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-   -   Extra Threadfields Lite(Add Text, Radio, Drop Down, & Checkbox Fields To Threads!) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=108888)

KPalicz 05-02-2007 06:32 PM

One of our extra thread fields is a URL. What do I need to do to get that URL clickable when it shows up in the thread?

trgreen 05-05-2007 08:37 PM

Is this mod still being supported? It's exactly what I need, but I use 3.6.5 and I'm a bit nervous that it hasn't been updated in over a year?

Regardless, thanks for the mod. I think we all realize how much work you've put into it... :)

TMS_Hon 05-11-2007 08:55 AM

hi, how do you customize validation for these extra fields?? Suppose i want some text field to take only numbers and want to associate javascript for that....

olympist 05-30-2007 06:10 PM

Although previous posts have mentioned before, we can not edit, modify extra fields. It would be better to see extra fields in the AdminCP approve screens.
Additionally web adresses can not be clicable and not seen as link.

KPalicz 06-01-2007 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by trgreen (Post 1242069)
Is this mod still being supported? It's exactly what I need, but I use 3.6.5 and I'm a bit nervous that it hasn't been updated in over a year?

Regardless, thanks for the mod. I think we all realize how much work you've put into it... :)

It is working fine for my 3.6.7 board. In spite of that, it doesn't seem like it is being supported very well...

pinoyunder 06-18-2007 11:11 AM

Sir gio~logist,

Thanks for this mods...

ive got only one question.

is it posible to edit the extrafield on "editpost" instead on "threadadmin_editthread"?

Thanks a lot...

Gio~Logist 06-19-2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by KPalicz (Post 1239962)
One of our extra thread fields is a URL. What do I need to do to get that URL clickable when it shows up in the thread?

Feel free to send me over a pm if there's a major issue. Don't have much time to give support to my mods over here, as i am always working on new projects for customers and such.

Gio~Logist 06-19-2007 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by olympist (Post 1257798)
Although previous posts have mentioned before, we can not edit, modify extra fields. It would be better to see extra fields in the AdminCP approve screens.
Additionally web adresses can not be clicable and not seen as link.

You can edit fields by going to the "edit thread" page.

Gio~Logist 06-19-2007 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by pinoyunder (Post 1270862)
Sir gio~logist,

Thanks for this mods...

ive got only one question.

is it posible to edit the extrafield on "editpost" instead on "threadadmin_editthread"?

Thanks a lot...

Not at the moment, sorry.

Gio~Logist 06-19-2007 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by dbirosel (Post 1193556)
This is not going to work for 3.6 if i get the premium would it?

Yes, it will.

hr66 06-24-2007 11:35 AM

Perfekt hack - thanks!
is it possible to have in the new versions also fields like "double"?

Gio~Logist 06-27-2007 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by hr66 (Post 1275314)
Perfekt hack - thanks!
is it possible to have in the new versions also fields like "double"?

Double? Not sure what you mean by that.

hr66 06-29-2007 05:53 PM

... fields like date, integer, single, double, ... like what is possible in mySql-Database.

req2d 07-19-2007 10:11 PM

Someone asked before, but how do you choose custom fields for the forumdisplay (as opposed to showing all fields for that designated forum). The code posted in the opening thread seems to only be for within the post/thread itself, and not the forumdisp level. Many thanks in advance, considering getting the premium version :)

dodge 08-15-2007 05:18 AM

Just installed it ..... everything is working great except I'm facing the same problem as Bashy, all is working good except when I view the post I can't view the extra fileds. The only other add on I have installed is Auto Delete Move Threads After X Day I have also enabled "Show extra fileds automatically in the thread"


Inferno Dragon 08-20-2007 07:05 AM

will this hack works with vbulletin 3.6.x?

