AndrewD |
09-22-2005 04:31 AM |
Originally Posted by Viperlx
I need to set the local_file_root and monitor_dir but i am not sure how.
Logged on as an admin, you either go to local_links.php and select Admin/Settings and Permissions, or you go directly to local_links_admin.php. You'll find the whole set of permissions/settings there.
You set local_file_root either to 0 or 1. If you set it to zero, then any subsequent download file which is identified using a local directory/file name (e.g. /dir/file.pdf) is assumed to sit at http://yoursite/dir.pdf. If you set it to 1, then it is actually assumed to be /dir/file.pdf in terms of the web server's file system.
Advantage of using 1 is to hide files from prying eyes, but you then need to be careful who has permission to set up new downloads, so that they don't start linking to systems files you want to keep private.
Depending on how you set local_file_root, you might also want to set local_file_root_prefix. This is simply a string that gets added to the front of all local directory/files, e.g. if you set it to /dir2, then the previous example will automatically map to /dir2/dir/file.pdf
You can set monitor_dir on the same page, or on the admin/import & export page. It holds one or a comma separated list of directories, any of which can end with a wild card *., e.g. /dir1 or /dir1/* It defines the directory(ies) which are searched during an Admin/Import & Export/Scan for new files