. (Don't even know how they found me.)

Saviour 06-19-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by mini2 (Post 1261909)
Installed on 3.6.7

Didn't work at first, needed to manually edit (otherwise unfettled) templates.

What edits did you make?

I use 3.6.7 PL1 with Form Hack 4.0 and have not been able to get this to work correctly. I can't get the question or the field to display.

I have Form Hack configured to allow all but Banned usergroups, so my form will be available to all who visit the form.

Once this hack is installed and you click "Submit" on a blank form, No Spam does try to validate the question and returns an error page that doesn't conform to the rest of my forum pages as far as style is concerned. ..just the error message text on a white background with a couple of navbar links.

Any help is appreciated...I don't have much hair left:)

Didn't have much to begin with...:D

spankaveli 06-19-2007 04:52 PM

i installed this on 3.6.5 and it's working beautifully!

PoetJA-1975 06-24-2007 07:06 AM

I need to turn off NoSpam for guest searches - Anyway to do that?
I've recently put up a search form like vB.org - so it's necessary that the search go through instead of going directly to the NoSpam error page.

Any help appreciated = Thanx!


PoetJA-1975 06-24-2007 07:29 AM

Nevermind... Upgraded to version 3 of this brilliant mod!
Thanx very much ;)


spgoldman 06-25-2007 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by gopherhockey (Post 1264213)
We have a question in our registration process that asks for a Biography... bots are always answering "Man" to this question. Humans either skip it or enter random stuff.

When I first installed this hack the bots were done instantly.. 4 days passed without a one. Now they are back again.

My guess is that they have figured out a way around this. That or they are flat out guessing the answer to my quesitons, which I doubt. Or, these are humans who are using automated software to help the registration process (like autofill) so they are able to actually see the question and answer.

At any rate, it went from about 6 a day to 0 in 4 days (post install) to about 6 just today again. Bummer.

Just use same technique spammers use. Form questions with combination of numbers, words, spaces and characters. Make sure they are human friendly, but at the same time squeezes the sweat out of the spammer, for example, twentyeight 'p lus' eight "minu s" 9 =...
make sure you have plenty of questions without dup answers. They need to be a numeric value, so users don't have to guess the format.:D

Quantnet 06-25-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Saviour (Post 1271501)
Did you have to do any editing...because, try as I may...I can't get the image to display.
I give up!

I had this working since 3.6.4
I upgraded to 3.6.7PL1 and it's still working...i haven't checked since.

Asides from a few human spammer, i have ZERO bot since installed this.

nervous 06-26-2007 04:50 PM

Thanks for this hack.installed!!

DiscussNASCAR 06-27-2007 01:27 AM

I too am getting them again. I am sure they are bots because I have a required field (zipcode) and they ALWAYS enter HTTP: (5 letters, because I set it to 5 characters)


momo2 06-28-2007 12:03 AM

I like this idea, my i have a slow server and time to time, people tell me the image is not showing, and since this is a text style, it can work 4 me...

Thanks Installed

Thinkinstein 06-28-2007 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by DiscussNASCAR (Post 1277384)
I too am getting them again. I am sure they are bots because I have a required field (zipcode) and they ALWAYS enter HTTP: (5 letters, because I set it to 5 characters)


I have encountered a similar problem. I was thinking .. how can it be possible to bypass my custom question?

killa101 06-28-2007 01:14 PM

Hey guys. I dont want to hijack this thread but if anyone knows if something like this exists for wordpress, could you please PM me. Thanks.

Devil Woman 06-28-2007 06:47 PM

I have had a recent problem with this hack in which after I installed it, it prevented any activation emails going out, I have taken a look to see why it could be conflicting with activation emails but haven't been able to work it out.

I have now had to disable this hack but if anyone can help me with the problem that would be greatly appreciated.

KipLarson 06-29-2007 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Thinkinstein (Post 1278313)
I have encountered a similar problem. I was thinking .. how can it be possible to bypass my custom question?

Yah, I have the most recent version on one of my forums and I'm getting a few bots now. But on one of my older forums using version 2 does not have any problems.

How do the bots still get through? I'm using an addition question.

theFAILURE 06-29-2007 03:45 PM

I was totally flooded with bots, and this has stopped every one for the past couple months.

Some bots are human powered and will always be able to get in. The AI type it should stop if you make a little more then simple question.

For instance, one of my 10 questions is:

"Please type in the word scambaiter in the below box"

KipLarson 06-29-2007 05:55 PM

So is there a way to tell if the bot is AI or not? Perhaps I'll have to look into making a usergroup that can't post hyperlinks until they have a certain number of posts...

chkdgate 06-30-2007 05:47 PM

I've been getting a lot of spam lately. I even changed my questions but they still seem to be getting through.

techxpert 06-30-2007 07:54 PM

Is there any change we can use the same for Vb 3.0.8

I can not upgrade to 3.5 series because of huge customizations I have done.

KipLarson 07-02-2007 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by chkdgate (Post 1280036)
I've been getting a lot of spam lately. I even changed my questions but they still seem to be getting through.

Same here... ideas anyone?

Pottsy 07-02-2007 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by KipLarson (Post 1281016)
Same here... ideas anyone?

Mine are now getting through and I think it's down to this:


A more complicated picture question/answer strategy is needed I suspect.

Thinkinstein 07-03-2007 12:59 PM

I have changed all my questions. Now I don't have any spam bot. ;)


What is the next number of this sequence? 2,4,6,8, _


which of the following is not vegetables? Apples, Carrots, ....

If a man can't answer these Qs, he might be illiterate or mentally challenged.

Semjaza 07-03-2007 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Thinkinstein (Post 1281919)
I have changed all my questions. Now I don't have any spam bot. ;)


What is the next number of this sequence? 2,4,6,8, _


which of the following is not vegetables? Apples, Carrots, ....

If a man can't answer these Qs, he might be illiterate or mentally challenged.

I actually tried changing both of my questions and it only worked for about two hours.

C2Systems 07-05-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Thinkinstein (Post 1281919)
If a man can't answer these Qs, he might be illiterate or mentally challenged.

..you probably don't want them on your forum anyways, so its a win/win :p

chkdgate 07-06-2007 06:47 AM

I have marked yes for: Select Yes if you would like a NoSpam! question to be displayed to guests that attempt to use the Contact Us form. But when I attempt to use it, it doesn't ask me any spam questions.

chkdgate 07-06-2007 07:20 PM

Man, I'm getting spam galore.:down:

Edit: This is getting ridiculous. I never had this much spam.

lazytown 07-07-2007 07:01 AM

I have started getting some spam getting through. It's possible they are human powered. A lot seem to have mail.ru in their email address (yes I blocked that).


swatkins 07-08-2007 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pottsy (Post 1281192)
Mine are now getting through and I think it's down to this:


A more complicated picture question/answer strategy is needed I suspect.

I clicked on that link and my spam ans spy software stopped a program from installing... Admin needs to remove the link!

swatkins 07-08-2007 03:49 AM

Thanks for all your hard work!

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