0ptima 08-20-2007 08:35 PM

Yes, I have it on my 3.6.8 board

SpeedyHire 09-11-2007 07:28 PM

yup working on 3.6.8 fine.
nice work

SpeedyHire 09-11-2007 07:31 PM

cant get the urls posted to be clicky yet, but hey will work on it some :)

momo2 09-13-2007 06:39 PM

excellent and easy... was looking for this for a long time.. thanks

jluerken 09-19-2007 06:24 PM

Great hack but I have a few questions.

1. When I use the threadadmin function I can also change the extrafields but this
does not work when I click on EDIT in the first thread. Can this be implemented?

2. Currently in postbit all extrafields are in one line. Can I somehow include a <br /> after each theadfield to have each field in a single row?

3. When I copy a thread from a source forum where the hack is enabled, can I somehow get the postbit extrafields in the target forum thread even if the hack is not active there?

Example: I have an application forum where I want to use this hack.
After the user filled out everything I make a copy to my internal forum so that the staff can talk about it. Now the copied thread does not contain the extrathreadfields anymore which means important info is lost.

4. How can I include a textfield and not only a single line?

5. Can you please add the extra fields to the preview function? Currently they're not displayed if someone clicks on preview

[Feature Request]
I am running a multilingual board so it would be nice to be able to enter Custom Fields based on the language. Some kind of Fieldsets.
Create a forum two times. Once in language A, other time in language B.
If guest, show default language, otherwise check users language and use the corresponding fieldset.

Kind regards

Mad Woman 09-21-2007 08:04 PM

I think I'm having the same problem as Bashy and Dodge. If anyone else has solved this problem, can you please contact me and tell me what to do? Thank you!

My problem is that I can not get the extra fields to display when I view the post. Ideally I'd like to view the extra field in the forumdisplay section.

The fields are there and they're working. They just don't display for me when I go back to view the post.

BigJimTheLug 09-22-2007 09:04 AM

Does this work with vb 3.6.8?

0ptima 09-23-2007 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by MARKETPROFITS (Post 1344457)
Does this work with vb 3.6.8?


Defkalion 09-28-2007 09:40 PM

Guys, has anyone figured out how to edit the search.php page so that it can include the extra fields in its default forum search?

mgurain 09-29-2007 07:28 AM


Planned Features
Additional option to make a field required
When will we see this ?

periphrastic 10-01-2007 03:37 AM

thanks, installed

simple question,
everything is uploaded / installed / edited

however, when i click on any of the links in the 'extra thread field' options (add / manage), i am directed to a 'page not found.' could you advise? everything looks good besides that functionality issue. thanks

momo2 10-01-2007 01:59 PM

1 Q ? when i want to edit someone's post, i don't have an option to add or correct, his or hers field.. can u add this to editing option ??

The-Ensemble 10-03-2007 06:32 AM

Great hack, Question: Is it easy to add new fields to new post & edit post too?

wolfe 10-03-2007 01:49 PM

is it possible for the poster to edit the extra fields when they click edit post go advanced instead of only the thread admin edit. i want the poster to be able to update the contents of there own post.

bchertov 10-04-2007 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by wolfe (Post 1352136)
is it possible for the poster to edit the extra fields when they click edit post go advanced instead of only the thread admin edit. i want the poster to be able to update the contents of there own post.

I just made this mod (editing first post edits the thread fields). I plan to offer this here if its OK with Gio.

Yo, Gio, I made a bunch of changes to your mod:
  1. Editing first post edits threadfields
  2. Separate label for editing and displaying
  3. Option to add threadfield to title of thread
  4. Contols on each thread field to display on forumdisplay and thread display
  5. and probably a few more!
How would you like me to handle distributing this? As my own mod while crediting you for the original design and implementation? As an add-on (but it's really a replacement)? Other ideas?

Defkalion 10-04-2007 05:58 AM

Guys, has anyone of you that has the premium version managed to include the extra fields in the forums index default search?

What I mean is this;

This is a topic, with the extra field "director". This specific topic has director "george lucas".


If we do THIS :


search comes up with NO results.

Instead, we have to click "Advanced Search", and do THIS search to get the result:


So the problem is that the default search from forums index ONLY searches topic title and content, and not the extra fields too. You have to go to the advanced search page, and search by the specific extra field to get your results.

Isn't there any way to just make the default search function to look through the extra fields as well? The author of the hack says this is not a part of his hack...

Please, if anyone has done this or thinks that this is easy to fix help me out.


jluerken 10-04-2007 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by bchertov (Post 1352584)
I just made this mod (editing first post edits the thread fields). I plan to offer this here if its OK with Gio.

Yo, Gio, I made a bunch of changes to your mod:
  1. Editing first post edits threadfields
  2. Separate label for editing and displaying
  3. Option to add threadfield to title of thread
  4. Contols on each thread field to display on forumdisplay and thread display
  5. and probably a few more!
How would you like me to handle distributing this? As my own mod while crediting you for the original design and implementation? As an add-on (but it's really a replacement)? Other ideas?

Big need to this one :D

yoyoyoyo 10-04-2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by bchertov (Post 1352584)
I just made this mod (editing first post edits the thread fields). I plan to offer this here if its OK with Gio.

Yo, Gio, I made a bunch of changes to your mod:
  1. Editing first post edits threadfields
  2. Separate label for editing and displaying
  3. Option to add threadfield to title of thread
  4. Contols on each thread field to display on forumdisplay and thread display
  5. and probably a few more!
How would you like me to handle distributing this? As my own mod while crediting you for the original design and implementation? As an add-on (but it's really a replacement)? Other ideas?

looking forward to this also

m3rl1n 10-07-2007 09:46 AM

I agree looking for this too. be available for 3.5.4?

indie 10-12-2007 07:53 PM

Do the results become a part of the actual post or are they stored in a separate table that is part of this mod and displayed in the post? I ask because if this mod is removed it is important that the results are not removed from the post. Thanks

bchertov 10-13-2007 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by indie (Post 1358499)
Do the results become a part of the actual post or are they stored in a separate table that is part of this mod and displayed in the post? I ask because if this mod is removed it is important that the results are not removed from the post. Thanks

The results are stored in additional fields (that the mod adds) on the Thread record. Check the unistall code to see if it drops them.

I just checked, there is code to remove the extra fields during unistall. It would be a simple matter to remove that feature.

0ptima 10-13-2007 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by bchertov (Post 1352584)
I just made this mod (editing first post edits the thread fields). I plan to offer this here if its OK with Gio.

Yo, Gio, I made a bunch of changes to your mod:
  1. Editing first post edits threadfields
  2. Separate label for editing and displaying
  3. Option to add threadfield to title of thread
  4. Contols on each thread field to display on forumdisplay and thread display
  5. and probably a few more!
How would you like me to handle distributing this? As my own mod while crediting you for the original design and implementation? As an add-on (but it's really a replacement)? Other ideas?

Awesome! Thank you!

bada_bing 10-15-2007 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by bchertov (Post 1352584)
I just made this mod (editing first post edits the thread fields). I plan to offer this here if its OK with Gio.

Yo, Gio, I made a bunch of changes to your mod:
  1. Editing first post edits threadfields
  2. Separate label for editing and displaying
  3. Option to add threadfield to title of thread
  4. Contols on each thread field to display on forumdisplay and thread display
  5. and probably a few more!
How would you like me to handle distributing this? As my own mod while crediting you for the original design and implementation? As an add-on (but it's really a replacement)? Other ideas?

Awesome cant wait hope its for 3.54

Defkalion 10-16-2007 03:49 PM

Is anybody actually working this hack?

I have a problem, hack works ok when creating new topic, BUT when I go to Edit Thread, I can only see the extra fields to edit in the topics from one of my forums only!! In every other forum I go, any topic I click Edit Thread, I get only the title field!!

Can anyone help me?

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